Lyndon B. Johnson: The Not-So-Great Society | 5 Minute Videos
Lyndon B. Johnson: The Not-So-Great Society | 5 Minute Videos



@PragerU Says:
What are your thoughts on President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society plan?
@ianblake815 Says:
I think we should keep Medicare and Medicaid while reorganizing the other social programs from the Federal Government to state systems or private NGOs and also fix our trade balance with China.
@vinonavortex5582 Says:
Amity shales is a plutocrat like Dennis she opposed not only great society but new deal people would still be,living in tents and eating out of garbage cans if her views had prevailed in thirties. As for Johnson he passed civil rights act voting rights act Medicare Medicaid and immigration reform poverty among elderly massively reduced just by Medicare passagesounds pretty great to me
@ak1342able Says:
This is what happens when your brain stops working and you decide to make a video. This video is like the definition of pull yourself up by your bootstraps, Stupid!
@jeancaron9325 Says:
LBJ wanted the DEMS to Rule Forever and turn the USA into a One party Dictatorship under them.
@TickedOffPriest Says:
This is why the Deep State had to off JFK.
@burkean Says:
As I understand it, blacks in America enjoyed social progress relative to whites consistently from 1860 to 1960. Post-great society, they suffered a reversal and relative decline until the mid-90s.
@davidharper8500 Says:
Government cheese catches mice
@bradleymcavoy3432 Says:
“We’re gonna give them the CRA and the VRA and then we’re gonna give them Welfare for their Vote and we’ll ( Democrat Party.) have those GD N-word’s votes for the next 200 years!” LBJ. 🙄🤦‍♂️🤨 Imagine the cries of outrage if Trump said “I will give you welfare for your vote!” 😳😠
@stephenalexander6721 Says:
I remember when Johnson worked on his first budget. His stated goal was to keep it under 100 billion dollars.
@johnranallo424 Says:
Socialism leads to Communism.
@MercenaryTX Says:
The War on Prosperity.
@Chris-lh7wj Says:
Creator of the modern left: government dependency and pointless wars
@Deedeedee214 Says:
And most of this wasn't devised by LBJ himself. It emerged from the Cloward-Piven strategy. Born in the same academic halls that were teaching (and of course lobbying for gov action on) eugenics, just a mere 30 years prior. But remember now, college and democracy are great 👍
@Bay0Wulf Says:
The coming of LBJ marks when the US Citizenry was first sold the Theory of Wishful Thinking over the Reality of Basic FACTS.
@rogermenendez4052 Says:
" If we pass this law, we will have the Negro voting for us for the next 200 years".
@rogermenendez4052 Says:
LBJ was almost as damaging as FDR. The trio is complete with Obama.
@laurensauvageot1196 Says:
As long government takes out taxes from our paychecks for Medicare, it needs to be there. Old and incapacitated people need medical coverage if they can't work. Medicaid is the problem.
@jgesselberty Says:
Johnson started the welfare state on steroids This was to buy votes. This was to steal from Social Security to pay for it.
@keytyper4296 Says:
This is not education, it’s propaganda.
@Sdedalus-m1f Says:
This half wit tripe is propaganda from the 2025 people. They preach that any laws, initiatives or movements in favor of THE PEOPE are bad. This is subversion, they proselytize for the billionaire class. Everything they say comes from a billionaire funded think tank that seeks to overturn our democratic system in favor of totalitarian rule. Don't be a sucker again.
@ConservativeBrotherDaily Says:
‘’I will have them ‘N Words’ voting democrat for 200 years.’’ - Lyndon B. Johnson
@jeremylawrence6041 Says:
The fact that you point out medicare and medicaid as entitlements that need cutting, while your military that cost 50 times more and can't even pass an audit on their spending is telling.
@1pt21jigawatt Says:
“We’ll have those n——r’s voting Democrat for 50 years.” -LBJ Congrats LBJ, you were right. We know who are the losers are.
@fastted9390 Says:
A worthless, self centered, delusional, drunk. I was almost killed in Viet Nam in combat, many times because of HIM.
@benscott2743 Says:
Johnson - of Leftist scumbags he was CHIEF!
@crowmob-yo6ry Says:
LBJ was good. You people are just rich sociopaths who want to kill the poor.
@ArnoldSig Says:
Oh no a Jewish YouTube channel laments the death of JFK. The irony of the synagogue of Satan knows no limits.
@LaminarSound Says:
Of course al the coffers benefitting from the bloated regulatory state are going to sing it's praises. And of course all the people on that dole with sing it's praises. It's the middle class paying for it all but nobody is listening to us.
@Socrates-ti2dh Says:
@rencleavus5213 Says:
You don't lift people out of poverty by giving them money.
@buzzml8123 Says:
Johnson knew that the projected costs of these programs were enormous but he quietly downplayed this and admitted that “None of us would be here” to be held responsible for the cost.
@laurencemccarty4493 Says:
LBJ was a terrible President. His Support of Civil Rights was Machvellian at best. He had no plan or really intentions to win The Vietnam War. His Great Society was a Nightmare and it still is a Nightmare. Apart from a Crooked Politician, he was dreadful Person. He refered to Black Americans in bigoted terminologies. He kicked JFk when he was down. He showed disrespect to the Thailand Royal Family( from this Day, those who are Tai still have misgivings over Johnson's visit to Thailand). Some believe he was a Womanizer that would make Presidents of the past(before and after his time) look flirtatious in comparison. He did not seek Re-Election more so because he caused the Country a Great Kaos then a Great Society. Though The Civil Right Act 1964 and the 1965 Voting Right Act were milestones in his Administration. He was not the Originator of it, like the Left tends to exualt on a drop of a Hat. First, it took Republicans in the Legestlator to break the Logjam Fillerbuster to pass those Amendments. Second, since the late 19 Century, Republicans were the innovators and the First to pass a Civil Rights Act. Even, Conservative Nationalist President Calvin Coolidge had aspirations to introduce a Civil Rights Act in Congress. To suggest Civil Rights is purely just a Liberal Ideology is Fancable Fabercation. So is the Greatness of LBJ's Presidency.
@jw893 Says:
This has led to all of the problems we see today. Debt and the ruin of the black family were the result.
@Lyn777 Says:
I disagree, government debt was rescued to nothing by Pres. Clinton. It can be reduced again. We don't Have to give up the great society. Also Medicare is not free. In my opinion Medicare is expensive. Unfortunately it doesn't cover basic things like eye exams and ear exams. Coverage needs to be better. I think that the average American Senior Citizen pays $250 a month. Ouch! It shouldn't be that high!
@kathyfausett9301 Says:
Haley's book "A Texan Looks at Lyndon" pretty well sums up just who this filthy creature really was.
@massey3129 Says:
“The poor will always be with us”, said a well known person. No cure for it…certainly not by man.
@vindenap6987 Says:
What were him and his friend the first tax money making scammers?
@jimdellavecchia4594 Says:
Dems want them living off and reliant on the government for everything
@daninraleigh Says:
I only came here because I thought you might spell out the racist thing that LBJ supposedly said when signing the bill.
@melissabowers6268 Says:
We have seen a 70% reduction in the black nuclear family in 60 years, thanks to this man. "I will have those n^^ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years." This was an experiment on one community that they want for all communities. They don't want us successful - if we were - we wouldn't need that "assistance" anymore! LBJ was also in on the assassination. The night before the assassination took place, he told his mistress "Those blankety-blank Kennedy's after tomorrow, they will never bother me again. That is not a threat, that is a promise."
@bp6877 Says:
was conspiring to have JFK assassinated part of LBJ's "Great Society" vision?
@ThisIsToolman Says:
This is what will happen if Kamala gets elected.
@canoedoc2390 Says:
He was responsible for the fall of South Vietnam as well as the destruction the integrity of the black family and their ultimate enslavement on the urban welfare plantation, where their votes could be reliably harvested. Instead of victory through strength, it was defeat through "compassionate" weakness.
@natecampbell4708 Says:
In realty, he didn't give a RIP about any of these "policies", he just wanted to ensure votes for the DemocRAT party by BUYING them, like Dementia Joe did with student loans! Because welfare was tied to the Civil Rights act, after signing it, he showed his true motive & exposed his real racism by saying "I'll have those ni****s voting DemocRAT for the next 200 years!".
@mindful6095 Says:
Anyone who reads past the headlines and dive into LBJ finds that many of the issues we face today in our society began with his administration and ideology
@L337M4573RK Says:
LBJ: "I'll keep those n*****s voting Democrat for decades to come!"
@tomasneel1980 Says:
Why jfk had lbj as a vp was jfk greatstest blunder
@keithmontoya8793 Says:
Makes one wonder if Johnson DID have a part in the assassination.
@ddc163264 Says:
LBJ was one of the biggest racists ever to be in the White House. The underbelly of his programs was that he said it would keep Blacks on the plantation (virtual one) for 100 years and thereby keep them voting democrat for that longs as well. So far he was right. I don't give him credit for the voting rights acts. He was backed into a corner. Most of the people who voted for it in congress were republicans, but it was the death of JFK and the push from RFK that got the voting rights act to his desk, as well as a few others. But he LOVED the dependency programs. Those WERE his babies. LBJ was a true southern democrat. The party of Wallace, the KKK, Jim Crow and more. He sent troops when forced to, for political reasons. But this is also why he didn't run for a 2nd term of his own. He did what he wanted and got out.

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