EXCLUSIVE: Premier Smith on tax cuts, immigration, pensions, policing and Oilers games
EXCLUSIVE: Premier Smith on tax cuts, immigration, pensions, policing and Oilers games



@Alien2799 Says:
so she is for massive immigration
@ladwigs Says:
Albertans voted to end equalization
@CrazyTrain-k2j Says:
Albertans want ACTION not talk. Smith has done NOTHING to improve the lives of Albertans. Youth suicide and unemployment has NEVER been higher and she keeps telling every immigrant in Canada to flood the province when social programs, healthcare, and infrastructure are completely overloaded. IGNORE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT LIKE RALPH KLEIN DID AND BE THE LEADER ALBERTA NEEDS. It’s called Section 92 of the Constitution—USE IT and stop cowering to The Dauphin in Ottawa.
@jes4026 Says:
I appreciate Daniel Smith.
@sacred406 Says:
Immigrants need to work when they come here yet NOT be taking our jobs away. We can't support all these people. Thanks to the WHO/UN/WEF & cronies in positions they aught not be, we can barely support our self and many are loosing everything because of woke governments and ilk!
@LCculater Says:
Our federal government needs to step down and go away , far away from
@dylanostapyk7656 Says:
Immigration is killing us
@coryporter5833 Says:
1.6m subscribers but only 10K views Google is the enemy
@rickmars8581 Says:
Why are you encouraging immigrants/migrants into policing? Many don't share our values.
@gwstubbs7046 Says:
Good job Rebel News.
@pin65371 Says:
She needs to play things in such a way that she can keep overall support. The one issue is there are some very vocal online people that are pushing things that the majority of the population either disagree with or just dont care about. If she focuses too much on the small minority all that will happen is if Nenshi is disciplined he will end up getting the NDP the win. If that happens then go back to videos like this one and you'll see who to blame. Her job is to represent everyone. Not just the people with a decent social media following that have a few thousand people aligned with them in a province of 5ish million people. I think those people have fallen into the trap of being in an echo chamber where they think more people align with them. I'm not gonna say that the majority of Albertans dont align with them on certain issues but other issues that isnt the case.
@barbarajohnston6405 Says:
good lord she thinks more money from the feds instead of stopping the invasion
@Robert29011 Says:
My greatest happiness is the $64,000 bi-weekly profit I get consistently from my $15,000 investment.
@mikeinalberta1330 Says:
The real message is were all screwed if things dont change. Its like the power grid. If millions are using too much power, the grid fails. Were seeing funding fail and well all pay more and more and more. We need less government!
@sjappiyah4071 Says:
10:40 is spot on , I like her but she needs to DELIVER on policy … Specifically the tax cuts and fixing the Alberta healthcare system, wait times are still ridiculous. As the man said, she had 3 years, fix them now while you have the chance .
@albertapatriot3877 Says:
Put Albertans first wound be a good priority.
@MrCoreystorm Says:
#AlbertaIndependenceNow #AlbertaSovereigntyNow
@MrCoreystorm Says:
#AlbertaIndependenceNow #AlbertaSovereigntyNow
@ibrahimm2012 Says:
Do something about homelessness and drug abuse in Edmonton I live close to yellow head and it’s a zombie land and live at your own risk situation. Do something please
@Darrell-z2h Says:
Justin Trudeau is purposely causing excessive immigration to cause inflation to continue rising
@theboatadventure Says:
Danielle Smith, I am a Fort McMurray resident and I want to hear that if any other Provence gets a bonus from Ottawa then Alberta should demand equal share. We need to move away from provincial equalization payments as it seems we are giving our wealth to provinces that do not favour Alberta. They need us we don’t need them
@yannyloyer7177 Says:
I hate biggot smith
@charlesmtl Says:
No more immigrants
@Paul-gf9fc Says:
Get the RCMP trash out of here like you said.
@trenchtroll467 Says:
immigration is out of control
@barbcroteau6941 Says:
No more dual citizenship for people…especially if you are a government employee….align yourself with the country that gives you the wonderful benefits!
@jamescameron204 Says:
2:45 you can build all the houses you want but the main issue is MORTGAGE FRAUD allowed by the banks like HSBC and RBC,,Chinese drug money is funneled into three Canadian housing through fake incomes from drug dealers that bid up the cost of houses and now they are spreading it throughout the rest of Canada,, try competing with a foreign buyer from China that has unlimited money from drugs,, China has 1,198 coal fire plants while Alberta just shut it's last one down that provided cheat electricity,, Alberta can ship coal to China and Japan to burn and make goods but Alberta is banned from using it,, clown world,, also immigration from gas station pump shitters like punjab are flooding the system to replace the native born people,,she is just prancing around worrying about capturing carb on (a trace gas), worrying about flooding Alberta with punjabs before doing any of the mandated ideas like APP, lower taxes, Alberta police, bill of rights to make vaccination illegal with fines and firearm ownership, stop equalization,,the list goes on and on and her time is running out with inaction,,she's gotta go,,total failure,,
@barbcroteau6941 Says:
Enough with the immigration !!, there is nothing wrong with saying Enough is Enough. Let’s STOP immigration for a couple years to get OUR people back on track…let’s give OUR country a chance to regroup….lets let OUR kids get educated in OUR schools! Enough with bowing down to immigration woes.
@1n3c Says:
END THE MASS IMMIGRATION INVASION!! Canadians first! Doctors first! Housing first! Our homeless first! Our vets first. Let all student visas expire. Terminate all temporary work permits. NO INSTANT VOTING RIGHTS FOR NEW IMMIGRANTS !!!!
@crazystewart34 Says:
What Danielle Smith should do is acknowledge Climate Change the threat it actually is. 5 environmental diasters in over 10 years all the effects of it. 2050 is a bit too little too late.
@judyharrison5142 Says:
Police need to be born in Canada, otherwise infiltrators will replace Canadians.
@judyharrison5142 Says:
The housing seems to be proverty level quality and very small footage. Third world.
@kevincampiou4056 Says:
Danielle. 👏
@sheldonberg125 Says:
A church should never allow a political meeting in their house of worship. That’s my opinion and I think it is the right one.
@kathybrecht696969 Says:
Insurance rates? Still waiting 😞
@prairierider7569 Says:
Bringing to Alberta over 22% of all illegals coming and we pay for it, no use of the SA, still pushes covid jabs in infants regular schedule.. no business really want to invest in 2050 when they have Venezuela to work in no climate crap, still way too many red tags policies,
@abbynormalbrain8301 Says:
Donate your ticket charge to your favorite charity
@shawnb8658 Says:
Close our borders and NO to immigrant police
@johncheresna Says:
My comments get deleted here. Only Rumble has free speech.
@WesWoychyshyn Says:
Right on! Premier Smith👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@mmcguire5687 Says:
First of all, “Never Forget High River”, no one as yet has been held to account. Alberta sovereignty now. Stop ALL federal immigration dumping into the province. Just say NO! Fix health care once and for all. It is beyond atrocious how long “citizens” have to wait for health care, tests, surgeries…..while “immigrants” somehow scoot through the system pretty quick. How exactly does this work?
@BAC-qo7cz Says:
How come you haven't kicked the RCMP out yet?? How about keeping your earlier commitments!
@tkorte101 Says:
Smith is an open borders globalist that wants to turn Alberta into a third world standard of living. Everyone scratching for a crust, unable to afford a home, and Big business raking in the profits driven by mass immigration and skyrocketing cost of living. This woman is despicable. She crossed the floor to fight against the Wildrose Party. Never forget that, because she sure hasn't.
@jasondelaney527 Says:
Deficit? Ffs make cuts, there's loads of fat! Again, let's blame feds ffs we can say no end of story! Their rules need to be shut down, period! No, we don't want her celebrating. We want Alberta insulated from chinada. We also want police force and pension and taxes. In other words, shut Ottawa out period. And we definitely want heads to roll on C19!
@johncheresna Says:
If I made this comment on DS's YT it would be deleted. I am still waiting on these policies… Sovereignty, Independent Police force. Stop the transfer ripoff to ungrateful Quebec and others. Stop the C02 tax that ends up in ungrateful Quebec and they even pay less. WTF! Build much needed upgraders and refineries instead of letting India and China make the money. Instead DS wants Hydrogen that has been proven to be a fraud. She side stepped all the questions. The guy at 10:20 is correct. No answers! Her Plan, at 1:55, do nothing until PP gets elected.
@gorgeousgeorge5173 Says:
I work for Income Support. Our top mgmt wants to reduce caseloads as they've exploded, mostly because of refugees and interprovincial migration. Meanwhile, the same UCP Government is into the 3rd phase of the 'Welcome to Alberta' program. We have fully qualified tradespeople on welfare. I voted for Danielle and UCP, but on the ground, they have similar policy to the NDP, just different PR. fyi
@JustpissoffTrudeau Says:
No more Gimmiegration Smith .
@TrudeausBlackFace Says:
Why are we paying $1.60 for gas in ALBERTA?? Danielle Smith might end up becoming Kenney 2.0
@ajmk22 Says:
How quickly people forget the last 2..... or over look so much. She has done the best she can and has done FAR better in Fighting for Albertan's, she is always so well spoken and from the heart, always composed and only not when the heart breaking fires of Jasper were spoken of and bless her for that! She is more REAL than anyone I have seen. She at leasts fights for issues Albertans bring up all the time. It's a tough battle i cant even imagine the corruption she faces if people could put 1+1 together with JT... I give her so much cred. She doesn't turn people away she honours conversations including this one.
@davidsmith-ub6ir Says:
Premier smith is wrong the federal government got to stop mass immigration an start deporting destroying canada

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