Elise Stefanik EMBARASSES Herself Addressing Israel's Parliament
Elise Stefanik EMBARASSES Herself Addressing Israel's Parliament



@shirazismail6876 Says:
She must be inbed with the Isreali politicians. I am sure she must have got millions from AIPAC.
@psd1112 Says:
@Don Sounds like you are paranoid and misinformed
@jeraldleung6009 Says:
US rich Arab surely afford to spend money to unseat her.
@jeraldleung6009 Says:
Any person can be 2nd class of citizen in US. Sometime need to get real! USA is not the land of equal, one more than rest in multi ethnicity population!
@stevecarter9371 Says:
Aipic runs America
@kenbloch934 Says:
Cenk , your the only psychopath on you tube, you spewing the worst kind of false spew anyone has ever heard anyone spew out , if donors want to give allies funds facilities through the US government, it’s how the congress works , if they say there proud of the relationships with there allies which they don’t hold back on , according to your spew, the US should not praise there allies, the US has responsibilities to uphold , if your guest is not happy with US conducting there business , they should probably go back to where you want to go , this the US , it will not change as this is how the US does things , the only thing you people intend to achieve is portraying false sentiment , the more you do not condem the terrorists infrastructure and bash the US and Israel , the real reason your doing it is to embolden the terrorists to continue there rampages in the Middle East , the more you aid and abet them , the dumber you look, no one will stand back and allow you to embolden terrorism any where , to keep justifying there right to slaughtering who ever they please , your stupidity is that your not working against the terrorists , it’s not your business to provide fake views on the US political system , as you have not the credentials to make people to believe you have the authority to give opinions ,
@allenfried7196 Says:
A jeez I thought this channel was SNL but alas it’s just as funny 😢
@carloscann2758 Says:
Stefanik is a swine just like trump and biden.
@sherylF5610 Says:
Wow. For me she tops everyone
@bfcapitalyou Says:
honor to serve Israel? Nothing is free.
@D-man2024 Says:
Stefanik lady is full of shit.
@wokedragon3211 Says:
But it's okay for congress and senate to stop payment to Ukraine that was passed over a year ago and not deliver what was supposed to be delivered? FUCK forgot I was posting this on TYT where Ana thinks Ukraine is taking too much time to win and should just do what Trump says and give up part of their country like they would just stop there and not just go after the rest
@abetdiway152242 Says:
Very funny you
@08SB80 Says:
Since American tax money is funding this genocide, suppose my religion won’t allow me to pay my taxes. Seems like a strong legal defense. No?
@cityheat-u9q Says:
Did Cenk Uygur just say it.s ok to fire rockets at his house for ten years. In America we would be ok with that?When would the US stop ,when the rockets stopped?
@ComradeDaveH Says:
Weird thing is you can get an abortion in Israel on your state provided healthcare. Guess they don't have an issue with either when it comes to selling out to another country.
@ComradeDaveH Says:
What country does she work for again?
@binjou2061 Says:
She is just another greedy politician, maybe she threw a bone to her constituents to keep her reelected, but the meat is for Israel
@BernieJaver Says:
This congress women is great I hope Donald Trump picks her as his VP-Am Yisrael Chai
@endthecorruption6663 Says:
It is honestly hard to understand how some people think placing conditions on aid is anything but the most obvious thing in the world to do.
@krtacct Says:
so shes for “George Washingtons vision of persecuting everyone that isnt jewish and giving all our wealth to Israel” …
@Love.life.ashigzoya Says:
Funny and odd not to say a bu dle of hypocracy like most hindus are. Lets strip him down First he is Modis fan so why is he dressed i. This monkey cap? And speaks in .astwrs language which Modi too has attempted to learn. So lefs stop lecturing in English. What one wonswrs is the conbection of Kumbh with his. leture? Is thus the youth of India then we are back to coliniasm! Maj gen IAits sheer perversion to fundgenocide. YOU PEOPLE PROFESS CHRISTIANITY YET ARE REMOTE FROM IT ! MAJ GEN IA
@ased786 Says:
Elise Stefanik a WAR CRIMINAL on display, we will remember you when the time of judgement comes
@Love.life.ashigzoya Says:
She doesnt hesitate that she is sounding like war hawk proving that after all Germans were not wrong in precipitating the final solution.Isnt shedoing the same the other way round. ? When menral balance is lost its immaterial who is the victim. Maj gen IA
@kenrickcampbell7406 Says:
That woman is such a crawler and a creep. She'll say and do anything to get attention and power. Who vote for these people??
@bdalack Says:
No wonder TYT is in trouble and need their viewers' financial support. So many lies and purposful inversions. Histerical voice and theatrical anger. Both Cenk and Ana embarrass themselves in their every podcast. No mental and moral clarity. Two pathetic condescending clowns. Unlike them, Stefanik is serving her country, really cares about it and has a remarkable moral compass
@ChristinaGerlach Says:
Revolting woman.
@daymay1066 Says:
Highly corrupt politician.
@steverigney7017 Says:
Stiffneck is a traitorous cow who actually thinks that she has a shot at the VP pick. I guess that her odds are a little better now that puppy-killer Kristi (gotta love the stripper spelling) Gnome is out of the running.
@alieali9493 Says:
Good 👍
@leonharrison800 Says:
Stefanik needs a life sentence for defending genocide!!!
@dalia3779 Says:
Somebody tell this BITC* that Israel is the TERRORIST in every senario ! She missed the memo 😂
@michellealzinki967 Says:
Who’s getting rich from all the weapons sales. It’s all corruption
@steveg209 Says:
According to what I’ve learned from watching Discovery Channel, Elise Stefanik is clearly in full political red-assed baboon estrus, and ready to (running) mate with Donald Trump. Note the rosy red cheeks, and extra plump lips, signaling to her male counterpart she is ready to be mounted, fully ripe to accept his seed - be it in a hotel room, a department store fitting room, or simply to have her rosy red lips grabbed. If her intended mate is nearby, we may see her push out her backside towards him, and raise her rump upward like a cat in heat. Washington DC truly is so much like the Serengeti.
@carljhirst Says:
This time in history, will be remembered as PURE EVIL, and the Great Deception. The Bloody Leaders of Death. The Vulgar Heart of Humanity, needs carving out, entirely. Reality is twisting and Warping into Hell!. Never Forget! Remember in your heart, and let the truth set you free!
@Hecatesroom Says:
She is disgusting
@bik4404 Says:
I think when US potations speak abut “giving Iranians” money, it’s really their money that we Americas stole from the Iranians since the beginning of the revolution in 1979!
@flawlessfootstomper7004 Says:
Sorry but enough with this over exaggerated anti Semitic nonsense. Although one should have seen it coming once Asian got theirs now there is an anti Semitic. Who's next Indian oh wait they are brown, I assume thee next will be Ukrainian and polish. Sorry Italian you're to close to brown in the sun well the real pure blooded ones atleast. This place is steady trying to drum up a divide. When will the nonsense stop
@sitirosnah7510 Says:
You are right Ana. I suggest stefanik should be kick out.
@shrekisthebest707 Says:
George Washington didn't desire the US to have permanent alliances. Stefanik is betraying Washington's vision
@yonatangoldman9759 Says:
Stefanik is a heroine to both countries, and to the free world in general
@49richard Says:
I am a Canadian but I am so sick and tired of all those hypocrites especialy the americans supplying weapons and supporting a homicide gouvernment such as Israel!. I have been there as a medic with the United Nations so I know...
@rhd244 Says:
We are definitely the United States of Israel
@adamhill2223 Says:
Goddamn stop saying full stop. Holy shit
@dhibba52 Says:
Can't stand Elise Stefanik. She is the face of evil. No more US tax $s to Israel. The US has NO honor in giving OUR hard earned money to murder 10s of 1000s of innocent people.
@RicanNY7 Says:
I don't like my taxes going to Israel and wish I could do something about it because our taxes should be coming back to us Americans and improving our lives.
@arokiasamystephen3417 Says:
Arab Muslims don't care about Gaza....

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