A message from the Project Veritas staff

A message from the Project Veritas staff


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@michaelp1999 Says:
Who exposed corruption got corrupted.
@governordog Says:
LOL look at that view drop off after this video. Smell you nerds later, Project Veritas is irrelevant now. Also why dont they directly go after Pfizer anymore. Really makes you think :)
@preludethomas1061 Says:
Congratulations you feeble idiots. This video literally activates the cringe reflex.
@phoisguud Says:
This is trash
@jbfreeman2762 Says:
So, you post the video of AOC, Nancy, and Joe discussing the Jan6 cover up and this is the boards answer. Seems like a lack of balls to me. Or are you just afraid now? Woke board, good bye project Veritas
@anagarcia1767 Says:
This is suspicious…
@nfcapps Says:
AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good riddance to bad rubbish! You den of vipers, you liars, you thieves. May all of you never work in media again. Retail seems more your speed. HAHAHAHAHA!
@OceanAce Says:
Brought to you by Pfizer
@issy2008m Says:
If this was true, you would have left with James! 😉
@ryanlehning556 Says:
@yootoobsuks4210 Says:
No James, no Project Veritas. And no more follow. I quit months ago, and I am still quit. FO!
@plasmaman9592 Says:
I'm unsubscribering! F the donors! I hope this fails without him! F the donors!
@Goibniu001 Says:
Bullshyte video. Unsubscribed. "O'keefe Media Group," people.
@ChrisS310 Says:
You can definitely tell when James left, if you go back and look at the amount of views his videos were getting versus now 😮
@sondradurmon4285 Says:
Bad choose
@trimeekeuqehart6688 Says:
What's crazy is you barely hear any real news from them anymore. Basically they were shut down. They should just put brought to you by Pfizer at this point.
@MycketTuff Says:
This is angled like he died You guys are sick
@andylaauk Says:
F PV. Have fun trying to sue James.
@andylaauk Says:
James O'Keefe founded PV. YOU ARE LIARS.
@disband_thebbc5933 Says:
"We no longer have a single ounce of integrity but we still still very much want your generous donations." Project Very Crass
@eattradetravel Says:
Total scam
@jasont822 Says:
Please come back you weren't fired and the door is open, if you don't come back we going to sue you for poor performance 😂
@auniversalwoman Says:
Why don't you all quit and go to James? A volunteer BOD shouldn't be able to oust the founder... weird James should sue to get his name back. Project Veritas was a great name.
@klarion Says:
I wonder how much money the board is going to get for sacking O'Keefe. At least we can all be assured the cowardly staff will get zilch.
@apogeedata Says:
And haven’t had a video even break 30k views😂since this post
@enjyn09 Says:
All of you that are still with Project Veritas can go to hell. For those of you who have not heard Project Veritas is suing James O'Keefe.
@pokeylope6108 Says:
Y'all are sueing him lmao, you didnt leave the door wide open, your board did a hostile takeover of the company, and none of you threatened to quit or striked for him. PV as a company now, cannot and willnot ever be trusted. The employees are two faced cowards, and the boards are a bunch of brown nosing instant gratification junkies.
@isaiahmarquez9717 Says:
You apparently have a mission to file suit against James now, huh? You guys are unbelievable. The BOARD is fucking this company.
@spyder2782 Says:
RIP pv nice try
@klarion Says:
Huh... Yea, no one did anything or didn't do anything... It was the result that dissapeared James from your company... What loosers composed that text? One minute he's there and then pooof ... things just resulted..
@klarion Says:
Losers. You should have put yourself on the line. It's what he would have done for you. Chumps
@klarion Says:
You should immediately quit and oust so called directors.
@klarion Says:
You are nothing without James. You will eventually be bought and coopted.
_You stand accused of _*_treason,_*_ you offer no good reason_ _You are a bloody liar, yours is the stake of fire_ _Say you are innocent, but you be caught and spent_ _And now you pay the price, for avarice, your vice_ _Intrigue your sole desire, you sell your wife, your child_ _You sell your oldest friends, you sell your countrymen_ _And yet we know your name_ _TRAITOR! TRAITOR!_ - Motörhead
@knight3253 Says:
This video is sad man just came by the channel to see what this decaying rotting back stabbing corrupt place has become. This video is i needed to see. I'm moving on
@gigachud666 Says:
You are doomed.
@JesseALwood Says:
Rip pv. OMG forever.
@JesseALwood Says:
Rip pv. OMG forever.
@whywouldi931 Says:
fire the board and bring james back. until then im out
@xycap8351 Says:
@republitarian484 Says:
Came here once again to read all the comments denouncing what you did to James O'Keefe.
@DM-zs8go Says:
Project veritas has been co-opted by the elites because O’Keefe was getting too close to them.
@markoplixo Says:
OMG Haha PV lost.
@mikealext Says:
hahahaha your viewership has tanked,
@basilrazzle6118 Says:
Bye bye
@morbidjedi3102 Says:
When are you going to change your name to Project Pfizer? Ya'll are no better than fox news or any other liberal media. I hope big pharmas d was worth your destruction.
@douglasmackallor Says:
Smells like a cover band aiming to play at junior high schools.
@nodescriptionavailable3842 Says:
Really jumping the shark when it comes to treating your audience like idiots, this aint cnn lol Might as well be TYT now.
@matthewyoung7246 Says:
@matthewyoung7246 Says:
🖕🖕 James or nothing. You are lying, period!

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