REACTIONS: Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported?
REACTIONS: Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported?



@gigginbig3 Says:
Turkey isn’t even a poor country or one worth leaving those are obvious spies wtf dude this is out of hand
@erikerikk2416 Says:
Wouldn'T BE MUCH MORE POSITIF EFFECT à NORTH amerIka KonTInenT amerIka CounTrY usa State's Balance HarmonYy posITIf Order PresenT Tomorrow a Clean well PosITIf PraerYy a VeterInär Medicin Person ABove PoliticAL pARtie line DoctRin.?
@erikerikk2416 Says:
§ 55 UNIVerse Law
@erikerikk2416 Says:
TO earn THE RIGHT'S TO LIFE ON POSITIF PLACE'S SHOULd leave TO Place's where been cAUseD Dessert cAUs Dessert peoplepeopel Didn't well cAUs DiD cAUs Dessert. thé woRc to stol to end Dessert platz Exemple Sahara Dessert Should worced cAUs thé guiltie á. Should?! RewaTerInG Dessert replanTInG Tree's Flora ForesT Fauna Green Gras! Guiltie Should must HAnDwoRc THAT théiR negutiv energy worced into thé Ground exemple Sahara dessert sand and Green Gras ForesT Tree's Flora POSITIF Way growInG! Free RUNNING Horse'S Free FLYING BIrd's FREE swImmInG deLpHInE neuTraL PosITIf Clean Lake Mare Océan salT WaTer SweeT WaTer IST! CLEAN flowInG rIver'S are as well agaIn! SHould?!
@erikerikk2416 Says:
SHOULD low worst négativ leave usA detto illégAL LegAL⚖ ?! cAyse DID Affect BIOSPHERE Landscape exemple NORTH AMERIKA KonTInenT different other people Didn't dettowell cAUs did Affect Landscape BIOSPHERE exemple ausTralY asIa.....! Did cAUs? Lost thé persōnlichen RIGHT'S TO LIFE to STAY on POSITIF area Place's exemple aegaean! DiD cAUs teRRoR.? DiD cAUs Affect a Landscape? misuses Abuses occupation Landscape Place'S?!
@erikerikk2416 Says:
THÉ Nation financiell money IST for Présent Tomorrow a Nation a Nation area POSITIF LIFE FORM a POSITIF Way GROWING People Peopel! PrevenTIon! Exemple ChILdgarden'S School UNIVERSITY'S
@erikerikk2416 Says:
ISN'T Présent Tomorrow EVER POSITIF Way? Exemple! POSITIF Way GROWING KId's CHILdren ForesT'S Flower'S Fauna Green Gras GROWING POSITIF Way! NATION area as well SHOULD Présent Tomorrow! Detto THE PräsidenT POSITION PraesIdIaL administration GovernmenT MiniSTary police Justice Military Should BE organiséd à Nation KÜR POSITIF GI POSITIF Flora ForesT etc ___ NeuTral posITIf Ground
@erikerikk2416 Says:
thé mAASzmASSztouRism low worst mAASzmASSzimmobolien to mAnie Retiredhome plĄtz to mAnie golfplAtz Didn't well cAUs been worst Affect a Solar World PlaneT Landscape! Been?
@erikerikk2416 Says:
Exemple Petrol coal gaz steel beton mAASzmASSzinDustRien tARneD legAl but illégAl, cAUs look globAl wARming. illégal ill lAzie Should stAy outsiDe. cAUs fAll,en cAUs low woRst negutiv cARmA exemple persōnlichen veRgAngenheit exemple blAcc EspAniol genetic. PetRol coAl gAz steel beton worst industrien exemple Venezuela Peru Brasilien. Worst inDustRien Affected thé Landscape a Solar World PlaneT! Exemple RAINFOREST amaconas!
@erikerikk2416 Says:
Should IllegAl Immigrant leave usA a m e r I k a? Should? WHAT'S THE différence ILLEGAL LÉGAL? ISN'T a ImPorTanT Parameter WELL HEALTHY Gesund different ________________________ guiltie DeDicteD PARAlieseD DRUNCEN DRUG fAt fett cAUs fault lAzie FALL,en cAUs low woRst negAtiv CARmA.
@omeirkhan8806 Says:
Usa is not an economic hostel. So sad to see a Turks as an illegal immigrant. F erdogan.
@AprilOats-gr8cv Says:
Send them back
@radicalwriter9427 Says:
Mexico should know that illegals are crossing into their nation as well to get to America and other nations as well.
@thomaspeterson9505 Says:
Instead of deportation, let’s take the next step.
@prototype_0xD1 Says:
Doesn't matter where from. They are exploiting a weakness in the administration and immigration policy to use Mexico as an entry point. Illegal is illegal. Plain and simple.
@LukeNukem7 Says:
I am 100% against illegal immigration but I'm not gonna pretend I don't personally know illegal immigrants who are the best Americans I've ever met. I'm sick of this stereotype that Mexicans are lazy or bad people. Have you ever worked a trade job with an immigrant? Yeah, you have to work real hard to keep up. I used to have to grow and sell pot to make ends meet, my illegal Mexican neighbors were the best neighbors I ever had when I was poor AF. They fixed my dad's roof for free when he was sick with cancer, I really think that the kindness all of his neighbors "illegal immigrants" showed him was what saved his life. they brought him food and checked in on him. They showed true kindness. I will love those people forever and if I have to marry one to keep them here I will. Treat people like people, evaluate them as people, not a group of thugs. We have to fix this. We have to keep the bad people out and make sure people like my old neighbors can get in
@justafishguy0076 Says:
Nothing but terrorist, phone, scammers, and communist coming in here
@BloonChip Says:
We shouldn't let them waste our resources in America. Especially all the illegal immigrants, trying to turn our country into another India with all these people.
@froggy5869 Says:
They got to go!!
@Emppu_T. Says:
If your own people get fed up and don't vote accordingly. Just replace them with people with low expectations and that will vote for you. Simple really.
@pvkk85 Says:
If I was 20, I might take the trip. And I live in a country with free healthcare.
@cyber1ifeconnor Says:
And what country do they use to get in? Come in its takled about a lot, its on yalls boarder 😂
@kristineyost6977 Says:
Hey, biden voters let them in.
@spmtasan2165 Says:
And how many of them are terriost with bad intentions you wonder why it’s hard to get into certain country America wake up
@user-vl8iw1666 Says:
Well after Mexicans , Indians, Ecuadorians, and Israelis, the Americans are right up there in importance 😅
@NikoFinn Says:
Well we are both made in the image of God but taxpayer money should go to the citizens first, then immigrants a much as you take care of your own family first, then other people.
@brettkowalski Says:
Soon to be assaulting citizens' daughters while getting paid to do so with social security, Medicare and VA funds.
@pavlovalor Says:
Not should, MUST.
@mcfarvo Says:
God help us all
@paulcheney3636 Says:
@wonderland-vz9cb Says:
Islam invading us. Kick them out immediately!
@MajorMinor1970 Says:
Not asylum seekers, not refugees. Economic migrants pure and simple.
@sherryleeelliott7138 Says:
Let’s fire, Joe Biden on November 5,2024 He will not shut the border We need a close boarder Trump will close boarder
@Lmnop1941 Says:
Don’t let them in, in the first place.
@freckleflicker Says:
@jimhill6586 Says:
Venezuela, and several other countries emptied their prisons. Sent the criminals to the US/Mexico border. They just walk in, unvetted. This problem will plauge the US for 20 years, even if the border is controlled now. Democrats will blame the next guy in charge, claim biden did a great job.
@toddgaak422 Says:
Deport every single illegal. Every. Single. One.
@vojtechmotl8401 Says:
How can they get employed or ask for benefits if there is no documents they got? I don't understand. Person of foreign origin, little language skill and no family with no documents would be detained in our country.
@deadsmiles7169 Says:
It's organized treason.
@JamesHarris-te6du Says:
Joe is paying for vote with American taxes to in danger Americans crazy ideology vote Trump save our country
@axelfoley1406 Says:
Immigration is great when done LEGALLY. Why can't we make that distinction? The left uses the terms interchangeably. Smh.
@Pewpro Says:
That's a lot of young men standing there
@rebn8346 Says:
Interesting. Fighting aged men.
@tracymartin8580 Says:
We are the women and kids. This looks like an army.
@biggiebaby3541 Says:
24 million, I'm sure there's a Mexican in there.
@alanx4121 Says:
mexican prez is jes,;uit affiliated and they hate christian usa.
@italotoffolo Says:
@tjbutler8945 Says:
A Hard Yeeeeeeessssssssss!!!!!!
@caseywrable Says:
Notice how there are no women or children too.

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