Chiefs For Change Policy Advocate Reveals Biden Administration's Secret "Backup" Student Loan Plan

Chiefs For Change Policy Advocate Reveals Biden Administration's Secret "Backup" Student Loan Plan


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@wytrose4602 Says:
Yup I know people who were paying and never got the credit wonder how much it really is. Because its a peditory loan. You pay on principal for 15 yrs who wrote the original bill long ago the current prez. When are they getting rid of the treasonous clown cart. Who ad well started the war covered up his bio lab there that created the illness. That * ates funded the we pon. S hots. Many nations are out lawing..
@kofinineteen Says:
These chatty Patties love a free meal and drinks.
@k2229 Says:
Did ANY person with outstanding student debt actually believe that their debts would be forgiven?
@melaniewalker1352 Says:
You people should try and hook up with Elon musk like Tucker
@ruabadkitty Says:
. Keep up the great work.
@SusanStevens-wu9ck Says:
@johnrodgers1277 Says:
Once again they tell us who they really are without really telling us… anyone else notice the Disney shirt he is wearing? What grown man wears a Mickey Mouse shirt to meet up with someone. Why do all these corrupt people have something to do with Disney? 👇🏻 🐰 🕳 we go
@JS-ru6ph Says:
Usury is a sin, the universities should have to pay that money back, end of discussion.
@kilcar Says:
I paid two colleges for my education. I PAID MY WAY out of pocket. Now, I'm paying for people who won't pay their voluntary debt!!?? I'm never voting Democrat again.
@BradKandyCroftFamily Says:
Okay, so people WILL still have to pay to get their loans written off. Basically, they are going to have to pay, on time and hope the government records it right, for ten years and then it can be written off. But instead of just those making less than $34k a year, they are bumping it up to people making around $80k a year. How about the government get out of the loan business in the first place. He openly admits that the loans are a cash cow for the government that's loaded on the poor and middle classes. I am going to teach my kids that student loans are just a waste of money and they are better off without them. Find other ways to get educated or do skilled labor.
@4himsanctified Says:
CFC has only 316 followers on FB. Odd
@urbanwarior3134 Says:
I'm understanding how a bad experience makes or breaks you. Imbalance against you will increase your desire for imbalance that if for you. Now that may explain why camp black or trans are being given roles that screw over the public. It's because they will more willingly do the screwing over to sunconciously not be a victim again, quite happy living the good life submerged in secrets as long as they get it better than the rest who suffer. With lgbt blm and other history rewrites hypocrites are created in a reverse pendulum swing of entitlement which breeds corruption. A bit like the whole high-school geek vs jock divide that will make billgates find it easier to screw you over in the future while you do his plumbing. Now scale that up to silicon Valley and every app you use and you understand why you are getting sold out
@urbanwarior3134 Says:
Face of evil. Sometimes you can see that every expression contains fight or flight. When he smiles you see the real person
@helfriedsitt6440 Says:
Unbelievable, the complete and total incompetence that exists in All these government institutions is unfathomable, incomprehensible. They throw $billions around, at the same time they'll go after me if I made a $1.59 accounting error. They're fucking nuts!
@tommylud4324 Says:
Thus needs more sounds like deferred payments or something..
@SkydivingSquid Says:
Need to premise this with the fact that I am a conservative. However, the fact that a sitting President went public and said they were going to forgive $10,000 or more per student for student loans and that they had the power to do so with an executive order, and made a promise to the American people - he should be held accountable for that. In some way. These students are being buried in loans right now, in a horrible job market, with runaway tuition and student fee rates. Furthermore, very few scholarships are merit based anymore, with the majority of them going to people of certain demographics. While I maintained a 3.85 GPA in one of the toughest engineering degrees there is and never once received a scholarship, a buddy of mine (no disrespect to him) had a 2.9 GPA and was receiving $5,000 a semester... can you guess what the difference was? Furthermore, these students changed their normally scheduled payments and plans because of this executive level branch promise.. In many ways this is like closing on a home, getting a move in date, you selling your home, and as you walk up to your new house, being told "oh they never could actually sell this anyway. Good luck finding a place to live." Now yes, I agree the debt you take on should be the debt you're responsible for... and in general this is the only reasonable way. However, while no bank would give an 18 year old even a $5,000 loan for a car, they will give students upwards of $20,000+ a year to cover the cost of education. Some of these schools have tuition rates of over $50,000+ a year... TUITION rates... I went to "one the most affordable state universities" in the US and my student fees alone (funny because I was entire remote) ran over $15,000 in the course of 3 years... Think about that. I wasn't even on campus and yet I was still paying these insane fees... It's something we need to talk about, especially considering the old heads in power right now scoff at students now and say, "when I was your age I worked a part time job while going to college full time and graduated with no debt." You can look at historical data (just opened it up to make sure I wasnt wrong) and in 1970 you could pay for annual tuition working 5 hours a week.... today you would have to work on the high side, 100 hours a week... Not to mention how much more students now are expected to know and bring to college (laptops are required, some 'required' text-books are $400 ($250 to rent) and are never even referenced - while the school gets kickbacks..... We absolutely need to change something. And Biden talking about how "the middle class making up to $400,000 a year" is absurd. My hometown's FAMILY income is $27,000 a year as of 2021... While I do have a good job, I worked my ass off to maintain summa cum laude in one of the toughest programs, graduated a year early, and am the sole bread-winner for my family.. I didn't get scholarships, I didn't get loan forgiveness... Some people are not as lucky as me. To suggest a sitting President can be trusted, when he gets up there and makes a PROMISE to the American people that $10,000 - $20,000 would be forgiven, period... and to renege on that, is borderline criminal. But there is great news! If you are a public servant like a teacher or military service member, and you make 10 f*cking years of loan payments... they will CONSIDER you for debt forgiveness... ie just make minimum payments (basically covering interest) and it all goes away... what kind of crock of shit is that? **Edit - Somehow it's okay to raise the absolute maximum debt ceiling $1T to last several years, only for that promise to go out the window and us hit that in a week? To send billions to Ukraine or other foreign countries while turning our backs on states in the US who have declared a state-of-emergency.. to bail out massive banks while their CEOs who failed still get a $200M bonus... but turn our back on students... or to say tuition and fees have to be this high, while a football coach is making $2M a year before bonuses.... it's disgraceful... these politicians are guilty of insider trading and lining their own pockets while the rest of us stay poor.
@Rae-lq5yd Says:
I thought y'all hated this well well well..pick and choose.
@montypythonator Says:
This sounds great! Well done Biden!
@redmcclaff Says:
The whole system is rigged to access our Trusts, be great if Project Veritas looked into that.
@msh6865 Says:
The US govt is nothing more than a den of snakes. There's so much money and so much bureaucracy that stuff like what is described here surely goes on in every dept inside the govt. Corruption and greed on a level never seen before. Good Lord.
@jerrypeal653 Says:
Hopefully Veritas told congress about this BS
@glenmccarty8901 Says:
Let's watch and see what happens now we have the courts decision.
@survivorsfederation4346 Says:
This dude is gonna wind up epsteined, two to the back of the head but he did it to himself type shit.
@mrbiglicks8267 Says:
These people are locusts, they provide nothing to society. They don't create, build, or make things better. Their jobs are useless to society. Only to grifters. They just plot and plan destructive money hustle schemes.
@johnedward5520 Says:
democrats just don’t like to deal with the consequences of their actions. dont want a baby? just kill it. dont want to pay student loans? just change the rules after the fact. dont work? just get paid money from the govt anyway
@leertesebeirge2310 Says:
Yes they should do it. Lol.
@justindvinson Says:
This the best news I've heard all day. Thanks!
@user-fc1ld9ts8u Says:
Interesting to gain insight on how these folks think. I think I'll wait a bit to see if this plays out. After the Sup Ct decision today, attempting to do what is discussrd here, would clearly appears to be an end run, not only around Congress, but the Supreme Court itself would result in another black eye for the lawless Biden Administration. I have my doubts. Time will tell.
@garethwest9069 Says:
Turns up to a date in a Mickey Mouse t-shirt. That says EVERYTHING about leftists and this joke of an illegitimate administration.
@spinb Says:
Project Woke
@MrTifmik1 Says:
Aholes tinkering with our economy and moral fabric behind the backs of the American people.
@SuperRayW Says:
All they have to do is change the law back to allow the debt to be cancelled with bankruptcy, but they don't want that, they want debt slaves for life, and it would mean an end to handing out these predatory loans because suddenly there's risk involved. It would be the end of every useless degree.
@roaddog7542 Says:
As a former student loan servicing company employee there was no question they have zero intent of "students" ever repaying the loans. Pro Tip* Call every eight months and ask for an "up to date forbearance". Each time they'll reverse any negative bureau reporting during that time and bring your account current. With 36 months of available forbearance using the eight month guideline you're good for 24 years. Still alive after that time? Take out another loan then do a consolidation. Each time that's done they load you with another 36 months of forbearance. 😂 No need to bother with the IBR, IDR, UNE, NHD, and other programs which themselves are a joke ripe for abuse.
@CalebDiT Says:
There are so many problems with American (public) higher education. University administrations see dollar signs on every student's forehead. They raise tuition, steal state and national money, invent new fees, create unreasonable policies for textbooks, etc. Beyond that, the only people who get a useful education are those who stay in university for graduate studies, and even then it can be hit or miss. So we tell young folks that the only way to be somebody is to go to university, then we punish them with crippling debt for shit university degrees when the thing we ought to be nurturing is apprenticeship. Generally speaking, loan forgiveness is not a gift to young students. It's an apology. What is scandalous about it is that the banks and universities are not going to be the ones paying for it.
@VeganHippy70 Says:
So earning a degree does not get you out of the low / low-middle class? What was the point?
@spyder001 Says:
This stuff needs to stop. Stop the bailouts. And foreign aid
@science-not-scientists3876 Says:
If only we could literaly cancel democrats to the degree they want, and do, cancel is.
@Ghanapeach Says:
This is the first issue that I don’t fully understand the outrage. What is the catch that everyone is so upset about? They want to cancel debt for some ppl, but why is that so bad? I understand some ppl may feel like it’s not fair because they had to pay theirs, but apart from that, is there another reason that I’m missing that makes this such a big controversy? My stance is that even though it may not be fair to some ppl, it is still helping some of our fellow citizens so why not? Why not take one for the team and atleast allow one thing to help US citizens? We ALL have been paying taxes and never get anything! So if atleast some ppl can get money back for once, why is it so bad? Even if it raises our taxes what would be the big deal, EVERYTHING else raises our taxes..this money is not equivalent to the 6 billion they just gave away, why are y’all only okay with paying taxes when it don’t benefit everyday Americans? I’ll rather know my tax has increased because of money used by US citizens than to know my taxes are being increased for criminals, terrorist countries, and to support the luxury lifestyles of government officials. Unless there is something bad that can hurt the ppl taking the forgiveness, then I don’t understand the backlash. Because America has been giving away millions to other countries at our expense but I’ve never seen this much resistance as I’m seeing when they are giving it to our own ppl…
College should be free
@maybelline888 Says:
I fully support this. raise the income thresholds in the IDR plan so I qualify for $0/monthly payments, yessss. lets go!
@todd2718 Says:
This is “REAL” journalism- a talent long ago lost to journalistic bias and ideologues. Thank you for taking the risk(s) to expose tyranny and corruption!
@expertadvice4u Says:
Holy shit
@freethebirds3578 Says:
I don't want a bailout. I don't want my loan cancelled. I want a job that will pay me enough to pay my loan back. I got the loan to get credential X so I can get my dream job (called "high-need" by the DOE when I began this trek). Just as I finished school, the DOE changed the rules so credential X is no longer necessary. Now I can't get my dream job because I have a worthless credential that puts me too high on the pay scale. I'm not a deadbeat. I have the best jobs I am able to get (plural because my dream job can now be filled with multiple part time workers) but I can't make enough money to live on. let alone pay the ridiculously high amounts the government demands. Congress needs to intervene with the DOE about student loans. Create private loan programs that don't prey on young people or allow colleges and universities to suck up taxpayer money, end all student loans going forward, and rein in the ludicrous interest rates charged to existing borrowers.
@loganq Says:
I'm surprised you didn't need a male undercover for this assignment.
@TheMeshal33 Says:
Lol when you make $81k 🥹
@000Tech Says:
Student debt equals slavery, and we ALL suffer because of it.
@zingersearcher5597 Says:
Well it appears the executive branch has just set themselves up as the final word over every other branch of government. I guess that makes Briben the chairman of red America. The richest president to ever utter lies as he continues to feather his nest while carrying out his planned destruction of America and its people.
@matthewIhorn Says:
They have to keep the Ponzi scheme going. If people had to start paying loans again the economy will tank.
@papawoody9597 Says:
Democrats always try to find a way to impose unconstitutional laws. Remember Obozo-care?
@repentjesusiscomingsoon1529 Says:
b John 3:16 in the Holy Bible says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son (JESUS!), that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." PLEASE DEVOTE YOURSELF TO JESUS NOW, HE IS COMING SOON AND YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LEFT BEHIND, IT'S GOING TO BE LITERAL HELL ON EARTH!

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