INSANE: NY Times Claims The Constitution is "Dangerous"
INSANE: NY Times Claims The Constitution is "Dangerous"



@rebelthrukansas0 Says:
Sadly, in 20 years we will be telling stories of when we could oppose the other party and not be charged with a crime. And the young adults will think we are either crazy or be in disbelief we let that freedom go.
@MB-14 Says:
Chinas money is going to good use.
@michaelhoffman5201 Says:
The greatest danger to America is entitled eleates trying to legislate their own way over the desires of the other 90% of us.
@WeifengPan Says:
Some people just don't deserve any rights.
we cannot allow Mr. 45 back in the White House he wants to terminate the Constitution
@EbenezerEghan-l4c Says:
Liberals are just plain dumb
@paulthompson1001 Says:
It has served us well for all these years. Only the truly ignorant would think any differently.
@Dhi-fe5eu Says:
They don’t support, freedom of religion, speech, right to own guns. These students are the future politicians and professors at other schools. Lord help us.
@Jfourtwo0 Says:
Absolutely disgusting. How can there be so many uneducated people on a college campus. If you have a problem with our constitution, LEAVE.
@johnhodgson4591 Says:
Churches are the danger.
@redracerb18 Says:
The constitution is supposed to be a living document that changes over time. There are constitutional originalist who want to read the constitution exactly as it was written over 250 years ago when the world was a lot different. Remember that Lincoln was Alive the same time as Japanese Samurai. Or the fact that women couldn't vote until 1919 with the 19th amendment.
@siral2000 Says:
Being "college educated" is becoming more and more of an insult every day.
@spellbindery1 Says:
The NY Times is being honest for once. They're leftist, and the Constitution is one of the biggest threats to their politics. It's the only politics that matters for them, so to them it's "America's politics."
@williammorrow5479 Says:
This is just taking us closer to the second civil war.
@alanharris3575 Says:
It all about free stuff😢
@theoriginalmonstermaker Says:
What is their specific complaint? I tried reading that thing and they're are about 5000 better and more concise ways of organizing things, at first glance. It was written in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TIME, why WOULD it be perfectly suited for today's America? I don't see why we don't elect 100 bright minds to find a better, more efficient system. That's exactly what they did then, so how could there be anything MORE "American"?
@Orwell001 Says:
This coming from a so called "ivy league" school.
@LindaSam-r4p Says:
Are constitutionally was beautifully beautifully written very by very brilliant smart educated men
@aisecoohiocraft7337 Says:
Don't be illiterate to the document that insures your freedom.
@ccountryclarke6223 Says:
Simply put, without the constitution America WILL BE A DICTATORSHIP. that's why tge founding fathers yet flawed looked into history educated themselves and created this constitutional republic.
@ANewCreation7 Says:
And that's why democracy cannot work as a blanket method of policy and law.
@nbaikido Says:
It is dangerous to tyrants looking to usurp the foundation of our government
@ingarskrafts3813 Says:
My goodness it is the very thing protecting you from government abusing it's power. Maybe thesd fools should for educational purposes try to live a year in any country where constitution is not present or not taken seriously
@worldtraveler930 Says:
Let's make George Orwell Fiction Again!!! 🤠👍
@josegrafals3808 Says:
These are the type of morons the government love!
@goferizer Says:
LOL the NYT had it ass backward, "One of the biggest threats to the country's founding document is American politics." Even a caveman can figure that out!
@rifp8440 Says:
I'm not saying people can't vote, but they should prove they understand the issues and how our country is set up
@rifp8440 Says:
People should take a test and then get register to vote
@dartmart9263 Says:
People call the J6 idiots “insurgents”. That’s insane. Despite all the hype and blatant misinformation from mainstream media, that disorganized riot by unarmed civilians was barely a blip in the flow of American history. Ironically, those same “insurrection” alarmists willingly allow and promote the REAL insurrection taking place in our country today. For three or four generations now, they have allowed agents of chaos to infiltrate and gnaw at our academic system from within, by poisoning the minds of American students, instead of encouraging them to reach their own conclusions on real national and worldwide issues. Universities are indoctrinating students to hate their own country, to weaken and dissolve the common American identity and the national bond in their own generations, and to take up causes which, in the name of “anti-racism”, “diversity” and “inclusivity” create overwhelming hatred, division and disruption where, in many cases, there weren’t any. They are indoctrinating students to view everything through the scope of Marxist ideals, oppressor vs victim, and that these labels are eternally attached to the color of their skin or to their family ancestry. This warped and dangerous vision of our past, of our documented history, deeply affects how these students will see the world after graduation. It will take years of real life and real world experience to undo the damage caused by the Marxist activism of their professors.
@macp5527 Says:
Ignorant is bliss, and that applies to everyone who think the Constitution is a threat of any kind.
@BSfilter_111 Says:
The same maneuvering was achieved with the Magna Carta in England after much hardship. Now only four of the laws laws loosely remain as I understand. It seems people are easy to distract and even easier to wilfully enslave...
@mlktss245 Says:
In 60s and 70s, a lot of innocent civilians were killed by government in South Korea including pregnant women and their censorship was beyond comprehension at that time. A lot of people don’t understand what the 2nd amendment means and how it protects the people in this country from corrupted government agents. Do not ever give that up to them. You all matter.
@infidelkufar Says:
Us immigrants - those who chose the United States of the 180+ other countries in the world to be our new home, us who came by choice not born by chance hold this document sacred and everything that stand for the USA dear to us and are worth defending with our lives.
@davidwinokur2131 Says:
Substitute 'Abortion' for 'The Constitution' in the NYT headline.
@seangriffin2053 Says:
The Constitution IS dangerous. To a state-run media like the NYT has become.
@FaramirGL Says:
Socialism is ALWAYS totalitarian.
@michaelgriffiths8295 Says:
😢😢😢😭 I hope you went further on to educate them on the Constitution being there.Hugest Protection for Is their personal lives
@elishalipkin4406 Says:
The progressive movement is a direct continuation of the socialist movement, therefore it takes away the revolutionary ideas of change. They understand that it is impossible to change society in the natural way because what they propose is against nature, therefore they are constantly trying to destroy the existing structure in order to establish something new. If you check the socialist anthem, they say this explicitly. "This is the eruption of the end of the past let us wipe the slate clean". Therefore the American Constitution is a danger to their ideas because it is good. It preserves and preserves the social structure, the freedom of the individual, the family structure is a danger because if there is a family, the parents want the best for the children and will oppose the change of destruction. Who can help them destroy the existing structure? Anyone who is an enemy. That is why Islam should be allowed to conquer the West, give Iran a nuclear bomb, ignite wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. All this furthers their goal - to destroy in order to build something new. But we've already been in this movie - we built the USSR, we built China and North Korea. Not very exciting. Before you destroy something - go study history. History always repeats itself. A fool learns from his own flesh, while the wise learn from others. Link to the International Anthem:
@MarkVasquez-ke8rf Says:
פרו חיים אהבה מצילה נוצרים קתולים מוסלמים ישראלים עברים אתאיזם חיים ציונות.
@ramahadranhennessy9300 Says:
Well, when the uni is filled with idiot ideologists pretend to be educated teachers…You get kids brainwashed with socialism.
@reason1925 Says:
The left is using psychological warfare to errode the foundation of that which it wishes to teardown. Their approach has a striking resemblance to the weakening of a building's internal structure before it is imploded.
@trumpsmum9210 Says:
The right hate the constitution
@Critter145 Says:
The Ivy League is irrelevant.
@DogBeast221 Says:
The masquerade has returned? Why?
@bettebruce2277 Says:
Good grief people. No more search warrants needed. Forget free speech and freedom of press. So much more.
@RacoonLord-mt9hv Says:
There are issues with the constitution, even conservatives agree with that.
@kingjames1586 Says:
Imagine spending tens of thousands to ensure your children are indoctrinated by woke colleges? 🤔
@annaisabeltrumpistamaga Says:
@airwards777 Says:
My TP is more valuable than the zoo pork slimes.
@jeffandsherriefranzwa8970 Says:
So they are willing to give up their rights to speech, press, assembly, and so on?

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