COVID Vaccines Linked To "SLIGHT" Risk Of Serious Medical Issues!
COVID Vaccines Linked To "SLIGHT" Risk Of Serious Medical Issues!



@marysumner2516 Says:
Speaking as someone who has one of those "slight" disorders, I call bulls**t on everyone who pushed it!
@scweekyclansman3635 Says:
Soooooo I can claim this on my va benefits due to idk being forced to get the vaccine or dishonorable
@rossindustry8832 Says:
Pure Bloods stay united.. I'm gud!
@ralphhodge1204 Says:
I mentioned the movie I am legend with respect to the covid vaccine the guy laughed in my face!!
@monicamarieellis3064 Says:
Against the vaccine!
@ronaldpalma9812 Says:
Does the study include all the people that died from complications too?
@quincywhite8302 Says:
80% of the airline world was made to take the shot. God have mercy on us❤
@bobbij3030 Says:
What is always so damn frightening is that some people still believe in this and still are jabbing themselves with boosters! P. T. Barnum was right!
@robleach1815 Says:
Pureblood here. We all saw through the BS. Covid was a way to the means! And they meant to bury Trump.
@catrina90210 Says:
My son's grandmother who is 70yo was manipulated into getting it. Since she has had nothing but issues, such as shingles twice, double pneumonia 7x, "covid" 8+x, breathing problems and now has been diagnosed with heart failure. Its infuriating that so many are suffering bcuz of this. Vengeance IS the Lord's.
@1995dresser Says:
Wasn't the J&J vax removed because of issues
@organicinohio5398 Says:
Proud to be a pure blood think for myself grandma!
@AssanRaelian Says:
Excellent video I’m 66 & never had a flu shot. I further chose not to get a Covid-19 shot as well. Finally I think that the Trump administration did more harm in America. I chose to leave the USA in 2017. What a good move that was.♟
@alexstone7594 Says:
“Slight” is putting it mildly. Everybody on X know the \/@X can give you a heart attack. You get 100 thumbs up , Thanks, Stay Safe.
@SaltMinerOU812 Says:
100% of the people who didn't take it have no regrets
@SaltMinerOU812 Says:
My tin foil hat has been proven 100% effective
@SaltMinerOU812 Says:
They admitted that a third of it is Placebo so they're purposely trying to fool people
@lavgreeen Says:
Healthy babies get a multitude of vaccines within months of being born.. routinely.
@lavgreeen Says:
Sorry , this connection is a reach at best. You can’t link these ailments to just taking a vaccine.
@lavgreeen Says:
As an RN, don’t want the vac, fine, just don’t come to the hospital if you think you’re sick
@michaelm7843 Says:
Thanks for the report! Keep up the good work!
@MissMolly3377 Says:
People better start waking up…in May the USA is planning on handing our health over to the WHO, Ana DT hey can and will do as they please.
@DoeJames-vt1pb Says:
New World Order Resistance
@DoeJames-vt1pb Says:
New World Order Resistance , has videos on this subject and others
@DoeJames-vt1pb Says:
New World Order Resistance
@DoeJames-vt1pb Says:
On YouTube and BitChute
@Rduhtduh Says:
New sub brotha. Respect ✊🏾
@dimitrihuysmans1812 Says:
Slight!!!yea right!!!so many people havinh heart problems here in my town young people aswell!!
@jazziez6467 Says:
i'll bet the denver folks are paying for the rec center in their property taxes, thats how its done here in MI. they put it to the vote then when it passes it shows up on the tax bill
@dragonflysky177 Says:
fauci should b jailed, n so bill gate. they used real human beings to experiment their medical fields
@dragonflysky177 Says:
i experience of heart beat issue lately. pretty sure if i died, they gonna say i had heart attacked, stroke from genetic in family member. i wouldnt take any if i didnt get mandated by company i work to suport my family as single mom
@rogerastorino3995 Says:
Spell Covid backwards DIVOC means possession of evil … you been tricked
@tabsntoot Says:
clot junk
@robynrobertson8021 Says:
The only study done was all of the rat labs they brainwashed into taking their experimental vaccines. A vaccine takes years to make and study for one . Another lie they told everyone was this vaccine would stop you from getting COVID . There’s no vaccine that works for a virus if that was the case we would’ve gotten rid of colds and flu viruses decades ago. A true vaccine eradicates diseases you don’t keep getting the same disease you took the vaccine for . No one should’ve ever been mandated to take an experimental vaccine especially for a virus that it’s not going to keep you from getting the COVID virus . You need to eat healthy and take natural things to keep your immune system strong. It’s a new type of flu virus that has been purposely put into our society and will be here forever most likely. People have died every year for years from the flu that can lead to pneumonia especially when your immune system is compromised or if you have other diseases at the same time when your system is weakened you’re body isn’t strong enough sometimes to fight off everything unfortunately but did they force everyone to get a flu vaccine or shut the country down and make people lose their jobs, businesses and homes . No . That alone should make people go mmmmmmm . It’s still America and it’s your choice whether you get it or not but hopefully you’ll do more research and want to know what you’re putting into your body.
@debbie189 Says:
4 of my relatives have kidney issues after vaccine one is in the marine's was forced to get vaccine at 18 years old now with kidney issues. Weird its kidney awareness month and their saying alot of people have kidney problems and don't know it
@GSolo-x3i Says:
The courts will release the documents in 2075 if I can remember correctly. Pretty fishy right?
Be sure to write a Thankyou letter to Trump, ok ?
@dandelion1598 Says:
Lol... how's that vaccine treating you now huh??.
@PeeEwèe-g2d Says:
Remember who brought out these vaccines and called The Miracles the very man that looked to the sky and called himself the chosen one Donald Trump operation warp speed the man that claims he will create peace in the world sounds like the biblical Antichrist to me look at his character he loves to be worshiped and praised can people not see it people so badly once security that they are blinded from the truth possibly of who this man be
@harsiesera9692 Says:
Has anyone noticed all of the people suffering dementia symptoms after the vax?
@analuisahering2043 Says:
As they say: the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is six months. This time it just took a little longer...
@lw1zfog Says:
the UK’s ONS suddenly re-jig their long standing methodology on calculating the nations ‘excess deaths’, & as if by magic, all issues literally disappear overnight. ‘$CIENCE!’
@liatmarmur4368 Says:
Yeah, very rare, just in my family alone we've had two lots of heart attacks and two lots of strokes , and my uncle has cancer when cancer doesn't run in my family.
@TheObtemperare Says:
Gene therapy it’s not a vaccine and it’s more harmful than good by far imho
@dominicdevers8776 Says:
Operation Warpspeed, and Trump demanded that HE gets all the credit🤔
@colemancummings6692 Says:
Over 140 million people have other heath conditions CRAZY!!! Me personally ain't taking no shots! That's a set up!!!
@celsobarros2229 Says:
I had a bicycle accident and I ended up with a open wound and they offered me a tetanus shot and I said no just clean it up.
@celsobarros2229 Says:
Slight increase? You know that the book has been cooked, hahaha, hahaha, hahaha!!!
@ZAKU-GD Says:
this is scary true, my boss had a increased heart panic- attack out of nowhere, and yes hes "vacinated" damn man im one of the every few that not vacced so i feel for the ones that are, they have no idea!
@marlenecampbell9823 Says:
This shot has a bigger risk than the shots years back, lots more people was damaged with this one.

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