Historian Rashid Khalidi Explains Why Young People Oppose U.S. Support Of Israeli Government
Historian Rashid Khalidi Explains Why Young People Oppose U.S. Support Of Israeli Government



@danaplaczek9664 Says:
Interesting to hear this 9 months after it was first posted. Kamala Harris is now the candidate, and while her rhetoric is softer than Biden's, I see no real hope that she'll be much better. I hope I'm wrong... TYT has been getting some guff lately, but as long as they have people like Dr. Khalidi on, there's some hope for them.
@omarmarwat1408 Says:
Rashid Khalidi’s book “The hundred years War on Palestine” is a good piece on the history of this region
@Farokudagelap Says:
Trump may admire and quote Mr Hilter but Jean O'cide Joe is a perpetrator of Jean O'cide.
@GeoffV-k1h Says:
The thing is that the US MSM labels all of these educated young people idiots, ignorant, stupid, fanatical ant-Western traitors, deluded, etc. The list goes on endlessly....
@raylee4879 Says:
@ebog4841 Says:
thank you for being a great example of a poorly educated and propaganda indoctrinated child, dear Ms. Kasparian.
@abcmedia2297 Says:
Israel had connection with the VC during the Vietnam War. Israel draws people money from the US tax.
@Kyle-xd4ep Says:
You don't need a historian to figure it out, they're young so they're stupid, that's why they are anti-israel, too young to remember the horrors of appeasement and liberal socialism
@Lagoxolotlan Says:
@4-SeasonNature Says:
Young people have been educated through the U. S. propaganda education system. They believe what they learned in school reflects the reality. They feel they are betrayed by the U.S. hypocritical political reality.
@andrewdeen1 Says:
I mean I can understand biden being evil... but man, I'm really surprised at him being so stupid.
@padraigdolan9570 Says:
It’s cause they no longer get their news from rehearsed political pundits… thank you social media 👍👍
@fernandogarajalde4066 Says:
It only took 60 years for history to come full circle from the Vietnam War to the 2023 Israeli-Gaza War. We’ve learned NOTHING about how to stay out of unpopular wars. 😔😱
@piccalillipit9211 Says:
*35 MILLION GEN Z VOTERS IN 2024* and Biden lost all of them
@dirtbag3736 Says:
When I watch the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza why is it that I don't solely blame Israel?
@hananamaira82 Says:
but government don't Care
@hananamaira82 Says:
great job ❤
@darkknowledge8243 Says:
Because they get all their news from apps like tiktok and are incapable of understanding nuance nor do they care about understanding anything deepy haha
@AHamiltonScrip-wx1rj Says:
I don’t want one Gazan civilian killed. I really don’t. But, the big problem I have with an interview like this is that other than a condemnation of Israel bombing Gaza, what other viable solution is there? Do you advocate no military action by Israel after the October 7th attack? That seems implausible. Do you advocate a prolonged siege that would take years? Do you advocate a two state solution? I’m an American who has never been to Israel. I look at a map and I don’t see how Gaza and the West Bank can be a Palestinian state because they are not contiguous. Gaza was an awful humanitarian situation prior to October 7th. Now, I can see a situation infinitely worse: especially if Hamas is not pulverized. Israel will most likely not allow work permits for Gazans since they were the intelligence for the Hamas attacks, which will be terrible for the Gazan economy. Who is going to rebuild Gaza? Is Israel going to allow ships with materials into Gaza or is it going to be terrified that the tunnels will be rebuilt or that new arms are going to be brought in? Again, I do not want Gazan civilians killed, but what serious solution is there other than a military campaign against an organization that has fortified nearly all of Gaza with tunnels and weapons caches in residential areas, hospitals, and schools? Plus, Hamas keeps flexing its might through rocket attacks even during ceasefires. If your solution is Israel just dissolving and its population seeking refuge among western countries, that also does not seem to be a likely outcome for some 7.5+ million people (Assuming there is 20 percent Arabs inside Israel that would in fact want to stay).
@Canada-1958 Says:
@trevg9450 Says:
If people wait to vote for politicians that reflect their exact point of view , they will wait for a long time or vote for a liar. Politics as we know is a dirty business and it's not designed to please everybody. The best one can do is to cast a vote for those who they believe have the ability to be reasonable and reflect some version of what they believe. Politics are a dirty business and was never designed to please everybody. The best we can hope for is to vote for a politician who has the character to adapt, be reasonable with the intent of helping people. That's all we can ask. So, if the young people are sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, as I am, and they refuse to vote for Biden in a Biden V Trump election......knowing that potentially their lack of voting for the Democrat may ensure the re election of Trump.....exactly how does that help the Palestinian cause? Would they believe that under a Trump Administrations the Palestinian cause will be resolved to their satisfaction? If the 2024 Election is held between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, that Election is about Character....not issues.
@Carmenbratan343 Says:
This profesor should be in prison they are the ones antisemitism they are the ones start this conflict ! Sharing them hate !!!
@alejandropino1115 Says:
Let’s no forget what Biden has done when November comes around. Too late for him to change my vote.
@brendatenorio5721 Says:
WH concedes nothing
@motivational_Insights Says:
Even though I listened to what she said, but gosh, all I see is her beauty. This lady is beautiful. Sorry if this is a digression but the truth has to be told
@richbumdrop2881 Says:
Atheism is the answer,how many more millions of people must die over religion and land? Study world history.How many more wars in Ukraine?
@moringaottawa Says:
Ana stay strong
@markacohen1 Says:
There is no conundrum. Not voting for Biden means Trump will win. Just let that sink in. And explain how that will help any cause you believe in. Women’s rights, gun control, immigrant rights, oligarchy, climate change, right-wing dictatorship, minority rights, LGBTQ rights, Arab-American rights, democracy itself…all down the toilet. And Palestinian rights? Trump is with the hard-line Annexationists. The Democrats are the only party that contains any members who will push back on that front. So if you want a fascist America just sit this one out to make a point. How did that vote for Jill Stein in Michigan 2016 FURTHER progressive goals? Please explain. Just causes can make bad decisions. Anyone here like to tell me how Hamas's strategic decisions since 2007 have advanced the cause of Palestinian Liberation? Was the murderous Israeli response to the Oct 7th attack and massacre not predictable? And if so how is this currently helping end the Occupation? Will this action mean that in 10 or 20 years the Occupation will be ended? And if not what was the point? Smart violence for a feasible goal yes but not stupid violence which digs everyone in deeper and ends up helping your enemy. That is broadly what Hamas's violence against Israel has done since 1996, it has HELPED the Israeli Far Right take power and furthered their goals.
@stanr8946 Says:
Short explanation - too many young people in the US these days are clueless and poorly uneducated, and have only a superficial understanding of what's going on in the middle east. In addition, there's strong social pressure to be "woke" and PC, so people presenting facts and ideas not in concordance with the lefty progressive party line are quickly shouted down.
@tortoisetraveler5815 Says:
Most of the governments all over the world stopped representing the people. They just work like a corporate PR wing. India also joined the band wagon 9 years ago! Common people are nice anywhere! They are happy with simple things. They don't want to destroy someone's life for no reason....
@farahsiddique6702 Says:
The Quran 14 hundred years old .❤ Almighty Talks about the Big bang theory in Quran. ❤. Beautiful women's rights and human rights in ISLAM ❤ LOVE FOR ALL ❤
@rocioguillen2995 Says:
Even the white phosphorus us being provided by the US
@thomaspgreen6302 Says:
Since 1994 the US has given Palestine 5.2 billion in USAID. The US supports not just Israel. The US gave Lebanon 95 million in 2022 the year after they attacked the embassy. The US is UN's largest donor, last November they had Iran as chair for their Human Rights Council, as they were funding the groups attacking US embassies and bases. They are funding the group that are attacking those cargo ships on the Red Sea which will have a negative impact on their economy. The "new left" and the modern day UN can hate the US all they want. It's not like they are going Ralph Bunche on the situation. Where do they think the UN is going to eventually send the refugees? Not to their allies.
@jackhank2694 Says:
Israel will single-handedly rain in the one world government; Revelation 2:9!
@wrongturnVfor Says:
Haha. Armenian? How do you like Biden handing Ngorno Karabakh to Azerbaijan triggering a lebensraum of Armenians from that region. He is litrally threatening full fledged war on Armenia if they speak against this. And you still lick Biden's balls. Excuse your BS. I knew TYT will sink low for their grift. But this is just disgusting. Oh I am supposed to believe that these overprivileged brat students actually went to Israel? Sure, and the pigs have started flying it seems. From what I know, there were multiple delegations that went from countries like South Africa, India and Brazil etc to Israel last year and they reported that the open air prison narrative is false. Dude, lying has its limits. From every paltform I can scour, Africa and India are not supporting Hamas one bit. So it is extremely racist of you to pretend by Proxy like they are supportive of Hamas. And I mean people, Not just administrations. You know why? because apparently their edication system isnt broken and they dont have a media that blares state proaganda 24X7. They dont have reeducation "professors" manufaturing alternate history or grofter like TYT. They have seen how Appearance of Hamas in Gaza completely changed the dynamics. So despite supporting the palestinian cause for decades even when USA was vehemently opposed to it, now they are all opposing Hamas. As are all Arab countries too. So cut the BS. And stop minimising the horrors of colonisation. if you want to look at those horrors, how about you turn your attention to the myriad of Biden's genocides that you happily support in mali, Burkina Faso, Congo, Sudan, Ethipia, Somalia etc? 44 million people dead in just 3 years. Places that have a death toll of 12 per thousand people as compared to barely 2 per thousand in Israel. And that is with all those inflated numbers. So spare me the faux mral high ground. I am sure you also supported Invading Iraq based on pink test tubes that proved they had WMD's and believed tha Iraqis were celebrating Saddam's statue falling. Media is an expert in photoops. If you go to read any media from outside NATO from anywhere in the world, they all are reporting something completely different. Ironically both Hamas and Netenyahu still have higher approval rating than Biden. Let that sink in. Yeah, I dont think tha vandalising the homes of innocent jewsh citizens in america and europe and calling for "elimination of all jews from Israel" is "activism". That is them openly demanding an ethnic cleansing to implement sharia law in the most volatile region in middle east. When arab countries dont want a single refugee from you and would rather have peace talks with israel than entertain your madness, I think you have lost the plot. Biden wants Ben Gurion canal built through Gaza as an alternative to Suez canal whose control he is losing due to the arab league formation. He wants to remove Netenyahu because Netenyahu refuses to be a part of Biden's war on Iran. So he unleashed Hamas terrorists on israel to make them behave. He literally is sending lackets to openly claim on air that they will give unconditional support and zero accountability to the right wing of Israel if they can remove Netenyahu. Literally trying to hire contract coup orchestrators in a quid pro quo. Bush Sr did the exact same thing in gulf war. When he was building a 42 nation coalition and Israel refused to be apart of it. That is when he founded Hamas and also in 1993 founded the PLA. That is when this delusion of palestine was created. But sure, tell me more why we sould support Regan, Nixon and Bush Sr era policies because they worked so well in Afghanistan and Iraq. We really did a great thing giving reins to Taliban and helping establish Sharia law there. And helping establish ISIS in Iraq was also great. Somehow apparently idiots in this country look at Afghanistan and Iraq and go yes, that was a good Idea. Lets do that to Ukraine, Israel and Iran now. SMH.... I like how she pretends that somehow Trump is going to continue this. For all his faults, I dont remember a single war starting when he was in power. Infact he got us out of two wars and stopped a war on iran - thrice. The only good thing that will come out of this is Biden will lose the vots of both the Jewish and Muslim community. I hope that will be enough for DNC to get some sense into theit brains. Else I am literally writing in a Banana for president. Because if we cant chose our nominee then we are nothing but a banana republic.
@RedmiIndia-y3k Says:
USA us indeed a Government that makes its global enemies by spending irs tax payers noney to glibak war monger.
@RedmiIndia-y3k Says:
USA willv be compelled to leave Israel alone when it will confront China, Iran, Yemen Lebanon & Russia.
@chgojack1 Says:
So true Ana & Hashid. Hopefully one day soon Palestine & USA will be free
@wileyjaycomedy Says:
@HabibBenamara-n2y Says:
@pedrocavalcante5822 Says:
Elevating the interests of a foreign entity above those of the citizens of the United States is treason.
@garyjohnson8327 Says:
Natives are ignored to such an extent in this country that dude cant even muster them for an obvious analog
@bejooalaan1448 Says:
Marxist and communist brain washed - The youth americas soft spot
@Dek-h2r Says:
Hey professor your antisemitic hate for Jews that you have been teaching in several USA colleges has back fired on your terroristic Palestinian-Hamas people. Was it worth it?
@kasbms Says:
Media is the main source of info now. That is why young gen mostly opposed the war because they got unseen info in many platforms.
@zuhra55 Says:

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