Journal Editor FIRED For Reposting Satirical Onion Article About Gaza Deaths
Journal Editor FIRED For Reposting Satirical Onion Article About Gaza Deaths



@michaeldavis9774 Says:
Israel is the biggest terrorist nation on Earth. They instigate others to react from their acts of terrorism, then call those reacting to Israel's provacation, the terrorists. This is a dirty nation filled with lies and the biggest terrorist nation on Earth. They instigate others to react from their acts of terrorism, then call those reacting to Israel's provacation, the terrorists. This is a corrupt nation filled with lies and deceit based on religious lies that are not based on any logic. Or facts. While warmongering Israel destroys more and more families so they can occupy their land based on religious BS that is not based on anything credible. Or facts. While warmongering Israel destroys more and more families so they can occupy their land Do not forget that America supports the terrorists with sophisticated weapons, which are built and sold by the defense industry. How cozy to be able to pick a war, that has no point except for one religious sect, but bcause of religious nuts in our Congress, and the Defese Industry wanting more and more profits, it is no wonder why peace cannot be obtained until America quits supporting terrorist Israel. Take over the legitimate owners of the land, Palistine, which cause the rest of the Middle East to became agressive towards terrorist Israel. Which makes huge profits for the American Defense Industry. Add to that, our very corrupt Congress that makes laws to help the Defense Industry make more profits, you begin to realize that the extreamly capitalistic defense Industry, along with those corrupt Congress Members, have a desire to keep the well of chaos in the Middle East. It is VERY good for business. Even if it causes most of those nations to be driven directly into the arms, literally, of Russia and China. With Iran getting more experienced with building weapons. The USA plays a BIG part of the puzzle. Without the support from the USA in helping Israel take over a soverign nation, (Palistine). just because THEIR religion says it should be returned, and our Defense Industry owns a lot of Congress Members, so pushing the LIE about that "God" wants Israel to have the land WE are a huge terriorist nation with our continuing support of Israel. Since most legislators are afraid of the Church, they keep voting to prop up Israel over the unrest it is caused to the Middle East. Since Israel stole another country's land, in 1947, America has been a big time terrorist organization. All they should have done when Israel took the land, to condem them. Let them sink or swim on their own, But, where would be the profit be in that?
@vitak5162 Says:
Wow, look what you did with your lip work in support of this editor. Read the anti-Semitic comments you provoke. Dude, did you spit saliva in your emotional speech in defense of the intimidated Jewish students across the country? I'd like to see this. Or you only care about your tribe? This editor sits in his comfortable chair and dares to judge Israel on how to exterminate terrorists who have mixed with innocent people and infected their brains. Please share your ideas on how to do this better, or do so to be criticized by others like yourself!
@sebtheanimal Says:
These idiots might believe it, the young turks
@deantrower7164 Says:
Erm... I don't know the details of the case, exactly, but did eLife actually object to the _moral content_ of his statement? Or was it more a case of "We don't want our journal to be publicly seen to be taking a stance on highly, highly contentious and polarizing political issues that have nothing to do with the journal's content"? Because the latter maybe isn't entirely unreasonable in the current climate. Or, at least not as much so as Cenk 7 Anna are making it out to be, I think.
@eric2500 Says:
I am SO sick of this part of the world. All of them, any of them, will stop at nothing to drag us into their mess.
@eric2500 Says:
I am sick of this part of the world. Israel's most corrupt PM has gotten everyone distracted and will try to keep his war powers. Reminds me of Bush/Cheney. *Hamas benefits from this too. They want to be martyrs. Now they are off the hook for not fixing the sewers.* Iran's government, much like Israel's , gets a new source of distraction as well.
@eric2500 Says:
Despite the WELL KNOWN satirical nature of the Onion, but the satire was in incredible BAD taste. To fire someone over a comment on a satire, that's insane, and not at all American.
@lamars2486 Says:
@georgecorrea8491 Says:
Let's just call it what it is. America is in bed with Israel especially christian fundamentalists and literalists who believe the nonsense outlined in the Bible thinking that Israel is the so called "chosen people". There is no such thing as the chosen people. That is religious nonsense. So regardless if Israel's government is in the wrong America will still lean towards Israel. That is the main reason why there will never be peace in the middle east. What is so incredible is if you follow some online christian podcasts they have shown clips of messianic christians who are literally getting spit on because they are christians. Look it up folks 😂. I opine that there are some pearls of wisdom scattered throughout religious traditions but at the same time some dangerous ideas that influences people to do bad things and hate others. I am in agreement with the late Bertrand Russell "Hate is foolish and love is wise. When the love of power is finally replaced by the power of love then we can have some degree of unity, harmony, peace and love towards each other.
@c.l.freeman7654 Says:
Its funny that the only time Democrats and Republicans come together except for pay raises, is for Israel. They could give a fu*k about the US but Israel? Shit, we pay for their universal Healthcare but can't here.
@fernandogarajalde4066 Says:
9:11 as usual, Anna gets the perfect quote to summarize that freedom of speech should never be marginalized in America. We pause to LISTEN TO OTHERS when they speak truth. 😎⚖️💙🇺🇸
@rojohe Says:
The Palestinians are clearly caught between two extremist groups. Sadly, this horrific hostility and proxy war has been going on for 75 years and counting with no end in sight.
@kevinmoten6566 Says:
Some shit ain't funny
@fermingarrick2120 Says:
Well why don't you hire Him...
@blueyedsweetie3019 Says:
America is becoming more & more authoritarian every way you look they fired him to Save face for sure but is in favor cause freedom of speech Is important until you don’t Agree with them smh
@scientistwithanaxe2570 Says:
I am a scientist who has published multiple papers in eLife and has frequently interacted with Eisen online. He has been a provocateur for years. This move by eLife is a symptom of 1) the last straw of an annoyance and 2) times have changed such that everyone is outraged on all sides and Something Must Be Done
@martinaasandersen3775 Says:
There's 2 sides to every story. Sure there's innocent Palestinians who dont like Hamas and their actions but there's also TONS of "civilian" Palestinians who cheered when it happened and claims they would be thrilled to make their kids martyrs. UN funded Hamas-schools is basically jew-hating brainwashing to indoctrinate future Hamas terrorists. Many Palestinians would rather die destroying Israel than have live in peace with Israel. Just look at all the "demonstrations" of expat Palestinians around the world cheering Hamas on. By no means is Israel innocent but neither is Palestine.
@bbmotbbbb Says:
Can anyone listen to this with all the yelling?
@Your_Big_Bro-437 Says:
I.... simply cannot watch TYT anymore. I'm sorry it's over. Unsub. Disliked. Reported. I have more reliable truthful moral sources to get my information from.
@tomshady3530 Says:
Ive been silenced hundreds of times for taking israel side. Im glad this guy got fired. End of free speech, for both sides.
@Anon-xd3cf Says:
THEY already came for everyone else and YOU DID NOTHING. Now THEY are coming for you and there's nobody left to defend you.
@heavyarms55 Says:
The right wing has always had double standards. They only oppose things that negatively affect themselves. Cancel culture is only a problem if it's a right winger being cancelled. We are dozens of lifetimes away from when McCain defended Obama against the slanderous attacks of McCain's own supporters.
@emjaycpe Says:
Not to mention anti bds laws.... actual free speech violations.
@aaronhamburg4428 Says:
The irony of blaming all palestinians although they don't choose hamas while at the same time izrealis vote for their extreme right wing barbaric government...
@batgirlp5561 Says:
Tell that to Brooke, who used to work for you.
@MrChrisHobday Says:
Fire the Board! Did they even know he is Jewish. Second, the BBC went through this with Gary Liniker. Which was right & went on Gary’s side.
@lamontwilson6756 Says:
I think a lot of companies are about to get sued for firing employees because that employee doesn't want to see innocent people get killed.
@marcelo55869 Says:
It's nice to see Cenk "Uyger" opnion again.
@Tylerrl1664 Says:
I love the Onion. Their reporting is hilarious and always spot-on
@michaelbuehler3897 Says:
Cancel culture needs to end.
@rardoowens499 Says:
I will vote for you 🦾🦾🦾
@mm9492 Says:
Is Young Turke the only the media not affaid to speake? Real trueth..... we are near..end of earth. Thank you
@kevinjenner9502 Says:
Reminds of the Onion’s piece on Green energy and Bush’s CIA Torture Program….wind powered sleep deprivation units, solar powered water boarding devices with renewable energy testicular clamps…
@noigelskram2435 Says:
If a journo posts a satirical article about one of the left's protected classed, they would get fired immediately, and TYT would cheer it on.
@szk4023 Says:
People are getting fired because there's no job security in America, which is in contradiction with freedom of speech. As an American expat living in France, I can attest that you can't fire anyone in France without a motive and this specific incident certainly doesn't cut it. For real freedom of speech to work, citizens need to be free from persecution.
@warlockpaladin2261 Says:
Who controls the media?
@jjs1990 Says:
Cenk is OBSESSED with the right wing. He brings them up every moment he can. It’s so weird.
@popsceneblur06 Says:
Also, Turkey does censor academics all the time Cenk 😂
@popsceneblur06 Says:
If this is an academic journal then most or all of these journal positions are voluntary. That is important context
@GregLakatosChradm Says:
So, according to these two none of the people killed in Gaza are Hamas.
@mrbadguysan Says:
Is anyone running a total of how many jobs The Union has cost?
@desperadox7565 Says:
There's more truth in The Onion than in MSM.
@RidgeWalker-jw1rr Says:
Western societies must hold Jerusalem. Anything that goes against that is blasphemy. After all, what are 2.2 million Palestinian lives in the mission to return Christ on Earth
@shoeshane6494 Says:
The left isn't liberal. The right isn't conservative.
@anntares172 Says:
I have a VERY hard time having any sympathy for Israel and most Israelis for supporting the continuing crimes against humanity. Most of you have dual citizenship. Palestinians have none. BFFR
@armengeorge Says:
How is it antisemitic to call out war crimes, regardless of who started the war? Americans can question the actions of our own military, but we're not free to question the indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Gaza?
@shaswatsekhar4155 Says:
Look guys... here are my two bits on this ... just cause everyone seems to have a bit more than two bits on this isuue... 1) The root of the problem.... why were the Jews "settled" in Palestine by the Brits. I understand the historical persecution of the Jews in Europe, but is the answer to stop persecution of one people the persecution of another? Why not somewhere in the Americas, where a lo of the Jews were moving anyways and where there was an abundance of land and which was the "new world". I think if you are honest about it , it has a lot to do with the "good Books" of the Abrahamic religions. As with most of the 21st century problems, (Israel-Palestine, India-Pakistan, Africa) the genesis is in the colonial past and the biggest colonizer of the 18th n 19th centuries... aka Great Britain. 2) The Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and indeed the Palestinians themselves are also not blameless in all this. Who keeps rejecting the 2-state solution? Bottomline... there are no good guys in this one. Let the people of the "Books" blow themselves to smithereens. Thats what they deserve anyways, If we could just be rational human beings and work for the betterment of the whole planet. But thats not gonna happen. Not in my lifetime. Keep at it... my fantasy tale is better than yours mein. And keep blowing each other up.
@kellyt2018 Says:
May there be peace on earth. No War!
@joefredlin5018 Says:
Why are u blaming right wing I am not a American so i dont know how ur right ir left wing work But if the right wing ( group of people) didn't presure the company ( either via Twitter or other ways ) to fire him then its not their mistake THEN ITS THE MISTAKE OF COMPANY NOT SOME WING

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