Another Person Fired For Criticizing Israel?! | Candace Ep. 5
Another Person Fired For Criticizing Israel?! | Candace Ep. 5



@arecane2000 Says:
The love of money is the root of all evil... shekels goyim.
@alexandrakaraboukoukis931 Says:
@ChristopherSnow-i2k Says:
@moonsting Says:
Dialogue is key 💯 -- canceling without dialogue is evil 💯
@thewomannoonelovedbutjesus Says:
Look at these two ladies trying to justify their anti-Semitism but I’ll play devils advocate maybe they’re not antisemites, but how can they clearly not see that they got fired for one rolling their eyes out a guest and the other got fired for speaking about her bosses race, and since when is our personal opinions and the way you accepted in the workforce
@CandaceStevens Says:
Brianna Grey-Joy rolls her eyes at a Jewish woman saying "believe women" but if a pro-Palestine leftist or BLM supporter had said it, I wonder if she'd had the same response, my guess is she wouldn't!
@MA-om6ky Says:
Two courageous women! Thank you for speaking up!
@avantegarde7797 Says:
What Briahna Joy Gray & (unfortunately) Candace (also) fail to point out, is that each time, Netanyahus"s government come to any kind of agreement, hamas renegs, and suddenly wants more concessions ! The more the Israeli gov't gives up, the more the terrorists demand. They will only be satisfied with the complete decimation of Israel. When they chant : "from the river to the sea...", they are deadly earnest. For crying out loud, Candace, where is your normal thorough fact-checking, and research ? You're far too intelligent for this foolishness ! ! ! Briahna Joy Gray will go on to get another position in some fringe, leftist mad house, and get paid more than she ever made with The Hill, and do just fine supporting the left's radical communist agenda. Israel is doing what it needs to do to survive. Briahna Joy Gray doesn't care a whit about Their survival, and it's surprising to me that you, Candace, don't see the full picture, here.😒 So, so sad.
@avantegarde7797 Says:
I note that NOT ONCE do either of you mention THE FACT that hamas and it's leaders (even Iran) have suffered many setbacks, over the years, and bounced back to stir up more trouble....WHEREAS, in the case of Israel, the FIRST time they lose a war, will be the LAST time. because the objective of Iran, hamas, syria, et all, in the mid east, is the COMPLETE ERADICATION OF THE JEWISH STATE ! ! ! Loss of a conflict, for most nations, is very inconvenient..........For Israel, it's a DEATH SENTENCE ! And, frankly, I am disappointed in you, Candace. You are so intelligent, and generally do such excellent research, how do you support organizations that strap BOMBS, to children, and send them into malls, synagogues, places where mothers are simply enjoying a day-out, with their children, only blown up by mad men ? Hamas shot six hostages, in the head, rather than allow them to be freed ! The rape and torture prisoners is well documented, you can still demand that Israel stand down ? You usually do better.........most disillusioned.
@sidrice4 Says:
It’s so refreshing to see two people that know they disagree on topics but can at least acknowledge each others opinions and are open to hearing them
@BoringDad1272 Says:
BLM is fighting against injustice unlike the pro Israelis who fighting for jewish supremacy. Candace, you can't compare those 2 groups. They don't have the same goals or same tactics .
@BoringDad1272 Says:
African Americans have paid the biggest price in defending Palestinians and fighting the occupation of America by Israel and its tool, AIPAC.
@BoringDad1272 Says:
I will support you Candance for saying what many dare not Say. America has been Taken over by Israel and the fight IS not against Russia or China but within the US.
@jonrc72 Says:
Wonderfully liberating conversation. Thank you!!
@renamanvelova5200 Says:
No you can criticize it all you want just don’t act like a hypocrite when 911 happened no one batted an eye when American soldiers went into Iraq killing 1million civilians . When America only had 3000 lives lost that’s the problem if god forbid America ever gets attacked again how do you think America will respond being sensitive and kind . Is that what we did with Osama Ben Ladin .
@davex5424 Says:
How can Israelis justify being upset when one Israeli is killed, but not upset when 1000 Palestinians are killed? I think the reason is that Israelis feel this is a matter of life and death. And in matters of life and death you have to do things that otherwise you would not do, because if you don't you will be killed. I think this is the bottom line. It's a matter of them or us, and therefore it has to be us. Also, when you live for 60 years (after the 1967war) where half the population of the country lives under military rule, you begin to believe that these others(the Palestinians) are a lesser people you cannot feel for them.
@davex5424 Says:
I don't think that's the reason she got fired. I think her criticisms of Israel have merit. I know I criticized her in the.Hill comments section regarding other things she said. I just didn't think Briana's economic opinions had any merit . I think that's the reason she got fired. I was glad to see her go because I didn't feel she added much to understanding problems. But I do agree that freedom of speech is under fire today in the US. This is one of RFK Jr's arguments against Harris. I can see how Briana might feel that way, but I just didn't feel she is that good at what she does. (By the way, it's not 5 million people, it's seven million.).
@alexandertosa4993 Says:
Great show!
@lylarose2696 Says:
The Palestinians weren’t expelled by the Jews, the Arab countries told the Palestinians ti leave their homes and they can all go back home after the Arab countries destroyed Israel, one problem Israel is still around.
@Nightowel905 Says:
It's paradoxical when criticizing America is encouraged, yet pointing out flaws in foreign countries is taboo. This undermines open dialogue, creates double standards, and restricts fair, transparent global discussions.
@bigcboogieman4097 Says:
Descent human being won’t feel comfortable nor will stay silent learning that innocent children and parents and all those young girls and boys losing their lives just because Zionism is on the Top
@shockwavestudiosproduction4930 Says:
Freedom of speech is an illusion and they will start to bring forth the reform once they start to feel threatened by intellectuals who are exposing their rhetoric. 😂😂
@khaledattili7941 Says:
We have been stripped from our humanity and our rights under the pressure of fear from Hitler, Communism, China, 911 , Alqaeda, ISIS, and now all legislations tailored for that secret evidence, patriotism, Antisemitism, and soon gun control, are designed to empower Zionism and new slavery era that serves the few that none of us belongs to. Thanks Candace for saying it loud and clear, we are all with you may God bless you and your efforts.
@hometryingtoavoidstupidpeople Says:
little did Candace know she would be next....
@Sonofwill Says:
Arguably it Sounds exactly what that banned book, The Protocols of the elders of Zion, that’s its plans on how to take over the world through war and economic, and control of media, chaos are alive, and well in action. The same book Hitler used for his concerns and decisions and his treatments of the Jews. Also Henry ford financed its wide publishing. Which was deemed a Russian disinformation campaign.
@nightstylescarclubshack9704 Says:
Candice 🎉🎉🎉🎉
@lookingfordrama01 Says:
@lionk70 Says:
What is happening today should indicate the realty of what was thought, widely, enforced by the media as the truth of the past, wake up ..
@officesklsolution Says:
You women, go to chichen job..
@reimmukhtarmohamedahmedalh8329 Says:
That what call journalism well done 👏 the only country in the world her senator with price tag paid by Israeli lobbyists. You can’t see that in china or Russia or India or any decent country only in America the politician have zero loyalty to America and American interest
@darylsutherland2753 Says:
We are fighting the devil and his people we will not lose because we have Jesus Christ and Christ is King all praises to The Most High Yahawa
@paulcoward2414 Says:
Yes we are and have Bern for hundreds of years
@ronstasYoutube Says:
Jews don't matter more than others
@nikolashahin Says:
if you look who is in power of US you will understand everything about Israel, simple!
@willytangkere5784 Says:
As the Bible says everything should be be revealed so the people can see. And make up their mind, Jesus is the only way for salvation, i remember Brianna ,we Thank you for both of you , surely both of you are the champion of the TRUTH
@jenaseeker5415 Says:
We love you Candice You are the voice for the voiceless
@farawlofarawla3395 Says:
Since both are true investigative independent journalist, why don't you investigate the Holocaust for your audiences?
@Bocaca49 Says:
Black women are turned into shaking and twerking machines but thanks God to have few worries like these beautiful ladies; Candace and braina
@Apathesis0 Says:
Not a crossover I expected
@DonnaAlger-y5v Says:
One State Solution - Palestine - without religious dogma; with only those laws that apply to everyone
@Terrythunderpants Says:
Imagine any US senator having their Russian or China guy … this is bloody ridiculous.. why bother having elections at all in the US …
@Terrythunderpants Says:
Of course Israel is telling US politicians what to do
@lourak613 Says:
Candace spends many hours debunking leftist projects - until one of these leftist propagandists expresses some anti-Jewish idea - then, Candace "reaches out" to welcome them to her program.
@markawbolton Says:
Oh GaWd !! ....
@kamimay7422 Says:
Candace, you become more ignorant by the second
@ajvorob9117 Says:
Can any Israel critic give a reasoned criticism of Israel based on facts and not on vapid buzzwords like "genocide", "apartheid", "occupation"
@JulianChild Says:
Oh, Candace. Thank God for Roland Martin.
@SalomeOchoa-x3q Says:
Candace you are beautiful inside and out,
@SalomeOchoa-x3q Says:
Oh no Candace we need you

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