Former NFL Quarterback Cam Newton JUMPED At Youth Camp!
Former NFL Quarterback Cam Newton JUMPED At Youth Camp!



@FLALIFE-ji9mx Says:
Black supremacy. Ghetto mentality
@franklinturtle9849 Says:
I think it's some fellas looking for a lawsuit.
@franklinturtle9849 Says:
Cam is 6'5 and 245 lbs... They really gonna try and jump him? Hope he beat their punk asses!
@Jarell1990 Says:
The behavior is just appalling. I have no clue what sparked it, I can only go off speculation. There are plenty of Celebrities that I admire and then some that I don't favor too much. I would never in my life say anything disrespectful to them let alone throw a punch at them to have some viral moment or bragging rights story to tell.
@HeatherRose2023 Says:
Just because a person has fame and fortune does NOT mean you should treat him like a king. If that person gives back to their community, gratitude is warranted, but that is all.
@22Americaneedssaved Says:
Let's not become distracted. According to Biden, Harris, republicans are the real problem in the US
@tunaclone1456 Says:
not surprising at all this is what they do and im not going down to that level ever
@mknudstrup Says:
The difference between a man and a dog is a dog won't bite you after you save him (Mark Twain).
@michaelhughes7267 Says:
No baby Daddy equals disrespectful behavior. But when a governement pays for and celebrates the destruction of a nuclear family so what do you expect. Ignorance breeds ignorance.
@scotty_patriot1685 Says:
This is just sad and a pathetic awakening
@KC-cy3th Says:
Nice culture/Value system. Nice. Ya know, we don’t really know “what u sayin.”
@JJGuccione Says:
They tried that garbage with Mike Tyson in prison - No guns but shanks. The culture needs to be examined. I see you and Shannon, culturally, look nothing like Cam or the TSP coach. Your culture and Shannon’s culture is professional. Their culture is hip hop. I expect fighting from hip hop as much as a 10:00 PM twerking contest. If the cap fits — wear it.
@treeherder2201 Says:
Cam has a big mouth. I doubt he was jumped for no reason. That computer thief shouldn't be allowed within 200 miles of a youth camp.
@edhill8341 Says:
I’m not a Cam Newton fan but this is absurd.
@hccarder Says:
All I see are big egos with big mouths.
@racerfrey Says:
N's are ALWAYS gonna be N's...
@ravenstone366 Says:
Your supposed to be happy in your heart for others, its a good thing when they put heart and soul into stuff, they make it. Whether its sports or any other goal they set their sights on. If you believe like a child, then if you just see always like a child, learning, curious, never giving up, learn from your mistakes, get back up look at it a different way, try a different to grow, become better for yourself on the inside. Knowledge is something no one can take away, they can limit food, take books, clothes, but if you read, study, its in your head, no one can ever take it away from you. Never envy or what others have. Never do things with the expectations of receiving something in return, you just do if you can, but keep your heart like a child and just always know JC is always walking beside you, through all. Just ask
@Randy-u5u Says:
Hate, envy, and jealousy is certifiable thuggery
@davismcmillian6790 Says:
People like that should be banned from all other group activity. Got to send a hard message, or nothing will change.
@RandyBenton-x3g Says:
I don’t watch football anymore . But would like to know how or why the freakus got started . Seems to me some people have short fuses and don’t mind hating on someone so quick . Lot of times with weapons . Golden rule . SMH . Rather hate . You might live to old age , but I would say that each one of us can look back and say , “I wish I hadn’t done that “ .
@LataureanEzell Says:
Running away from the community has never helped either? If anything that's part of the problem, ppl make a little money then bounce. Listen if everyone who's worth a damn leaves then who are you leaving the community in hands of? The government? A bunch of sad, salty single women, with multiple kids from multiple dudes? It took generations for the black community to get this messed up, it's going to take time, patience and lot of working together to get us back on the right path.... It amazes me how we black folks can have all kinds of patients for everybody else, BUT each other. This idea of getting money, then running for hills has to stop because that mentality is part of the problem.
@scudder91 Says:
Ayn rand had her own word for "haters" in the fountainhead - "secondhanders". A person who, unable to rise through their own efforts, seeks to denigrate and leech off the efforts of others.
@sbl9467 Says:
Its that thug culture. Everybody wants to be a gangster. NFL players...NBA players portray that gangster image and these punks think its cool - now now these celebrity players are getting treated as they carry themselves
@PB-sp7iy Says:
Nothing to do with the color of their skin. Plenty of stupid people on the planet.
@darylallen2485 Says:
I didn't expect the angle you brought in this clip.
@dornie_donko Says:
It's the music 🎶
@BrockLanders Says:
Top Shelf? More like Bottom of the Barrel 😂
@garygray2528 Says:
Envy is one of the deadly sins, and when people can’t handle that your are above them, envy shows its nasty face.
@allthingstexas7689 Says:
People don't respect cam newton because he's a dress wearing weirdo translate
@michaelsiengo1 Says:
Y’all better check your culture before it’s too late
@ticktock2383 Says:
Cam Newton give up, relax and enjoy your life.
@crazyt3185 Says:
@jimreadey4837 Says:
The caption misled me... I was wondering why it was such a big deal for an athletic QB to have leapt in the air at camp.
@flacoP128 Says:
They didn’t even knock this man’s hat off 😂
@craigbradley6210 Says:
Does anyone actually know why the fight broke out in the first place? If 3 guys jumped Cam why weren’t they arrested when it happened right in front of the police
@davydew1094 Says:
Why he gotta dress like that plus hold a camp in atlanta???? asking ... begging
@twentysecondcenturywoman Says:
If cam wasn’t a racist, he could hold it in a community where the kids wouldn’t attack him. But he won’t because he doesn’t like anyone but blacks. So.
@shonsxxx Says:
Truth 💯
@originalwoodandresinvideos6286 Says:
Like Rampage Jackson says, “Black on black crime!!l
@djjohnson5580 Says:
Look how he dresses. The guy is manly at all.
@stephenoni2019 Says:
Nipsey Hustle is a bad example to use with respect to this issue. Nipsey was a gang member and had been involved in the deaths of other black men
@lovinLaVonna Says:
If you dress up like the wicked witch in the West don't be surprised when the house comes down on you 🤔 Yeah, that's right
@ericgautreaux1752 Says:
Narcissistic jealousy can be deadly.
@whitneyferoce4870 Says:
Wow upstanding young men!! Good job mom and....moms....
@mentalphilanthropist35 Says:
Scott Adams strikes again, 😮.
@TeutobergForestryService Says:
You are insane if you try to fight Cam Newton even with help. That dude is a MAN. A giant man who is also a freak athlete. He will erase you with relative ease.
@censorshipsucks9493 Says:
Those who nag.
@normakraus7750 Says:
It's a shame trying to do something good for the community and this is how they treat him
@skidjs Says:
A culture of garnering respect by being disrespectful.
@keithlewis5050 Says:
This is the thanks he gets for giving back to the community.

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