Watch Fox Hosts Panic Over Holiday-Themed Slasher Films
Watch Fox Hosts Panic Over Holiday-Themed Slasher Films



@coltino99 Says:
There’s 29 different holidays between November and January. It’s not a war on Christmas, it’s called being respectful of other people’s beliefs.
@melneth3119 Says:
Sorry Cenk Christmas slashers rule lol
@melneth3119 Says:
I'm an athiest and I love Christmas. I just don't bring religion into my Santa time.
@MissLucyMoran Says:
Jeez..... That movie premise makes no sense! 😵‍💫 First of all, why would someone want to destroy perfectly good toys?? Who has the motivation? Also, why would that be "a wild secret mission"?? And secondly, who gets canceled for their "patriotic views"? Only a conservative buffoon would make up that reason.... 🤣
@maryburns5571 Says:
Laura and her pee wee herman guy need to chill.
@pakese30 Says:
Been watching horrors since I was 5, still watching Christmas movies and celebrating Christmas.
@filipv2167 Says:
now you have to buy movie tickets to participate in the war on Christmas?? This war is getting really commercialized.
@filipv2167 Says:
try going on Hallmark and going 3 hours without Christmas movies, I dare you.
@denisewilkins393 Says:
So don’t watch those movie! Easy as that. Don’t condemn an art form a freedom to create. So stupid!
@arcadiaberger9204 Says:
It seems as though the War on Christmas begins earlier every year.
@SuperWikiMan Says:
The story of Jesus is a zombie story.
@lisaratley4858 Says:
Like this is the first scary movie for Christmas!! Omg! We’re all doomed!
@avphotog Says:
Don't tell them to look up horror slasher films from the 70s and 80s their heads would literally explode lol
@EndPoliticalCorruption Says:
Fox News: Republican creeping fascism and potential demise of democracy? Awesome! Horror entertainment released around the holidays? Social degradation!
@jasondole8482 Says:
Watched It's a wonderful Knife last night. Pretty greaalt
@joefredlin5018 Says:
Whats wrong with calling Happy holiday Why u guys are not changing Muslim or Jews festival name why just christmas that's the problem it's a Christian function so that's why it's name should be as it is Anyone could celebrate it but call its true name ( Christmas )
@kijanajenkins2546 Says:
F "News" cries about everything.
@MavinMaverick Says:
This isn't the first year slasher flicks have come out during the holidays. That's been going on for ages.
@carolinelecrone5273 Says:
When the GQP has a war on education
@ThaStonedGardner Says:
Why would we make uplifting movies when our future is a death sentence? Fix the climate, fix the inequity, fix the religious wars; then maybe we'll see our world has a future and we'll make movies that reflect that. But as of now, our world is going to shit and we make movies to reflect that.
@virginiachris80 Says:
Outrage at Fox News is a holiday tradition
@stonedsasquatch Says:
Xmas slashers were huge in the 80s
@elloowu6293 Says:
Lmao oh no! The over comericalized holiday stolen from pagans is being ruined by more comericalization! 😂
@DarthKieduss Says:
Do these guys know no one is forcing them to watch these films?
@ringsmontgomery3042 Says:
4:27 this is a typical attitude of woman with out a children. And the moment she has a family her tune will change drastically 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 She will have a crusader against slasher films becoming anti slasher mom😂😂😂😂😂 I’ve witnessed thousands of time. You’re so predictable Anna.
@renepeeters4558 Says:
I missed the Fox argument: Jews and Muslims don't celebrate Christmas and see what's happening. But I don't think a Christmas tree or making them watch Jingle Smells (like horse-manure) will stop the war.
@renepeeters4558 Says:
Jingle smells is inspired by Hannity's own jingle bells, stinking, according to the gay community of his hometown, of a Limburger. Despite my catholic upbringing, I always forget what time of the year Christmas is. It's not July, because I had too much of a hard time finding a X-mas tree and the only things jingling were my...ah forget it.
@TaraTheWild Says:
Hurry guys, freak out they’re doing a slasher movie on a pagan holiday
@BenjaminHartleyReturns Says:
Just a reminder… “Silent Night Deadly Night 2” is free on YouTube movies lolol
@sonicguyver7445 Says:
Holiday slashers have been a thing forever. I remember seeing them at Video Connection as a kid. They stuck Godzilla movies in the horror section for some reason. There wss even a TV movie where the Christmas slasher was a running gag. The mom wanted her teenage kids to watch the Mr. Magoo Christmas Carol but they wanted to go out and see Santacide 15. So after she wouldn't let them they went and rented Santacide 1 through 14. Incidentally, if anyone knows the movie I'm talking about please let me know. I have had fragments of it in my brain for 30 years.
@jesserush793 Says:
there have been holiday horror movies for decades, silent night, deadly knight, black Christmas, Santa's slay, Gremlins, of course Fox News is scaring people by making it like it is some new phenomenon.
@danwacker4675 Says:
I'm offended .I want to hear happy holidays
@richardmark9161 Says:
I’ve never heard of this new slasher movie, It’s a Wonderful Knife, but now I totally wanna go see it. Thanks for advertising it Fox News 😂 🔪 🎄
@MWhaleK Says:
Robin hood stole from the rich to give to the poor, GOP steal from the poor to give to the rich.
@Jaykilljoy-tt9tt Says:
Man, the 2020's is becoming more and more like the 70's, 80's, and 2000's. Holiday slashers have been made since the 70's and became a genre trend in the 80's with films such as Happy birthday to me, Bloody birthday, April fools day, Slaughter high, Christmas evil, The dorm that dripped blood, Black christmas, Silent night bloody night, and of course Silent night deadly night, which despite Christmas evil coming out years earlier and depicting a slasher killer believe and dressing up as Santa Claus, got all the hate and flack, mainly because of the sensationalistic commercial that would air on TV. Silent night deadly night is easily one of the best slasher movies ever made and one of the best that came out during the golden age of slasher movies; the 80's. One of the ironic things is, it not a straight slasher flick at all. The killings don't happen till like 40 minutes into the film. The first couple long minutes are a build up to Billy's psychosis, very similar to Christmas evil. Then of course we got My bloody Valentine, Hospital massacre, Valentine, and Lover's lane; all 3 being Valentine's day slashers. I love them. I love slasher movies and horror movies in general, but slasher movies are one of my favorite genres of film/horror and holiday slashers are some of the best. I watch them often for the holidays. That's how I celebrate the holidays. For easter I'll watch a bunch of Easter movies/cartoons from the 70's and 80's, then I'll end with Critters 2, which is an Easter movie. Where the Critter eggs are painted for Easter eggs, the Critters hatch and kill the sheriff in an Easter bunny suit, lol. I've watched Black Christmas from 1974 a lot. Usually on the night of Christmas. For my birthday, I'll watch Bloody birthday, Happy birthday to me, or as I did this year Sixteen candles, which was my first time seeing it and it was good. I liked it. So i love holiday slashers and holiday horror. it's a holiday tradition. I can't celebrate December/Christmas without watching A christmas story and Christmas evil. Those are MUST films to watch. So back in the 80's when Silent night, deadly night came out. All the right wing/religious right came out to bash the film. Boycotting the film. A parent's group was formed and one of the members literally said on TV "we're trying to get the film PULLED out of theaters." They wanted it banned through blacklisting it from theaters. Film critics Siskel and Ebert bashed it and even showed the film credits and as the credits rolled on screen yelled "SHAME ON YOU!" and when the film was a success despite the backlash Siskel literally called it "BLOOD MONEY". Which I always love. I love it when ever censors use hyperbolic speech "Video games are worse then polio" "Adolf was a beginner when it comes to the comic book industry." "They listen to the rap music and it causes the brain damage." "The people who trade in this filth are in the same class as peddlers of heroin and cocaine. They are murderers who are destroying the physical and mental health of young people" I mean....who the f**k can take them seriously with such absurd, laughable, outrageous hyperbolic statements like that? It's f**king comical. Ya, while film critics, parent's groups, the right wing, religious right were attacking horror movies and especially slasher movies in the 80's in the U.S. In the U.K in the 80's, they had the "Video nasties scare" and because the U.K doesn't the same principals on freedom of speech, there were video store owners who went to prison and had their businesses and VHS tapes destroyed because of the censorship and the censors were literally accusing the films of causing literally EVERY SINGLE moral problem in the U.K instead of you know......Thatcher who was destroying U.K at the time. "Oh, there are riots in the streets because of police harassment, racism, and mass unemployment, you say? Can't be our f**ked up social darwinist policies, no no no. Your not rioting because of racism, police harassment, and mass unemployment and us cutting off your social's these video nasties. BLAME THEM. DON'T BLAME US. The video nasties are responsible for people RIOTING." And ya....Fox news and their "War on Christmas". I started to notice that trend in the 2000's. Then the 2010's came along and the rise of the "woke" SJW movement and I am going "oh....your the SAME EXACT F**KING PEOPLE. Just a copy of an imitation." and I aint even talking about just Christmas. I'm talking about "Magic: The gathering. The smurfs, Harry Potter, Pokemon, He-man, rock music, Madonna, Sheena Easton, Stevie Wonder, pretty much every single popular 70's and 80's band/musician, etc are all satanic. Demonic and will consume your soul. Their evil. it's a satanic spiritual music and it will LITERALLY, literally POSSESS YOU." And as other's have commented apparently. I too have been waiting to see El Roth's Thanksgiving since 2007. For 16 years I was going "Can't wait. Can't wait. When is he gonna do it?! When is he gonna do it?" and after 16 years of waiting....I am far less hyped to see it. I will eventually, but next year around November. Probably for next Thanksgiving. But for me, it's kind a "A little 16 years too late. My anticipation for it has died down a lot." plus, I generally hate/dislike modern cinema.
@bobtrask2217 Says:
"Yippee-ki-yay, mofo!" - from the best Christmas movie ever.
@kiplutu Says:
But Jan 6 was no big deal
@ceougin20 Says:
The night Santa went crazy is one of my favorite Christmas/childhood Weird Al songs period. Did anyone come after him? I’m genuinely asking. I’m a millennial dumbfuck.
@lukenester8157 Says:
Cenk, if you dont like those movies...dont watch them. Its simple.
@JohnDoe-x4f Says:
Hollywood and fcc puppets that work for dummicrat agenda , hail satan
@robby2867 Says:
Black Christmas came out in 74!
@STCatchMeTRACjRo Says:
Like rule 34, if it exists it will have a twisted version of it. And its not something new, like the 1997 movie "Jack Frost", a serial killer snowman.
@Battle_Hippos11 Says:
Oh no no one tell them about the holiday slashers and action movies from last year....and th year before that....and 10 before that.....and more before that XD
@ahansen2887 Says:
there has been holdiay based horrors for rhe last 50+ years. Lol. What a joke.
@savagesweetheart90 Says:
Hey Christians, your holiday was originally a pagan holiday 🤭
@icecoldpierre Says:
wtf is rumble?
@ThatOneGuyWeAllKnow Says:
They did no research cause thanksgiving has been begged into being since 2007. And I waited 16 years for this.
@rooharris9099 Says:
where the hell has FUX been all over the decades of Holiday slasher films? lmao
@buggy7451 Says:
damn, if they were anymore soft they'd float away lol
@stormthrush37 Says:
Holiday slashers are hardly a step forward for society, but given how much Republicans love actual war, it's hardly one of the biggest problems our nation faces. If there's any "war on Christmas" at all it's the endless warmongering we engage in year round.

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