'Brazil is a Cautionary Tale' | Ash Wednesday with Paulo Figueiredo and Allan Dos Santos
'Brazil is a Cautionary Tale' | Ash Wednesday with Paulo Figueiredo and Allan Dos Santos



@Jesusloves736 Says:
That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot. It is a republic because the Government derives its power from the people.
@BobBilly-gq8xy Says:
he is still doing youtube lol
@liammcmars7660 Says:
Isn't Brazil a member of BRICKS with Russia? They might be ramping up with a anti-American campaign to aid in the plan to economically isolate America and drop the American 'Petro Dollar ' .
@WildBill496 Says:
Well the problem is we have fake conservatives like Crowder who pretends to be a conservative but is actually helping the left by pushing their propaganda Drip by drip. He's a phony like the rest of the so-called conservatives on social media. It's a disgusting shame!
@juninhooitooitooito Says:
Jornalistas Brasileiros de verdade. Esses ai honran as bolas que carregam. Algo difícil de ser ver hoje no Brasil
@nomad8757 Says:
Watching on Rumble
@gk9k00 Says:
I don't understand why do you guys from the US keep inviting these fake right wingers from Brazil.
@israelrocha9814 Says:
@m.at.the.w. Says:
Allan is 100% right on the word democracy. Not said once in the constitution, we are a republic. They use that word to mean whatever they want, and trick the people into thinking that we are in control. Sometimes I also wonder if they always use the democracy word to make it seem like being a democrat is 'the right thing to do'
@mariliaamadeu3597 Says:
@silviasouza5413 Says:
If you compare traditions, way of life, mentality… there’s no other region in the world that gets close to American culture than Brazilians. Maybe Canadians, but definitely Brazilians are more culturally like Americans than Europeans, and THAT’S WHY they are using Brasil as a lab, and vice-versa. Doesn’t any American Congressman/woman cares to find out why the Biden administration helped elect Lula in Brazil, a known socialist with ties with Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela and Iran? What were the FBI’s motives to help take out a right wing, like Bolsonaro, to elect China’s puppet, Lula?
@itzwaxonwax9899 Says:
@aaroncanfield76 Says:
I don't know what "brand" of Christian Steven claims but for myself I don't identify with Catholic leanings.
@fernandocombr Says:
Very enlightening interview
@androidrnl9570 Says:
@GalvayraPHX Says:
Was it a mossad cigar?
@texasranger24 Says:
Please collect footage and stories from the hurricane areas, maybe even send out your own investigative unit. If authorities are taking same anti-volunteer actions in NC and TN that they did in Maui, we should expect this to be part of their SOP for any future disaster anywhere in the country. Remember Maui; ‘Those that disobeyed, survived’
@michaelcarter9395 Says:
The term "Neo-con" is often associated with anti-Semitism. It's like a buzz word for bigots.
@nrthshor8586 Says:
Usually don’t equate honor and bravery when it comes to journalism. Thanks for conversation 🇺🇸👍
@KinnereyB Says:
The cautionary tale about Brazil were those blasphemous parades that perverted the Bible in every single float, then ended with the devil winning and literally dragging a man dressed as Jesus through the street. That’s how the parade ended. Then God spoke! Natural disasters hit the area so hard that every blasphemous float was destroyed and swept into the sea. That’s the true cautionary tale. Bc whether you like it or not, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled and America isn’t going to escape God’s wrath! If you think some man in the White House (or some woman - Asian? Indian? Black? 🤷‍♂️) is going to fix the unfixable that is our national debt, then my ocean front property in central Texas is for sale. Just respond to this comment and I’ll tell you where to send the cash. It’s a great deal if you like pretending lake water in Austin is actually the ocean. Read your Bibles! Bc no man or woman in a suit is going to save America. Only a true revival with a nation repenting and walking in faith and obedience to Christ’s teachings will save this fallen nation.
@Richard-n7o6d Says:
Hey Crowder my name is Rick I live in Costa Rica ...I am an expat....I have a little tip on a story I have yet to see anyone put together.....TMZ reported a few days ago that the secret service failed to protect Obama....who was at a Hollywood hotel Restaurant ...apparently he was there to eat or something and coincidently lil baby the rapper happen to be performing for a barmitzfa...? and a bouncer armed happened upon the SUV with Obama and walked right up on it.....and then there was a little interaction with Secret service and lil baby security....but they got photos of the suv and Obama had someone inside.....who to me looked allot like a guy that was in another video with AG Garland a day after talking about some other news....I have screen shots.....anyway this guy with Obama might have been someone from the state department or AGs office....WHY was Obama at a Hotel with Diddy accomplis Rapper lil baby.....and if he was there with someone from Bidens AGs office ???
@anselmoaraujo6043 Says:
@kabutofh9334 Says:
@Potnoodle1978 Says:
crowder is definitely a closeted homosexual
@jb-pg5no Says:
Brawny paper towel guy?
@CHepp-ts4mu Says:
Yes, a republic, not a democracy
@mikec4684 Says:
Brazil was just a practice run. They perfected it so now they get to try it here.
@The_Brah_Trades Says:
Alan dos santos is a criminal bruh ps I’m republican and Brazilian, Alan dos santos ran away so he wouldn’t go to jail lol he actually a criminal…
@The_Brah_Trades Says:
Bro Allan dos santos is a criminal dawg that’s was not a good move having him on … I’m republcian conservative and Brazilian, Alan dos santos ain’t it ….
@MRsolidcolor Says:
Texas is ready to leave. Texit is a real thing
@TurdBrain-ry6rx Says:
The pandemic did not slow me I new it was a money grab
@Trip-ef9hw Says:
"Hence, If it's Woke, then it is political, and if it's political, then it's not accidental...Pretty much meaning this has all been being done intentionally." -- Tripwire
@fodaseocanal Says:
Still so wild seeing these two in your show after having watched them and you for so long. For your sake and that of the rest of the world, go vote and make sure they can't steal another win from Trump.
@andressaanjos Says:
36:15 in fact, Brazilians have a saying “we don’t discuss about soccer, religion and politics”, and with that the only ones who actually talk about politics were leftists, for a very long time. Only recently the right has been talking and engaging in politics, which is why we’ve become a target.
@socialmedia5534 Says:
Why is George Soros still alive?
@patriciau6277 Says:
I love this setting! Real men in relaxing in a comfortable atmosphere discussing important topics sincerely.❤
@bobbywalter5320 Says:
Cuba....Venezuela.... were also the precautionary tale
@PhilipAndrew-o7g Says:
My main concern is how to survive all these financial and political crises, especially in light of  political power struggle . The government has really called things harder for its citizens, and we can't just sit back and bear all the consequences of bad governance.
@CHepp-ts4mu Says:
Brasil is high in human trafficking also! The tunnels. The conservatives are well aware of the BS show everywhere
@hectorforth2671 Says:
🎉 Rumble
@pamplonaricardo Says:
Excellent interview! The world needs to see what is happening in Brazil. Allan dos Santos and Paulo Figueiredo represent us.
@sergiomonzillo Says:
Meeting of Giants! Thanks Allan and Paulo Figueiredo for your fight for the freedom of speech! Thanks Steven to help on spread Brazilian voices!
@Grandcapi Says:
Very good chat. Americans must watch this video.
@DeVill3007 Says:
@Spencebeckbz Says:
Brazil is 3.29 million square miles USA is 3.8 square miles. The guest is incorrect
@GibranLahud Says:
Thanks Crowder to give us Brazilians some voice. ps: you look like my dentist, Tony.
@3941602 Says:
Brazil and both UK have massive censorship going on. UK jail for posts...
@cruelladevil1001 Says:
Great show, mugclub.
@jamesleyda365 Says:
Hahahaha Crowder would get his ass handed to him if he was to enter the octagon with that Brazilian dude🤘 definitely a comedian
@carlportland Says:
I pushed back from day 3. Didn't know the world in fact had declared itself sick. A trip with my disabled brother to costco made me turn on the news - How many times per minute can DEATH be said. I became the ass hat in the hood. I don't go along to get along

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