US Air Force Member Sets Himself ON FIRE In Support Of Palestine!
US Air Force Member Sets Himself ON FIRE In Support Of Palestine!



@woodchipgardens9084 Says:
Seperation of Church and the United States.,
@brownehawk7744 Says:
Whats really sick about this, I'm scanning trough youtube shorts and see a rally for this dude, they are treating him as a martyr. All the comments filled with Palestine this and that, river from sea BS. Some disturbingly radicalized people among us. To me its basically the same crazy lefties that are now the pro Palestine mob.
@kennethperez6236 Says:
What can you say besides condolences to remaining family? Well, one could also say that he was a misguided lost soul who's death accomplished absolutely nothing.
@123cbman Says:
At least he did not take others with him.
@AK47BLACKice Says:
What a weakling, someone who obviously didn’t belong in the military.
@ZipZopZipZop Says:
He is Hari Krishna
@dps5707 Says:
Wow, suicide, because of the Israeli government, was protecting their country from terrorists or future terrorists attacks.
*MKUltra is something else*
@Greaseball_gamer Says:
I love my troops , but this guy was brainwashed that made him stupid and a traitor to America. Palestine isn’t an ally to America,they are our enemy , Palestine wants to to destroy every country that isn’t Muslim.
@mattclarke3671 Says:
@gerryalfred Says:
Well that stopped the war...😐 and homme is gonna b forgotten in a few weeks...
@CecilH-md2gk Says:
Let me tell you a story , a long time ago in far far away land ,there were some slaves called the children of Israel, they had it tuff working in heat for Pharoah in Egypt, then along came a guy that led them out into the wilderness, for a long time they stayed in that wilderness, till god gave only some the right to take the cannanite land which is pallastine, they took it made it profitable then was drove out of it, other country's owned it, it passed hands a few times but nobody ever established it as a country,till after ww2 the Israel started to migrate back in then forming Israel, the feud has been going on for a long time and in the end Israel will have possession of all pallastine.
@justjules2029 Says:
I don’t agree with him on what he did. However, he deserves respect for his service and for actually standing on his beliefs.
@KossoffFan Says:
I just want to clarify......this moron does not represent Texas.
@ororomunroe8239 Says:
I feel for this man but I can’t call this act heroic, this has been going on for decades and self immolation isn’t going to stop it overnight
@knowwe Says:
And a bunch of clowns on social media are saluting this guy as a hero. Same pr!cks who also think Israel are trying to "colonising" Palestine. What a joke.
@djmohglojojo Says:
From the sound of his little monologue at the beginning (which was brief, meaning hes clueless of what he’s talking about) he seems to be, as you said, facing some demons. And THIS was the only way he could justify offing himself… quite sad, actually
@frankdimeglio8216 Says:
The Israeli embassy OUT OF THE USA NOW.
@daisynadal6909 Says:
What happened to the full video?
@coupdeforce Says:
I have to give him credit for only hurting himself, and not others. Lots of people will kill others and then kill themselves, when they could have just killed themselves from the beginning. Not that we want someone to kill themselves either. But I have to give this guy credit for not taking anyone else down with whatever he was going through.
@coupdeforce Says:
Free Palestine? If you want a Palestine, pal, you're gonna pay for it!
@BCSBB Says:
This is so sad. He was speaking with no hesitation and kinda thinking nothing about it. As if he was getting ready for an event. Definitely a spiritual matter. He had demons. He believed a lie of the enemy to end his young life.
@pedoslayer8766 Says:
............................. Ok this getting ridiculous....... How bad the airforce can it be, to use Palastine as excuse to kill yourself?? What's worse No Palastinian will never protest for the airman...
@267BR Says:
Bro this was horrible. Just saw the video this morning it's horrific ima be honest. Rest in peace Aaron bushnell
@kidcleveland2461 Says:
Military is definitely not getting our best and brightest these days!
@GrimReaper1971 Says:
how many Chinese American Military people turned out to be many arab americans Military turned out to have their agenda's including this situation....The DOJ should hire True Americans.....
@allbec11 Says:
Just plain stupid.
@kellyphillips2239 Says:
Well its pretty early but i think we know who the Darwin award trophy is going this year 😂😅
@Tellnor Says:
Just a dumbass.
@TheKnoxvicious Says:
“Colonizers” Yeah, I’m tuning out…
@spiderbytz Says:
He sounded like he was one of those kids who would mutilate themselves if Trump was re-elected to office. Those Tide-pod swallowers all grown up 😕
@deej1015 Says:
This is such as sad situation. Prayers to the young man and his family. I agree ABL, it's so important to focus on your own mental health
@forestwald9829 Says:
Mental health.
@samuelpancake4084 Says:
Dont do drugs kids
@LZRxHWK Says:
I saw the vid... i got hot just watching it.
@ericdenigro1607 Says:
Does McDonald's still have the five dollars menu I like the nuggets !
@robdlc438 Says:
I remember when military members were American patriots, not leftist activists.
@elrukn2460 Says:
When the guilt sinks in he gave himself the Smokey the Bear treatment 😂😂
@Berry500Laps Says:
I feel like the media is brainwashing ppl because hasnt Israel vs Palestine been going on since around 1901? I understand its evil but this act won't weaken the elites pillars of world domination.
@isafctat Says:
I don’t see a link to the original video in your description
@JadieJamz Says:
Doesnt want to be complicit in violence, and proceeds to violently violate himself 😂
@djjd3027 Says:
Sad. This person was mentally ill and drank "the kool-aid". In the end it doesn't change anything and the news story will be gone in a week or so. Just awful for his family.
@code_red7744 Says:
We Todd Did
@joshspencer9578 Says:
I think it’s a fake
@michaelangelo8001 Says:
Another dead body due to the ✡️...
@cathysheahan7036 Says:
Well done sir, very well done. You let us know, and spared us the horror. We appreciate you.
@GuruChaz Says:
Too many kooks and mentally ill. What a stupid move.
@kylekeller1210 Says:
When he got to hell....he got an article 15
@burrelljohn11 Says:
Dudes a hot topic right now. Too soon?
@MrRichMurphy Says:
🎼That dude is on fiiire”. CRT in the military doing its thang. One less anti Jewish lib. Libs raise their kids in self hate.

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