The couples humor/extreme pranking trend has gone to far

The couples humor/extreme pranking trend has gone to far





@sonja4186 Says:
Good that you adress this too
@llgrazes Says:
As a retired police officer, he is a narcissist and a POS!!!!!!! I hope this beautiful young lady got away from him. He is abusive and this is not funny in any way, shape or form. What he did was an assault and he should’ve been arrested. I wish I was the cop that arrested him.😂😂
@GabbyTeAma Says:
People destroying their relationship for views nowadays. I always feel that couples that do the more harmful/disrespectful pranks are actually harmful/disrespectful to one another off camera and it eventually comes out after they break up.
@i486DX66 Says:
Would have to be a rotten SOB to not only hit your wife with 10 lb medicine ball, but also film it and share it with the world.
@vikigee2790 Says:
100% agree with you.
@lab3706 Says:
I agree with you not cool to hurt people
@brianthesnail3815 Says:
I have seen these type of videos and also doing similar with their children. No. Its wrong.
@wwing Says:
Spot on - we as Men should be protecting the women in our lives.
@joanlangley1682 Says:
Hi situation here. Married for 28 years. In August 2023 my husband and I had an argument. I picked up a pillow to bop him with. I didn't know he put his iphone in the pillowcase. When I bopped him with the pillow the phone hit him and cut his eyebrow area. He the stood up stopped stared at me. Then came towards me pulled his hand back and slapped me across the face. What should I do? I don't feel close to him or safe with him like before. He wants to go on like before..but I don't know if I can.
@jolineackerley6289 Says:
It's very controlling, and most likely, if brought up, he would respond with "it was just a joke, can't you take a joke?"
@annipounds3031 Says:
Agreed! That shits not funny. He's a dick. Take care of your woman, you guys. Treat her with love and respect. Its a damn shame this even needs to be said. Not funny!
@HeidiGolff Says:
One way to combat this horrible trend is to not watch it. They seek attention. Let's not give it to them.
@Yusei5ds0707 Says:
That's the limits of humor: physical humor.
@jonstreeter1540 Says:
I agree. Thanks for posting. The medicine-ball assault is a point on the cycle of violence that only escalates.
@michaelgreene5022 Says:
I could see the very begining of it, were he rolls the ball into her, but as soon as he realized it hurt, he should have rushed to her side and made sure she was okay!
@adolfoonly Says:
completely agree
@zombifiedpariah7392 Says:
Who tf says something like that after hurting their wife? Nah bro that's a fucking psychopath 😂🤣 I'd probably leave him JUST FOR THAT if I was her.
@krazyoldkatlady192 Says:
You’re right Estee. I hope she’s okay😢
@CammyHell Says:
I agree but it looked like it was an accident and then since it was on camera he made it into a video? I could be wrong. But yea if I was hurt my husband would never laugh and if he did he wouldn’t be my husband
@samlewis6615 Says:
That looked so painful, i try to horseplay with my husband but he doesnt allow it he says he doesn't want to hurt me on accident.
@TrainTheoryOfficial Says:
I love how people say that tradwives perpetuate abuse, meanwhile the same people never complain about these type of pranks.
@jessicadianne9065 Says:
I hate those videos.. def abuse and it’s sad that people find this funny and entertaining.
@katjasandelin Says:
Yes agree with you ❤ good that you share these thoughts!
@sammartina8574 Says:
Wow. Estee's a conservative YouTuber who's a good person. This is so refreshing. Normally a channel like this only cares about stirring up outrage against inconsequential aspects of movies/woke movies, invalidating trangender people, making up covid conspiracies and accidentally letting Nazi dog whistles slip.
@Penguins44 Says:
Totally agree with her, though I hope she believes it goes both ways. Seems to be more common from men, but women do that garbage too. Everything she said should apply to both genders. And don't embarrass, threaten, degrade, belittle or humiliate your spouse or significant other either. Just "be kind to one another".
@BeastieZen Says:
Hi Estee from UK. I don't understand this world anymore, living in a society where gentlemen are vilified for being gentleman, why is it that a man is instantly a misogynist trying to take away women's rights and all he's done held a door open to let a lady go through first. I am 58 now and I open doors for everyone, it's just good manners, a feminist would soon scream if I let a smack her instead of holding it open, in fact that did happen. These crazy people think they have some kind of entitlement to insist on being strong independent women who don't need a man, but they also insist that the man plays the traditional gender role and pay for everything while they still go out leading the life they did when they were single. It's so messed up. When did having good manners and respect for people become a sign of weakness?
@BrEmail Says:
That was sadistic and sad, not funny at all
@LordHoward Says:
Tiktok has turned people into аnimals
@survivingasteoridapophis225 Says:
Men remember: being manly does not mean being physicaly rude, espacialy with women.
@AuntieMamies Says:
I don't usually agree with you on anything but this I am 💯💯 on board
@angelbrother1238 Says:
Why can’t we clone this woman ?????
@fernandosamf1185 Says:
APOLOGIZE TO THE WOMAN, who do you think you are anyway .
@netguy888 Says:
its 4kg big deal
@winstonsmith3690 Says:
This woman is very watchable.
@billiessphincter4104 Says:
Eye contact level 10000
@Feyser1970 Says:
I' m a man and I think you re completely right, it seems that people are ready to do everything to get some likes nowadays
@samanthaliggio8979 Says:
Totally agree!!! Humor and harm are WILDLY different. For these men (and sometimes even the women!) to think harm to their partner is funny... that's sick
@bethlanglois9361 Says:
Yes it’s narcissistic abuse
@jaymylotto8134 Says:
You're wrong. This is teasing/playful sparring. In the end, you're a feminist in trad clothing.
@christat5336 Says:
You may need a slap or two is healthy..😊😊if you are disrespectful
@bryanlazo4548 Says:
This is disgusting
@westoncroye643 Says:
There is a clear difference between respectively messing with each other or being playful and just out right causing pain that causes the other to kneel because they can't stand up then laughing at it because you "enjoy it". When you start "pranking" your significant other or anyone for that matter, it will always escalate until it is too late for you to realize. That's when karma will cause irreversible damage to you for all the destructive chaos you caused.
@doubtful4683 Says:
I agree, unless she was just acting.
@puzzleheaddesign3789 Says:
ur so stinking cute
@toastymoasty6344 Says:
although I don't agree with a traditional housewife lifestyle I totally utterly agree.
@myibook141 Says:
Are you joking? The women hurt their men too moron. Don’t sit there and call out 1 without calling out the other. This is why women aren’t taken seriously anymore when it comes to abuse accusations. Y’all are a joke
@footfoot104 Says:
@Anne-pk8gs Says:
Absolute truth. A passive aggressive grown ass man who knowingly hurts you but “pretends” like it’s your fault because you should’ve gotten out of the way or claims he’s just joking & doesn’t regret it…is an infantile narcissist who will abuse you forever.
@kjb9837 Says:
What would you do if you married a man that started off amazing you got married and then he started to do stuff like this?
@alloutofdonuts3998 Says:
Agree 100%. That’s not a ‘practical joke’ in any sense or form, and you’re absolutely right about it being the kind of behavior prior to more serious traumatic and intentional abuse. We live in an age where people are normalizing things and behavior that is the opposite while at the same time accusing people of being nazis bcuz they say they don’t like the French cuisine 😲 or something equally ridiculous.

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