Kevin McCarthy Is LEAVING CONGRESS. Hostages SLAM Netanyahu. Trump Says He'd Be DICTATOR For 1 Day.
Kevin McCarthy Is LEAVING CONGRESS. Hostages SLAM Netanyahu. Trump Says He'd Be DICTATOR For 1 Day.



@jeffreysmith2069 Says:
Richard's d, too Ana; think Nixon.
@jeffreysmith2069 Says:
R/w, cheat to win.
@jeffreysmith2069 Says:
R/w, cheat to win.
@jeffreysmith2069 Says:
R/w, cheat to win.
@jeffreysmith2069 Says:
Top bops, djB.
@iMatti00 Says:
It is NOT “destroying democracy [the Democrats way]” by playing these tricks with the primary. It’s nothing like with Trump dead. I don’t like what the Democratic Party is doing, but it is different. And if for some reason you don’t think I’m correct, then you’re not considering that in the past we didn’t have a primary elections. That was up to the party buses. So I don’t like with the Democratic Party is doing, I don’t think it’s right, and I don’t think it’s a good precedent whatsoever. But it’s very different than what Trump did.
@iMatti00 Says:
No, a governor cant hand-pick a congressman for the House. Come on, Ana.
@tenkloosterherman Says:
Netanyahu is only interested in continuing war against Palestinians, because it deflects attention from his upcoming trials for corruption. Prosecute Bibi for war crimes.
@NelsonCruz77 Says:
McCarthy is pulling a Sarah Palin. Which, as we all know, went on to bigger and better things. /sarcasm
@Fourtune1 Says:
Trump is too overweight to do pushups. Biden could do 2 maybe.
@keeptruckin5109 Says:
WOW, the Dems are really screwing up no primaries. Not good.
@Stephen_Brooks Says:
Why is the Trump audio mismatched..
@jtmoney2000 Says:
Don't really think he'll be sorely missed; but take the orange jesus with you!! Do the USA a grand favor!!
@curtywash Says:
Full dental implants start at about $60k. I had two teeth just yanked out last month and it was over a thousand bucks.
@curtywash Says:
No way orange blob could do a push up. I bet Joe could do a few.
@davidholder-oe1oe Says:
After that idiot, you have is going to go out there and run for President. You can forget about me ever listening to your program again. He does not have a snowball's champs in hell of winning. He is only going to make it easier for trump to win the election.
@ChristIsKing_ Says:
Trump is too stupid and incompetent to become a dictator.
@MA-sk4fg Says:
Netanyahu wants to get rid of hostages along with palestinians.
@UncleJoeLITE Says:
Showing a young Ben in the promo reels may help re-habilitate his image, as long as he keeps his head down & mouth shut until 2024. Please Ben! Then, let's all give him another go, Ben may have learned & improved as a person. I truly hope he has, disliking Ben so much has felt really weird. Cheers comrades.
@brianbatie6650 Says:
Hold up ANA. You say "Hamas has been saying that, (about Israel killing Palestinians and taking hostages) and of course they should be discounted..." Why say that without citing proof that they are lying? Hearing you say this, I think of the Rodney King beating, while whites say police racism didn't exist, while it is so common that it had to be caught on video sooner or later. On Hamas, by "discounting" their message, you sound comparably like those who still deny racism exists in America. Have you joined the ranks of "corporate media" which has consistently covered the conflict with an almost total bias toward Israel?
@UncleJoeLITE Says:
Good morning from Australia's capital comrades [Canberra ;)].
@whiskyjames4200 Says:
Bye Felicia... Happy Riddance! 🙏🏾👍🏾👊🏾👏🏾🇺🇲💯💙
@patrickmoney7714 Says:
Ana this is why Dems lose when you defend Trump & make cases for his “strenghts”. Republicans tear Dems which is why they always win.
@lynnmccarthy Says:
I wish Ana would slow down when she’s reading from the teleprompter. She doesn’t misspeak sometimes, she does it every time
@jakes3799 Says:
What MTG meant by, "I hope no one dies," is not that cryptic. She's just saying that if a single Republican member dies, the Republicans can kiss their majority goodbye. And actually, if I'm not mistaken - if Newsome appoints a Democrat and the NY special election for Santos' seat results in a Democratic victory, doesn't that mean that the House is tied? I think it does.

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