Why 'Making a Murderer' Was Wrong About Steven Avery
Why 'Making a Murderer' Was Wrong About Steven Avery



@DailyWirePlus Says:
Watch Convicting a Murderer Here:
@wicked87 Says:
Jeffrey Dahmer kill multiple kids and mans... Steven Avery allegedly killed Teresa Halbach with so wierd evidence. You still don't know how she killed and that's sad. RIP Teresa Halbach
What’s this the reunion of the most unlikable people ? 🤢
@GoFast4Me Says:
The Fandom of Avery is this: it was proven he was wrongly imprisoned for a very long time. DNA evidence prove his innocence. Then immediately following he is in prison again, without evidence or a witness except a mentally challenged relative. He seems like a real piece of garbage overall, but I cannot connect the dots that he was guilty of rape and murder when there was zero evidence besides the statement of a mentally handicapped child.
@GoFast4Me Says:
I don’t understand how you can convict this guy and his nephew with nobody, no crime scene, no evidence, no witnesses. The story was, he raped her and slashed her throat which would cause blood to be everywhere. I mean everywhere. And yet somehow this low IQ hillbilly Managed to get rid of every drop of blood from his dirty carpet filled bedroom? There’s literally no chance on God’s green earth. He killed her in the manner that was proposed in court. That doesn’t mean he’s a good guy
@charliemctruth Says:
Candace has went way down in my opinion...what a shame.
@caimoriarty9004 Says:
I dislike almost everything about this.
@morganteare961 Says:
Did she not watch the 2nd season??? To not think it could’ve been the other brother who was looking up dead bodies and kid p0rn and more is insane.
@halfassranch8363 Says:
Listening to these a holes sit on their high horse laughing at obvious misconduct reminds me how out of touch they are. Bunch of elites laughing at the peasants
@bangupzzz2403 Says:
This is a room full of 3 braincells
@MarkBigley Says:
Trash takes.
@ianwhipple8842 Says:
Typical daily wire L. I don’t know about Steve but Brendan didn’t do anything.
@3RAV4s Says:
Well I just saw Candace Owens in an interview say that Stalin was Jewish. What do you say to that Ben Shapiro?
@seborig Says:
yeah dude,you love the cops....until you are the guy who tells them *i cant breathe*...sure people love conspiracy theories but America prooves them year after year and how many times try to hide things.And some times they make a documentary just to disprove another documentary.Wag the dog is true American history ....
@javimetal2507 Says:
All of these idiots are gonna regret this conversation.
@PatriciaRyan-f6j Says:
Toxic masculinity with Candace the Enabler!
@BenLa-je4wt Says:
lol this is a red state and when it flips to blue Avery will have justice!
@malcolmtucker7981 Says:
Sanctimonious much?.... political leanings aside etc & even the actual case,, how can a "panel" come across as so contemptible, smug & smary as this
@cdeshaw1986 Says:
What good does Dailywire add to the world? Ill wait.... This is a perfect example of an organization only made to divide the Country! They create conspiracies and make up drama where it is not needed or neccesary but their goal is to drive engagement not tell truth. Bunch of failed grifters that will legit blame their own audience for being dumb enough to believe them (see narcissism)
@Beans_in_toasts Says:
Wow, I hate these people.
@juliarosario3958 Says:
He is inocente .i see the whole trial .
@jocelynastheart2732 Says:
i was going to continue watching this but with all the cancerous smoking I turned it off , gross!
@cecilrosmil3 Says:
@angwi4 Says:
Candace, that's why he didn't choose you to be his lawyer because you're not one.
@meowmimimeow3227 Says:
Folk that's how the richest talk about viral things....
@JonnyBlade Says:
No one seriously believe that SA was guilty of overkill torture-murder. The so called evidence are laughable. Huge areas in his trailer or garage should have been soaked in Blood, impossible to clean off. Where were liters of blood? Whete?
@derrinrichens7786 Says:
I'm late to this party. Avery might have killed Theresa he sounds like an be fair. But I'm not 100% he did. What I'm 100% sure of is those cops and the fucking prosecutor are crooked as a dog's back legs. Avery cleaned up every bit of forensic evidence in the trailer and garage of Theresa being in those location, but can't be arsed to pick up the bullet that supposedly killed her, ridiculous. Just one of a load.of.shit that doesn't make sense. More than enough reasonable doubt here. Those cops were crooked.and incompetent. You have to be 100% sure to send a guy away for life without parole I wouldn't have been that certain that something wasn't at least cocked up by the filth/means cops in England 😂
@ronikaclack7521 Says:
You guys are so full of shit can’t believe you would talk about something that was never reported as fact there more to the story than you police frame people all the time not just in Avery case
@madikwechef Says:
I dont care how much supposed analysis and evidence you throw at this, I don't know whether he is guilty or not, nobody does. What I do know is that the pure amount of reasonable doubt that exists surrounding this case should have automatically had the judge declare a mistrial.
@DanielMoores-ms2sj Says:
The officers should have recuse themselves from the investigation.
@DanielMoores-ms2sj Says:
If there is any doubt u must acquit because if you can show someone else could have done it then you have doubt!!
@DanielMoores-ms2sj Says:
When the officer ran the tag of the jeep. They don’t think he waited until they left pulled her over knocked her out and put her in the back of the vehicle. Then taking his time to set the scene? Avery’s girl was in jail. He left the house and the officer who ran the tag had time to do it all. Why would Steve crush the car and bury it or drop it in the pond? If you can think to burn the body you would leave a Cashier of evidence laying around. Everything keeps point back to the officer. Him running the tag? When and what time did he run that tag?
@MsAmos61 Says:
The Police DID NOT ALLOW THE MEDICAL EXAMINER?!? Corruption duh♾
@Isabelle.Eigensatz Says:
I'm sorry but what is she going on about we love a story where the villain is actually a hero. Can we not be interested in what made the villain? Why would he suddenly become a hero? Circonstance doesn't justify behaviour, but it helps to understand and therefore try not recreate it in someone else (or be able to spot it and avoid it).
@StevieObieYT Says:
The Averys were so clearly framed man. The police literally took a blood sample from Steven Avery then planted the blood vial in her RAV4. And her car key showing up in Steven's room on the seventh search of his bedroom. While Steven was in prison so he had no access to his own room. And the cops who were investigating the scene shouldn't even be there to begin with. Plus why would he murder when he was just about to become a multimillionaire? Also why was the RAV4 only covered with a few branches? Why wouldn't he just crush her RAV4 when he lives on a scrapyard? Everything about this case shouts framed man! And her remains not even buried or disposed of properly. Lastly, if his urge to kill grew in prison then shouldn't he have fantasised it thousands of times? And if so why so sloppy with cover up? He had years to plan it. With all that time, surely he would have created a foolproof plan. Ya know?
@GenreBGoode Says:
Just wand-waving police misconduct "because they know he did it" is a) how Avery ended up in prison the first time and b) shows exactly how fucked all of these fascist pieces of shit are.
@ahakwahbot Says:
Candace, the Central Park Five were innocent of their charges. The perpetrator, Matias Reyes, serial grape perpetrator, admitted his crimes and was rightfully sentenced to prison.
@Kevin-tz2lv Says:
Thankfully he is still locked away
@WysekiaVanVleet-ot1zx Says:
The whole County judicial system needs to be put on trial. Those confession tapes were extremely coerced. The police chief, sheriff, etc. Had a prejudice again the Avery family... I believe the ex or even the victim brother had something to do with her murder and the police covered it up so they can get rid of the Avery's for good. Getting rid of the Avery's would mean the world wouldn't get to find out about the town's dirty crooked cops.
@adriandarby9518 Says:
The level of stupid in that room is astounding
@hardwired8084 Says:
I was confused about all the hype @ CO, tuned in and found her refreshing and soon enough, I was on the side of those that hate her. She speaks as an authority when she simply regurgitates from online content, knows nothing of history, changes and distorts scenarios to fit her narrative whether right or wrong, she wriggles out of arguments well but that does not endear her in any way as she is frequently rude and wrong and now in this case, where no-one can say with 100% certainty what happened behind closed doors @ Steven Avery, she seems to have been a fly on the wall that knows all. STFU CO, its time, don't wait for the men in suits to shut you down because they will. Your rhetoric is dangerous and your being a black woman, moreso!!! Don't think that it is not being noticed and noted, remember where you are!!!
@steveww07 Says:
MAM was never about telling everything. It's focus was on how it was mishandled by the department. I don't know for sure what happened after watching MAM, but what I do know is that dept is corrupt and not good at their jobs.
@steveww07 Says:
making a murderer, no voice, no narrator, just actual footage, convicting a murderer, instantly hear her voice trying to convince us. Hmmmmmm.......
@rexallen9970 Says:
The whole second hand smoke argument is total nonsense. Millions of people have been born in smoking households with no impacts whatsoever. Just like “climate change,“ it’s a gigantic CON for gullible people without critical thinking skills.
@mathewforsyth1006 Says:
Disappointing. Such a clownish, egotistical, and mocking discussion.
@darrencoles5627 Says:
What utter bull shit from all these clowns 🤬🤬🤬
@eritati.2015 Says:
He is INNOCENT, badly framed Candice u G R 0 n K
@SuperDex66 Says:
"the cops arrest people who are guilty" wow such an intelligent statement...
@bridgetleannpepper8370 Says:
I can't believe anyone in This CIRCLE most of whom I highly respected!! The fact they say cops mostly aren't the guilty 😮 Arrestees are INNOCENT until proven... Not to mention they laugh off "Tiny Mistakes" TINY MISTAKES 😡 😮 🤯 I THINK NOT!! More like MassiveMistakes!! How could they watch Dasseys "Confession" & Have Any Faith In The Cops 😒 And that's just the tip of what all they did & didn't do!!! I have ZerO respect for any of them now KNOWING this is their thinking with all the evidence flying in their faces #DoneWithThemAll
@bobbobbington3615 Says:
When's that debate with Candace Owen's? OH, that's right, you issued a gag order against her! It'll be hard for her to debate when you're silencing her!

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