World Central Kitchen Says Israeli Drone Attack Was NOT Accidental!
World Central Kitchen Says Israeli Drone Attack Was NOT Accidental!



@TheSoulCrisis Says:
This is a disgusting act of a war crime and sad loss of life….. 😢
@jaromor8808 Says:
USA is enabling this. And most rtrdd conservatives approve that.
@tonya1802 Says:
The only way to rest in peace is to die already forgiven in Christ ALONE through faith alone to the Glory of God alone 🙏
@aseang Says:
The bombing of the World Central Kitchen workers is tragic. I do have to ask why they were put in a war zone, in harm's way. They are not combatants; they should have been behind the front lines. This scenario is a human tragedy and Hamas needs to be spoken to in the only language they seem to understand. Thanks to Anthony for covering this topic.
@Blitzwing-ne1ru Says:
I'd like to see ol' soyboy Shapiro try to make excuses for this.
@taino1642 Says:
Almost like food is considered helping the enemy. Are they wrong?
@j.kristineemmons Says:
It's interesting how both right and left are against a lot of this Israeli war crap. I think part of the right being against, is cuz they hate the current president. Things is, this is a relational thing that he inherited from previous times. I don't like our president, electoral college vote for Trump please, but there's reasoning behind the US's entanglement with other nations.
@masonrh1234 Says:
Israel is an intelligence powerhouse. They knew, and if anyone disagrees they are gullible asf
@ryanwaddell6278 Says:
Do you know who came up with the term anti-semite you realize why that terms come up with that way nobody would criticize certain people. People need to do a lot more studying about Israel and the zionists and Orthodox Jews
@wadf29 Says:
Saying that an Army should not target civilians is probably antisemitic. Or maybe racist… oh well.
@johnwayne3085 Says:
Nonprofits would never be used for nefarious purposes other than their stated mission. Dr's WOB, Redcross, Redcrescent workers etc are nothing more than volunteer humanitarians. I also have a bridge in Baltimore for sale if you believe that.
@kwakuba9167 Says:
Virtue signaling in a war zone? And expecting no possibility of skirmishes? Give me a break. And where is the wailing and weeping when Hamas is responsible for innocents fatalities? But overall I am not in favor of the idea of delivering food. It simply prolongs irresponsible behavior of the powers that be. Every meal delivered in Gaza delays Hamas reckoning whether to stop fighting or not. Every meal delivered to say Africa delays those leaders from stopping their corruption and fixing their countries. Imagine Berlin circa 1945 people complaining they can't get aid in and Adolf didn't get 3 meals and 2 snacks yet so we need to pause operations else we violating Goebbels "human rights". Get the f\/ck out. The whole purpose of armed conflict is to bring it to eliminate a threat as quickly as possible.
@dentpeninde Says:
Biden has no space to speak when he killed an entire family in Afghanistan
@LLS710 Says:
Oops 3 times? That's not an oops.
@steveloeb8947 Says:
First for some reason you refused to answer your ringing phone. Second you had a Hamas fighter in there. So stop bulls?itting
@Brett235 Says:
We, the United States, should stay out of other countries business. We are not the world police or the breadbasket.
@hotrod8915 Says:
The world central kitchen were also feeding idf soldiers. Thats how little zionists value life.
@nathandopp2059 Says:
ABL, you got this one wrong. Ask the next question. Hamas hides among civilians AND among the Aid. The bombing was deliberate, but the choice to do so was accidental/not deliberate. You gotta ask the next question to make it make sense, why would Isreal target aid? Furthermore, it’s a war zone. If the USA is attacking Baghdad, you can’t expect rando aid trucks rolling around the war zone to be perfectly safe….
@littlecatfeet9064 Says:
Now you’re using MSM for your sources?
@littlecatfeet9064 Says:
A US air strike in Afghanistan in 2008 accidentally targeted a wedding party, killing 47. A US drone strike in Yemen in 2009 was supposed to target an al-Qaddafi training camp but targeted a social gathering instead, killing 14 alleged militants and 41 civilian men, women and children.A NATO air strike in 2009 targeting the Taliban hit a convoy of vehicles, killing 27 civilians. NATO initially denied the action but later admitted it. Security forces in Egypt mistakenly killed 12 civilians including Mexican tourists. They thought the vehicles they were travelling in were a terrorist convoy. A Saudi-led coalition air strike in 2016 hit a funeral hall in Yemen, killing 140 people and injuring more than 500 others. A US-led coalition air strike targeting ISIS hit a building where war refugees were sheltering instead, and killed at least 150 civilians. So accidents CAN happen and they’re tragic. This is a close combat war in one of the highest population density areas in the world, one where the soldiers of one side wear civilian clothing, and terrible things will happen. But don’t pretend it’s deliberate.
@yusefarline5096 Says:
ABL great content 👍
@maxmacdonald7174 Says:
Playing in a war zone can cause bodily harm or death.
@jaybelle1909 Says:
It's an active war zone that aid workers entered. Thus, they knew perfectly well the risks... Aid can be delivered to the area without groups like this driving around an active war zone... The incident is still under investigation, yet the media acts like they know 100% it was deliberate... Fact is, they don't know, and just saying it was, is like blaming the US for deliberate killing hundreds of US and allied forces on Iraq... Those ppl shouldn't have been there at least the way they were... There are still near daily terrorist attacks on ppl in Israel, yet only when Israel seems to be at fault is there a problem... From the very start, Israel and the US told Egypt to open the border to take in "refugees" even the US offering to fully fund it for as long as it takes, yet Egypt still refuses (fyi ppl of Gaza are Egyptians not native to the lands of Israel at all, there were exiled from Egypt a long time ago Egypt is their home not Israel)... So, if anything, blame Egypt and the terrorists in Gaza, not Israel, for attacking a target in an active war zone... If investigation shows that incident was avoidable, then one can criticize Israel... From some reports at a time, there were ppl with guns around the convoy but not at time of incident, so it is possible a miscalculation or identification was made... Also, for years terrorists in Gaza have used civilians as human shields, even using ambulances to transport fighters and equipment, sides smuggling arms...
@unclejoker9975 Says:
There is definitely a political or personal motive behind this.
@pftburchell5197 Says:
They shouldn’t have been there. Hopefully others groups will see this & stay out.
@jasonwilde197 Says:
That was sending a message...
@nathanupchurch6594 Says:
Remember Obama drone attacking a wedding and Biden drone killing those 7 children in Afghanistan. Ward Carroll has a great video about this and explains how the possibility of the fog of war was involved.
@samiamgreeneggsandham7587 Says:
Imagine if organisations from neutral countries were trying to deliver food aid in pre-surrender Germany or Japan in 1945, and such “aid workers” took no measures to prevent the food going to combatants. Would the allies have made any special effort to avoid hitting such “aid workers” in the process of aiding the enemy? I doubt it. In fact, I’m pretty sure they’d have been considered fair game. It is already absurd that Israel has agreed to allow aid in, and yet more absurd that anybody is surprised when those aiding combatants in an active war zone are hit. It is war.
@barryon8706 Says:
Jose Andres is full of BS. A strike can be very accurate but aimed at the wrong target. IIRC, in the first Gulf War more British were killed by Americans than Iraqis.
@edmundbanks1806 Says:
@enterprise59 Says:
So, how many Brits condemn Hamas on Oct 7th? How many world leaders? Did Biden ?? Did the SQUAD???? Oh, but when Israel makes a mistake, all hell breaks out!?!?!? Was the World Central Kitchen in Israel helping? Nope. I really don't give a shit at this point I'm so sick of everyone ganging up on Israel. America has been helping TERRORIST FOR YEARS!!!!
@Bushmaster5romeo Says:
There are reports that the IDF drone saw them deviating from their routes, and that armed gunman joined the convoy. I dunno if that’s what happened but I think the fog of war is obscuring what actually happened.
@wgsmit02 Says:
They shouldn’t support terrorists, don’t show up to a war zone and feel like you are safe
@kiiltochii1607 Says:
And Israel is still participating on Eurovision lol
@conjandysecurity Says:
So, two groups who have been battling for decades did something evil to the other. Color me shocked. No Mas Dinero.
@robertmalone3997 Says:
Why don’t the moocher go to Israel to get their food?
@goldenson808 Says:
Now my opinion is the fact I believe that Israel is constantly being targeted one way or another including being made to look bad. They still don't like Netanyahu and want him gone, I just don't trust everything the news media says anyway.
@xyndijade2864 Says:
So, if someone is aiding my enemy I should see them as friends? I don't know if this is accidental or not, and I really don't care! Here is the thing; they are aiding Hamas; therefore, even if it was on purpose, Isreal was within their rights.
@dawnbrady684 Says:
I dont trust anything anyone over there says to be the whole truth in the matter. The power struggle over there is that bad. I wouldn't care were it not for bethlehem and sites jesus did his sermons. I know there is religion there that would destroy that given the opportunity
@DaveyDeluxe Says:
@rodneykaiser948 Says:
This is a war , after all. When the Allies were bombing the hell out of Germany, innocent lives were lost. But the Nazis had to be defeated, just like Hamas, now. When the U. S. was attacked on 9/11 we expected our allies to rally behind us. Why can’t Israel expect the same?
@peggyford3801 Says:
Like other countries haven’t done the same “oops”thing. Benjamin N. Apologized right away. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is more to this than we will ever know. Was the United States (The Biden Administration)controlling those drones ? 😢…you KNOW they want to oust Benjamin N. ! Is the CIA involved?!
@Bernie2177 Says:
Educate yourself how Jews view non Jews. I don’t understand why most people dismiss the religion when it’s 100% the reason why they make the moves they make in the world to begin with and why the influence is so deep in tv, movies, education and finance. If we can’t look deeper in the long projected goals of another people then we might as well shut up and let it continue. Why complain but then ignore the very base of the system and how it’s being run?
@Ni-cagando1971 Says:
People get over it. it's WAR . It's easy for people to give their opinion on what should have happened when you're sitting in the luxury of your home , smh . You won't see me over there, nor will I feel sorry for anyone either . For example , dress yourself up all in reflective clothes with a mega phone screaming from the top of your lungs not to be run over while you go play in the freeway . Let me know how that works for you, OK .
@Bernie2177 Says:
But how will Jesus return if we don’t let Israel have its way about everything.
@SugarShaneS Says:
If it was night time and they were looking at the vehicles through FLIR you wouldn't be able to see the logo on top of the vehicle. It would have just showed up white as heat just like the rest of the vehicle . Would have just blended right in .
@Mr.kn0witall Says:
I think the jews are trying to whipe the Muslims out because the jews are about to sacrifice the red heifer. After that, they have to rebuild this temple. If they touch the temple, it will start a all out war with Muslims.
@jgregov Says:
I do not believe anyone!
@Mr.kn0witall Says:
I believe Muslims nor jews should have controll on Isreal. It should the Christians
@epep50 Says:
Well quit being terrorists and maybe this won't happen.

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