Literally Hitler. Why Can't We Talk About Him? | Candace Ep 17
Literally Hitler. Why Can't We Talk About Him? | Candace Ep 17



@danielg3963 Says:
Nacies were also developing and using biological weapons. Does this remind you of someone?
@danielg3963 Says:
You ask why we cant discuss Hitler. Here is the answer, do some research and find out who was actually funding him throughout the entire world war 2?
@paschnskunkodor1405 Says:
Hey young lady! Since your firing for practicing real journalism, you've gone in one direction; Upward. Digging into the truths of the 2nd Ashkenazim bankers' world war will reveal things to you and your followers that will shake you to your core. When you learn of the absurdity of their key money making, sympathy garnering “hallow'dcaust, how they victimized the German people, GENOCIDED them to a much greater degree than they are the precious Palestinians, your awakening will truly set you free. Please, be very careful, you are dealing with a dogma that places these evil beings at the very heart of Satan himself; (John 8: 44) “ You are From your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began,and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.” “Some may call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Judaism!” (Rabbi Stephen Wise – The American Bulletin, May 5th 1935. Close friend to FDR. "If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves.” (Benjamin Franklin)
@sirsydneyknuckles7923 Says:
Taylor Swift is a male.
@shawnschneider2842 Says:
Candace if you think it through you are doing nothing more than giving ammunition to these woke parasites tearing down statues burning buildings because America was evil. Is that your goal? I'll pray you gain discernment on what you blast out. God bless my friend.
@ericcosgrove2626 Says:
Thank you candice. Im german. Here in the us since the early 1700s from germanyy im currently still living in a town in america named after a town in germany. Carlstadt. Its spelled with a k in germany. We are the "real" founders of kindergarten lol. Jusy a little fun fact. Thank you for "broadening" the view of hitler and that sad movement. Im not disgraced i just feel that with great power comes great responsibility and yes it did get out of hand but i just appreciate how you are showing that there was a greater agenda at hand. Thank you again.
@pacoshuman7642 Says:
Its amazing how this us/western world is full ONLY of jewish deaths in WWII. That is it. They don't allow for any truths to come out. This maniac was hiding in israel because he was one with them. The truth is slowly but surely coming out.
@petrosE75 Says:
An expose on the Christian Holocaust under the Jewish Bolsheviks in the 1920's to 1950's would be interesting, as well as the reasoning behind Hitler's rise to power, to prevent the spread of the vile Bolshevik ideology across Europe.
@goofygoober8774 Says:
@LauraNielson-b3g Says:
Candice I believe you have a gift. You tell things so honestly whether we like to hear it or not. I appreciate that. When it comes to war I don't know how anyone feels like anyone wins in war war cost so much in human lives young men human lives and civilians that's why I feel that we should have a strong military that we should be so strong that people will not be able to come against us. I don't mean this is a scare tactic just plain and simple we don't want war so what are our options? I do believe that there are warmongers out there that thrive not only in business but in prestige of wars. It will take God and many many prayers of all of us to be able to humbly and generously figure out how to manage a real life. I am with you God will win there's no doubt about it in my mind that truth will overcome evil.
@KimberlyGray-s5o Says:
need to look into Operation Stargate that was scary
@living_florida3251 Says:
Good morning everyone, I’m listening to this clip, and wow. You’re right, I hesitate to write his name. With regard to Taylor Swift, I love her music, her songs make me feel happy, girlie and beautiful. Taylor Swift is a good artist. It seems like the whole world is not what we all thought it was; my question to you, mis know it all☺️, what are we supposed to do? Thank you
@patriciaschneider6883 Says:
I don’t understand Taylors popularity. She pretty but not by any means gorgeous. She sings well but not exceptionally so. She seems like a middle school idol. I don’t get it. Actually I do Shes an Idol.The bible says we should worship the Lord thy God and him alone shall thy worship. Sorry but I wouldn’t even kiss the popes ring. The Bible is our best guide because it’s true.
@6598945 Says:
Yes Candace american police kill black people in mass but you deny that is about race when america and your American police are racist and institutionally racist!
@fancyyyyy Says:
It's crazy how little the school in the states teaches about history. I had the most amazing history teacher (I'm swedish) who dedicated his life to teach the real truth, even wrote a book about world war 2.) I don't think we should idolize celebrities like we do. It's unhealthy. We don't know them, and we have no idea how they are privately. A lot of them have been proven hypocrites. Protect your kids, listen to your instinct and place your faith in God.
@tamarlightbourne8217 Says:
Ashke"Nazi" Jews + "Nazi" Germany = Killing of Christians
@gregbraum7330 Says:
@rominmohamma87 is correct "Candace Owens has more guts than most of this republicans out here" more guts than all of the Republicans put together.
@CarterNJreviews Says:
I haven’t look you up but seen you for a looooooooong time online it seems like a decade by now lol but I just found your show and it’s one of my favorites I like the history/politics/pop culture kinda mix you have going it’s fun I think we’d be pretty good friends Candace 😂🤪
@SaraiLyon Says:
What happened to the USS Liberty?
@billhanna5455 Says:
"Did he make you take the Covid shot" Kapow Of course not I work for the MSM LOL
@Stargirl622 Says:
Be careful its so easy to descend into evil.
@johnhines3705 Says:
Ok I agree with you about all of this... one question. Have you noticed how many facets of life that are controlled by evil. It's overwhelming. Which is why it seems like evil is winning. But Christians know who is the winner of this battle!
@UnknownArchive Says:
Why are we not allowed to talk about Hitler? Because if we talk about Hitler we start asking why he was so angry. Why was he so angry? What was his issue? I sure hope nobody looks it up
@MichaelX-c6e Says:
@reillys4080 Says:
Hearing you read the advertisement in the middle of your videos is discouraging. Makes me feel like you're an actor.
@scienz Says:
what is Candace's point about Hitler? If you want to acknowledge death of German civilians, make that the issue and don't lump it in with some pseudo defense of Hitler and Nazi Germany.
@SusanLane-x6l Says:
President Trump is going to do a mandatory temporary lowering of credit card interest because he understands that we have all had to use them these last almost 4 years.
@nobhill9333 Says:
@chrissherrill49 Says:
I have long been wary of government, perhaps because I questioned our involvement in Vietnam. Anyway, my cynicism was solidified after reading "Dr. Mary's Monkeys". One segment relates how the early iterations of a cancer causing drug were tested on prisoners at The Louisiana State Penitentiary knowing they would die. The goal was to see how quickly the drug(s) brought on cancer. One word: diabolical. The story is told as verifiable history and is very dark, but believable.
@Francis-kw9ui Says:
She uses people. Onto fiancé number. Merching
@kristiyouknowme2254 Says:
Please have a show/interview with Dennis Prager about your info on the Jews, Jewish state, and all your newly found learned information ..please
@emetdara2999 Says:
First of all, if you check the history of World War 2, Israel or Zionists had little or nothing to do with it except be victims in a genocide. Secondly, Germany started this war by invading Poland. They were later joined by Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. What these 3 bed-fellows had in common was their imperialist ambitions. Germany sought to claim the regions that had been carved out of them as part of their punishment for their involvement in World war 1. Italy, under the leadership of Benito Mussolini, wanted to create a new Roman Empire and invaded North Africa, Ethiopia, Albania, Greece and others to realize this vision. Japan also sought to expand their empire in Asia and had already invaded Taiwan, Korea and started invading China in the early 30s. Their combined efforts resulted in way over 30 million deaths. So when Candace shows up with these facts like someone buried it to save face, you should really ask, if it is true, why has it been largely ignored? After the fall of Nazi Germany, World leaders decided to redraw the map of Europe, redefining borders of countries that Nazi Germany had conquered and encouraged their citizens to settle in. So after this had been done, the Soviet Union, Czech and Poland had ethnic Germans living among them forcefully expelled. This led to the brutalization and massacre of the Germans. About 12 to 14 million Germans were expelled and about 2 million were killed. It was a terrible massacre but the Allied forces did not care because it was coming on the heels of what Nazi Germany had done in world war 2. Does this mean their actions were justified, no but this is the nature of war and this is the nuance missing from what Candace has presented. All of this doesn't change the history of who Hitler was or the role played by Germany in both world wars. I do not understand what Candace hopes to achieve going on this tangent.
@shabiramin5681 Says:
The Germans were savagely murdered also. But of course only the Jews are victims.
@arachnipope Says:
Children are the backing for the New Word Currency.
@arachnipope Says:
Fascinating how none of the the things the Left said Trump would do happened during his actual presidency. He has a record of not doing these things but they still claim he'll do them if elected 2024. Their side pushed for war with Russia before 2016. Their side has the US with one foot on the diving board and the other on a banana peel staring down at nuclear war........but Trump bad. Removing civics from school was a crime against America. Our owners depend on our ignorance to keep their power. Use your eyes, ears and your minds, they're all you have.
@emetdara2999 Says:
I am deeply disappointed at the comments I am reading. I now understand why Candace thinks what she is doing is just... You guys are so easily beguiled, it's such a shame.
@michaelfitzgerald38 Says:
How and why people take Candace Owens seriously is a mystery.
@RJS2303 Says:
Who was a worse mass murderer than hitler? He didn't personally kill all them people but he told his henchmen/women to do it. So he of course is culpable and by proxy the worst mass murderer ever
@robertbooth7396 Says:
3:04 Candace, stop whining
@ronaldmasterbud1551 Says:
The Very First Birth Control Was Created by A Catholic Nun. The Head Nun Of The Order Around 1920 or 1890 I Can't Remember Off The Top of My Head ???
@triggercityt.v5874 Says:
This the kind of republican I wanna be outspoken proud unapologetic and MOST IMPORTANTLY FACTUAL. 🇺🇸 ❤
@Michelle__604 Says:
In Britain, I was taught about a dictator that existed before hitler, it was Stalin. He murdered millions too, he had concentration camps and his communism starved his people. Hitler approached Stalin and signed a contract that would ensure Stalin Germany would not invade. Hitler betrayed this contract. This was the downfall of Germany because hitler spread his troops too thinly by attacking Europe and Russia at the same time. One thing I wasn't told was that Winston Churchill and the president of the United States went to Russia for the parade of Stalins victory. There are pictures. My point is we knew Stalin was a mass murderer and he was no different from hitler but we still went to his homeland to kiss his toes. The parade was insane. What makes one dictator better than the other? We also touched briefly on the punishments of the German people after the war. It was suggested an example had to be made. Which even at the young age I was learning this, it made me question the need for this. The German people were brainwashed and lied to, when the people began to question the intentions of the movement they were then eliminated. They were disposable pawns just as much as their supposed enemies.
@Darkbeauty09 Says:
If your child is following Taylor Swift and hanging onto her every word and wants to be just like her, that’s a parent problem. Stop raising children to worship these people. I have two daughters and they don’t worship these people. I’ve just been telling them since they were young that they aren’t right and we have had many discussions about music they hear. I know though some disagree and say stop blaming parents. I am not blaming parents, but also know as a parent and also working with other parents and children for a long time, that we have way way more influence over our children than they want you to think. This new age mantra of kids will be who they want and bla bla, some truth to that, but it’s not all truth. You do matter and how you raise them is EVERYTHING!
@arturomontas5791 Says:
I have found myself listening to you for more than 3 hours straight and that really made me wish I had more teachers like you.
@arturomontas5791 Says:
I really thought she was 26.
@JamesTCA Says:
The name Solomon tells us all we need to know.
@12-Poler Says:
Could it now be that discussion of Hitler, would shed light on, and expose Socialism?🤔
@mariaarcher5280 Says:
I dont know why but I seem to agree with everything you say. Please write another book.And Thank you so much Candace, for speaking the truth about the history of war between Nations. I love history and you. God Bless You Candace
@transformationgeneration Says:
...and by the way, not only does he tell you about his struggle w/marxism but, he describes what we can do to destroy it; hence, the reason our GOV doesn't want us to read it. When you do, remember, the bourgeoisie = The Republicans - Social Democrats = obviously, our Democrats and the proletariat = you, the working people.

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