The Birth of the Russian Communist Party
The Birth of the Russian Communist Party



@chrisdriver7776 Says:
Is he wearing lipstick?
@BaronVonSparklefarts Says:
Bill Whittle was a great choice for this
@maxokream6269 Says:
I now know that the daily wire is not a free speech organization, not too far off from the Russian Communist Party
@johnwatts3469 Says:
Excellent historical information. People need to remember history!
@deadxaim Says:
Yeah.... I see what you are doing daily wire
@GoyMaster Says:
And now we have the Jewish Conservative party.
@iLLBiLLsRoastBeats Says:
The daily wire lately seems to employ some of their tactics !!
@georgefricker4801 Says:
And democrats are the American commie party.
@johnouellet4099 Says:
Just came here to unsubscribe to the daily wire for their commitment to censorship!
@daveassanowicz186 Says:
The Israeli Wire
@boldlygo3469 Says:
Jewish Bolsheviks created the Communist Party fashioned loosely after the writings of Jewish author, Karl Marx. Today's Democrat Party is the modern version of the Communist Party here in America. It's why so many modern Jews are Democrats as opposed to Constitutional Conservatives.
@gohsukbin5830 Says:
Elon musk should buy daily wire and help ben shapiro and nelson peltz should buy bentkey for creating non woke disney animations and cartoons like bentkeys snow white and the evil queen
@pete669 Says:
My guys wearing lipstick
@georgesikharulidze7819 Says:
@laststand6420 Says:
The race based socialists. Where else have I heard... Oh yeah, the Democrats.
@user-zw2nm7zs1b Says:
Bill at his best
@robbyjay4161 Says:
Bulsh¡vist? Like, Bidensh¡viks?
@exitpointarcturus587 Says:
Such a great tidbit! And another important, historical understanding can be attained by watching the documentary The Other Israel with Ted Pike.
@cyclone8974 Says:
"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators." Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
@ColeDedhand Says:
And now we have the Democratic Socialist Party. Although most use the shortened version, Democrats.
@brownman304 Says:
They were so similar that they fought against each other. Makes total sense🤡.
@TheHouseOfWaffles Says:
I've long-since taken to referring to the Nah-tsees by their longer name, the National-Socialists, to emphasize that they were socialists.
@mountainadventures7346 Says:
So how would you define China and Russia today? Aren’t they more Nazi than true Communist now? And I also disagree that the Soviet Union wasn’t based on race…. They never gave Siberia back to the Siberians did they? No.
@InimitaPaul Says:
You should be careful posting Shorts about the Bolshevik’s given the links between the Bolshevik revolution and the Russian Jews of the time, call it a conspiracy theory all you like but the Jews with influence certainly appear to have had a hand in the revolution even if the “Jews of the Street” were against it. No hate.
@MarkAir Says:
Good thing Putin and Russian democracy reign supreme today!
@john_smithchiropractor3931 Says:
Marxist Professors in the American education system have actively worked towards covering up these facts for generations.
@JesusOrDestruction Says:
@scottcantdance804 Says:
Was there anything unusual about the people who founded the party?
@kfchoesmad4180 Says:
Bolshevik Jews killed 15-20 million Christian’s, they ran the Soviet Union. Don’t listen to the Daily Israel
@dfmrcv862 Says:
Man... I wish people knew about this.
@tinyleopard6741 Says:
Thanks for doing these educational things!

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