'It's gone and we lost everything': Jasper evacuee says wildfire was 'devastating'
'It's gone and we lost everything': Jasper evacuee says wildfire was 'devastating'



@RebelNewsOnline Says:
Rebel News is crowdfunding emergency relief funds to help the wildfire-stricken people of Jasper, Alberta. 100% of these proceeds will go to disaster relief efforts and rebuilding the local community. Please chip in a donation here to help out! Visit http://www.HelpJasper.ca
@viewtube51 Says:
Crazy we aren't hearing much about this in Canada.... Like we do but it isnt all over the news like it used to be. Its usually a quick clip saying "remember Jasper is still burnt" and the news moves on.
@G.I.N.N Says:
You lost your possessions ....Not your life. Be thankful
@willydewit8818 Says:
Did the blue cars burn too
@michaelart4878 Says:
The grace (favour/power/light) of our LORD JESUS CHRIST be with you all 🌏🌎🌍 💘 <=== A-MEN' ====€ 🙌 ALLELUIA 🙌 🌿
@HuckThis1971 Says:
The Canadair CL-215 was purposely designed for this. Now the CL-415. To protect towns from forest fires. Where were they ? Is it to push the climate change agenda? Water bombers could have saved Jasper.
@kylerollheiser5694 Says:
If the government would have done there job you wouldn't be in this situation looking for government handouts
@TheeSlickShady_Dave_K Says:
Why is it in Canada, migrants, "assylum seekers" and illegal invaders receive: • hotel rooms • food • cell phones ... and Canadians in need get ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ??
@TheeSlickShady_Dave_K Says:
Back in the day, Canadian firefighters would have easily protected Jasper This event of letting it burn reeks of political influence
@TheeSlickShady_Dave_K Says:
Thank you Sheila Thank you Rebel News
@TexMarque Says:
When was the last fire in Jasper National Park?
@guylancaster2055 Says:
sue the federal government............Trudeau and Guilbeault's environmental idiocy/crimes caused this............
@markwren8260 Says:
So sorry for your loses Bud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@markwren8260 Says:
They gave thre green light and you got mowed down like Maui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@daviddd9338 Says:
No images of Green Lake?!!
@isabellshoff8225 Says:
Sorry for your loss.
@TedRobinson-cc9od Says:
The Mysterious Slash And Burn 🔥 perhaps something like what Happened in Hawaii

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