Jordan Peterson Is Tweeting The WILDEST Stuff | TWITTER TRASH

Jordan Peterson Is Tweeting The WILDEST Stuff | TWITTER TRASH


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@SomeBlackGuy Says:
Go to for 15% off your order! Brought to you by Raycon.
@olivyae3057 Says:
I remember when you were riding hard for JP, and so was I. Glad we hopped off that train before it went off the clif
@etji1 Says:
Its abit of a difference between removing abit og forskinn and a big surgery that removes a big part of the chest or the hole reproductiv organ! People ho go through surgery can NEVER reproduce
@Azaryahu Says:
9:35 Circumcision is not mutilation. It does not hurt one's health or decrease one's quality of life. It has been found to improve it. It's not a violent disfiguring injury on the male genital unlike trans surgery.
@nobodyisprfct Says:
@SomeBlackGuy - Religious circumcision (body mutilation) is equivalent to completely changing gender? Which one is more supported by you? What influence do parents have in gender Dysphoria? Is gender Dysphoria based on stereotypes? Is procrastination important for all species on earth to survive? Is gender Dysphoria an encouraged mental illness? Research Eric Maison and his daughter, Corey, transitioned from their birth gender after realizing together that they are transgender. Not the father limited interviews the fact that the 3 older daughters have no gender Dysphoria so far and the mother according to interviews always wondered what it would be like to be a man. Does this wonder dictate actual xx or xy identity? It requires pharmaceutical drug's and plastic surgery to manipulate individual body and others. How do you define self harm and is self harm good? Is removing a ward or cancer the same to you as removing as changing what is real tonwhat isnt real? Is your argument concerning hypocrisy or his or her body and his or her right? I doubt you have read Agenda 2030 by the U.N. . Assuming you are against under age sex. How do you see the future of laws that allow children to choose gender at any age? How do you see sex between an adult ages 20, 30, 40, 50 having sex with ages of 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 males or females if they consent? The reason or point behind question is that some people who approve of someone under the age of of 18 is allowed to make a choice of sex change that it is also true that sex with adults is ok as well. That if there is no difference between 18 and 17 there must be no difference between 17 and 16, or 16 and 15 etc....... is this also your stand? Spain about 15 year ago raised the age of concent or marriage from 14 to 16 i believe in some states concent or marriage is set at age 15.
@nobodyisprfct Says:
Articles as follows - BBC " China jails 'gene-edited babies' scientist for three years", BioSpace " Is CRISPR in use to Create China Super Soldiers?" , Science org " With its CRISPR revolution, China becomes a world leader in genome editing", Technology review " EXCLUSIVE: Chinese scientists are creating CRISPR babies" , " The First Chinese Edited Babies: A Leap of Faith in Science" by Vera Lucia Raposo published 2019. If actual study was accomplished by ordinary complainers. Vice " China Is Engineering Genius Babies"
@GamePlayMetal Says:
People making excuses for circumcision is genuinely disgusting.
@AaronJLong Says:
Circumcision is 100% genital mutilation. I'm asexual, but it is not uncommon for asexuals in romantic relationships to engage in sexual activity with their partners. One can have no personal desire for sex, but do it anyway because it makes the person they love happy which in turn makes them happy. Well, I'm cut, and clearly I don't have as much sensation as I'm supposed to, because it is normal for even asexuals to wank and I was in my 20s before I was able to pull even that off to completion. Despite my lack of sex drive I would like to share something special with my partner, but not even the blue pills have helped. There's other treatments I haven't tried yet, but they are expensive. I wonder often how different things would be if my genitals hadn't been mutilated at birth because of religious beliefs that I don't even follow? Would I be able to share physical intimacy with my partner without the need for medical intervention? Would fapping be easier and more satisfying? Would I have developed a sex drive? I'll never know, but I wish that modifications hadn't been made to my perfectly healthy genitalia without my consent. People really do be judging adults for getting surgery to change the shape of their privates after consulting with psychiatric specialists, then have the doctors cut off part of their newborn son's junk because of religion and/or tradition. It's so normalized in our society that people who speak out against it are often the butt of jokes. Imagine explaining to a developed, secular society that had never heard of it before that there is a country where most people cut off part of the penis of newborn boys not because of some medical abnormality but it started out as a kind of sacrifice of human flesh to please their God and to this day while many still do it for religious reasons some people that don't follow the religion still do it because of tradition or they feel compelled to do it because it is normal there. Also, the procedure is extremely painful and done without anesthesia because the babies aren't developed enough to remember the procedure, and this is used as an excuse for why it should be done to infants instead of waiting until the person is old enough to decide if they want the procedure done. On top of that, the procedure occasionally goes wrong leading to permanent damage (on top of that caused intentionally) that can even be so bad that the entire penis, that originally had nothing wrong with it, has to be removed. They would think that perhaps we were talking about a violent, superstitious civilization that has a totally messed up healthcare system and probably doesn't even have the wheel or written language yet. And while they would be right about the first three parts, they may be surprised that we are a developed country that has been to the moon and back several times. And the whole cleanliness aspect is a joke. I may not get much use out of my mutilated, barely-feeling micropenis, but I'll be damned if I don't keep that thing immaculate. Even between showers I clean my entire underwear area thoroughly twice a day with baby wipes, and wear athletic underwear. If you're into exercise, live in a hot and humid area, and/or have a very physical job you know that keeping things clean down there is important for more than just preventing stank, but vital for comfort and maintaining healthy skin. And it doesn't matter if someone is cut or not if they ain't keeping things clean down there nobody is going to want that anywhere near their orifices unless that is something that they are specifically into (I don't want to kinkshame anyone but if that is your thing please be aware of any potential health risks involved. I'd say use protection but that would probably defeat the purpose for someone into that so I guess make sure you have health insurance?).
@voidcowboy4327 Says:
Well how do you know that fat white dudes aren't getting milked by suction cups in China? Hmmmm?
@davidhoj Says:
They do have a similar look
@aloofraccoon667 Says:
If you think that this is wild, you should see his meltdown when sports illustrated had a plus’s size model at its cover😂
@cleanmikeandtheboys3165 Says:
Biggest L is for the people who treated Peterson as their messiah instead of discerning between good information and emotional outbursts.
@cleanmikeandtheboys3165 Says:
Oh shit new conundrum just dropped: is it CP if all the genitals are cut off?
@elcatrinc1996 Says:
Never ask a man his salary Never ask a woman her age NEVER ASK MATT WALSH WHAT IS A WOMAN
@punkyrockerz Says:
The poor guy is trying to save the world by himself
@cherrypopscile3385 Says:
Ah shit, Jordy got in the pill cabinet again
@averagejoe1659 Says:
Nah they are only reposting this to show normal peopel outside there echo chaimber. They are not doing so with any nafairious reasons. They are trying to draw attention
@whenpiratesattack Says:
It’s not too late to delete this, king.
@koalasandwich567 Says:
Honestly, Jordan Peterson is the only right wing figure I really feel sorry for, the rest of them just come across to me like shallow blowhards who just want attention and money
@wither5673 Says:
just get off the internet and get a hobby, do some art, knit some sweaters, paint some models....ANYTHING besides....what ever the fuck he is doing lol.
@whateverwhatever4026 Says:
First time I'll agree with Derrick in a while, and it's about circumcision of all things. But even then you can believe both are wrong for minors at the same time, and even still talk about one more than the other specifically because it's being pushed more by others....I don't know what Peterson has and hasn't said about it. He seems to avoid the topic because he doesn't want to needlessly divide. But IF he did support it, I'd bet it's religious reasoning. and wokism still is not an actual religion, no matter how many stupid people follow it like it is...
@whateverwhatever4026 Says:
JP definitely stole Derrick's girl...
@davidpalmer3790 Says:
Can’t believe I used to think you were rational. I don’t know if you changed or if I just originally misjudged you.
@HorusTortoise Says:
What’s problematic is cutting up children. Children don’t even know what they want to be when they grow up, the idea that permanently changing their gender is healthy is off the deep end.
@cod101wiiowenjaquithoj Says:
15 year olds taking Jordan Peterson as the gospel is the equivalent to having a bangs phase. Just purely tragic
@dbranch3r Says:
Mr Peterson was relevant when he started online then after all the 8 he became batshit crazy like a lot of people actually, like a lot of people on social media, he can't keep his ego in check, the need to be right about everything is plaguing a lot of previously rational people, and they became what they were supposidely fighting against "radicalisit"
@JoeCroninSHOW Says:
Hey BRO you should do a little PODCAST and throw it up on the PATREON and plug it could help the patreeon GROW audio form POD ~
@Dhavroch Says:
The Berlin topless thing is probably going to get creepy real fast though. Men can kinda suck
@13igorsm Says:
Based, circunsition is also genital mutilation. I Think that Basketball Peterson is just old.
@lllllMlllll Says:
Lose the imitation
@nbond1980s Says:
I like Jordan and agree with a lot of his stuff but I think he has fallen victim to his own ego and mental issues. He should quit social media but then again so should everyone else. It's cancer.
@TheNoparu662show Says:
*Michael Basketball Air Jordan Peterson
@victhevictor Says:
Dude's slowly killing himself with that carnivore diet
@charlesbackstrom6571 Says:
im so glad i was circumcised. i think it looks better and yes its easier to clean. i also wish i had no ass hairs because that would be easier to clean too. in fact id like more things to make personal hygene easier and more convenient. like removable teeth so i can wash them at night like dentures.
@ItsJustMe0585 Says:
I agree with most of the stuff you put forth here. I just wanted to say one response: I HATE the whataboutism with sexual augmentation surgery for minors vs circumcision. Circumcision is wrong, through and through, and should be made illegal, BUT it's NOT the same thing. Circumcision does not essentially make you sterile. Bottom surgery ensures you cannot naturally have kids of your own. That is not a choice that we should be entrusting to child that cannot think so far ahead rationally. We don't allow minors to smoke, drink, sign a financial contract, rent car, marry or join the military (except in some states with parental consent but that's still viewed by most as a disgusting and archaic law), for good reason. They are too young and irresponsible/irrational to make wise choices on things that have long-lasting future impacts. We even state as a society that they cannot consent to sex because they are too young to realistically understand the ramifications. That said, we shouldn't view transition surgery in any other light. Once you chop those bits up, they don't grow back... even after reversal, they are still unusable. There's also argument against puberty blockers. My best friend is Trans and she has stated that if you do not grow your male genitalia fully, your sexual organs post-op may not be of the correct size to be functional, and you may have issues having organism. That is far worse than any circumcision. Is the fulfillment of having the correct junk for your teenage years worth a lifetime of potential celibacy or being infertile? Look, we should totally support our children's rights to be who they want to be and act out their truths, as long as it does not hurt others, but we should draw the line somewhere, and I think making puberty blockers and surgery illegal on minors is a totally legitimate line. Once 18, I think all insurance should cover the surgeries and we should have proper legislation against malicious discrimination against trans folks.
@MrYEETman9820 Says:
Honestly posting shirtless pictures of minors when you have absolutely zero relation to is kinda weird in general LMAO. JP is crazy
@drewnye8054 Says:
BTW circumcision is not mutilation, it's like leftover skin it's the only part of the body that is like that so there is nothing to compare it to. I can't see it as hypocritical.
@drewnye8054 Says:
I mean you mock him but he's very intelligent and influential to all of people who want to better themselves. And it's just not misunderstanding transgender it's a fundamental truth that women are women and men are men it's not a crazy concept. I love your content man but your demographic is seeming to dwindle in intelligence and maturity.
@luciel3893 Says:
14:45 Jordan Peterson is by no means the smartest dude on the planet. I won't call him stupid either, but he frequently lets his own personal beliefs distort reality. An "intellectual" would educate themselves on a subject before forming an opinion. Jordan Peterson cherry-picks that part and only presents the facts that align with his personal beliefs.
@sageisnotaplant99 Says:
Benzos are scary, man. I accidentally got hooked on them when my doctor prescribed them to me for sleep. I had HORRIBLE withdrawals. So I empathize with him to an extent. But I think they’ve definitely messed him up. He’s been saying some crazy shit these days.
@respectfulgamer7232 Says:
I agree you gotta sopa your ass
@sethwilliams501 Says:
Uh oh god. I’m sorry I didn’t know that about washing my butt. I thought the body wash running down the crack was enough. I didn’t know my b I’m not disgusting on purpose.
@Cinocephalus Says:
1:28 Yoo Derrick, are you sure those Raycon are the only package being advertised here?.
@TragoudistrosMPH Says:
Weird to post a shirtless kid you think of that kid as a woman/girl... I never felt the need to look up trans surgery.
@TragoudistrosMPH Says:
Lol on the impression
@clownymoosebean Says:
I hope he makes a video of himself singing Rainbow Connection.
@mattcarman855 Says:
I haven't been watching your videos for a while (just bc I've been busy and haven't seen you in my YT feed). But I figured you went even further down the boring "I hate wokeness' path and let me dig my heels in even deeper to hate everything liberals do and captured by their audience. Like Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, Gad Sadd and others but it's be such an awesome discovery that you're more nuanced and funnier than ever...Keep it man, make fun of anyone who does stupid things from any side, there's so much to go around! Look forward future to your takes... Cheers!
@jaysway9251 Says:
“Up yours Woke Moralists” is always hilarious lol
@MoistCubicle Says:
Nimbered lol
@tonyjoel7910 Says:
This video is a whole reach damn lol. Keep your eyes closed and keep defending insanity then.

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