I noticed something very odd about this Kamala Harris photo...
I noticed something very odd about this Kamala Harris photo...



@phillipschneider1965 Says:
Well I have read or listen to all this bullshet . Why well she let out that the democrats believe all the citizens are illiterate and believe we are all sheep. Well people are looking into other means of getting information besides the lying media lies seem to catches up to you and it has its own terrible bite.
@bobmoto3528 Says:
Yes she is change. Loose change jingling around a pocket.
Like the cartoon
@beloved-child Says:
Come on stop...its 90 miles from here....? That coming from our "prez"? They fly a jet 20 miles to a golf game...... Sickening
@gregoryperreira6445 Says:
The puppet blew her cover.
@venceboy Says:
looks like a muppet on legs
@MisanthropicTimeSlipperz Says:
And hurricane milton is gonna be just as bad. Same response from the government..... nothing.
@traphikonthehourtv Says:
1:48 are those mountains in the background? Isn’t the White House in the middle of the city? Shouldn’t there be buildings instead?
@paulbetka6477 Says:
@TheHortonOfficial Says:
Also, has anyone noticed CNN is actually reporting the news? They are slowly but surely actually playing both sides and not just a mouthpiece for Democratic propaganda. Obviously they’re already known for fake news, but it looks like they’re FINALLY realizing the Democratic Party has turned their station into a laughing stock and if they keep supporting this shit they’re gonna lose ALL credibility. They’ve already lost ALOT. PLUS, they’re setting themselves up for a second Trump term. How well will they be received when Trump gets elected? Just a thought. I’ve just been seeing a lot of positive Republican rhetoric actually making it to the air lately.
@TheHortonOfficial Says:
When are they gonna start reporting about Kamala on DRUGS. That clip is PROOF!! I’ve been saying it for months!!!! She’s on some sort of muscle relaxer or pain killer. I DON’T KNOW WHY NOBODY IS NOTICING THIS OR ARE THEY JUST NOT REPORTING IT? Her constant cackling, slurry, word salad are immediate flags!!!!
@kimcordell6402 Says:
These people don’t care about optics or what they look like to the public. They cheat so they know no matter what they do or in this case don’t do they don’t care because they think that they will win anyways!
@kenmillerhope2330 Says:
Worst president and vice president ever... Trump 2024
@rubenverheij4770 Says:
:::::::::: 4:06 Clearly a sign of narcissism: 'Yes,.. give me attention!! All of it!!'
@Dudestar99 Says:
If Kamala puts her hands on her ears, she hears the ocean.
@cliffterrell4876 Says:
Kommiela only cares about how she will build her communist utopia. She dont give a damn anout American citizens. She is the classic dictator.
@Pengochan Says:
The result when even the highest government positions become participation trophies for "Diversity".
@malvoliosf Says:
4:37 “her predecessor”? Mike Pence?
@zbelair7218 Says:
They railed on Trump for *YEARS* for golfing on the weekends....y'know a game that takes a few hours to complete....but, last I checked, Biden has spent nearly 1 entire year, in total, vacationing at Rehoboth Beach during his presidency......and where is he while people are literally drowning in their own homes? At the beach. He doesn't care. He doesn't think he needs to because he's done, he dropped out of the running months ago. He considers himself a lame duck already and it shows.
@zbelair7218 Says:
They were trying to recreate that Obama photo and, like everything else Kamala tries......it failed.
@HaiteLibbies Says:
Come on Man. They get $50 more than the people in Maui, if they qualify 😂😂😂
@theswampfisher3253 Says:
She doesn’t even look like she’s working. I’m being serious about it. Looks like a college student like oh I gotta get past this.
@DrEgonCholakian Says:
Everything she does comes off as super fake and staged
@Wildturkey10121 Says:
Hey is you acted like one in a movie you know it all, all you need to do is act like you know and let the corrupt asshats behind the scenes do what they want. That's why the country is so effed up right now.
@donttrusttheleft23gt Says:
I guess they did something about the lipstick on the coffee cup lid. I guess we can't say she hasn't gotten anything done anymore. 🤣
@MrAvidOutdoorsman Says:
Dude she may have a Bluetooth receiver at the end of the headphones . Careful, jumping to conclusions if you actually want to be true and factual about that you would have to have see the complete set of headphones. Just saying, that was kind of dumb concluding she wasn't listening to anything. Hell, she may have been listening to her own cackle on repeat dreaming about how her and her minions are going to save the world.
@TickleFingers Says:
It shouts, "I dont answer to the people of this country, I answer to someone else". This whole not talking to the press is absolutely crazy. They are trying to normalize hiding. FKH.... FJB..... FBO!
@wallyblackler46 Says:
Yeah, I know the change the change from my pocket to yours
@PeterRichardsandYoureNot Says:
So, just for a real frame of reference. I don’t doubt the photo is faked phot OPP for signaling, but in politics it is not unusual to have multiple phones. The phone on the desk is prob her work phone and her headphones are probably plugged into her personal phone with her music on it. Nothing unusual about that. So, guys you gotta find real smoking guns. This one is not it. I, not Harris voter for sure…but the evidence has to be real, dude.
@PeterRichardsandYoureNot Says:
Joe Biden didn’t just drop out of the race. He dropped out of the presidency! Some would say, dropped out of life.
@sharonrusso1191 Says:
Bull crap she s balancing her checkbook if u ask me or writing down what songs to put on her iPod she could care less what happened to these poor people from that Storm and could care less about any Americans what a POS her and Biden r but zelenski needs billions for his people so screw the Americans got to keep him happy and the illegals
@laudiculbertson5586 Says:
He could at least get into a helicopter and survey the damage.
@basecitizen Says:
Trump has always been on the ground right away in every disaster over the past 8 years. This campaign, he's having a rally almost every day while tied up in court battles. This man is incredible!! He's the GOAT. I can't even keep up with this 78 y/o dynamo who actually cares cares about America and Americans. There is NO DISPUTING THIS!!! VOTE TRUMP IN 2024!!!
@basecitizen Says:
They hate us all.
@basecitizen Says:
Kamala is a fraud. Kabuki Kamala. She isn't even black. She's lying about being black. This is horrible. Every black person should be outraged. I'm not even black and I'm outraged by the lies and gas lighting. The balls. Disgusting.
@davejohnson2967 Says:
Look at that! She must have gotten Starbucks to replace those pesky white lids that showed lipstick stains!
@Jakethesnake7321 Says:
It doesn’t matter what they do. The people that will vote for them will vote for them no matter what they do. The people in N. Carolina are dying and starving with nothing left but the clothes on their backs.
@markiskool Says:
The new wireless earbuds with a long dangling wire! But, wait, there's more! FEMA is out of money after giving illegals $1.48 billion.
@jamestaylor5443 Says:
Yeah she pulled a Biden, not answering questions next she will be taking vacations😂🤣🤣🤣
@pwrplnt1975 Says:
Absolutely Amazing!!
@patleonard1036 Says:
Kamala Harris is proof you can fake it till you 'make' it into office and then coast the rest of the way.
@grimsgraveyard3598 Says:
Why are they even allowed to refuse to answer questions that's literally what corrupt (generally) Monarchs and despots/dictator/tyrants. It's ridiculous if I was under question by the government I'd not merely be allowed to not answer questions without repercussions.
@jessiekibler7638 Says:
Me too, Trump is awesome.
@crazyfrog4275 Says:
Doing what needs to be done which is what we have been doing everyday. Unburdened by what has been
@seansmith5873 Says:
According to commie, the 1% only care about themselves. Trump and Elon are 1%ers that give resources to people in need. Trump does not need photo ops to do the right things for strangers. I would rather have mean truth than joy and wishful thinking.. Trump 24
@scottmckenzie-hb1xj Says:
bunch of losers
@Chacha12355 Says:
I cannot understand why anybody would vote for her or Biden all they’ve done in the last almost 4 years is destroy our country and everything everything right now is chaos and they were handed a gold, economy and border and everything else. The food was cheap. Gas was cheap at ever since they’ve been in office. They destroyed everything. How can people not see this and still vote Democrat is beyond my reasoning if it’s hurting them in their pocket and they still vote Democrat, what does that mean about what they are, I just don’t get it. Everything was better off four years ago now we have millions of migrants here and summer bad and we’re supporting them and our own people are living in the streets and our veterans. This is not America that I join the military for as an army veteran I’m ashamed of this administration and what it has done to my country I am a veteran and this breaks my heart what they’ve done to my country😢
@Chacha12355 Says:
I cannot understand why anybody would vote for her or Biden all they’ve done in the last almost 4 years is destroy our country and everything everything right now is chaos and they were handed a gold, economy and border and everything else. The food was cheap. Gas was cheap at ever since they’ve been in office. They destroyed everything. How can people not see this and still vote Democrat is beyond my reasoning if it’s hurting them in their pocket and they still vote Democrat, what does that mean about what they are, I just don’t get it. Everything was better off four years ago now we have millions of migrants here and summer bad and we’re supporting them and our own people are living in the streets and our veterans. This is not America that I join the military for as an army veteran I’m ashamed of this administration and what it has done to my country I am a veteran and this breaks my heart what they’ve done to my country😢
@robocoe Says:
Sorry Rosanne Rossannadana is not Presidential material! 🤢
@mapletreepower7038 Says:
If you're the vp shouldn't it be more work to fake being working?

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