Has Therapy Gone Woke? | Real Talk | PragerU
Has Therapy Gone Woke? | Real Talk | PragerU



@jamie59685 Says:
I went to therapy regarding abuse from my female partner and got hit with 'The Deluth Model' which basically blames all the abuse on men. Yea its woke.
@mrpotatohead9441 Says:
The woke cancer is exactly that, a cancer on society. Why would anyone want anything to do with being woke.
@xPandemonium1 Says:
So sad... but what is the end game for pushing this mass brainwashing in ALL industries?
@angelfebus1732 Says:
“Therapy” (sitting on a couch indulging out loud how you feel while a psychoanalyst listens and takes notes) hasn’t only recently become “woke.” It’s been “woke” since its mainstreaming, potentially since its inception.
@andreathompson-bg4hl Says:
My mom made me go to therapy. The only thing I wanted to know was why my parents got divorced and my mom was a lesbian now. They told me something was wrong with me for asking those questions. That was in 1989. At home I was being beaten, neglected, and screamed at daily.
@martinvera4720 Says:
I had a coworker tell me that their friend was advised by a therapist to try having an open relationship with their husband after being cheated on. ☠
@untilvalhalla7854 Says:
When wasn’t it?
@AlanRoehrich9651 Says:
"Therapy" is "necessary" because leftist parenting and schooling has "raised" weak, damaged, broken children. Until we return to being a moral and religious people, as the author of the Constitution, John Adams said, and return to the patriarchal nuclear family, we will have a society populated by weak, damaged people, who inflict their troubles upon everyone else, including their children.
@genericwatcher2439 Says:
I had to get my wife out of therapy, my wife's therapist would constantly sabotage her. Finally I told my wife, I am not paying anymore, this woman is toxic. My wife has not been in therapy for about 6 months now and she is so much better. The more I study, the more I learn that most therapy is CRAP. Yes, some therapist are good and some people need it, but it has become over used.
@randythemitoman Says:
Falsely accusing a man is like throwing acid on a pretty young woman's face and disfiguring her for life.
@chrischamberlain5845 Says:
The irony of this video having a pervasive Better Help banner literally underlying this content...
@johnkennedy4023 Says:
Believe all women except Tara Reade. And the Oct. 7 victims.
@TimCline-z7w Says:
Therapy is just part of the plan to make Americans weak and stupid. It has always been a way to profit from weak people. Who has ever been helped by a therapist? I would think very few. Just a waste of time and money.
@tl43 Says:
Therapy has always been woke. Its whole point is to crush mens spirit get them in touch with their feminine side and turn them into cucks
@AwakeNeverWoke Says:
When our 30 year old son was a sophomore in college, he was called a rapist by his ex gfs roommate. He was her first. She broke up with him bc she found another man. Her roommate was crazy. Her roommate went to his job every day and yelled that he was a rapist. They broke into his dorm room. They waited outside of his classes and yelled, "There's the rapist."This harassment got so bad that his manager had to ban his ex and her roommate from going to his job. Eric also reported the break in and harassment to campus police. Finally, campus police went to talk to his ex-girlfriend, and she said he didn't rape her. That didn't stop her crazy roommate from telling everyone she met about Eric the rapist. The campus police finally intervened in that situation as well. They told her if she continued to stalk him and harrass him, they'd arrest her. She finally went away bc she flunked out of college. I can't tell you how many times I had to leave work and drive to his college 2 hours away. It was ridiculous. I even had to take him to the ER. He was under that much stress. I called his ex from the hospital and let her know how he was doing. She was at a pep rally with her new bf. Anyway, he went through a lot of girls after her. He's 30 years old, and he's been dating this girl for about 6 years. He wants to marry her, but something always comes up. This past year, she lost her grandmother. He's going to ask her on their anniversary. They met on New Years Eve.
@mr.s9783 Says:
Therapy has always been a bunch of crackpot degenerates thinking they understand the human psyche and people just blindly accept it as scientific fact. Look at Freud. Look at Albert Kinsey and John Money. The founders of modern psychology we a bunch of perverts and pedos.
@Eustace.h.plimsoll6625 Says:
“Has therapy gone woke?” You’re asking that now: in 2024? Where the hell have you been?
@TheSarahJane33 Says:
I went to a female Christian counselor with my ex husband to try and save our marriage. He was emotionally, physically and sexually violent. He committed grape on me. The counselor blamed me for it because I had some drinks and he lied. This is why MeToo exists.
@TheSarahJane33 Says:
Thank God for the Metoo movement and the eventual exposing of high profile criminals that couldn’t be touched before. Seems like a lot of men are uncomfortable with facing reality.
@markw999 Says:
"Therapy" has always been faddish, most of it is complete bunk, and a place where narcissists and manipulators find victims. Psychiatrist almost killed my ex-wife with pills. Very common, they just love the pills and prescribe without thinking of consequence. Stay away if you've got any sense.
@RanMouri82 Says:
It's been woke for years. Growing up in the 90s and needing therapy due to my broken home, I faced much of it.
@jamesmuir5452 Says:
Thank you for talking about this growing problem because we cant
@Normal-Lad Says:
All of you are so god damn ignorant
@billirons6277 Says:
The woke are mentally ill
@jello8467 Says:
Easy solution. Fire your woke therapist
@markdixon3915 Says:
Yet another Great AMA Fraud…
@bandit788 Says:
Yes, so many counselors are following WPATH made up recommendations!!!! They support gender identity ideology!!! Insanity!!!!
@nicholasdupont2468 Says:
Accused men just need to tell the authorities that they identify as a woman, then they'll have to believe them, too.
@Nomoreblahblah123- Says:
Yep. These demons are in the most sensitive places in society. I suppose having Cheswick in charge of defense is keen if you are in dreamland.
@deanamodeo4072 Says:
Has?? Been woke for ever. A little late with the video
@HvH909 Says:
It’s needed. The more crazy people, the more democrats.
@johnosborne1873 Says:
Praise God for PragerU, we’re losing a generation of men to liberal culture - we can’t afford to lose them
@ronbridges3933 Says:
For at least 30 years.
@doug6259 Says:
Therapists will be out of business anyway because everything that is abnormal is now being deemed normal.
@noskalborg723 Says:
The defense of false accusation is about defending weapons of criminality for shaking down or eliminating targets of their ire. Those defending false accusations from scrutiny are most likely in a political power cult. (See Ether 8: 14-16, 25) 14 And it came to pass that they all sware unto him, by the God of heaven, and also by the heavens, and also by the earth, and by their heads, that whoso should vary from the assistance which Akish desired should lose his head; and whoso should divulge whatsoever thing Akish made known unto them, the same should lose his life. 15 And it came to pass that thus they did agree with Akish. And Akish did administer unto them the oaths which were given by them of old who also sought power, which had been handed down even from Cain, who was a murderer from the beginning. 16 And they were kept up by the power of the devil to administer these oaths unto the people, to keep them in darkness, to help such as sought power to gain power, and to murder, and to plunder, and to lie, and to commit all manner of wickedness and whoredoms.
@simonm7133 Says:
My sister studied psychology and psychotherapy in the nineties in the UK and it soon became apparent that she had to follow certain narratives politically and disagreeing was frowned upon. My sis felt she was being brainwashed. She completed the course to get her degree but was rather disillusioned.
@MsAllison Says:
Yes! The entire field is woke. From graduate programs to continuing education courses to maintain licensure have such a woke agenda that it’s discouraging for those of us who refuse to take part in this culture to practice. In grad school many years ago I was treated like a pariah and called out for not being liberal minded. In this woke agenda, men are not allowed to be masculine anymore and women are encouraged to be dominant snd aggressive . When gender affirming therapy began its uprise, I refuse to treat those with gender dysphoria. I used the “I’m not specifically trained in this area” to get out of it. Then more and more governing bodies were penalizing psychologists and therapists for not offering gender affirming treatment I decided to get out. While not a requirement in my state, (yet) I can’t imagine that it won’t be with time. I took an early retirement and opted not to renew my license this last go round. In a nutshell, this woke agenda harms far too many. The profession is now suffering and those struggling with mental health issues will suffer all the more. Common sense ain’t so common.
@LWilkes Says:
"Believe all women" only applies to women accusing Republicans. I learned that when feminists almost universally stood behind Bill Clinton and Hillary went after his accusers. It was shocking to me. I was naive.
@MsAllison Says:
Yes! The entire field is woke. From graduate programs to continuing education courses to maintain licensure have such a woke agenda that it’s discouraging for those of us who refuse to take part in this culture to practice. In grad school many years ago I was treated like a pariah and called out for not being liberal minded. When gender affirming therapy began its uprise, I refuse to treat those with gender dysphoria. I used the “I’m not specifically trained in this area” to get out of it. Then more and more governing bodies were penalizing psychologists and therapists for not offering gender affirming treatment I decided to get out. While not a requirement in my state, I can’t imagine that it won’t be with time. I took an early retirement and opted not to renew my license this last go round. This woke agenda harms far too many. The profession is now suffering and those struggling with mental health issues will suffer all the more. Common sense ain’t so common.
@adolfkudlinski Says:
Smart conversation. Thank you <3
@BlckJack123 Says:
Dr. Carmichael makes a great point about leftists. They can't even entertain the possibility that they are wrong on ANYTHING with men being falsely accused simply being an example of this mindset.
@wcooman1694 Says:
@janeyrevanescence12 Says:
Does anyone want to bet that most of these therapists are bitter cat ladies who want to be in a relationship but are so filled with misandry that they take out their anger or frustration out on the clients?
@andyb.1643 Says:
Therapists no longer help to change negative behavior, instead they help justify negative behavior. Remember, kids, a cured patient is a lost patient.
@AussieBob999 Says:
Woman dont only have the ability to lie, they are born liars and only the few dont utilise that genetic 'skill'.
@Allen-southplainsgolfguy Says:
Woke therapy has really damaged my daughter. I pray the LORD will turn her around.
@darylhoskins919 Says:
Years ago I saw my ex's therapist as I was having some difficulty with the situation. I learned two things, 1 do not see another family members therapist for they are already biased.2 this therapist was more interested in what I could do for my ex financially than in helping me. I did not make much money back then and to pay for this therapy cost me dearly. Moral , therapists are humans who are just as biased as everyone else. I learned a valuable lesson during that time, rely on yourself as a male for no one else really cares.
@gdprsn Says:
The side that calls them selves against hate are the most hateful.
@csibiz Says:
she should make public that email who published the flyer and the name of the (whatever occupation he has🙄) make his name known
@dakotagear8439 Says:
Happens so often these days, especially now that gen Z women are entering the workplace

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