What Is The Pendragon Cycle?
What Is The Pendragon Cycle?



@glennbishopbishthemagish Says:
Apparently it is a time period you do not know much about. After seeing these clips, you really do not know anything about, Merlin, Magic, Spells, or the history of Rome, Great Britain, and this is not even good story, telling. The story of Merlin is not a woke feminist story. A princess would never go on a hog hunt without trusted armed escorts of several men bodyguards. That is only one of the many, many bad writing choices that this - high school drama project has, in my opinion.
@201_Gaming Says:
Oh I know, it’s more Daily Wire garbage that’s going to fall flat on its face 😂 Stick to your lane of ‘grifting morons.”
@User_1_- Says:
christians in the comments shouting like little children if you were so brave do somethings in places it matter
@joshuayates5921 Says:
Man, I actually used to love watching yall like many others. You just had to go woke didn't ya. Couldn't stick to any actual values. Christ is King. It's not antisemitic
@locksm1th_ Says:
Daily Cowards drop the gag order against Candace Owens
@tyronewilson1777 Says:
I don’t believe in Jesus or (if the Jews had a king) Jewish thing? Just my personal belief, but to silence a Christian Woman is low. Be real cool if Ben went over to fight in Gaza for his beliefs, but he picks on Christians. Here’s your sign.
@gutierrez32582 Says:
Unsubscribe these fools did u hear they gaged Candice owens with a judge. what a FEMALE DOG move!!!!
@america_has_fallen2311 Says:
Daily wire is a disgrace, I unsubscribed and canceling membership, bunch of hypocrites. Enjoy your communist media, bye!!!
@jackdarippa8119 Says:
Gag order on Candace. You guys are fucking jokes.
@jeannemalaxos534 Says:
Awesome explanation! Appreciate you guys and can not believe my 25+year dream of seeing this come to production is happening. You guys gotta fix this mess with Ben and Candace, etc..... we need to be unified now more ever!!! Thankful for all you do! God Bless! Love and Prayers from The Catskill Mountains of NY! 💖🙏🌻☀️
@Theoriginalanimalcracker Says:
It’s good to know people are more focused on saying a phrase like “Christ is king” than anything with an actual point.
@ares2339 Says:
jeremy is so boring
@Jozeemoss Says:
@trudolfschwab7954 Says:
What is a war crime?
@lara-ce2kg Says:
This idiot does not know anything about Albion history or how the King Arthur story/legend got started. There are so many versions of King Arthur,that you can make the story agree with whatever moral position you hold. Its a disgrace to the legend itself ,to be used to fit the agenda of this narrow minded American.
@KDWALKER1263 Says:
Shut up you free speech denier
@50_Pence Says:
They work in the shadows - who said that? I wonder
@kennethosborne8359 Says:
Gag orders are for sissy conmen.
@SAitek1556 Says:
You going to gagge everyone that speaks aginst your belief, very Nazi of you
@letsbuildasnowman7058 Says:
Fuck the Daily Wire, bunch of fakes
@free_manipur_from_india Says:
@AbushFasil Says:
Christ Is King, stop deleting comments about Candace Owens!!!!!!😅
@dafutura4634 Says:
@hephep7426 Says:
So disappointed at what daily wire has done to Candace owens! And really really disappointed at Ben Shapiro and his cowardice and throwing his power around through his money to silence Candace owens! I didn't agree with Candice on everything and I think she was mistaken with a lot of Israel things and I understand why Ben Shapiro is very pro-israel and as a Christian I am pro-israel as well. But Israel is not perfect and free speech allows criticism of everything whether you are offended or not at least that's what I thought the daily wire believed ????? The daily wire is proving to be just as domineering with their opinions as they accused of the left you're being domineering with their opinions. Very very disappointed and I even feel it needs to be said shame on you daily wire! Poorly done you have betrayed the values you claimed to have. You're kind of embracing a kind of patriarchy by getting rid of your only female journalist now you're back to your old boys club. And I'm not even a feminist!
@TniapSdik-iw1ff Says:
They lied about Candice and that is why I unsubscribed from them.
@sambishop9567 Says:
Gag order mafia
@go_rilla262 Says:
@ISoloYouRelax Says:
Why did yall get a gag order on Candice, while you were supposedly setting up a debate? Unsubbing due to woke leftist behaviors from daily wire.
@Dmhlcmb Says:
The gag order on Candace Owens is garbage and it shows me my intuition was right, I should quit the daily wire. I have done that, no more of my money will support these little tyrants.
@ghostbusterspluscollector9624 Says:
Christ is king
@sueandjaybo Says:
Don’t care. Unsub due to you and phukface lil ben.
@Htnn Says:
Fuck off Daily Wire, you guys have shown your true colors, your finished. America First, Christ is King!!! We stand with Candace!!!
@joeswanson401 Says:
Daily Wire hates free speech putting a gag order on Candace 🤡
@odonnelldenise Says:
Drop the gag order. Debate Candace! If you agree repost this comment
@sdwilliams1986 Says:
Done with DW content. Nice try, but no cigar. 😏 JESUS IS KING
@sdwilliams1986 Says:
@TuggyWaffles Says:
Hey Jeremy, you SNAKE. Why the gag order on CANDACE OWENS? No debate? WHY? Afraid of a strong, black AMERICAN woman? #AmericaFirst #TheDailyLiar #MAGA
@alexanderrahl482 Says:
Gagged Owens. Cowards.
@sizzlebiscuits Says:
Candace Owens gag order is a pussy move. Scared of debate?
@st.peterunner8758 Says:
I piss on the cross
@estherhoward7959 Says:
The Pendragon Cycle is not Christian because Arthurian legend is not Christian. It is Gnostic/occult/NAR propaganda. The Daily Wire has a secret spiritual agenda to prepare you to join the one world religion and worship the anti-christ (king Arthur is an anti-christ/false christ).
@createdbeing Says:
@Dailywire Ignore these people. They are wicked men using the Name of God to blaspheme and disobey Him. They are the same people who say 'Christ is King' and with the same mouth dare curse the annointed ones of Christ God, that is Israel. The same people who say 'Lord Lord' or 'Christ is King' 'Christ is King' and will not enter the kingdom of heaven, for they did not do the will of Christ. This is the difference between true and false converts, sadly many are wolves in sheeps clothing. Hence why they put 'America' first and 'Candace' first, whilst saying 'Christ is King', whilst disobeying and committing evil against Christ Himself. But true Christians like us, who number in the few, will always bless you for blessing Israel.
@wezross Says:
3.3 millions subscribers? Only 30k view and 1.3k likes? You guys suck.
@Captain_Brown_Beard Says:
Cant wait to not watch it.
@TheMasonator777 Says:
Neo-cons like Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld created the political environment that the far left weaponized against the people, and they are about to do it again. They took America from the world’s most sympathized-with country in 2001, to totally unlovable, and then complained when people became disillusioned. Learn your lessons. Tucker is right to ask the hard questions. An honest America is a loved America. The people are America, not some corrupted permanent bureaucratic state. “We, The People” right?
@my_cousin_mose9782 Says:
Unsubbing because apparently I hate America. I question 911 and the moon landing therefore I hate America. F off.
@take2369 Says:
If you directed maybe it’ll be as bad as Ladyballers, I'll give them the benefit but after how badly directed ladyballers was hopefully it has a 2nd director or good cinematographer.
@americansuma9852 Says:
Majority of right wing conservatives foundations is built on Christianity before daily wire and your success. We listen and watch your content that's why you are making money and enjoying the fame. Christ is King and will always. All your efforts will go to waste when you die but what Christ did will still be here.
@americansuma9852 Says:
Christ is King. #Candace_Owens
@isiddiqui5162 Says:
The Israeli Wire trying to some PR work

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