Newly Surfaced Christian Radio Interviews of Abortion Pill Judge Released

Newly Surfaced Christian Radio Interviews of Abortion Pill Judge Released


The Texas Judge who ruled on the abortion pill hid interviews from a Christian Radio station. Adrienne Lawrence, Alonzo Bodden and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Read more HERE: "The far-right Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas who authored the opinion revoking the US Food and Drug Administration's approval of the abortion drug mifepristone failed to disclose interviews he gave on Christian talk radio when he was being confirmed by the Senate, reported CNN on Thursday."* *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? FACEBOOK: ? TWITTER: ? INSTAGRAM: ? TWITCH: ? ???? Merch: ? Donate: ???? Website: ????App: ???? Newsletters: If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey Unbossed with Nina Turner The Damage Report ? TYT Sports ? The Conversation ? Rebel HQ ? TYT Investigates ? #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230421__TB02Judge




@bilbob7624 Says:
Don't Murder Your Children.
@melaniegatton Says:
When republican men say that they don't want no-fault divorce, they mean that they don't want women to be able to leave their husbands without a 'good' reason
@jamesholland8057 Says:
Judge nazi speaks.
@alphagamma4582 Says:
This country is definitely not Christian Judeo. The concept of Christian Judeo is a contradiction in itself.
@gagaplex Says:
The idea that judges and justices appointed by politicians are politically neutral is hilariously naive. Although I do wonder why for centuries nobody tried to actually create a proper separation of powers in the USA in that regard.
@jessepruit8385 Says:
There should be no justice on the court without a at least 60 votes. Period! You would not have such a divided court!
@cynthiaforequity Says:
Who is vetting our candidates for legislators?
@stevenpike7857 Says:
This guy is a religious zealot and doesnt' belong on the bench.
@jeanhendersonharley3228 Says:
He's not christian he's a demon with a black heart look at his face
@bobwilson3980 Says:
Are you saying that a CHRISTIAN RIGHT lies.
@elainesabatino7467 Says:
Why are Democrats so hell bent on murdering the unborn?
@mabell7648 Says:
I meant to say Cenk.
@mabell7648 Says:
this center character should STOP changing his voice to imitate someone else. he’s terrible at it and he is extremely annoying when he does it!!
@boogiebored9643 Says:
The REASON there are extra protections for the handicapped, lbgtq, minorities and so not because of US its because of those who cannot treat everyone the same. They all wouldn't need protected if they weren't being terrorized by hooligans
@expertopinion8111 Says:
He sealed his fate when he did that banned !! Drug companies dont play fair!! They gonna go up his ass and down the other side!!! He will be selling insurance before the year is out drug companies making to much money !! And way to much to lose over this ass !!! And the laws will change so it never happens again!!!
@richiejohnson Says:
Look at him. He's Hitler's wet dream. 🗣
@Kevin-zf9jh Says:
Adrienne is so beautiful 😍
@sheilalopez3983 Says:
All these GOP trumpuppet Troglodyte federal judges are in office under false pretenses. They lied, lied and then lied some more all the way up to the supreme Court Justices.
@bozthescrewup410 Says:
You know, traditional judeo christian marriage values. Like the classic; marry off your 12 year old to your neighbors kid for a dowry or farmland or some shit.
@gordontall2441 Says:
The the black guy broadcasting from prison? Looks like he's wearing inmate gear.
@iancampbell1316 Says:
I'll say it. trump is not a Christian and everyone who calls themselves a Christian must acknowledge that. No one can be a Christian if they never ask God for forgiveness. It is basic to the Christian doctrine. According to the bible, only Jesus was without sin. Is trump Jesus Christ? The answer is no. trump is not the son of God. He is a man. Since all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, trump is a sinner and cannot thus be a Christian without asking God for forgiveness.
@katestark2519 Says:
How is it still a thing that we allow huge swaths of powerful (or potentially powerful) people to self-regulate and just trust that what they present is truth with no attempt at verification?! Have we really not learned better by now?!
@bradsanders6954 Says:
"Texas" "Christian" "Biblical" Religoholics STILL maintain its a choice, that people become gay as they want to be so. Imposing their morals on a whole nation is the name of the game. Judges are not judges when they govern by personal opinion, this judge was hand picked to do exactly what he did. No respect is deserved none should be given, especially SCOTUS.
@worldgate989 Says:
07:14 -- I was on board with this video until it suddenly became all about women. Does she suggest that only men want to stay in a marriage with the other person because they want to control them, no other reason, women are guilt free of wanting to control a man and that in no way could she ever be guilty of being abusive? If it was up to me I would get government completely out of marriage. No tax deduction, no joint filing, none of that period. However, have you ever heard of the term 'keep a man baby'? Here i'll explain it. It's when a woman, race being irrelevant, will get pregnant on purpose OR pretend to be pregnant as a way to keep 'her man' around to pay for her life style. The worst part is, when the man asks for paternity test will fight tooth and nail to not get one going as far as to shame anyone suggesting that they don't trust her. It's a 50/50 chance of being his baby, and once it is confirmed he is in for 21+ years of hell. I could go on about how women are abusive with their children in that they will attempt to turn his kids on him by telling them 'your daddy aint shit, he abandoned us, dont pay for nothing' meanwhile sometimes thats true, but in any case its wrong. Yes im sure some men do this too but in my personal experience of living in welfare towns it's usually women more than men. It's disgusting. Spare me your 'its to control women' bullshit.
@JohnJones-ct9pr Says:
I have a question for all those who proclaim "My body my choice" when it comes to abortion. At what exact moment in time does a "clump of cells" become a human being with the right to life the same as any other human being ?. My answer to that would be "We don't know". The only logical conclusion to "We don't know" means that we must assume that it starts at conception with same cogency that we hold that every man is innocent until proven guilty. I will respond to rational answers only. Thank you. btw Not a Trump supporter , I hold that he is a reprehensible person and would make a catastrophic president if he was re-elected. Also I am not a US citizen. .
@danbackman7262 Says:
This texas judge has a lot in common with the Saudi al Kaida religious fanatics that hit the US at 9.11!!We should treat him the way we treat al Kaida!His rapist boss will help him with prayers and infantil ranting!
@millionsasone Says:
The more Democrat voters abort their children, the less Democrat voters in the future.
@havable Says:
For every woman forced to give birth a man should have his guns taken away.
@theunwantedcritic Says:
Has the African-American preachers kid in his 60s I didn’t get interested in politics until Obama started running. If you remember there were a lot of people who wanted to get the Democratic nomination and it came down to Obama and Hillary. I’ve been going through a lot of hard times, and I was working a job where I was an assistant supervisor, and I had enough money to buy a new laptop. This is around the same time that YouTube started. So, without even buying a television, I was able to watch every single debate, and also to research the backgrounds of every single person who is running for president that year. I also was able to find an audio version of the United States, Constitution, and explanations about how the federal government worked. I later did the same thing with my own state constitution. Two years after that, I got a job working on the peripheries of law so I was able to learn a little bit more about politics. I would encourage everybody who is working for TYT2 learn as much as they can about faith and religion because unfortunately, that’s one of the major ways that most Americans view reality. They just assume the church that they’re going to, or the mosque or the synagogue or the temple is the right one. They don’t question what they are told, and they never investigate alternative points of view. In fact, if you tell him from an academic level, the story of their own faith, they won’t believe you, and they will actually become hostile. So from the point of view of the evangelical republican, they are doing gods work, and anybody who does not agree with him is in league with Satan. If you wanna know about different Christian denominations, there is a YouTube channel called ready to harvest. If you want to know about, the ancient texts try on YouTube channel called MythVision. There are significant number of theologians and biblical scholars, who do not practice any religion at all. And the reason why is because they are experts at religion. They can speak the Hebrew, the Aramaic, and the ancient Greek, so they know exactly what the old and New Testament say. They do not need interpretation by corrupt grifters in priestly robes and $10,000 suits.
@chrisrosales4219 Says:
I live for Cenk's "Of Course!" Why is it that the more obvious a thing is the fewer people there are saying it? Yes, sometimes news stories call for nuance and subtlety, but when only a blunt force instrument of obvious facts will do there's nobody better than Cenk for wielding that sledgehammer!
@joemadda Says:
Old Testament fire and brimstone for you and me but New Testament forgiveness and grace for them. But I'd say that if you can't get it up maybe god doesn't want you scoring.
@rickhanson3293 Says:
Regardless, they should not be relying upon anybody simply reporting past interviews, videos, articles etc. because everybody knows that the responses will be "edited" to make themselves look good depending upon current events and atmosphere. Those running the confirmation hearings and the like are supposed to do their due diligence in researching the people up for appointment.
@karenmccourt8240 Says:
No more life time appointments!
@andreah6379 Says:
This is one more Aryan-looking judge. I see him as one more American Taliban.
@samsayasane1934 Says:
Only in US religious .control politics
@richardharris8538 Says:
That judge has very poor judgement. Religion has poisoned his mind.
@MeghanBrowning-cy3tm Says:
This nonsense that women must have the right to kill their children in order to be equal to men is an invention of the abortion industry. With almost no exceptions, pioneers of the women’s movement like Susan B. Anthony, Mattie Brinkerhoff, Sarah Norton, Emma Goldman, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were outspoken opponents of legal abortion. Alice Paul, who wrote the original Equal Rights Amendment, called abortion the ultimate exploitation of women. Even suffragist newspapers such as Woodhull’s and Claflin’s Weekly, had editorial policies which openly attacked both abortion and abortionists.
@denisejacks6109 Says:
@ronettemeyer1521 Says:
When we allow our religious fanatics to take over policy, we are in serious trouble.
@jackhaus5238 Says:
Why are they pushing there beliefs down our throat
@michaelbuehler3897 Says:
One of our biggest problems is the court system.
@soulmechanics7946 Says:
A whole lot more people believe elsewise Cenk, and it is our duty as genuine American patriots to remove these people from these positions. 🤬
@Tom.788 Says:
Republicans won’t stop till they control your reproductive rights completely.
@azizaibrahim1155 Says:
Kacsmaryk is one of the green sprouts of Gilead poking up through the earth. If Americans don’t wake up, they will find themselves in a Christian theocracy, with even fewer rights than they have today.
@jerrypolverino6025 Says:
This man should never be a judge.
@coachafella Says:
Anti-abortionists accomplish exactly the opposite of what they hope for: "Research by reproductive health think-tank Guttmacher Institute found that the most restrictive countries in the world see 37 abortions per 1,000 pregnancies, while the least restrictive record 34 per 1,000 (pdf, p. 4). In other words, abortion bans don’t curb abortions; they only eliminate the safest options. Further, the states and countries that present more challenges to abortion access typically offer lower access to contraception and sexual education, resulting in higher rates of unwanted pregnancies, and greater need for abortion services."
@hadara69 Says:
The obvious subtext of his “No-fault divorce” is that WOMEN should not be ABLE to divorce. There was a time when women were trapped in violent, abusive, horrific marriages due to these "Biblical" laws.
@mhc121 Says:
He looks very "Arian" 😒
@hadara69 Says:
"In every country and every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own." ~Founding Father *Thomas Jefferson,* in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814
@hadara69 Says:
"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism, they will abandon democracy" ~David Frum

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