Environmentalist Promotes MISERABLE Existence to Save Planet
Environmentalist Promotes MISERABLE Existence to Save Planet



@SirBullet754 Says:
climate hippies are annoying
@joedafrog Says:
Lol, human beings can't do shit about anything having to do with climate change until the top 100 companies do something about climate change.
@kenmacleod7225 Says:
Guess what all us nerds who have read all we could find about climate change have learned? We've learned that there's no way 8 billion people can live on this planet the way we do now for very much longer. There will be warning signs, but once things start to slide the crash will come quick. So drink up, Shriners.
@sorooshusa Says:
Anna is right. I cant believe I am agreeing with her. Some may think that heating up water would take energy in the form of electricity for the electric water heater or natural gas for the gas operated ones but in fact heating up water for your shower takes energy in the form of magic. There is no consumption of energy needed. You just will it into existence. Although I understand that not everyone in the world has access to water to survive let alone shower and a hot one at that, imagine a few billion people switching from electrivity or gas to magic energy is pointless because whats a few billion people's need for constant warm shower? nothing!
@mark7166 Says:
I swear my wife showers in superheated water, hahaha! My showers are just past lukewarm, usually even a little less than lukewarm, especially after I workout. I dunno how she does it.
@intricatic Says:
I figured it was the power plants that burn trash and coal for power that did it, not consumer choices.
@benttranberg2690 Says:
I like that you criticize this particular nonsense about cold showers, but not that you tell people that all these other small things we do aren't going to save the planet. If we can do it over here with great success, why can't you do it? There's no excuse.
@arthurkately388 Says:
many countries where its pretty warm only have just a cold water line, and washing clothes is no problem and then have it air dry, it's no problem at all, most countries have alot solar power specifically around southeast asia where half of the people in the world lives
@dustinwalters2728 Says:
Putting aside the climate aspect, there’s a lot of research that shows taking cold showers is actually good for your mental health. They literally do the opposite of make you a miserable person, something Ana might be aware of if she actually did research instead of being reactionary all the time.
@corychin7090 Says:
Ana really is doing these right wing tactics. Sad thing is you still broke homie. You really can't understand where she coming from. She is ringing the alarm and saying everyone needs to change their habits If we want to save the planet. If we have a billion ppl on the earth in 300-500years from now that would be wishful thinking.
@dickpenisman7265 Says:
Well yeah theyve been saying this stuff for years. The problem is theyer all hypocrits and dont follow their own rules. Dont eat meat they say, While eating a $300 steak. Dont drive your car they say, while getting on a private jet to Dubi. Save electricity they say, while they have a mansion the size of a mini mall with every room running air conditioning 24/7. Tighten your belt and expect less for your labor they say, As they have never worked a hard days work in their life ajd have morw money then 100 average families combined. Recycle and save the earth they say, as they bury and dump excess crude oil waste into lakes. Dont have kids they say, as they have 6 kids who are all going to Harvard and are going to get out and preach this sane bullsh*t to the next generation. Its all a grift and people are fed up with it finally.
@y0urlillyness Says:
I live in Florida, so cold showers are necessary in the summer. I also wash my clothes and dishes with cold water and that's worked fine for me. But I agree we're not going to save the planet on the individual level
@austinbrown9735 Says:
Instead of cold showers, let's all vote for the Green Party. That way we can hold the industries accountable.
@Gecks83 Says:
nepo Annia strikes again
@ricfax Says:
I love cold showers, especially in winter, because they're super invigorating. Ironically, I'm conservative and realize the planet doesn't give a rat's ass. Great video! ❤
@sandyvisentin4076 Says:
Me picturing myself having a cold shower before I go out to work at 6am in the middle of winter here in Canada, with a "feels like" of -40. No.
@SmilingDesperado Says:
The problem with this argument is that people that claim to care about the environment want to have their cake and eat it too. Two things can be correct at once. Yes, it is large corporations and industries that are responsible for the bulk of the pollution.....BUT, these corporations and industries are making the stuff that INDIVIDUALS buy. The problem isn't just on evil companies when the vast majority of people aren't doing their part to conserve, AND contributing and helping keep these corporations going. Let's be real, if all of the corporations said they would drastically reduce pollution tomorrow, is Ana going to start taking cold showers? No. So let's not scapegoat the problem here. As long as the profit incentive is there, which is created by consumers, corporations will continue to do what they do. This is on all political sides. People want to complain about the price of eggs, but then is the right willing to pay FAIR wages to employ legal workers to do various farming jobs? Are people on the left willing to do away with factory farming and pay more ?
@Timeisaflat_O Says:
Well over 70% of climate emissions come from from like, 50 corporations. You can tell who is deeply unserious about solving the climate crisis by whether their solution involves punishing poor and working folks, or punishing the corporations that are actually responsible. It's not people's hot showers that are causing this. It's the irresponsible actions of rogue CEOs who value short term profit over long term life. As the saying goes, "The earth isn't dying - it's being killed, and the people who are killing it have names and addresses."
@990mustang Says:
Once these climate change idiots pay my bills then they can kick rocks
@MWhaleK Says:
I agree, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't recycle and every person shouldn't do what they can.
@DakotaFord592 Says:
Corporations are the ones that are responsible for most of the pollution.
@Twisted_Cabage Says:
Well said TYT.
@kiwilove2163 Says:
Even if we do everything she says, it doesnt compare to the devastating amount of pollution big corporations are doing. Stop trying to get us to change, start regulating corporations.
@calisto9856 Says:
consumers account for only a percentage of the pollution and global warming corporations and the wealthy contribute so i dont want to hear it anymore from these people ! im tired of sociopaths dumping all the responsibility for everything on the average american !
@haitileblanc3075 Says:
10 percent of 16 is 1.6 percent savings go kick rocks and regulate industry
@PhantomQueenOne Says:
Nope, I take hot showers and wash the dishes with very hot water to kill germs. I wash my clothing in cool or cold water because that's all I had for washing clothing for years.
@mapleleaf8948 Says:
Do most people really need to shower 1-2 x a day? If you sit in front of a computer all day in an AC office probably not.
@ailblentyn Says:
If I ever own a house (which I never will), I will install a solar water heater and heat pump.
@haitileblanc3075 Says:
This is the corporate right that puts this out so there are not significant regulations
@asdfasdf4924 Says:
I can probably do without using the hot water for my hands
@markschuette3770 Says:
these are the sacrifices we may end up having to do- IF we don't get on the Climate Change ASAP !!!!!!!!! and the only way to motivate people to save energy is to make energy Expensive!!!
@BenjaminHartleyReturns Says:
Individuals should also adopt a vegan diet and eat insects. Only Israelis should be permitted to consume meat. ☺️
@paulballard304 Says:
Exactly, I’ve been to Greece and other countries where this is normal
@c0rnichon Says:
Honestly, a much more viable way to save energy would be to shade windows from the sun with external shutters or canopies or to paint dark roofs white. Less AC is indeed something most people could do on an individual level. Our apartment in LA didn't have air conditioning and we were fine because buildings and trees blocked out the sun.
@soninalphin2771 Says:
No one will be willing to give up their warm showers, & hot baths.
@torilove4868 Says:
My mom taught me to wash clothes in cold water. She said that the detergent cleans the clothes, but that if you use cold water, your clothes won't shrink. We are big people. We can't afford for our clothes to shrink. She didn't care at all about the environment, either, so it was a completely different argument to this person.
@stecky87 Says:
Yes, the problem is at an industrial level. But that doesn't mean the individual can't or should live more environmentally friendly lives
@thebowandbullet Says:
Going plant-based is the single biggest impact you can have on the environment, bigger than not driving anymore. Bonus: it's easy and cheaper too.
@paulballard304 Says:
No, switch to solar heated water. low tech free energy
@msandrearobinson Says:
Waz makes a great point! Corporations and governments should be contolling the policies re climate change!
@rhonnadonnelly5562 Says:
My hot shower and iced coffee are the only morning pleasures that I have to make the day bearable and I'm not giving that up. I guess I'm saving energy because I cold brew my own coffee so I'm guilt free.
@msandrearobinson Says:
The whole 8 months I lived in Israel kibbutzim, we showered in cold water. I'm sure they got hot water at some point.
@Fūjin390 Says:
I take cold showers in the summer if its really hot but thats it
Increase solar and wind energy use for domestic use, industry should try to shift to advance nuclear systems like fusion or molten salt reactor technology.
@tureytayno3154 Says:
This person is pointing at the symptoms, not at the root cause.
@Priss933 Says:
I use cold water for laundry, dishes and showers (unless its really cold) . Its really not a big deal
@jeremyrangel8138 Says:
I PRAY that the leftists keep running with stuff like this in the name of their bullshit "climate change" agenda. More taxes, no hot water, no AC, riding your bike 15 miles instead of driving, straws made from vegan cruelty-free recycled urinal cakes, eating grasshoppers instead of beef.
@bildemerath Says:
Pampered much? Cold showers take getting used to is all. But yeah, personal responsibility is not as big as other, but it does help. Plastic bags don't get in the ocean because people refuse them at the store. Manufacturers don't pollute making products people don't buy. There is a way to care without being miserable especially if one looks at life changes as adventures, and isn't so worried about what others choose to try or suggest. Some people don't even have hot water or enough water to shower in. Try it for a week - you whimper out at just the idea.
@seattlejayde Says:
I think the writer has a point re washing clothes with cold water
@treewizard2502 Says:
Feel like lazy journalism. This kind of solution goes back to the Carter administration

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