Watch Liz Cheney DESTROY TRUMP In FIRST INTERVIEW Since Endorsing Kamala!
Watch Liz Cheney DESTROY TRUMP In FIRST INTERVIEW Since Endorsing Kamala!



@Chris-xn6rv Says:
lol. Some people probably still believe most of the comments on these videos are genuine. ahhh.... you might wanna make sure you're sitting down. I got some news for y'all.... Oh, that's right, there's absolutely no chance you'll listen because i'm not the Associated Press or Reuters. If you believe the bullshit Harry Sisson endlessly spouts, sorry, but you have, very literally, been brainwashed. You've heard that before though i'm sure. Rather than listen, you probs just no longer talk to that person anymore. I bet.
@JonnieBUK1 Says:
As a Brit with a keen interest in the US Presidential race I find your posts very illuminating. I think you make the important point that the election will be won by reaching out to moderates and undecideds very well. I view Pete Buttigieg as being one of the most effective communicators in American politics with complete mastery of his brief. Is there a wider role for him?
@Irena-Irena Says:
Keep up the great work Harry! Your parents, I’m sure, are very proud of you! Dang, I am! Vote Blue America! 💙🇺🇸💙🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ Kamala/Walz 2024
@marcosozzi749 Says:
Mary Trump hit the nail on the head. Donald has 1 policy position. It is to keep himself out of prison. Trump is grade a 💩. Do not drink the kool-aid AMERICA!!!
@danielceschini4986 Says:
Thank you Liz and Dick Cheney for voting for democracy.
@milliea4023 Says:
Voting 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 in South FL!!!!!!
@v.britton4445 Says:
Thanks for leading your generation with Journalism.
@Greyblockpuppy Says:
"Kamala Harris has a resume; Donald Trump has a rap sheet." - Jasmine Crockett
@RickL-wq6js Says:
Liz Cheney's a lifelong Republican, she is everything evil and wrong in the world according to you. This should scare you if she endorses Kamala. You spend every day of your life online talking bad about republicans, now it's a good thing that one is endorsing Kamala??😂😂😂😂
@30skillz Says:
Just imagine being so dumb that you think the cheneys are good people
@30skillz Says:
If you listen to the Cheney family, you're the problem. The Cheney's were the architect of the Iraq war and then gave their family business halliburton all the contracts to make them Rich
@eusswartz5793 Says:
Here you see and hear a strong woman.
@janestelee9374 Says:
I don't understand her what could be more dangerous than a open border putting our country in danger every day Harris doesn't have any policies she stealing Trump ideas who cares about Cheney s
@neovoltron25 Says:
We can't afford to be complacent. We all must get out and vote blue this November!!!
@mariannelaba Says:
Depraved? This is a typical description of someone who might disagree with you?
@lovemybeer99 Says:
Liz Cheney chose the deep state and corruption and not the people. She needs to go away, just my opinion.
@gzucc Says:
She has ethics and she is incredibly intelligent. She is using political power for good and right now the politics of the republican party are demonstrably evil.
@autumnleaves1305 Says:
great discussion
@bklhappy Says:
@PhilipStaniland Says:
Yet another example of the mainstream media bias against Kamala Harris, criticizing her for modifying her position on 5 year old policies when Don-old changes his position every five minutes (or whenever a rich donor whispers in his blown off ear"
@user-ed1mj5zk6f Says:
The United States of America is neither a subsidiary of the Russian Federation nor subservient to its dictator. Our NATO allies came to the USA to honor the pact and support our Country in the aftermath of the attacks that we suffered on September eleven 2001. The United States honors its words.
@keltonscott734 Says:
🗽 Vice President Kamala Harris 💙 For The People ⚖️ 🇺🇲 🌠 💙 ⭐ ✨ 🫂 👤 👥 🗣️ 🌊 🌀 🌊 💯
@eliassalcedo5229 Says:
Trump can't convince Melania to hold his hand, much less to accompany on his campaign. Trump is not a good husband or leader.
@ohhhface619 Says:
It would be just like in any other place that has universal healthcare. It would be very expensive and would be of a much lower quality to any truly free market system. This ultimately reduces individual freedom.
@SinCityAvatar Says:
Harry is so well spoken - He should be working for MSNBC or CNN
@timakey4678 Says:
Conservative support the Constitution? Since when? Every conservative State government has worked to suppress voting rights. Walking back women’s rights is a core conservative policy. It was conservatives who tried to send fake electors to change the election outcome. It was conservative Supreme Court justices who sold the country to the highest bidder with citizens United and who ruled that the President has limited immunity in clear defiance of the Constitution. Conservative - Republican - Fascist - Criminal - Traitor…all synonyms. She may vote for Harris but will also vote for whichever Republican is running for the Senate and Congress. Nixon, Reagan, Bush Lite…all conservatives. Conservative “values” are the very core of the train wreck that is America at this moment. Cheney’s real problem with tRump is that he exposed the kind of America Conservatives have spent decades trying to build. The Republican Party and conservative ideology need to follow tRump into the garbage pile of history if America is to have any real chance at a democratic future.
@diannacotwright4892 Says:
Thank you Harry. The Cheney’s are a wonderful family.
@davidstorme8748 Says:
How can you continue spewing this political-toxic nonsense. Fine: She’s Black and/or Asian-Indian, she’s a Woman, she would be the first Woman of Color President, electing her would be a Historical-Event! Wow! Wouldn’t it be Great to be a part of History?! Wouldn’t it?! … a few things that come to mind… She has no policy. The policy she’s pushed gave destroyed America from within, furthering racial-tensions, watching the economy crash-and-burn, allowing our Borders to be breached without defense, rather, putting tax-Dollars from the same Union Workers she panders to with glib-empty promises she has neither the care, nor ability to fulfill, wants to Tax ‘Non-existent-profits’ whose rates vary with inflation, would rather drone-on about abortion rather than address the other millions dying of Fentanyl Overdoses, she bans fracking, she’s for fracking, uses Campaign Contributions to Bus-in her paid-claque in support of an already-planned Election situation, knowing close is good enough of an excuse to Violate the Constitution in the worst-possible way, has s as greasy begun taxing pre-existing middle-class Mortgage-Holders with Tax that funds Fast-Tracing low-income First-Time Homeowner-Loans @0% interest, $25K Downpayment allowance which instantly exacerbates the already rising Housing-Costs, has done Nothing NOTHING to curb the cost of Gas, Groceries, Rent, or Utilities, all of which are directly Her-Fault due to closing the Keystone, exorbitant and far-too-aggressive Green-Deal Program Spending, Wall-Street corruption is rampant to the point of making the Wild-Wild-West look like a Daycare-Center, Hedgefunds and Scalpers buying Straddle-Options, using the Retail-Investors hard-earned money to oil their mega-conglomerate corporation in violation of everything Anti-Sherman, Short-Selling is the profitable-norm, rewarding Corporate-nihilists for singling-out which unwanted-competitor is next on the Short-Sell Blacklist, Security FTD’s Are rampant with no accountability, Market HALTS (to protect Retail-yeah right), from Losses, when in-fact/practice, HALTS are used for ‘rearranging’ Purchase-Orders to reflect a Price Hedgefunds can ‘Cover’, and when faced with threat of a Short-Squeeze situation that could Bankrupt the Hedgefund, taking with it working Americans 401K’s, knowing the Fed is broke because of Inflationary/Excessive/Unnecessary over-printing of Money, not to mention Selling-Off 40% of our Wartime-Emergency-Oil-Reserves before 2022 Mud-Term Elections ( for obvious reasons), depleting the Military Ammo-Supply, currently at (-)4 Months Replacement-Capacity, supplying Ukraine w/Missiles capable of striking interior Russian territory, thusly provoking/escalating an already far-more-than-volatile situation into the catalyst to start WW III, add to this fact, the Biden/Harris FAILED Global-Relations Econo-Bully tried-false-and-Tested-Failed Diplomacy while demanding Trade-Favors at dictated/coerced Prices, while imposing lame-duck Sanctions that actually benefit the punished more than penalize them. Trump produced so much High-Grade Domestic Petroleum that Putin was forced to Cap his Oil-Wells because Russia’s lower-grade ‘sludgy’ oil is inferior to ours, thereby rendering Russian Oil to slightly-less than the Material-Value of the Steel-Drum it was poured-into. Trump brought Peace to the Middle-East through the Signing of the Historical Abraham’s-Accord, forget the Fact he had us in ZERO new ‘Boots-on-ground’ conflicts, greatly ameliorated tensions between North Korea and Japan, Taiwan, despite its constant reminder of its inevitable fate, surely has become the Prize that’s caught the attention of power-thirsty eyes. Personally, I think my Policy would be fair: Corporation/Manufacturing Tax: Figured based upon a percentage of Employee-Paid Personal-Income Tax (attributable to Corp/Employ), deducted from Gross-Profit minus (existing-allowances). This would actually give an incentivized Wage-Increase to Employees, as higher Wages would increase the %Deductible for Total Employee-Personal-Paid-Income-Tax paid-in return Public-Sector Resources Accounting, General Tax-Base, This symbiotic-economic circulation of Monies maintains stability, since within the exchange, each-side receives a positive, thusly attenuating careless waste, misuse, or loss due to fraud within the administration/office/department etc. However, Tax upon Non-Profit, specifically through regulation of qualifying deductions based upon the cost/return is within acceptable-pecuniary allowance; in other words, ‘Is your Non-Profit due to purposeful excessive expense/administrative/necessary Tech/Equip expense/maint, and not so much the 22 Million-Dollar Gulfstream, the Full-Staff Catered-Out-Of-Town Weekend-Three-Party-Away the Money ‘til after the Payroll, and Coffee-Klatsch and Jelly-Tolls, mixing Special-Interests with Activist’s-Lobbyists, make Capone shed a tear from pride… Yes, that ‘Watch-Dog’ tightening of Non-Profit Definition(s)/Distintinction(s), s as lowing only that which goes toward, and receives without-gain. As for Corporate Bonus/Option/Incentive Deduction(s), there needs to be a specified ‘Ceiling’ established, whereas any blatant-attempt towards Taxable-Income Deduction through willful inflation of Member Bonus’ ‘Paid’, would cease to incentivize further excess; rather pushing the newly non-exempted Income-Monies subject to rates as per amount/%, anyway, in-short; letting some air out of inflated Bonus/Corporate-Officer Incentives/Golf-Memberships/Real-Estate/Securities/ or through all other/every/all manner(s) by which pecuniary-exchange, as-valued in Dollars. Setting Limits, both on the Upper-Limits of Deduction-Expense for Non-Profit, and Limit reducing Corporate-Reward/Bonus’ for Excessive Deduction-Credit. That would leave the Working Middle-Class Private-Sector Service/Plumbing/HVAC/Elect, the Local Diner, the Family Owned Custom Inground Pool Designers and Builders, their Wives are all the School-Teachers, and Nurses, the ‘Who was that chick’? I said, ‘… Don’t know, think I’ve seen’er before, think we made-out under the Bleachers, I think maybe once or twice, but now Modern-Day Woman , she’s the Manager, CEO, Majority Stock-Holder, but seriously dude(s)… … the one you guys been pulling-for, that one …. Awwww, no. Awwww hell-no, Lawd gave mercy ‘pon us all, each an’ every one-of-us-alike… Nah,… no thanks ‘cause despite the obvious reality of Four-Years of Downhill, the Four-Before, the Trump Years, ask; people will tell you they had more, there was no war, and yet this youngest Generation of Voters predisposed to predatorily-attack at what you fear, and much of that fear is the result of Family-Culture-Erosion. Face it, ‘The Walton’s’, would not be a NetFlix Hit Today… and it’s nothing new-today that wasn’t new-yesterday, or tomorrow, for that matter, rebellion-against-injustice-is-your civic call-of-duty serviced, But consider this, why Aristotle found Democracy as one of Three ‘Perverse’ Forms of Government, and although I’ve wrestled with this View, I would ultimately agree to the point, as to me, it seems at least, Social-Media through aspects of the effects of Social-Loafing, Stimulus-Desensitization, Tik-Tok Warholian-Fame without fortune, it’s printing self-diagnosed excuse for getting the easy-way-out-early, No-Offense, but face-tattoos unless you’re packing’ the punch of friggin’ Mike (other Mike), the ‘Mike’ named ‘Tyson’ , anyway, add to these and the following social-stressors amongst the up becoming part of society, known as ‘Tragedy of the Commons’ ‘Dont mind how how I’m also just a pion, somebody’s minion, everybody is in one sense or another, the mess I gots the one the guy left, got here before me, so yo-bee-atchhh-whasssup?! Anyway, try to excuse that… ok, But anyway, I get it, it’s no-fun disagreeing with ‘friends’ and Social-Media (it’s improving) used to be a ‘Daily No-Bag-Limit Zero-Personal-Accountability, with the possibility of purging pent-up Bullying-pressure, total-censure, blockades in a medium promoting freedom to communicate, connect, come together, instead, (re-read above material), Our Domestic-Resources, any/all need to contain and re-unite our National Pledge of Allegiance, I’d yell, Holy-Shit-Show, Hallelujah, if only they hadn’t forgotten Christ Jesus King, chose your choice mind over body, where to potty, I guess I liked to feel naughty, check my Tik-Tok, Insta- everyone’s insanely pimping themselves out, the rest commiserate and search for ways to justify vindictive aspirations, make a movement strong defined wall of solidarity to cause, purpose, reason and commitment, we as Americans need to change quickly… from within… not only our selves… families, friends, co-workers… We need to produce, internally, what we as a nation/people need, produce-surplus for Profitability-Overseas, social-label nihilistic intentions through unlawful use of Executive-Powers
@ConnieBach Says:
He's unfit? Ya think?
@MichaelG9788 Says:
Thank you, Liz. Thank you to your father. Country over party. Do not get complacent. Do not assume. Every vote is vitally important. Vote BLUE 💙 💙💙💙💙💙💙🗳🗳🗳🗳
@korinnabowers6318 Says:
Thank you Liz for putting democracy first
@edhays4943 Says:
Liz chenney is totally correct!
@JustAThought1000 Says:
I wouldn’t give much credence to what Liz is saying. It makes no difference to Harry’s points. He’s against Trump and paid to diss him.
@carrolbell2017 Says:
I believe Harris will get 85 million votes and Trump won’t get 70
@jameslewis197 Says:
45 is dangerous & a walking NARCISSIST!!
@PoetlaureateNFDL Says:
Cheney and Trump are arch enemies.
@Mark-d7o7d Says:
Liz is a Patriot
@montanacrone8984 Says:
Trump is unfit.
@PurpleVR111 Says:
Liz Cheney is true to Democracy
@sporty1701 Says:
You're having ANOTHER wet dream, Harry!!! The ONLY thing Lizard destroyed IS HER CAREER IN POLITICS!!! She's a RINO turned Demorat...and UNIVERSALLY HATED BY MILLIONS AND MILLIONS, including her FORMER supporters!! She's free to endorse anyone she wants...NOBODY GIVES A RAT'S A$$, I can assure you!!! By the way, did you see today's NYT/Siena College Poll...Trump has pulled ahead of Cackling Kamala and Tampon Tim...the honeymoon is over, and Tuesday's debate will totally CRUSH HER PATHETIC CAMPAIGN!!! You're on the WRONG SIDE AGAIN, ANYONE surprised???
@betheneytroyer1156 Says:
@EnkiduIX Says:
This is a comment. Allegedly.
@LeslieKerr-y5f Says:
Every time he says something just proves he's unfit.
@Opinionsrnotfacts574 Says:
I get why Republicans won't listen to a Democrat tell them Trump is unfit for office. I am bewildered as to why they won't listen to other Republicans.
@josephm7606 Says:
So glad that she specified that voting for Trump OR WRITING IN A NAME is disastrous for our democracy.
@josephm7606 Says:
Thank God there’s some glimmers of sanity in the swamp of the GOP
@JeffHarwood-h9p Says:
You people have forgotten the lies that Dick Cheney told the world so he could get rich by blowing up IRAQ . That man is covered in the blood of millions of people.
@eslib2 Says:
Reminder that Liz did vote along with Trumps positions 92.9% when he was in office so she is no alley but is on the road to redeem herself and her party as a republican.
@shindoggy Says:
she is a true patriot! ❤
@timothyslaughter476 Says:

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