Why Steven Avery's Blood Could Not Have Been Planted
Why Steven Avery's Blood Could Not Have Been Planted



@darksideofthemoon2348 Says:
Why did kz the great lawyer not enhance the photo of where the blood was ..she didnt ..isnt that strange and she said Ryan had scratches on his hand then years later we find out in cam that it was just writing. Some people think he did it and has kz ever corrected that mistake..nope..she didn't correct the mistake she made when she said ryan signed into the avery yard with a different name.. Steven Avery is guilty 💯 kz knows it..
@crockettthomson7784 Says:
How does any of this prove “ Stevens blood couldn’t have been planted “ Kratz admitted it could have been harvested and transferred. Lab technicians says he didn’t make the swipe marks Who did then , was it someone with cotton bud / Que-Swab What is wrong with you people from Daily Wire I used to respect you , no longer
@douglasbailly8519 Says:
Scumbag lawyer: It could NOT have been planted. Other guy: really? Scumbag lawyer: oh sure, definitely could have been planted. Of course, absolutely. Riveting stuff 🙄😒

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