Michael Cohen Admits To Stealing Money From Trump Org
Michael Cohen Admits To Stealing Money From Trump Org



@brandoncomer6492 Says:
So your star witness is is not only a known perjurer with a incentive for fiscal and personal gains, but also an admitted thief? Democrats better hope the jurors don't understand what "reasonable doubt" means.
@renardleblanc5556 Says:
Gee, it sure looks bad for Cohen that he ripped off Donald when Donald paid to hush the story...wait, hold up there lads:Cohen ripped him off when Donald him to do *what?* That's like: "After the mafia boss paid me to whack some guy, I kicked his dog on the way out." And everyone is freaking out about the kick. If Cohen were an unreliable witness, a liar, why would he admit to the theft? Come on.
@ahlija Says:
It’s not good, but it’s not related to the crimes commited by tRump. Hope the jurors will see that.
@alfeocayabyab8233 Says:
Excellent spin!
@johnmaunsell9541 Says:
Stealing from theives, cant see the problem
@curtisthomas4586 Says:
How old is b******* you people are talking this is all about Hollywood that's why you got Hollywood to indoctrinate brainwash people to about the all of these matters and that's why all of my stories and are just to power rules and regulations are just to control people and make them believe things that's not true
@thomaswateren3967 Says:
Brilliant comparison! If only you could be sarcastic like that in court, it would have killed Trumps defense! Objection your honor! Badgering the witness!
@KurniadiPrathomo-sp5zd Says:
Surprise, surprise.
@waltporter7707 Says:
Yep there's Anna again. I can guess when she's doing the talking. If it's sympathetic towards Trump Anna wants it. If it's bad news for Trump Anna avoids it.
@abalu5547 Says:
It all comes down to the bookkeeping as far as the charges
@ladydragonrider421 Says:
You've missed the point. Cohen admitted freely bc legally it's not stealing if Trump paid him willingly. It's actually the same kind of con that Trump does, how Trump says he's the greatest negotiator. Cohen admitted freely to piss Trump off, that Cohen got over on him, the greatest negotiator lol. Cohen also admitted freely to bait Trump to sue him bc Cohen knows its not legally theft . Cohen, begging Trump to sue so Cohen can counter sue . Don't forget Trump already tried to sue Cohen for 500 million and failed miserably. Cohen was baiting him and Trump knows he has to eat sheet.
@cosmiccowboy7764 Says:
Come up with something other than speculations!
@dtd2245 Says:
Can't hurt this Orange Hulk. He drink Liberals' tears for breakfast.
@philipfontaine8964 Says:
Less than truthful = liar. Yes, Trumps’ attorney further exposed the liar. But Cohen did a great job discrediting himself. And for the kicker, Cohen admitted to his lawyer, he had nothing on Trump.
@ClassicFIHD Says:
WTF! So, both sides are done, and the Judge is making the jurors wait a whole week before closing arguments?
@Joseph-v5u7w Says:
Admit it TYT Cohen is guilty as THUNDER no matter how you try to spin it!
@NewerSwagger-gp3hj Says:
At this point, whi did not steal money from the Trump organisation???
@gemcan54 Says:
@Aromatherapy1 Says:
cohen is an admitted liar and thief!
@hitch-tf5rh Says:
If he stole $60,000 why is he not being prosecuted..he seems to admit to it.
@Wileysmiley Says:
And that’s the end of the show trial
@Tim56ge Says:
This is on the same level of ridiculous as when you guys made the Rittenhouse video and left a ton of info out
@raptorleafMedication Says:
Cenk's arguments are exactly why this channel will be non existent come this time next year 😂
@4idhero798 Says:
The lying, grifting, orange con man has nothing but disdain for American institutions, the rule of law, our military, our core principles where millions upon millions of Americans have served, fought, and died for; and we can't have draft-dodging mangina Trump just take it all away. I have three generations of military veterans in my family going back to WW2 and we're not voting for Putin's little beeyotch. Vote blue!!!
@jimiV66 Says:
I'm done with this site. Spending time reading the TROLL POSTS is a counterproductive, mindless waste of time. Trump is void of 🎉kindness, empathy, sincerity, and compassion for the human race. I've never seen a more Egotistical and rude public figure. He can't handle criticism without creating enemies. He can't open his mouth without insulting someone. His influence is Toxic to our society. He's all ME,ME, ME all the time. Whatever happened to good mannes and common decency? He's the exact opposite of what we raise our children to be. He doesn't know how to tell the truth, and like a spoiled child, he's gotten away with it his entire life. Our future should not be an extended episode of The Apprentice. This isn't a TV Show people, this is real life. And if you care about anything other than yourself, you should make sure this person never gets into the White House again
@4idhero798 Says:
Aw, the Trumptards think Cohen's supposed "damaged" credibility will set their Cheetoh king free. 😅 They forgot the tangible evidence corroborating Cohen's testimony with Cheetoh king's fingerprints all over them. Make room at Rikers for one more criminal. 😅😂😅
@josephgrubb1105 Says:
@ZackDuck-rm4dt Says:
It's over, lol. Biden is losing votes from the dems at this point. Trumps numbers are only rising, and the more you keep taking him to court and keep getting him on absolutely nothing every single time, the more people get behind Trump. While that bolstering continues Biden finds new ways to upset even groups that support him. Hes lost the vote of all of the Palestinian support protester peoples, dont know if you realized but there is alot of them. Since 2020, Trumps has pulled in more followers, and Biden has slowly pissed everybody off.. its over. Trump is the president as soon as the votes are counted.
@Aromatherapy1 Says:
No wonder Trump's poll numbers are going up!
@ms9771 Says:
And this Trump trying to be the next Leader of this nation or Biden genocider, and both are close to eighty years old and even do not remember the name of their son, why, we can not choose any honest man in this government,
@MAGApepe Says:
i love bacon and bacon loves me.... bacon is best.. ham is heavenlyyyy
@CurtisSmale Says:
The dude TRICKS Trump and steals from him. Then you think this means Trump was fully aware of what this guy was doing? Trump was clearly lacking information. This proves that. Also, he did not pay Stormy out of the 'goodness of his heart'. That is a strawman argument. He did it to gain influence with Trump by being proactive. There is no evidence Trump asked him to do it. He could easily have just made the decision himself to 'gain cred'.
@jesserush793 Says:
OMG, who would have thought that a guy who steals money from charities to buy pictures of himself, and cooks his books two ways to defraud banks, and the taxpayers, would possibly get robbed by his own fixer, lol. Yeah, Cohen was a criminal working for Trump, usually it is criminals who inform on criminals, for instance, the guy who gave information about John Gotti being a murderous mobster, was Sammy Gravano, also a murderous mobster, so yeah, Cohen is a lying thief giving information about the lying thief he worked for, it is about the most common way people get convicted, all I care about is if he has the evidence, and that should be what the jury should care about too.
@RobertPaulGass Says:
Cenk doesn't know what he's talking about. Michael Cohen was trying to ingratiate himself with Trump by taking care of the payment himself and there's also the question of whether he may have been trying to entrap Trump since he secretly recorded his client. Cohen was extremely upset when Trump left NYC without him and has been seeking revenge ever since.
@charlieromeo5340 Says:
Trump org. Never paid cohen the $100,000 he owed cohen. Thief form thief make you SMILE.
@Aromatherapy1 Says:
cohen is just not credible!
@JosePlata Says:
Don't forget to mention Cohen paid Redfinch in cash that he hand delivered in a brown paper bag.
@AlexisbackTotrolltytnerds Says:
I guess another nothing burger for the libs
@felixn.6239 Says:
Without any reasanable doubt proven guilty, it is hard with a liar and thieves star withness
@Pootietang-ds7gx Says:
Sa da tay Trump sa da tay!
@patrec7638 Says:
TYT handing out copium like it's going out of fashion is hilarious in itself. Admit it guys, you've been suffering from TDS ever since you got handed massive amounts of DNC donor cash, to hold the Democrat narrative alive. Now, after yet another failed attempt to "get drumpf" has spectacularly failed, you are still using sophistry and obfuscation to keep your grift going. It's bad enough that foreign interests are dividing the nation, but sitting behind your shiny desks and aiding it, is just next level evil.
@ThunderGun-un1ps Says:
@Above-Ground/@echoturd creates a new Trump supporter with every copy paste lie😂😂😂😂
@VooduWizard Says:
Amazing seeing soooo many TDS sufferers having a fn MELTDOWN over ANOTHER failing Demoncrat plan to stop Trump. WTF did you think was going to happen? L M F A O! Stop watching TDS/DNC propaganda media. Then things will start make to sense. But if you're going to watch MSNBC or channels like MidasTouch, who spew non stop LIES, then you're just being played like clowns. Honk Honk.,
@PaulEleftheriou-we7vr Says:
Well the right-wing clasping for anything that they think will help they God crazy stinky cheeseburger Trump!
@Melantdrew313 Says:
Please run the film on Trump admitting this crap!!!! Please
@A6out-Face Says:
No wonder smart Americans sympathize with Trump!!!
@lordsoros627 Says:
Hitler was a socialist
@MoeZsyslak Says:
Cenk, leave some food for the rest of us
@echothecat6748 Says:
He admitted to it. Yes, Michael Cohen is a liar, he's a thief. evidently. The fact that he admitted it under oath, is huge. They are not going to hold it against him. They have tons of documents and cooperating evidence against Trump. this right here, is not about Trump. it's about Michael Cohen. but as I said, he has plenty of backup. Trump will be found guilty
@MAGApepe Says:
@Above-Ground <<<< being born .......crime against humanity ahahahaah

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