The Tradwife Movement

The Tradwife Movement


The ?Tradwife?Movement Welcome to the corner of the internet where women are rejecting any means of chasing a career and embracing their role as homemakers thus serving their family's full-time.?? When a woman removes herself from obtaining worldly success to focus on being a wife and mother she lives an honorable, humble, and fulfilling life catering to and loving her family. . . #tradwife #traditionalwife #homemaker




@abuelo4977 Says:
I'm going to guess that all of this has more than just a little bit to do with religion. When you believe in things that you don't understand, you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.
@ohana1111 Says:
Amen! I'm so happy for this. Veiling during mass is also a recent movement that I'm so proud of. ❤ May God continue blessing you. You are making a positive impact in the world. I'm so proud to be a woman. I fully believe that women should do what they want to do. If having a career is what you want, go for it. If being a wife and mom is what you want, go for it. We should be in control and be supported for our choices. Being forced to do all the things (work, wife, mom) is not freedom in my opinion. Happy wife, happy life is 💯 true. I'm happiest being able to fully take care of my family. Whenever I try working to help out monetarily I feel like I'm being taken away from what brings me joy which is being present for my family and spoiling them.
@Fay_YaYa Says:
Having a career is your backup plan in case your cute little husband decides he's not interested in you anymore or withholds money. That's what a degree is for.
@DiekleineHausfrau-hf8zj Says:
@rhondalatney4724 Says:
In the Animal Kingdom. The females will not leave their babies to be provided and protected by any other species. Without the bonding of a husband and wife the human race will cease to exist. Tradwife and Tradhusband is not a movement it the Natural Law of the Universe.
@ohyhkim5639 Says:
I love being a Christian mom and wife also I can work part time whenever I want ..with my education.... I'm blessed ❤
@yesand5536 Says:
Does your husband own all of everything? I wonder if you've talked about this. It would seem for an authentic movement, you would advocate that women set themselves up so when things go wrong and they get dumped for a younger women, that they can walk on off and survive quite well. So I imagine you have plenty of videos on that - financial management, career promotion, keeping skills up, even learning about AI and cybersecurity, so you can walk into a high paying job.
@TheWatchmen001 Says:
That was the entire purpose of the "woman's liberation", twice the employees, twice the taxes, control over your children.. What's so hard to understand, have politicians EVER done anything that was for your benefit? They fooled most!!!
@llgrazes Says:
I’m in darling, if you’ve seen my post to you before I’m a 59-year-old retired police officer, drill, sergeant, United States, Marshall agent, FBI hostage negotiator. Who is now ready to be married at 59 years old, I am ready to find that perfect man and he’s most likely going to have children and I’m so looking forward to being a grandma. Traditional values are what we go back to as a default because it is what we know works. I’ve been out there on the street I have saved lies. I’ve been out there with bad guys and the good guys. Wherever it is you need to be I always come back to your traditions, thank you for everything you do. Kisses and blessings.❤
@armanhossain8737 Says:
God blesss you ❤❤❤
@armanhossain8737 Says:
World need this kind of messages ❤❤❤
@jenjen6993 Says:
I never wanted a career. I have no issue with other women having one, but I have always known that it is not in me. The problem is the shame surrounding wanting a simple job and wanting to remain home with their children. I work part time, and if I am ever in a position to be able yo stay home and look after my son and partner, I certainly will. Well done to you for doing what makes you happy ❤
@kittycat1887 Says:
girl, you're living in some fucking fantasy that has nothing to do with reality
@lauraoneil6408 Says:
Feminism is a movement being a modern woman is a movement. Being a housewife and mother is normal and not a movement, don't think you're one of a kind when women all over the world have been taking care of their children and husband since the beginning of time.
@sheryloldham505 Says:
Boy are you all in for a surprise!! Fools!!
@maiapapaya4643 Says:
This is not a "movement" this is cosplay. She is not a real housewife. She may cook and clean, but she doesn't sew her childrens clothing, she doesn't garden and can. She dresses up like a fictional 50's character and yall pretending like this is real life.
@ddelv1601 Says:
Why are you telling people how to live their lives? Personally, I find people who want to dictate the actions of others are less secure about their own decisions. Do what you want, but telling others what they should prioritize is some real BS.
@MushBunny Says:
I don’t want to be married nor have kids. I could never be either because of how my childhood is. (Being the oldest and parents fighting) All of my respect goes out to the housewives of the world, because it seems hard to raise a whole human being.
@Vic2point0 Says:
Well said! And I'm surprised at the number of critics outright saying that being a mother isn't all that important. Wow. Just wow.
@user-po6ml7jp6n Says:
Until you guys can’t afford your mortgage. 😅
@cmillspa1 Says:
This lifestyle isn’t traditional by any stretch of the imagination. You’re a successful TikTok business woman who may even earn more than your husband, telling women that they should consider being traditional. Your definition of traditional IS NOT A REFLECTION OF REALITY for most women who lack your privilege in life. You’re either aware of this and simply don’t care, or you aren’t aware because you didn’t pay attention in school. Idk which is worse, but you’re spreading potentially harmful bullshit either way.
@olentangyriver1191 Says:
To be a wife and mother to me is to throw your life away, this is sad to watch..
@zsofiamolnar4677 Says:
Wtf are you even saying? Top priority always, why?
@patm9904 Says:
@EsteeWilliams - A young lady at church suggested that if I want to be a Trad wife, I should have my penis removed first. What do you think?
@greg00m Says:
hehe, the irony of these tradwife influencers making money from home while claiming to embrace tradwife values of the 50s and before. BTW, when you watch an old movie of men slapping women around for any reason, that is part of the traditional package. And for men who want the tradwife roles back, there is a dirty secret about how many bored housewives had affairs, and sometimes kids, with mailmen, traveling salesmen, etc. Just think about what stud might be driving for Uber Eats, the post office, and Amazon while you are at work.
@creativesparks2164 Says:
It’s becoming popular cause people are getting lazier and “traditional” delusional ways is a easy way out for the lazy phone addicts
A great career for you to an influencer, must be a great job.
@Amiisunique Says:
This is so hot
@markd.9042 Says:
It's very sad that given the state of the economy for some time now, it has become impossible for a family to meet their needs off of the work of one person who works in the traditional job market, and one homemaker (homemaker not necessarily meaning a person who cooks, cleans, and does the majority of child-rearing, homemakers are active in the community as well, e.i. farmers' markets, community organizing, etc). I also appreciate that you don't bash "working" mothers.
@thelegacyofgaming2928 Says:
Tradwives are always pretty. Not a tattoo in sight! 😊
@petrichord.3319 Says:
No one gets to decide what other people should do. Childfree is fine too and no one is trying to destroy trad culture. Yall are trying to undermine the choices other women and people now have available to them
@KedaiNasi Says:
imagine having to create a movement for something basic because of how fuked up your country is. glad my country have none of the woke bullshiet here
@LH-lv4zs Says:
Good for Ms.Williams for promoting this! Society has been pushing "equality" since the 70's, and it's now been distorted into an empowering movement that promotes being monogamish, rather than being monogamous. It's also promoted men to be in touch with their feminine side, as well. All this nonsense has lead to the highest divorce rates in history, where most divorces are initiated by women. The trad-wife movement, along with MGTOW and Passport Bros. might just help realign the thinking of American both males and females to disregard the current marriage views in favor of the more traditional ways... when divorce rates were far less.
@marastar208 Says:
While I think "higher calling" is highly subjective, there is nothing wrong with being a traditional housewife with a traditional role if you'd like. However, I don't think there is anything wrong at all with a career woman either :) Just be sure your husband is thinking far ahead about how to take care of you and your children if he suddenly dies unexpectedly. This happened to a woman I knew when I stayed in Florida. She'd been a "trad" for 25 years and was completely lost without him.
@michaelblack9253 Says:
Where do tradmen find these trad wives?? I've been looking for this since I was in HS seriously. Bravo to all women who are or who want to be tradeives 👍😊
@jimg7647 Says:
She is so pretty and sexy.
@ubeaight7774 Says:
0:45 I'll say it if you won't, be a mother and wife, if you can't be a mother go adopt, but that career is a waste and doesn't care about you like a loving husband and kids will.
@thedudewhoeatspianos Says:
Honestly, the only problem is that I can't have multiple trad wives. My wife says she's exhausted after a day of cooking, cleaning, servicing me, and caring for my children without being allowdd outside of the house.
@bwd111 Says:
That is pretty cool and then all the haters out there it's ridiculous just stay strong and keep doing what you're doing. I like it I like traditional and that's what I'm gonna do. My wife is going to stay home and I'm gonna work.
@sanchitaroy9555 Says:
What she is saying family first out of all things including career.....hey tradwife some women knows to take responsibilities of money and people both that you are not qualified for....which you think as a burden on your please be a tradwife it's your choice but ambition dreams matter more and of course entire family supports it and cherish without being itself a problem in the way of can be tradwife anyday but not scientist, archaeologist,astraunaut,engineer ,doctor anyday ,it requires devotion and perfect age of time to achieve uphold....that's the difference......besides you cannot be marylin Monroe however you dress because you don't have her skillls
@MomInChrist Says:
what about Jesus? where does he fit into any of what you are promoting as a woman of faith? What about debra ? what about Mary ? I pray the Lord open your eyes to truth
@dreanki Says:
Aren't you making money through your social media? Kinda contradictory. You have a job, while telling other women they shouldn't.
@jonathancummings6400 Says:
The truth is now proved by the lack of tradwives in Western Society. It's why, regardless of country, the society is unraveling and people, especially, young, prime age people are unhappy and going off the rails. Women had a hidden power all along that neither the Patriarchy, nor it's activist adversaries understood, IT WAS THEY WHO WERE THE BACKBONE OF THE SOCIETY!!! The "tradwives" are what holds society together, women in that role are THE most powerful, necessary force, period. They raise solid, capable human beings, make a house a home, make men better than if they are alone.
@sweetie7632 Says:
I'm inspired by her confidence and I absolutely think that anyone should do what makes them happy. But the fact that she calls the world "chaotic" and says that being a wife and mother should always be top priority is not okay to me. There are so many women who neither want to be married nor children - that is what they choose for their life. It doesn't mean they don't respect people who have so-called traditional values.
@kevinalanbossa Says:
Where can I find a girl like you?
@bibi-ev3qk Says:
Glauben sie mir, wären sie nicht so hübsch, könnten sie so viel putzen und kochen wie sie wollen, ihr Mann würde sie nicht so auf Händen tragen. Schauen sie sich ihre Ehe an wenn sie alt, müde oder traurig sind. Was ist dann noch übrig...
@smarternu Says:
I just subscribed to support your channel. EVERYONE gets to pick thier path, happy to support someone who is facing G-bage for NOTHING. Stay strong.
@jolineackerley6289 Says:
It's the people in your family that come first ❤
@05Kretskortslaminat03 Says:
L O V E IT !!!❤
@plenghan Says:
Like a little poupette

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