100-Year-Old Woman SPEAKS OUT Against Florida Book Bans

100-Year-Old Woman SPEAKS OUT Against Florida Book Bans


A 100-year-old woman in Florida spoke out against the book bans happening in Florida. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Watch more HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyWTgE6kg1A *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ? https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ? http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ? http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ? http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ? http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ? http://www.twitch.com/tyt ???? Merch: http://shoptyt.com ? Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go ???? Website: https://www.tyt.com ????App: http://www.tyt.com/app ???? Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ? https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ? https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ? https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ? https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230323__TB02Books




@eratoisyourmuse659 Says:
"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less." Marie Sklodowska-Curie
@texasmurphy7088 Says:
Nobody does cancel culture like right-wing evangelicals. They wrote the damn book on it.
@Jo-yp8wy Says:
Guess who else banned and burned books? Jfc.
@andrewwilks5155 Says:
@suzannebennett8987 Says:
FDR also said, to the patrons, students, and teachers of American schools: Let us take note, as we again observe American Education Week throughout our Nation, that education in our democracy teaches the practice of reason in human affairs. I refer not only to education that may come from books. I include education in fair play on the athletic field and on the debating platform; I include education for tolerance through participation in full, free discussion in the classroom. Practice in the scientific method by our young people may be more important than learning the facts of science. From kindergarten through college our schools train us to use the machinery of reason; parliamentary practice; the techniques of cooperation; how to accept with good grace the will of a majority; how to defend by logic and facts our deep convictions. This is education for the American way of life. Our schools also bring us face to face with men and women with whom we shall share life's struggles. In their lives and ours, struggle will never be absent; the struggle of every individual against the stream of life; the struggle and competition among individuals, groups, institutions, States, and Nations. To the resolution of conflicts and struggles of life, democracy supplies no easy answer. The easy answer, the quick but incomplete answer, is force; tanks and torpedoes, guns and bombs. Democracy calls instead for the application of the rule of reason to solve conflicts. It calls for fair play in canvassing facts, for discussion, and for calm and orderly handling of difficult problems. These vital skills we Americans must acquire in our schools. In our schools our coming generations must learn the most difficult art in the world—the successful management of democracy. Let us think of our schools during this American Education Week not only as buildings of stone and wood and steel; not only as places to learn how to use hand and brain; but as training centers in the use and application of the rule of reason. in the affairs of men. And let us hope that out of our schools may come a generation which can persuade a bleeding world to supplant force with reason. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT 32nd President of the United States: 1933 ‐ 1945 Statement on Education. October 02, 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt, Statement on Education. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/210119
@williamadebonojo3061 Says:
Grace has certainly honored her husband's memory by carrying on the fight for democracy that he gave his life for.
@OrganNLou Says:
@triciabrown1462 Says:
There is a pretty sexually violent part of The Kite Runner so I think it depends on the age. It’s a great, great book. I wouldn’t want my child to read it until he’s much older, though.
@georgettelewis5263 Says:
Some people are coming on here to call this old lady a groomer are that she's senile. There's something definitely wrong with you if that's the way you feel about her. I suggest you go show your mother this video and see what she has to say.
@zacktinayoutube Says:
Oldest Groomer Alive
@zacktinayoutube Says:
This lady doesn't even know where she is.
@TheOfficialTarynTots Says:
Go Grace! You know it had to be hard for her physically to go there but she is clearly a determined woman to stand up for what she believes in. 👏🏻
@alicemonsell1352 Says:
People who are being controlled thru fear also vote for the politicians who create the public fear, which would not even exist if it weren't for some politicians who are using terrorist tactics. Make the people so afraid that they will be afraid not to vote for you. Keep the voters believing you will save them from these terrible things...But books are not terrible things, what is terrible is the fear mongering. You are put in a situation of fear. People are afraid of everything these days. Who or what is making you afraid of a book? Try not watching the fear mongering politicians, or fear mongering news programs for a week. And soon you will find there is no reason to fear. Why should anyone be afraid of a book? Did you even read it? Who is telling you to be afraid and what will they get by making you afraid? Don't let history repeat itself, don't let people tell you to be afraid. We shouldn't believe politicians who treat us like children.
@alicemonsell1352 Says:
@Kyosanym Says:
Amazing! Think of all the things she lived through. So much history.
@fire-4-effect Says:
Amen. Thank You!! This is what happens when you elect Saddam Hussein as your governor. When they came to power, the first thing the Taliban did was ban books; and they ended schools for girls.
@mjlesq Says:
Make sure Book Banning Committees have African Americans and American Indians on them. So that they can remove all books that are offensive and makes Black and Indian Children feel bad...
@MidnightRambler Says:
That Biden's mistress?😅 YTs is God awful
@jaraemcknight9721 Says:
But THEY voted him in, suck it up
@louisehancock324 Says:
It seems some parents, school and government officials want children to be ignorant to the changing world around them and unable to deal with life after leaving their parents homes. What happens when they enter college or get a job and have to deal with people that are not a mirror of them. I am a senior citizen raised in a small, racist town and reading all types of books opened my eyes to the world. Reading helped teach me that I was worthy and as able as the next person to succeed and most of all taught me tolerance. Reading still is a big part of my life. God Bless this lovely lady.
@lobopix_ Says:
*_Research indisputably shows that ordinary Americans are not nearly so divided the way they are being constantly portrayed by the media._* You are no doubt aware that *anger, fear and division drive engagement and advertising dollars and thus gives a wholly skewed view of what people really think.* Very few people are stoking all this chaos but they have very loud and very persistent voices and they deliberately trigger the most sensitive to expand their reach. What ordinary people actually think has been the life's work of researcher Dr Todd Rose. His range of questions seek to get answers about how people - regardless of age, gender, income, race, geography and education - can burst the confines of what he calls *Collective Illusions* (also the name of his book). For your bubble-bursting edification Rose's video is well worth 15mins of your (yes, depleting) time if you are tired of the dangerously disruptive chaos that *_so few are fomenting and perpetrating against the rest of us:_* *Psychologist debunks 8 myths of mass scale | Todd Rose* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD_Euf_CBbs&t=11s&ab_channel=BigThink There is also a website *Stand Together* [ https://standtogether.org ] which seeks to work with this research and bring people together. What this shows is that whilst the ‘Overton Window’ of DC, and party, politics may be heavily skewed to the right - _for most of the politicians of both ‘corporatised’ (corporately captured) parties_ - the ordinary “We the People” Americans’ views, and wishes, are slightly left of center. *Guess what, even the most reputable polls tend to show this.*
@erichgibbons5241 Says:
Wisdom True.Tru😎
@sylviarucker4658 Says:
They are doing their children what they tried and did for years to blacks. Karma is a inevitable. Your children will be illiterate because education hurts the wanna be powerful. Raise stupid and ignorant kids. Republicans love the uneducated. Our children will know the truth and the others will become what they wanted blacks to be. Poor children. Your own people are destroying you as they always have destroyed.
@patrickborunda4749 Says:
Republican idea of small government; So small it fits inside your bedroom.
@melaniejean85 Says:
Has anyone considered that the Judy Blume books, Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks story...these book bans are an extension of anti-feminism!? These books feature girls and women as the main characters. Why aren't you getting THIS point??
@Hazegod Says:
Books banned by Florida's Lake County: Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo by Jill Twiss. About a rabbit that meets another rabbit and they spend the day together, they decide to get married. A stink bug who is in charge of the community tells them that boy rabbits can only marry girl rabbits. The stink bug calls them different and tells them different is bad. The other animals stand up for the rabbits and tell them we're all different in our own ways. And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell. About two male penguins who take care of a egg together until it hatches In Our Mother’s House Patricia Polacco. About three adopted children and the love and devotion receive from their two mothers, it also showcases some of the challenges and discrimination they face as a family. Those were removed from grades K-3 for sexual orientation and gender identification Books banned in Orange County: Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe, a memoir that recounts the author's journey from adolescence to adulthood and the author's exploration of gender identity and sexuality, ultimately identifying as being outside of the gender binary. Let’s Talk About It by Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan, a graphic novel for teens covering things like relationships, friendships, gender, sexuality, anatomy, body image, safe sex, sexting, jealousy, rejection, sex education, etc This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson, a memoir about a young person coming to terms with her sexuality and having her first relationship. all three removed from Orange County school districts. Out of all of these books only one has any explicitly sexual content in it and is intended for mature teens. I wonder what it is about these books that makes the state of florida want to ban them.
@chilepleasestop9118 Says:
5:23 -- Damn. She knows first hand.
@jeffreybell4801 Says:
God bless Miss Grace and the sacrifice her husband gave to this country.
@gamer4ever512 Says:
Harry Potter being banned is a Christian religious thing.
@heatherdean101 Says:
It's not about banning books. It's about keeping inappropriate material out of kids hands. There's a difference. This is ridiculous. No one is trying to keep adults from reading material. It's disingenuous to suggest otherwise.
@SteepedlnStories Says:
I hope someone listens to her.
@lisdexia1 Says:
I think the term here would be "Old enough to know better" It's pretty simple law too. Impermissible Viewpoint Discrimination. Any public entity that practise book banning based solely on their point of view, personal feelings, beliefs or religion are openly infringing in the first amendment, the constitution, and speech laws meant to protect against tyranny. See case Monteiro v. Tempe Union High School District, 158 F. Supp. 2d 1097 (D. Ariz. 2001) or see case ACLU v. Library of Birmingham, 2:15-cv-02035 (N.D. Ala. 2016) The law is very clear and there is more than enough established legal examples to support both civil and personal lawsuits against any person or entity guilty of this practice under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, which allows individuals to seek damages for violations of their constitutional rights by government officials or entities.
@jawant6039 Says:
Her words should take precedence just because of her age? Does that mean we should give a damn about what a 100-yr old Donald Trump would say?
@jawant6039 Says:
Cenk she's your queen just because of a few statements she made on ONE issue? If you saw her voting record would you still say she's a queen? What about if you saw her opinions on gay marriage?
@jawant6039 Says:
How many illegal immigrants have you welcomed into your home Cenk? How about you Ana? Do any illegals live in those gated communities you Leftist airheads run to after taping of the show ends? Exactly. You don't live among the problems so you don't have the credentials to speak on how people who do live there should feel.
@lukegallagher353 Says:
So sad that she was manipulated into this. Florida is not banning books. Any book you want in Florida, you can get. They just won't be in school libraries. Just like playboys
@jawant6039 Says:
At her age gotta wonder if she was manipulated.
@drbonesshow1 Says:
Too bad her husband died before Playboy came out. She might have banned that in her house.
@TheLastLineLive Says:
I wish this lady was a great grandparent of mine.
@silverdamascus2023 Says:
You liberals have no ground to complain about this, you removed Dr. Seuss books from print, you changed Roald Dahl books, you removed Huckleberry Finn, you burned Harry Potter books, you boycotted Hogwarts Legacy, you removed Pepé Le Pew, you removed Apu, you took GTA V away from australian stores, you removed the native girl from Land O'Lakes, you removed the cop car from MultiVersus, you complained about cultural appropriation in Avatar, and many other things. And every time you did something like this, you blame shifted those who fought against this censorship saying they are the ones who are soft and whiny, not you, who wanted censorship in the first place, or used the excuse that private companies did it, even though back in my days that was still censorship.
@brushcreek42 Says:
I wonder if Grace has seen "Gender Queer" yet? I doubt it. I see Yahoo has removed all the sexual images from a search of "gender Queer". I wonder why? Is it because it's pornography?
@michaelhammersley9982 Says:
Grac÷, I applaud you .100 percent correct. Bless you for saying it .
@Asadkhan-nw1oz Says:
1984, sex scenes, rape fantasies, not appropriate for little kids.
@polemius01 Says:
This woman is AWESOME!
@capedeh8225 Says:
i am not murican, but i lived there once upon a time, and when non murican talk about the cancel culture they always think its the right who did it, i cant blame them, the murican right wing are literally burning books just like nazi and actually many of them are a member of neo nazi when i explain to them the cancel culture that people mock is from the left wing, they got confused, because sure the left do cancel people too, but only for silly thing and unimportant matter, the left are annoying but thats just it, while the right cancel culture are literally deathly and potentially could ruin civilization, so i understand their confusion and totally agree the real cancel culture in murica is actually the right winger
@gypsy7818 Says:
LMAO because back in 1812 when she was a little girl they didn't have these kinds of books 😂😂😂🙄 lay down grandma lay down 👍
@jimjones3065 Says:
Libtards trick 100 year old woman: Florida bans porn for kids
@edward462 Says:
Of all those they fear the fear of Black equality and History are the one's they fear most.

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