@XAVIAERD DEBUNKS The Reparations Argument
@XAVIAERD DEBUNKS The Reparations Argument



@MegaKnight2012 Says:
We should be concerned about helping those stuck in present day slavery, not reparations for those descended from long dead slaves
@timothyluckey5020 Says:
Why should people who had nothing to do with slavery pay for people who were NOT slaves?!!!😮
@Gracie12753 Says:
@loneoaksurvival Says:
@adriotcwatts Says:
You sound white.. African should not pay tax
@PatrickF.Fitzsimmons Says:
there were 1000s of black slave owners so...
@Kastoraki Says:
And how that "only white paying compensation" is going to work? Whom is going to take such a compensation? Can somebody being blamed for what his ancestors allegedly did? What about a someone who is being white US citizen but only second generation of lets say Greek and Italian immigrants and of course not even his ancestors weren't involved in slave exploitation?
@QueenAleenaFan Says:
Daily reminder to anyone who thinks they are getting reps: they will push you into a higher income bracket, you will be taxed there for them, and you will make the same dumb financial decisions with more money that you did with less
@wraithTAS Says:
Many or most plantation owners had their homes burned and destroyed or lost their sons and fathers in the civil war. So they’ve already paid. In blood.
@jacklaker1939 Says:
If minorities are so privileged then why are they last in almost every single positive stats, for example average income, average net worth, literacy rates, etc
@nealscurry8787 Says:
What about Tulsa ?? What was MLK FIGHTING FOR?? And did your great great grandparents get their 40 acres and a mule ??
@DJC3PO Says:
There is slavery CURRENTLY ongoing in Africa RIGHT NOW! Never seem to hear the left crying about that CURRENT travesty.
@HmFood4Thought Says:
Just do what works, follow the data, and stop wasting the precious hours of our decline whining about a position on an issue rather than a demonstrable solution. Debate is better than nothing, but the noise of who gets how much of the imaginary pie is disorienting and distracting.
@HazeFrr-xp1ib Says:
What a British Cigarette 😂
@blueeyes3 Says:
❤ You are correct!
@Investedshawna Says:
Some people demand money just so they don't have to work.
@chensuen3973 Says:
Good, & you can blame the serbs who brought your ancestors here, the white fokes didn't.
Time to become Christian again, Stop woke and demonic ways
@omalley5005 Says:
No the real problem with reparations is the amount of black slave owners they don't want you to know about. Such as Antoine Dubuclet. The list is endless.
@austinwelch1282 Says:
Wouldn't call it a debunk, just an opinion.
@theoriginalmonstermaker Says:
Everyone in comments acting like someone actually came knocking at their door for reparations... why do you care what anonymous pit your taxes are lost into? You benefit from almost none of it. Id certainly rather try to fix the many ghettos across America than add another 0 to the end of some beurocrat's paycheck.
@Chris-wl1ng Says:
Courage, integrity, and truth. Grateful
@thohangst Says:
Locus of control. Fix it firmly inside yourself. It's kinda like waking up. I mean, it's waking up to the realization that you're your own worst enemy, but that's darn helpful information.
@GodBlessedAmerica Says:
I might be able to see the logic in Reparations ... IF slavery had been about Race. IF black people hadn’t owned and sold Slaves. IF white people hadn’t also been slaves. IF many of these slaves hadn’t been paid for their work how do you think they saved up to buy their freedom? Yes, they were often paid). IF many of the released slaves hadn’t been given property as ordered after the Civil War. IF i thought all slaves had been mistreated. IF it was possible to track down descendants of slaves and slave owners and ONLY involve those people. IF black people hadn’t been doing extremely financially well right after the War. But since none of that is the case, I dont see why anyone today should be forced to give money to anyone else.
@jcisthe1337 Says:
The alt left will cancel him
@aisecoohiocraft7337 Says:
The anti-racist
@kimberlyroberts4594 Says:
Half of my relatives didnt get here until after the Civil War and the other half fought in the Union Army. Remind me of how much money I owe. ???
@markpaulin884 Says:
What black people don’t understand is poor white people were treated the same way blacks were. It wasn’t about black verses white. It was about rich verses poor.
@VANESSA-h4u Says:
@michaelhansen2818 Says:
One of my Danish ancestors came over to this country as a slave, so does that mean I get reparations, or am I exempt because I'm white?
@lovealeesongchannel Says:
Say it!!!!
@JeremyBelpoisX Says:
Reparations have been paid. 750K soldiers and God-only-knows-how-many civilians.
@JeremyBelpoisX Says:
Reparations have been paid. 750K soldiers and God-only-knows-how-many civilians.
@JeremyBelpoisX Says:
Reparations have been paid. 750K soldiers and God-only-knows-how-many civilians.
@TammyMullins-tp5uf Says:
Well said
@ingarskrafts3813 Says:
Especially the white people who are imigrants after slavery ended and which many of them came from places where they themselves were oppressed. For example - those white imigrants runing away from communist regimes, they owe nothing to black comunity and in fact, BLM should appologize to everyone for reviving marxism again just the same way as neo-nazis should appologize for reviving nazism.
@billmeriwether605 Says:
I don’t believe in reparations I just don’t think anyone should pay me for relatives I lost fighting for slaves they never “owned”
@EagleArrow Says:
Finally, someone thinking clearly.
@bent540 Says:
democrats constant catering to minorities is anti democratic!
@ehudezra4610 Says:
The 1s who should pay reparations to Black Africans are the Arab states that most of them continued slave trade till the 1990s and some Arab states like Libya still continue slave trades, US treats Black Africans as citizens(yes racism does exists but White Supremacy not a mainstream racism in 2024, racism would always exist), then we'd talk about the US which in my opinion US don't need to pay reparations at this point White Christians have the moral clarity to feel bad about it Muslims seemingly don't, well as someone who grew up with an Arab father(though Jewish Arab so he wasn't nearly as violent) never once he took responsiblity for his violent actions against me when i was a child never apologized for the emotional abuse my mom had to go through bc of him
@KingPBJames Says:
I wish America had done real reparations right after desegregation so it would be final
@silentnight2292 Says:
Protect this man at all costs
@bethannhunt4695 Says:
Very well said. Thank you young man. Spread your word. ❤
@jbthatsfire Says:
He most definitely wrong about the reparations we deserve it because it's our white America owe us so pay up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@KimMartin1969 Says:
@oO-_-_-_-Oo Says:
Intelligence is a beautiful thing.
@JGDD7190 Says:
True be told most descendants of slaves are mixed. This means it was THEIR ancestors who were the slave owners, thereby making themselves responsible for paying reputations to themselves.
@lauraprincipato8079 Says:
Finally! A voice of reason

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