Taylor Swift is NOT a good role model
Taylor Swift is NOT a good role model



@EvelynHuffman-yb4xq Says:
Someone sounds obsessed!
@christinewesson2046 Says:
Probably because it’s a man.
@davidchicoine6949 Says:
Says the girl who so conservative that she against flu shots and polio shots.just another fundamentalist
@ajnosl Says:
I don't understand why you're on her all the time. I don't like her as a singer but damn, let her live her. She's a pop star, who is travelling all over the world and that's not a lifestyle which is conducive to holding down a marriage and having kids. There's never any scandal about her unlike hose like cardi b and nicky minage and that makes her wholesome. Seems to me cos she's not acting like them, in toxic marriages with a bag of children, you're not happy. She's 34 not 54. Leave her tf alone.
@wendelljones9908 Says:
Taylor is a no talent hack that money put her on the charts.
@carenostendorfayika7637 Says:
I didn’t get married until I was 38. However, I was very active in my church and ministry. I served as a big sister for Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Not to mention, I was the coolest aunt to my numerous nieces and nephews. Not having a husband should not be a factor in determining a role model as much as your service to others. She is not living a life for Christ - she serves another master. That is the real issue.
@sandrajohnson8071 Says:
People have been saying that's its a M to F
@wallicecrewell5966 Says:
Her lyrics in some songs are so very sick! SHE IS NO ROLE MODEL I WANT MY GREAT GRANDCHILDREN TO MIMICK!
@DeniseWheeler-r6d Says:
I love when you make a video about Swift😂 It makes the cry babies flood the comment section every single time!! 🍼🧸😹
@nonibahati2731 Says:
Just follow Jesus as your role model, can't go wrong with him 😊.
@CarlaLilley-p4q Says:
@jerristrickland9491 Says:
Taylor Swift is not a good role model for anyone especially kids!
@debbiequesenberry5577 Says:
NO she is not a good role model and I would NOT want my daughters to look up to her. just the opposite I would want them to view her as how NOT to behave.
@cms19799369 Says:
@dixiebowling9271 Says:
No I would like my daughter and granddaughter to be them selves! God bless ❤
@DianaKelly-b1z Says:
Famous people are just shameful. The entire industry is full of child abusers. No child should be on location when adult language or acts are occurring. No child should be getting their first kiss through a script. No child should be sitting on the laps of or in bed snuggling a costarring STRANGER. As the democrats put it, it is just weird! And it has been going on since the late 1950s. I want my daughter to cover more than her swimsuit area when wiggling in front of thousands of “fans”. I want what comes out of her mouth to represent her character so curses & hate against broken up relations are not my goal. And with Swift at the age of pushing 40 it is also just weird! I want her to know the difference between 15 weeks and 9 month abortions so she can make an informed choice. Oooh my daughter does because I rejected every script sent to her from NY & CA and other agencies because her soul was worth way more than the price of a movie ticket! Swift has money but she became lost long ago.
@texas2109 Says:
A 34yr brat
@vangodwinmyyoutubealias7592 Says:
Really ? Taylor Swift is NOT a good role model ? Toxic ? Before you condemn TS, take a look at the real pop culture trash like Cardi B and Nicki Minaj. Those women are vulgar and trashy - calling them toxic is to compliment them. Beyonce isn't exactly a role model either. Stooping down to Jay-Z's street class degeneracy, songs like ApeSh*t and Partition, her nude photos, none of that gives good role model vibes.
@2forfun007 Says:
All celebrities are handmade of the devils in Hollywood
@triciabeth8355 Says:
Totally agree with you, Candace! She is not a good role model and is very toxic!
@LorrTaylor Says:
She sure isn't. Every young white girl acts like Taylor. It's sad. Candace, America owes you for your truth. Way to go!
@teelasegura5865 Says:
If my daughters didn't settle by 34 thats fine by me sorry Candice this is absurd.
@Toria1980 Says:
Something about Taylor that doesn’t sit right with me tbh
@rondapalmer3011 Says:
Yes, If that is what my daughter wants! That is what the feminism movement started as! We should be able to have the choice to either be an at home mom or a CEO! Now, my feelings about Taylor Swift is that her music is not bad but only 15 yr old girls can relate to it. I have been asking my 17yr old daughter for years how much longer can a thirty something woman keep singing songs that 15yr Olds relate to. In order to be as creative as she is (bc she writes all her own lyrics) then she has to think like teenage girls! That's probably why she hasn't settled down. Once she does she will lose that teenage mentality. I actually believe she starts relationships just to get new lyrics. That's why her relationships always end! So she can sing about it. But that's just my opinion.
@jordanwilkerson3242 Says:
wow good question
@danzelfenrick6812 Says:
What you are crazy 😮😅😅
@hithereitsmags7096 Says:
@dianemorris5816 Says:
That's not Taylor's job to be a role model.
@JeannieFaulk-d8v Says:
She Devil.
@jackinthebox3474 Says:
Candace Owens is infatuated with Taylor 😅
@alliebrown8549 Says:
Not a swiftie here by any means, and my kids aren’t even allowed to watch mainstream television. We live on a working farm, and we homeschool our kids. Definitely not coming at this from a “leftist” perspective, but good grief, there is literally NO ONE human being in mine or my kids’ lives that I would tell them to 100% emulate. So this is kind of a ridiculous argument in that regard. Taylor Swift is also a left-wing feminist who seems to have no issues with surrounding herself with RIGHT-WING conservatives. In that regard, I would encourage my kids to be that open-minded in such a ready-to-cancel-you culture. Also, in that regard, aren’t YOU engaging in cancel culture by completely discouraging any role-model potential in someone who actually has role-model potential? I would encourage my kids to strive toward certain characteristics, NOT toward people. I think the entire “role model” platform in general is ridiculous. For example, I would encourage my kids to strive for Candace’s courage but NOT for her arrogance and fear-mongering, divisive character that completely and utterly opposes Christ’s ministry. In thy regard, I guess YOU aren’t a role model either. Because human beings fall short. Even successfully married human beings. Jesus Christ is the ONLY role model we will be encouraging in our household. And, even though He wasn’t married— even into his 30’s (gasp!)— He is the one and only role model to exemplify what it means to be a human being anticipating that which lies at the end of the eschatological timeline— new creation. I’m sorry, but worshipping at the alter of political or societal reformation is expected for the secularist with no other identity than culture (or counterculture.) But this kind of worship masked with the face of our Lord and Savior has got to stop. Maybe go back and study the zealot movement of Jesus’ day and how Jesus responded to that movement. Maybe start looking to CHRIST as a role model…since you regard CHRIST as KING and all.
@samiehayes8045 Says:
@janicediaz7921 Says:
Candace… Candace.. Candace… Why are you always judging Taylor.. ? Please let be God who judges her actions..
@AoifeCullen-j8f Says:
Her being childless and unmarried doesn’t make her a bad person but the fact she promotes adultery and cheating in her music and all kinds of sin in her music and in her life is bad behavior that you don’t want your child to emulate
@hannahmaebeaver1631 Says:
Taylor Is comprimised. demonic puppet
@salmasalute Says:
Wow i didn't know u were that limited minded and judgemental. I dont like taylor swift but not because she is not married and childless. Not everyone is supposed to follow a certain similiar route in life. I am 38 still not married and will probably not have a child im too old for it does that mean im a bad person. I wanna be married but ita not that simple. What the heck. What a shame candace. Im from syria and thank u for speaking out on xionixm. But this isn't at all a valid point.
@lunagabriella213 Says:
😅 I'm in the middle here. I don't like Swift at all. I'm also not big on Candace, but I'm interested in what she has to say sometimes because it'll usually resonate. I'm unmarried and childless at 36, but my ex was a liar and abuser from when we were together from when I was 29 to 35, plus a year of friendship beforehand. He wasted essentially the best years of my adult life. My twenties were horrible with depression, hence why I say that. Well, I did everything I could and felt like I could finally break free from him last year. Yes, he did and said things to lead me on. I wish I broke up with him when I had had the intuition to before that one plague 😂
@Hanimoon24 Says:
A ‘role model’ who keeps changing boyfriends like changing clothes and she’s 34 years old. I don’t get it….
@kelly1387 Says:
Not 4 me, she shakes nothing but her lady bits and she does it far to publicly. Little girls need to love themselves and their families more than the £/$!! My daughter is perfectly perfect for her and she asks her worth of others, no more no less FULL STOP. Be kind, polite and treat all others how you wish to be treated and the sun will surely shine tomorrow. ❤
@CatBerry9121 Says:
Actually, Taylor Swift is a great role model. You never see Candace going after any MAN who doesn't have children. It makes Taylor an even better role model, because she doesn't give in to people like this peer pressuring her into getting married and having kids
@psingleton68 Says:
Your condemnation of people that don’t believe like you is getting ridiculous. You have so many valid points but go off on tangents like this. Recurring theme is the lack of compassion you have for anything outside your data set. What will be particularly interesting is your children. God gives us children to love but they also teach. I believe you will eventually look back and have a different outlook but hindsight is 20/20
@gayatrisawhney Says:
@gayatrisawhney Says:
@lolatank8328 Says:
Candace there is no point in 3 children when you have no time for them. It’s a social “good image” goal only. It’s not “for yourself”. I had sister sign 11 year difference there is no chance to give 3 children everything they need with your schedule. And kids are not supposed to be “ part of the image”.
@PolaPoplawska Says:
Taylor Swift IQ is 160......
@texasstardust6010 Says:
...We must be careful and mindful in regards to all these " Celebrities "....Are there a percentage of " decent " ones ? Yes, but they have made a Conscious Decision to see whats really going on. Taylor Swift is a severely Misguided Pawn , who did not use Common Sense nor Critical Thinking Skills, before allowing herself to be sucked in and controlled by the Darkness. ( we know what I'm referring to. ...the Toxic Entertainment Industry.) There m i g h t have been a time frame of her " being wholesome ", but that Ship has Sailed.... she sold her Soul quite some time ago .....she changed drastically for a REASON. Many people are childless, because they choose that ; There is NOTHING WRONG with being childless.....Some people don't want children, and that's okay. However if you're still " dating" at that age and you're just going from relationship to relationship..... and wasting time on being in unhealthy Relationships ( as a common denominator of Unhealthy Relationships) ....there very well may be a problem. Dating is designed to lead to Courtship ,which is the precursor to Marriage. ...dating helps " seperate the Wheat from the Chaff "...so I'm not sure she's actually g o.o d at " dating "...Again , a problem from within oneself. When one is Misguided and being USED by The Darkness .... they believe they are " being noble".. but CANNOT see what the Truth actually is. ( Stepping off the Soapbox now...lol).
@Im_Back88 Says:
Taylor swift has sold her soul for zionist coins
@e2011-z6u Says:
Enough with the childless and not married garbage. Who cares what choices Taylor Swift makes as far as her romantic relationships? As long as she's not disrespecting her partner, or cheating on them, it's her business. Being a mother is great, but there are many other ways to contribute to the world.
@monkscyas1022 Says:
Fall in love every-time I see Candice Don’t worry my wife is aware
@colinirwin8328 Says:
Y do u care

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