Netanyahu THREATENS Lebanon With "Suffering Like We See In Gaza"
Netanyahu THREATENS Lebanon With "Suffering Like We See In Gaza"



@Bad.Pappy.Official Says:
At least he’s honest. 🇮🇱✊
@zoukaaelmirchamma53 Says:
Shameful !!!! natanyahu is a terrorist !!!!!!!
@rachelputney5243 Says:
Your very 1st sentence says it all! This is the beginning of the new world order going into effect. One flag.
@yotam57 Says:
Anna, you were wrong: On 8 October 2023, Hezbollah started firing guided rockets and artillery shells at Israeli positions in the occupied Shebaa Farms, which it said was in solidarity with Palestinians following the Hamas attack on Israel and beginning of Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip. This was before Israel started its military operation in Gaza.
@AnonymousA-hm7iv Says:
Satanyahu is the Hitler of Israel.
@MadEnergy-j7m Says:
Israel always wanted to attack Lebanon. However, Israel is not capable of fighting a hot war with Iran and the United States isn't either. I don't think this is going to be as catastrophic as we thought before.
@gdvadventours5512 Says:
Dear Anna your views and outlook in life was change because of one instance involving a homeless guy.Yours is not "life threatening" at all and here you are Preaching how Evil this Netanyahu guy just because he is saying what would happen if Hezbollah keeps firing thousands of Rockets missiles and drones into Israel.My question to you is: What change could happen to your views if you come close to being r@pe or Unalive by the very same person you have fiercely defended?
@בנילוי-ו2ק Says:
bla bla bla lies lies lies
@mikesamman1990 Says:
Why are you stealing Lebanon‘s water supply Diverting rivers to Israel? You boof head
@Jefrizal-cp8po Says:
F U Bibi n the zionist regime. Israel Diaper Farce ! Fcking cowards want to play combat.
@Kepenger Says:
thief, shame on you who want stole people land
@adish7275 Says:
You are ridiculous. Lebanon by Hizballa has been firing thousands of rockets into israel for a year!!! You guys are laughabel.
@Fanouriou Says:
When Netanyahu says he wants to leave lebanon as a country of tranquility I believe him. Wether lebanon supports hezbollah or notyou better believe netanyahu wants to leave the country an empty void.
@DandadaDandadaDandadaDan Says:
His sacrificials started with his own citizens and the other young people from many different countries by not taking any security measures around an international music festival which took place just 4.000 meter near Gaza border. It continued by not using any drones to punch a couple of holes on the parachutes while they slowly glided into their airspace. Not activating any air or ground defence system might be an error which caused by Yemeni hackers that hacked all their militaristic electronic system.
@samchaddoud9695 Says:
Please explain to me how Hez and Ham started this conflict? Please also explain to me how it's ok to Bomb innocent civilians unarmed civilians. Bomb hospitals schools ambulance refugee camps rape innocent men And kid's whom are being held in prison camps without being charged Of anything wrong doing. Please explain to me how a occupier can have the right to keep doing this Genocide. Are you out Of your mind. Seriously you need to start doing more research into this before I bother to reply to your nonsense.
@Aebib Says:
He’s a psychopath !!!!!
@toadsauce8091 Says:
If your neighbor attacks you they are declaring war. If you don’t want your country destroyed don’t attack your neighbor unless you can win. Pretty simple stuff.
@graemeharper765 Says:
Where did all these soldiers hide on oct 7th
@RockdownPlus Says:
Lebanon and Middle East, the only thing that Ana remains left wing about, for now.
@JohnAdams-1 Says:
I believe she has great boots
@j.c.a.1101 Says:
Wow!😱Did just a Netanyahu order the Lebanese people, a sovereign people, to follow his command? This is just insane. Next Netanyahu will wage “limited” strikes in Jordan, Egypt, Syria and probably Turkey. Wake up Egypt and Jordan.
@kingsleybrown7622 Says:
And by the way where did Santanyahu broadcast that message from…a bunker in New York, paid for by AIPAC?
@Rubee-m9q Says:
@ShafiqIsmail-vy9lf Says:
You can take that word and shove it deep open your eyes
@oriatias105 Says:
Another bait report. He's clearly saying hezbollah will drag lebanon into a similar fate if they (civilians and gov) don't fight back against the regime. But cool, keep pretending to be honest reporters
@sirazgazi8070 Says:
Turkey can take a bold move against evils 😂😂😂😂
@adamhg7040 Says:
What a horrible imaginary sad world this Lesly whatever his name is senator lives in to say that the people in Gaza are the most radicalised people on earth He is disgusting The people in Gaza and all of Palestine live under the boot of the truly most radicalised regime Take a look at Israel’s statements and actions from the PM to the lowest ranking soldier, to normal Israelis and media journalists, they are genocidal they are racist they are incredibly extremists And the unprecedented horror and destruction and terror that Israel inflicted for 76 years and especially this last year are only possible because of the usa and the west who is almost equally as radical How disgusting it is to even give these senators platforms to speak They should be jailed
@gmh471 Says:
As always, TYT misrepresents what Netanyahu said. But, I get it. Hezbollah can shoot thousands of rockets at Israel (towards her citizens, not military bases) and Israel should just sit still and be quiet.
@herah2 Says:
I guess how much money she gets to spill all these lies.. even the people in Lebanon are happy that Israel is fixing their rotan issues.
@lig85 Says:
@sarfarazzubdavi9731 Says:
There is no difference between Israelis and Nazis, both are same.
@sarfarazzubdavi9731 Says:
Satanyahu must bring to justice
@Taryag-s9j Says:
Same play, different day. Arabs continue to advertise themselves as "victims" of a war they started in 1948 in which they ended up losing badly (when they could have opted for peace instead). Fast forward to Oct 7th. The Arabs massacred Israeli civilians and took civilian hostages and advertise themselves as "victims" in commemorating Oct 7th. Same play, different day.
@SeanThompson-qp2wn Says:
Israelis have turned into Nazis.
@rdaleyj1 Says:
Ana Kasparian believe this or not but there will be a day of reckoning for everyone and everyone will be judged and given reward for their works whether our works be good or bad, but nobody will get away with anything forever. We love precious people such as yourself who do care about this.
@rdaleyj1 Says:
Ana Kasparian you are so precious and I do thank God for your honesty and accuracy in reporting news.
@RafikKhan-ol4zk Says:
This got nothing to do with Hamas or 7th Oct or Iran or Yemen or Hezbollah the plan of these Zionist And Israel is to kill the Muslims in those countries and steal there land USA is behind this war INFACT usa Is behind this war
@jasont9468 Says:
You don't believe in hell but we do.they is a hell
@Walter-x1j Says:
Hey Ana, if there are any “innocent human beings”, you are not one of them.🤣
@Walter-x1j Says:
Ana is barking on the Jewish state…
@chengal2002 Says:
Satanyahu, USA & NATO allies are stealing this world. Because of them every country wants weapons. Spending more money on weapons. We common civilians want better & peaceful life.
@abdulrahmanabdullah2629 Says:
Free your country from Hezbollah? I thought your enemy is HAMAS? Hamas.. the organisation you create, and now Hezbollah? In which from what I understand is the one that defend aLebanon and those that defend Palestine people. After this, what?
@erikbenezra4369 Says:
I didn't take you for a Lala land resident Ana, you do understand that peace is a privilege and not the default situation right?
@dinlpn45 Says:
another cry atempt of terrorists lovers
@nadinenadine9739 Says:
👹👹👹speach !
@איציקדבורה-ר5מ Says:
IDF is the most moral army in the world!!! All those that think that hamas or hizballa there inocent just hate israel
@Djimbe Says:
Every Argument for the IDF Massacres (Pass It On, and Add to it): ~"Why Would You Attack On October 7th knowing that Israel would retaliate violently?' - because they were being held as Slaves and slaughtered slowly in a virtual Media Blackout. Sometimes you have to cut off a limb to save the whole. They were all going to be killed anyway. Are you literally asking "Why Fight Back?"??? Should they have spent that "Billions Of Dollars" on buildings and public works for the Israelis to flatten with bombs of just use themselves after "Mowing The Lawn" until no grass remained ~'But Hamas' Original Charter says "The Complete Destruction of Israel" so its ANTISEMITIC! Its GENOCIDAL!!' Firstly the Charter has been revised and no longer says this - can there be no evolution? What does the CURRENT charter say? Do you still judge children by their unevolved selves? Secondly Israel as it is is an Identitarian Supremacist state that does NOT have the right to exist in its current form. ~'Hamas is cowardly for using their resources to build tunnels and weapons to defend their liberation fighters' So, let us get this straight... Its BRAVERY when you use your donated weapons and air superiority to carpet bomb all civilian targets population from behind the safety of your Apartheid walls, use White Phosphorus on urban areas, and Snipe children all basically by remote control - but its COWRDLY to go underground to hide from their Drones and Carpet Bombing? And its the fault of the VICTIMS that the whole population cannot live underground??? ~"history did not start on Oct 7th" means that the IOF and the Settlers have been involved in a Mediaeval Siege War against a captive Population for DECADES and treating them like cattle to be slaughtered and test War Toys on. Mowing The Lawn is not new, and nor is the number of Israeli snipers killing children, doctors, and aid workers. ~"On October 7th Hamas killed..." Sabra and Shatila massacre: 3500 Palestenian women and children slaughtered in 5 hours time after tricking the men into leaving by promising that their families would be safe. ~'But The Arabs turned down"Peace Deal After Peace Deal"' - The options of Self Determination. Fredom of Travel, and Sovreignty have NEVER been offered. The olny "DEAL offered is to silently be Israeli Vassals or Slaves. This is not PEACE - it is only SUBJUGATION. ~"On Oct 7th you klilled CIVILLIANS at a MUSIC FESTIVAL!!!" except that there are no adult Israeli civillians in the "raver" age group. Mandatory conscription, remember? Every adult in your society should be considered a combatant. Being "off dity" ios never an excuse for any Arab that you want to Assasinate, is it? How can a society that blows up whole apartment blocks and refugee camps to get one combatant not get the Irony here? ~'Its the Palestinians FAULT that they were born into a slavish Apartheid and that the IDF and Setters were slaughtering then ALL THOUGH 2023. HOW DARE they fight back and get sick of being slaughtered!' ~When we Slaughter you for Generations and then you group up to defend yourselves from us YOU ARE the TERRORISTS!!! How DARE you not let us keep killing you and taking your land??? ~NO accounting for all of the unprovoked Israeli slaughter BEFORE 10/7/23. The indigenous ppl should just take all of the "Grass Mowing" INFINITELY - as THEY possess NO 'Right To Self Defense. ~"we would respond the same way" yes, you have slaughtered and genocided in every western country in your example, you actually thought that argument was in your favor! The "Worse Has Been Done Before" argument, AKA "The Dresden Defense" - this is ACTUALLY demonstrating what your true principles are. ~"they use Human Shields" - says the sick society that has located Mossad HQ downtown and Armories in every Kibbutz, and forced conscription for all adult citizens. Every Israeli adult is a combatant by the rules Israel applies to Arabs, and all of their children are Human Shields. ~ 'They deserve it because they voted for Hamas/HezB'allah AND they wont overthrow them!!!' It takes considerable Chutzpah to come from a Colonialist society that murdered MILLIONS in the so-called "War On Terror" and started the Afghan Heroin Trade and destroyed EVERY SINGLE liberal Democracy in Western Asia and North Africa (based AGAIN on the word of Emperor Bibi) to claim that Collective Punishment is acceptable and that it is okay to mow down a populace because they do not want to live under your thumb and give you their Labor/resources for free. Bush killed MILLIONS, as did Obama. By this all Americans could suffer and Die? "@JohnSmith-jg5qd 2 days ago (edited) Using per capita to say that Nov7 was 12X as bad as 9/11 made me lose a lot of respect for you and this channel. That is a ridiculous way to look at it. Israeli lives are not more valuable than Americans or anyone else simply because they are a smaller country. And if we were to apply per capita to all deaths fairly, it would turn out that Israel is deadlier and full of more killers than nearly any other country. Probably more than 12X as deadly as America." ^And that was true LONG before 10/7/23^
@TheHumanitarian23 Says:
America laughs as Natenyhu carpet bombs the entire Middle East. I guess Middle East will be as Bush says, blown back into the Stone Age, so tt America can now bring some more Democracy. When will ppl elect useful leaders?
@שמעוןפרנסקי Says:
Israel has no ability to protect its residents with short-range missiles...that's why it occupies territory temporarily...a blind or hypocrite and a coward thinks otherwise

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