Illegal Immigration is Getting WORSE
Illegal Immigration is Getting WORSE



@pethomas Says:
If there was only a way both sides could come together in Congress to hash out a bill. Oh wait, that happened, and it was negotiated by conservatives from the GOP side, but then Tanchurian Candidate didn't want any progress made on the issue so he threw another tantrum and told GOP not to let it pass. Try again, Captain Forehead.
@oddish4352 Says:
As long as a better life awaits them on this side of the border, it's going to be like this. If we want to eradicate this, we only need to enforce our laws against hiring them, and enact laws against any government providing welfare for them.
@danielhauer2259 Says:
I personally know 10 people that have claimed asylum that were not fleeing persecution or violence, they know it will allow them to get in quicker rather then doing it the legit way
@Themehsofproduction Says:
“The notion the poorest 10 million people coming into a nation of 330 million people the biggest and most greatest capitalist nation on earth and destroy it is delusional” ~Richard Wolff
@davidjr3769 Says:
Yess they didn’t say Michigan
@phindude13 Says:
And when people cry about the border being about hating Mexicans, remind them that people from all around the world are entering through the southern border.
@Chris-b5n5z Says:
Wow they allready know where they're going.
@kushkingla7385 Says:
How did people from Africa get to Mexico to cross the border. I guess globalists communist.
@Lars08 Says:
It's not breaking in because they don't even have to try in order to get in
@raccoonlittlebear6476 Says:
What part of illegal don't they understand? 🇺🇸elect Trump to stop this madness🇺🇸
@jerrypadilla4384 Says:
INDIA is NOT a nation, ruled by an oppressive regime. India, as a nation, has a diversity of industries and manufacturers, available to workers. So, Indian illegals, have no right nor excuse, to be here.... ....yet, in this video, they are!
@Phantom8589 Says:
They bring crime and the 3rd world failure with them!
@GodBlessedAmerica Says:
This will never stop until honest politicians are in office. The only problem with that is, there’s no such thing as an honest politician.
@trumpsmum9210 Says:
lol if only Jesus knew what his followers are doing with the poor!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@aisecoohiocraft7337 Says:
They know exactly where they are headed within our borders.
@arslanmalik151 Says:
My brother has been waiting patiently for his wife to get her green card to live in America. And you have these people is stealing the American dreams
@aaronbest747 Says:
If I claim to be an illegal immigrant can I get a prepaid debit card for free???
@aaronbest747 Says:
If you aren't a citizen, you should get the benefits.
@94metsboy Says:
Damn Democrats , messing up this country , please Lord let trump win!!!
@audrameyer9558 Says:
Where are the debit cards for "our" troubled citizens?? You know, those who were born here or became citizens legally. Disgusting.
@gunlawsareunconstituional4994 Says:
This is treason
@rdwakefield Says:
Deuteronomy twentyeight-fortythree
@Thaumiel10 Says:
Stop bitching and do something about it U have the power to fix your problems yet your moronic politics get in the way Liberals and conservatives are hindrance to the country Of course though im not surprised conservatives and liberals are the stupidest people on earth
@Shubham_9_9_9_9 Says:
Future Dem voters
@Reddeatharrow Says:
Deport or delete
@ambermichellementzelrothsc3397 Says:
This makes me sick! I thank God I live in a red county in Texas
@mikemcelveen Says:
Both sides want illegal immigration. The US is in a population crisis bc people aren’t having enough babies, waiting longer, aborting, whatever. This is their plan. Don’t be fooled. If they wanted to stop it, they would. It’s not about replacement. It’s about keeping their power at our expense.
@BrunoBerryhoneybuns1370 Says:
my friend married a Filipino woman and it took 2 years to finally get her to America.
@mjaq6099 Says:
Nah they are all going back. People make sure you vote to get this done.
@TheMightyZim Says:
These are your replacements.
@davidwinokur2131 Says:
If you're doing well in America these days, you're probably in the country illegally.
@thomasharrold5556 Says:
The Bill Joe manchin and the female senator from Arizona WOULDN'T sign,, would have given ALL illegals the right to vote!!! 20+ million. It would have ALSO given TOTAL control of federal elections to the federal government!!! The Demonrats had total control at that time! The final nail in the coffin was,,, the Bill would have done away with the FILIBUSTER!!! They could have packed the supreme court, and basically could have done ANYTHING they wanted. Just believe the OPPOSITE of anything they say, and you'll know Exactly what they want to do.
@mrsducky3428 Says:
Ya know, if we all boycotted airlines for one month, demanding they remove TSA, the airlines would make it happen!
God should bless America. America is so great that the foreigners flock to her shores. We should welcome them with open arms! Exodus 23:9
@Quillons1 Says:
This made me physically sick to my stomach to think she caused this and then has the audacity to say she's going to "fix" it. All part of a Democrat "master plan". Good luck, boys.
@ishtarlew598 Says:
How long before America looks like the country these people are leaving.
@theoriginalmonstermaker Says:
Seems like the problem is THAT THEY REMAIN ILLEGAL ! 5K per? Just give them citizenship and they would pay that back in taxes the FIRST YEAR! Forcing them to hide (AFTER we've already failed to keep them out), achieves NOTHING beneficial, but keeps them living in poverty due to their cash only, low rate jobs, allows them to attain support from the system BUT offers nothing back INTO the system. I'm sure they'd happily become integrated, and pay taxes, so how is that not preferable?
@courtneyvanpatten6345 Says:
Hearing all about the crap in Ohio right now, I can’t even. People don’t think about the unintended consequences like your auto insurance going up or your pets being eaten 🙄 it seems like such common sense to me that you don’t just let anyone into your house without vetting them, but that common sense just doesn’t seem to run with some people. The amount of children that have been trafficked across the border, and yet we’re the bigots because we want that stopped. We’re inhumane 🤦‍♀️
@vfeuer9236 Says:
I spent 1400 $ on us embassy trying to get the visa and they denied me twice, fuc this kommie country
@AsherWolfson Says:
I never knew life in CallCentreland was so bad they needed to flee to America...
@derjoh1986 Says:
This is insane. The government need a complete overhaul.
@akpred Says:
Wow 😮
@elwhiteboy6865 Says:
No deposit, no return!
@LayingInAMeadow Says:
My gosh
@kingjames1586 Says:
Flocking to big blue cities & voting democrat rather they even know it 🤔
@filomenaregan1537 Says:
Insane that’s all I have to say! People of the united states of America 🇺🇸 please vote Trump!
@moonbuni59 Says:
I don’t know what happened to the international rule that you had to seek asylum at the first country you came to.
@p0six71 Says:
What persecutions are happening in India. "Refugees" my arse!
@kristiskinner8542 Says:
You left out all the aide money that goes to some of the countries they're coming from too
@kovy689 Says:
Blue needs their votes desperately.

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