Democrats Panic Over More Black Voters Supporting Trump - Ha ha!
Democrats Panic Over More Black Voters Supporting Trump - Ha ha!



@MarkDice Says:
. 🚨 Order my new book *_The War on Conservatives_* from Amazon here: ⚠ Order your NO VACANCY shirt here:
@Otto-mq8lg Says:
The Young Turds took the wrong pill ...
@southshore8911 Says:
I have to admit she is s great head piece
@sci-clops5307 Says:
What is the actual viewership of these shows on MSNBC and CNN? Is it worth our time to analyze what these people say much less pay any attention to them at all? I’d be looking at shows with actual audiences like Joe Rogan, for instance. Like him or not, he has a larger audience than many CNN and MSNBC shows combined.
@melindataylor6988 Says:
MD prophet God Bless and keep you❤
@truthwarrior122 Says:
Squirming demons in hell complaining about other slithering demons in hell.
@matthewhosley9755 Says:
no such thing as a righteous and honorable politician. does no one remember that TRUMP LOCKED THIS NATION DOWN with warp speed enriching every sate in this union with more than 2 times their annual budget.
@douglasprior7590 Says:
I'm a troon and Donald Trump has my vote.
@Trooper4985 Says:
Buying a second copy of The War on Conservatives to "leave" at work while my first copy lays next to Hollywood Propaganda and President Trumps books, on my coffee table, making elder family members visibly uncomfortable for the 4 hours a year they are in my house.
@princessgigi9866 Says:
Jesse Lee Peterson delagated July as “ White History Month” about 3 years ago.
@superezbz Says:
Wow Mark. You're about to blow it wide open with the JQ...
@JW...-oj5iw Says:
Black voters want to be patriotic not recipients of pandering.
@terracub Says:
I'm sorry I don't want Snoop Dogg on my side the guy is a former drug dealer and the evidence points towards him being a murderer as well
@DavidLucas-zq8gb Says:
Well it turns out that some blacks and latinios can think for them selves which leads to craziness in the libtarard mind
@thomasmills3934 Says:
It shows what kind of IQ we are dealing with that the reason they give for supporting trump is "money". Hes rich... no thanks id rather win without them.
@thomasmills3934 Says:
Id rather win without a single black voter.
@aldonova71 Says:
Good work, Dice!
@Majora96 Says:
The problem is the 2024 election is gonna get rigged again
@momoski68 Says:
Non white voters are supporting Trump because the democrats are treating him the way they told all those people they have been treated for years. They have made Trump a champion imho.
@zeaferjones1404 Says:
Ana is better than Krystal Ball right now.
@srweather Says:
Mark, you may heve heard of another spy balloon flying over my state of Utah. In north where our airbase is. I went to say what I thought regarding China in comments and it blocked it with errors. You have to separate your sentences.
@williemcgraw913 Says:
Why are The Young Turds even on here still?
@chrysrobert5026 Says:
What is it about Maher that he ever gets coverage?
@Cypherus21 Says:
Trump is the only man who respected and hung out with Black rappers and boxers, including Tyson. Biden on the other hand pretends to hang out with Black people.
@corycat11 Says:
The only way the democrats can win is if they cheat. 😏
@julianbruce7595 Says:
wtf do news people always feel the need to interview black people at barbershops? black people don't congregate and discuss issues anywhere else?
@ckaty480v3 Says:
The illegals will decide the election soon
@JohnTaylor-bd1uy Says:
Trump is a fraud Mark Dice. He locked us down and attacked the second amendment.
@megamus3 Says:
Blacks and Jews do get together quite often as we have seen on countless videos, it usually just doesn't work put to well for the Jewish person though.
@megamus3 Says:
Don't be surprised if tomorrow the Brown Buffalo is a Trump supporter. He started of on YouTube as a raging non religionist to now being a fervent Muslim so as to milk the islamist and pro Islamists for what he can.
@itshimhim2837 Says:
Black voters might say they like Trump…. But when they get into the voters box they are prone to vote Democrat for the freebees… not being mean here, just human nature… women can talk big too….womens vote - Biden
@jimjohnson2071 Says:
I can't wait for chunk yogurt to melt down when Trump wins!!!🤣
@camrs125 Says:
Trump bringing together people of all colours and races…❤
@williammcdermott2056 Says:
Dems can’t win making cheating more important than ever.
@BigEightiesNewWave Says:
House and feed CITIZENS, regardless of color. Why are they allowing tens of thousands of unvetted people in? And giving them money food clothes services AHEAD of a CITIZEN.
@BigEightiesNewWave Says:
When Joe is handing out money to illegal non-citizens, that are not vetted in MOST CASES, can you blame them?
@eugenebrooks4035 Says:
Trump 2024 . America 1st .God is good . God bless America .
@brentwaits954 Says:
Black people are in a position to literally save the united states at the brink of disaster, and it would go down in history forever.
@robertdesimone7460 Says:
The young tards
@donaldkasper8346 Says:
20 years ago we were told Dems could not win any election if the black vote for the Republican nominee was 3%. Then Trump came along at 13% and shitloads of ballots were printed to make damned sure the 3% rule held, as they say. Oh look, now the bar for black votes went up by 5 times for a Republican to win all of a sudden. When 3 million more people vote for Biden in Pennsylvania than live there, then the jig will be up.
What month is Jew History Month Michael?
@SWyrick366 Says:
Morgan Freeman just bitch slapped Mike.
@WesleyAPEX Says:
Trump needs to win over the white vote. He got twice the black vote in 2020 that he got in 2016 but lost ground with whites. Blacks are only 10% of the population
@WesleyAPEX Says:
@nitrodamus Says:
Why do the pseudo intellectual blacks always wear turtle necks?
@nitrodamus Says:
Imagine "Obama doing alarmingly well with the whites" as a headline
@BusterMSC1 Says:
Which also explains the open border. When they say they are coming to jobs Americans don’t want- that includes- voting democrat
@sickntired6241 Says:
I’m not white I’m Scottish!
@MrLaChien Says:
Al Sharpton, making sense...Oh my!
@BonoMalumSuperate Says:
What do liberals don't get is he is actually done more for black people than any other president in American history

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