Lawmakers Are Being BRIBED With Luxury Trips Through GLARING Loophole
Lawmakers Are Being BRIBED With Luxury Trips Through GLARING Loophole



@JiNXX9500 Says:
and we wonder why J6 was a thing?
@chrisbarnes7695 Says:
I love the dragon sickness drop
@daguard411 Says:
Once more you fail to look into the fact that members of Congress have Security Clearances which puts them into a class of law that requires the disclosure of any and all benefits outside of their Federal Pay be disclosed according to a framework of required time frames as outlined in the law. What we are seeing is the departments issuing the clearances failing to do their investigatory obligations and a DOJ failing to oversee the same.
@990mustang Says:
Remember that Biden and harrycould do something about it but does nothing and tyt helped vote Biden and Harris. Stop crying tyt that nothing gets accomplished.
@arnaldotorres776 Says:
I love Anna. "Manchin, nobody gives a fuck bro". She cracks me up! 😆😆😆
@BILLYBOBB3080 Says:
Blackrock grooms all politicians.
@HardKnockGospel512 Says:
Ive got such a boner right now
@yourseatatthetable Says:
Most large non-profits are chaired by members of the uber wealthy elite.
@yourseatatthetable Says:
Hmm, didn't ya'll get the memo? According to the SCourt, bribing Governmental officials is ok.
@rabbithowls71 Says:
Newsflash, politicians are corrupt. Let me guess, men like boobs and women love money too?
@Slowlymovingleft Says:
Trumpsters are the true Rinos. It’s sad what happened to this party.
@Brent_P Says:
Kamala Harris is no different than Trump.
@johndor7793 Says:
There's a man that engaged in an insurrection…. do you approve? And SCOTUS delays There is a man in New York that tried to hide his past before an election ... do you approve? Convicted on 34 counts There's a man that rapes a woman and molests others... do you approve? Adjudicated $92 mil What if a man keeps secret sensitive files in unsecured ways.... do you approve? And his judge delays indefinitely What if a man conspires to steal votes... do you approve? 4/19 plead guilty What if a man cooks the books and steals from the people... do you approve? Adjudicated $463 mil These are just 6 undisputed questions. Is this the type of person you will support at the sake of losing your own respect? Drumpf: three times this year he has been adjudicated as a sex offender, company fraudster, and now faces 34 class E felony charges with up to 4 years in jail for falsifying records to cover up his infidelities prior to the 2016 elections that may have changed the result of who would be president of the United States of America! So much for election integrity. 2016 election campaign: five of Drumpf's staff were found guilty of crimes that were used to help Drumpf become president, only to have Drumpf pardon them. 2020 election campaign: five of Drumpf's staff have pleaded guilty to their part in trying illegally to change the outcome of the election, and nearly 55 more people have been indicted in five states for their part in trying to overturn the election with the fake electors. In business: his personal lawyer was found guilty of crimes related to the 2016 election. The CFO of Trump Co. was found guilty of financial crimes in the company's name and has been to prison twice due to these. The GOP contender for president has announced that in the event that a delinquent NATO country gets invaded by Russia, he "would encourage them to do whatever they like." Article 5 has only been used once, and that was after the September 11 attack on the USA. Is this the true "Manchurian candidate" via the Kremlin? FAKE NEWS has found its father, Mr. Pecker of the "National Enquirer," and Donald Drumpf is its GODFATHER. I wonder what Daddy and Granddaddy would say about their prodigy turning their name into a term that will go down in history as rich people begging; let's call it "TRUMPING FOR MONEY." I think Little Donald, going by his latest rallies, must be using "Baby Shark, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo" to hype himself up with before the rallies, what do you think? Not that this has anything to do with the election (he is not a politician) or the computer from hell, but for the record, Hunter Biden was found guilty of three felony counts regarding his 2nd amendment by misreporting on a firearm license. 05/23/24: US Inflation Rate is at 3.36%, compared to 3.48% last month and 4.93% last year. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2024, January 2020 2.5%. The U.S. job market expanded in April for the 40th consecutive month, but at a slower pace. 175,000 new jobs were added in April, unemployment rate 3.7%, May 272,000 nearly 100,000 over expectation, January 2020 2.5%. The Dow posted its all-time high during trading on May 16, 2024, reaching a peak of 40,051.05 points making 401k higher, under Trump on January 2020 28,600. The reason you feel poor is that Drumpf and Lara at the GOP keep asking for your last dollar.
@Alex-qh5wn Says:
that's over 3 trips for every representative, for 12 years. obvious corruption
@CaptainGrnThmbs Says:
As John stated “dragon sickness” ! Greedy sleaze bags !
@davidlefranc6240 Says:
Like we say here Christ de fonctionnaire !
@mongoblazingsaddles9440 Says:
The world isn't crazy, the world is at war with communism. When the Cold War 'ended' the communists here and there didn't stop working to destroy the west. Take it from Yuri Bezmenov whose job it was to demoralize and destroy western society. The USSR is gone, Communist China remains:
@johnscott6469 Says:
Whoa wait a minute. In CA we have enough of Dems being corrupt in CA. I also se it as those so-called rhinos I think of the turtle bitch McConnell.
@haitileblanc3075 Says:
The disconnect is the republican electorate hates the darkies more than the corruption
@MsBogeygolf Says:
Can't stand the hypocrisy of America anymore
@c7pictures Says:
How can we stop this corruption in system of legalized bribery?
@michael3864 Says:
I’m standing firm on getting my Social Security. I’m not voting for Trump.
@philliphessel6788 Says:
By the criteria of the Corruption Perception Index study, the USA is somewhere in the better half (I think the top third). On a closer look, though, that’s faint praise; globally, the evident Golden Rule is, “Those with the gold make the rules.” (More literally, it’s ownership of productive capital. A drawer of jewelry won’t make you boss.) It’s a lot worse than Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, and Sweden — but a lot better than for instance Russia. The bottom of the barrel lately includes Somalia, South Sudan, Syria and Venezuela.
@laysonbrooks7658 Says:
I have MAYBE 50 tweets on X in the decade plus Ive been on it. I would conservatively say that 45% simply say " Joe Manchin sucks pole." I agree with Ana.
@jjsc4396 Says:
When governance is corrupt, it’s perceived as same. Responsiveness is bought and voters rebel…and seek populists to “drain the swamp”. Stop the stink.
@tigmiester4248 Says:
Supreme court can't be corrupt.
@franklegarda6510 Says:
Whenever there's a CEO of a non-profit driving a Porsche you should really questioned is somebody making a profit
@HTownCharlieBrown Says:
They spend more time on paid, luxury trips in lsrąęI, than anywhere else.
@YousufAhmad0 Says:
Ana on 🔥 ❤
@rajunaidu7751 Says:
Anna is Anna backwards 😎
@cameronhubbard7729 Says:
Love this show the only show I rely on for news so sick of the media now days.
@mikechang2023 Says:
Ana thinking RINO means corrupt Republicans rather than Republicans who aren’t right wing enough shows how deluded and taken in she is.
@Alex-x5c1v Says:
The movement homeless for Harris. Helps homeless people register to vote 👍🌅
@jeffreysmith2069 Says:
¿Stephanie Tanner; ¡Whatever!?
@BadPenny911 Says:
I just recently saw you insult boomers Ana. I'm a Boomer and I'm not part of the alternative universe of trumpers. So the fact that you compared dumb Trump supporters who think this is a communist country to boomers, pisses me off. And it's disrespectful to the elderly. There are still some of us with two brain cells left to rub together and who have common sense and education and who love our democracy. I'm a 63-year-old 44 year independent voter. And while I like you, I did not appreciate your comment. I think you need to retract it. You offended a lot of your watchers, many many people I know my age and older watch you guys. So respect your elders and don't speak in such broad spectrum when you're not sure what you're talking about.
@antclerfont8478 Says:
I mean this wasn't suprising at all. They always get in the way of what American voters really voted for just by simply bribing them, then they have the audacity to come out on television and say theyre protecting our rights. Yeah, rights for your donors and your backers of Oil, guns and gas, not for the American people.
@idolhandz3946 Says:
We are the most corrupted country in the world.
@tylerharris4392 Says:
ana, you and cenk arent the good guys either
@markremy4946 Says:
Ana used the 'F' word!!
@MartinJames389 Says:
Luxury trips as bribes to politicians? How terribly corrupt! I'm glad that doesn't happen were I li ... What? Oh ... OK then ... loads of the you say ... luxury flats in wealthy US enclaves. Yeah, watch the bribed politicians coming in as well as going out.
@SnarkyMalarkey-n4p Says:
TYT sucks
@grandmasterskitz748 Says:
I mean if you really want to be honest, let's talk about college athletics programs. Or is this a separate issue than you're trying to address?
@danielwolf8365 Says:
When your lawmakers write the laws that govern their own ethics and behavior this corruption is inevitable.
@chuathianpoh3849 Says:
… SCOTUS … CONGRESS… “den of thieves”?… anyone with hands “untainted”?
@mercbenzy Says:
I either lost all my papers and come by Mexico as illegal with no documents so I get 150,000 down payment for a house from my good friends the democrats or become a congressman. They get paid a lot of money, can do business, get free travel health insurance for life a very rewarding career.😊
@Moajoao Says:
Didn't the supreme court rule that corporations are people too?
@BlakeLawless-j2m Says:
I understand you all think that the USA is being Bribed. So lets start with HOW is money created? How are Wars being funded? So we all start on GO. Lets go back 100000 yrs ago. We all had Rocks and Sticks. We all had the same Rocks and Sticks. We all had the same Rocks with Gold. We made Gold worth something.. You get Gold is just a ROCK.. If you dont want to use GOLD Create Something different.. Lets Say OIL.. So NOW you have OIL.. Of come up with the Ruble.... Or come up with the Peso... And what is YOU and Me is The USA and Isreal. If you dont want to use OUR method of PAYMENT or Value. Kamala Harris is a American and She Supports Isreal. I Support Trump and Kamala.. I want Trump to win but it will not be the end of the USA if Kamala wins. If She moves a little more with Drilling for OIL she has my VOTE. And yes my Vote counts as much as YOURS...
@richardhunter132 Says:
republican voters call Republican politicians RINOs when they aren't sufficiently sycophantic to Trump
@ZuhebSiddiqueMohammed84 Says:
Check how many are from AIPAC
@2billion09 Says:
This is new?

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