Our #TooYoung Undercover Investigation CONTINUES to Lead Toward RESULTS ????

Our #TooYoung Undercover Investigation CONTINUES to Lead Toward RESULTS ????


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@borneandayak6725 Says:
This channel is disgusting!
@AM23. Says:
Veritas is the best
@madisonmotta4829 Says:
Ahh here's the report responsible for getting a bunch of pediatricians who were giving hormone therapy(not gender conversion therapy there is a big fucking difference) to cancer patients. Facists love it when they get to kill a bunch of sick kids. Serves them right for being inferior right???
@2_girls_1_johnson68 Says:
The child predation is strong on the left😳
@csanchez50 Says:
Didn’t know I was still subscribed. Thanks for the notification. Unsubscribing now.
@survivalofthefittest409 Says:
You guys and Fox News deserve each other. Will follow James & Tucker wherever they go, but not *you.* Just here to *thumbs down.*
@younglobwedge Says:
Absolutely disgusting. Send these doctors to prison.
@misfitmartiniable Says:
I didn't realized I hadn't unsubrscribed and blocked you on this platform. Thanks for reminding me. Shouldn't have gotten rid of James
@susanthejew6351 Says:
SHAME SHAME SHAME TO THE MEDIAWHORES at PROJECT VARITAS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArsvMTRWuXQ (11:10-11:40)
@davemartino5997 Says:
This Isn’t the real PV
@glock19gen3 Says:
Stop supporting these cowards and scumbags!
@daltonnunyabiz3067 Says:
Lolol what’s it like to know that you usurped James okeefes kingdom (that it took him years to build) and you can’t even compete with his new couple month old platform? 😂 What’s that like you snakes? 😂😂😂
@andrewfarnham4617 Says:
I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this but YouTube is cutting off your videos and jumping to some others videos. And watching this video YouTube has kicked me out of the video 5 times. I've had this happen the two other channels all very Republic channels but not any left Wing or Democratic channels.
@rheabotner4649 Says:
Do not support this channel! There is no Project Veritas without James O Keefe.
@ozelot Says:
project veritas2.0 - a controlled opposition trap.
@wewuzkangz694 Says:
Didn't Pfizer buy you guys out?
@thatguyagain214 Says:
Project Veritas has lost its identity... They have nothing worth watching anymore. Unfollowing & notifications turned off. ✌️
@JarodJoseph Says:
Damn, you guys really suck now huh.
@mauracahill1296 Says:
I just realized that I'm still subscribed to you here. Whoops! Bye, losers! I'll be following James O'Keefe.
@kimberlybennett2160 Says:
They just don't want to admit that they are provide gender affirming care.
@jarrodwagner9383 Says:
When the mainstream media is suddenly showcasing you that's evidence of selling out.
@GreenGearMood Says:
Shut the channel down. What is wrong with you?
@SecondComingTwice Says:
Maybe stop using their made-up verbiage like "gender affirming care" and I won't discount this as anything other than blithering bullshit. It's human child abuse and torture and disfigurement under the flag of "medicine." No "care" involved.
@sonny5905 Says:
Screw off, wheres James????????????????????
@LABoyko Says:
Love it. Project Veritas producing content, thinking they maintain a shred of legitimacy. Guess again, losers!
@connor981 Says:
Project Veritas: accomplishes real world change by exposing questionable practices The comment section of their videos: NOOOOOO I ONLY CARE ABOUT JAMESSS
@DinkTank369 Says:
Protect our children from these PARASITES
@Vvt.86 Says:
What is this garbage? Project Veritas without James is like a car without an engine. The only thing you backstabbing clowns can do now is go downhill.
@123lodge8 Says:
Project Veritas sucks
@peanutrbuckle9123 Says:
Absolute trash now, unsubscribing
@tatergirl8765 Says:
UN subbed again . I don't give a shit about pv without James.
@hephep7426 Says:
School physicals with out a patent present!?!?! Nothing like having your kid undree infront of a stranger, school official, doctor or not!
@madmantv00 Says:
Once again thanks for reminding me to unsubscribe from this channel. You blocked me on Truth Social for saying this so I'm sure you will act on this comment if you see it. You have lost all credibility , you sold out to Big Pharma. No one will ever trust you to report any news that is not approved by your masters. Total Disgrace Long Live James O'Keefe
@Orgoniks Says:
PV is dead in the water without James. what a stupid company
@kathys.1764 Says:
PV is trash!
@peanuttt3117 Says:
You guys are garbage without James!
@jomenz5122 Says:
Wow, I can't believe I had forgotten to unsubscribe from PV on YT. Apparently it was the one platform I had forgotten. Thanks for the notification, otherwise I would have continued to unknowingly support you back biting, two-faced, hush money accepting, big pHARMa shilling, brood of vipers. Problem fixed!
@joshbarber1907 Says:
Veritas = poop for sale
@shadow.banned Says:
8-9 years old. The upperclass white woman in the institutions are highly disturbed.
@Brdsh0t Says:
Your brand is dead. James WAS PV. You might as well close shop. You are finished. Nice ratio
@timotheospetros Says:
What's all this? A channel impersonating Project Veritas? Report it to Youtube if it doesn't contain James O'Keefe!
@grunt9950 Says:
Aaaand Unfollowed + dislike - You guys ain't worth shit without O'Keefe
@rodgerneeb301 Says:
Project Veritas, the Bud Light of News sources. Why are you still pretending? We didn't keep our subscription to your channel because we like you, we're here to slap you down every time you try. James will rise again, you ... not so much.
@Ghanapeach Says:
This is one of those topics that we think is so stupid and unreal that we don’t even bother engaging in, all while it secretly grows and actually takes over. If they continue to push this mess on the public, we all need to ask for reparations for all these years of school they FORCED us to attend that taught us about language and the human anatomy. Y’all not about to just switch things around as if we didn’t go to school for 13 years to get a diploma. Run me my money for wasting my time teaching me something that y’all are throwing away!
@Ghanapeach Says:
Imagine having conversations with children about who they want to have sex with…because that’s what all this gender stuff boils down to. The private parts of a human are used to have sex…why would you even have these conversations with a child when they aren’t even supposed to be thinking about sexual behavior, let alone removing their private parts.
@agarguest Says:
Disgusting crooks, thanks. I forgot to unsubscribe.
@h.o.m.emadagascar4574 Says:
Nooooo?! Realy? Is this true?? They are messing aroung with children gender? What a poor and terrible world we are living in!!! This is crime against humanity! The world has gone so crazy. The elite is now playing God. Lets hope some aliens found us and come to help if we can t do it for humanity's sake!!!
@changingoftheguard7256 Says:
Any Drs conducting these practices must be reported it's illegal its malpractice. Report these Drs to a police officer and get the paperwork aka Evidence going on them because in 1 year all these gender affirming care Drs will be facing prison time this is a window. Get em!!
@jeffbland3635 Says:
@jeffbland3635 Says:

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