GamerGate 2.0
GamerGate 2.0



@divine0enigma Says:
"We need a positive doctrine for 'leave me alone.'" Me ne frego.
@tripthethird3605 Says:
yo can u publicly acknowledge the democrat ordered serial rape and molestation of my nieces via telepathy
@crashnreset6987 Says:
I have not spent a penny on games or films in the last years,,,, sorry?.......who is losing? coz it ain't me bro :D
@madspunky Says:
The last five years there have been plenty of white male protagonists, what are you complaining about? Zelda TotK, Super Mario Wonder, Alan Wake 2, Street Fighter 6 (Luke), Jedi Survivor, Lies of P, Pizza Tower, Dave the Diver, GoW Ragnarok, Hitman 3, RE Village, FF7 Remake/Rebirth, Death Stranding, Devil May Cry 5, Disco Elysium, RDR2, Hades...
@scuffedryangosling4264 Says:
Gamers, you know what to do. We know the enemy this time.
@Darker_voids Says:
Miss the old sargon glad he's back
@Southparker100000000 Says:
Why does this guy sound like such a massive douche?
@iamLI3 Says:
wow there's so much of this i disagree with anyone who thinks gamegate failed , does not understand what gamergate is , which is very shocking to hear it coming from sargon of all ppl..... gamergate did not fail , and calling this gamergate 2 is a misnomer , because it's actually still gamergate 1 , because gamergate never ended , it is still ongoing , and is a culture war , but isn't even limited to a geographic area , so it doesn't even have traditional demarcations of when a war can be considered "won" or "lost" are hardly even applicable here as far as i can see , gamergate has been a success , as it has done great strides in informing people who were not aware that we are in a culture war , that we are in a culture war the sheer fact alone that karbrutus can make a steam group and have hundreds of thousands of people join it in a week (myself included) , when im sure that steam is the last place that ppl would consider the site for ideological congregation , should be proof enough of how successful we have been in this war of preventing the enemy from being able to stop things like this from happening also not everything is liberal vs liberal world view sargon....
@Botnet777 Says:
I really hate losing. I don't want to lose any more.
@Christian-jc6gf Says:
I dont understand the view that inaction is an automatic loss. Video games are luxuries, they arent necessities. You can simply not buy them. 'Voting with your wallet' really is possible, and is the best way of collapsing an industry that is completely built upon the idea of using profits from the future to fund todays development.
@xp8969 Says:
Its good to see Sargon and his fans crying again
@wulfengel Says:
You wanna win? Don't buy their shit. Don't give them money, tell everyone why, if the world wanna still look at you as bad then ok you just don't help them at all.
@forkittens Says:
2:27 i see Jesse cox right there in the center...
@ron4280 Says:
Oh no buddy, did ya find yourself subverted? It's as if the alt right warned you this would happen.
@Hickalum Says:
Do you understand that when you play a video game… All you are doing is rearranging meaningless ones and zeros in a silicon chip ???
@Planeet-Long Says:
The lack of organisation, not forming lobbying groups, not forming activist groups to counter the racism coming from the Woke today (or the SJW's in the past) is exactly why the movement failed. They created nor infiltrated any institutions.
@20PhantoM07 Says:
GG Sargon. 👍🏻
@Razlo5000 Says:
All that needs to happen is not buy woke fucking games.
@loth4015 Says:
I often thought the same thing. While most people, most "liberals" aswell were against the crazy feminists, like Anita Sarkeesian, they never actually fought to get Anita Sarkeesian out of business. And now, Anita Sarkeesian worked on "The Last of Us 2" and kind of established her crazy feminist position in the gaming industry. And they're still fighting, while most people are still somewhat in opposition to it, no one actually really fights against it. And similar to how people gave up on "The Last of Us 2", saying "You're overreacting", they will stop their opposition here aswell.
@CrimsonWolf1775 Says:
The less the 'excluded' class buys their woke garbage the more money they lose and the more money they lose, the more the corporate heads will tire of their woke BS. Look at how many 'AAA' games have failed recently and how the overall the sales are down with a few exceptions. I personally haven't bought a new game since AC: Valhalla and frankly I don't feel like I've missed anything since then. On the other hand I have bought older games and play my old games quite a bit nowadays.
@PANN1Cau Says:
If you start publishing TWIS vids again I’ll really feel like I’m back in 2015 😂
@wheelooze4655 Says:
Snowflakes being offended by people of color being in video games? Typical.
@confounded_feline Says:
Did i miss something? Or am I 21 again?
Nah, we ain't losing wokeness is on the back foot everywhere being rejected everywhere.
@paulosborne2108 Says:
Can't wait to go play last of us two! Right wing whinny lil beeeeeches! Yall are just mad the world is laughing at consevative values
@fuzzology Says:
Nah I’m not buying the analogy of “Diversity is good” “We shall force diversity” - that’s like saying “Food is good” “We shall force food” - MODERATION is KEY. Some diversity is good… but not overly saturated diversity. Does liberalism not understand moderation?
@IshayuG Says:
Why did you remove your old videos? Many of them were quite good.
@varietywiarrior Says:
No. We will win this time. People are waking up.
@TheBenchPressMan Says:
The End of History and the Last Game
@jonsnow5518 Says:
whats the thumbnail from ? i always see it but never know
@alyaabadi8882 Says:
The left is always ready, while the right believes they can co-exist. Sad times.
@bdafeesh Says:
It all boils down to DEI. When you hire people for roles that they are fundamentally unqualified for, what else are they to do? May as well push an adgenda while you're there, since you unable to do the actual job correctly. This is plagueing every industry; the gaming industry was just hit the hardest, first.
@Accuracy158 Says:
Wow Sargon has come a long way in ten years. We all have. There's years more of analysis and insight in this brief essay than anything we were saying in 2014.
@dean1100110 Says:
We are so back
@Ambelghan Says:
While all of this may be true, I simply just didn't buy the games that these people interacted with, so maybe these leftists did went out. But whatever companies they supported lost money and support.
@leejohnson197733 Says:
Support Stella blade and send a message
@richardw3052 Says:
I really hope you can get Trump to tweet about it this time.
@michaelman957 Says:
They talked about this on the Matt Fradd show as something that in the US also affects liberal Republicans and non woke liberals. They lack a grounded plan to put up in opposition. The solution I feel is a return to Christian ethics, which honor the dignity and rights of all humans (as we're all made in God's image equally) while also acknowledging objective morality and the existence of right and wrong.
@ragebait988 Says:
I wish I had white male privilege.
@WaldemarPerezJr Says:
Woke = Marxist We need to stop calling them woke.
@LarsLarsen77 Says:
I never watched your stupid lotus bullshit. That shit sucks.
@joshb8976 Says:
Good to see you back bro. Nice. This brings me back to college like 10 years ago lol.
@actually5004 Says:
Thanks for the Applebees manager perspective, Sargon.
@JA-oo9qp Says:
Conservative Inc. here to talk about some more pointless bs.
@tylerchristensen1484 Says:
Carl, since we’re so back, are we going to get more This Week in Stupid?
@cwad737 Says:
Holy crap he's back! Been like 4 years since a post.
@Astawroth Says:
wokeism > transgenderism > a certain abrahamic religion
@h-dawg969 Says:
It’s weird how similar your voice sounds to that Karl guy from Lotus Eaters.
@restlesscow2137 Says:
Really desperate to get that gamergate back. Pathetic, Keep moving on into irrelevance 🤣
@axel8406 Says:
I have been working against them since i realized whats going on. I dont buy their games. I tell everyone i know about what's going on. I buy games that are countered to them. The biggest problem is the lack of organization and the infighting that non woke conduct.

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