Mississippi Walmart Employee FIRED Over SHIVERING BABY Video!
Mississippi Walmart Employee FIRED Over SHIVERING BABY Video!



@sharonwilliams6114 Says:
They should never give that’s baby back anyone in that’s. Family because the fruit don’t fall to far from the tree if they don’t handle this situation the next time they hear about this child it will probably be dead because nobody is taking responsibility for their actions lock up the mother for her actions
@Darkshizumaru Says:
So many women dont know anything these days, its weird seeing mother leave babies in hot cars or out in the cold with nothing on. Id be so paranoid that the kid would be stolen away or get sick that Id never do this. Maybe if the coat was dirty you might just layer a kid up, but only in a daiper?
@Barustai Says:
I'm glad she was fired. The problem isn't recording the lady, the problem wasn't reporting the lady to the police. The problem was the uploading to social media.
@usapatriot4513 Says:
Walmart should be ashamed of themselves for what they did to their employee just because she exposed a sorry ass that doesn't need children I hope the baby is safe now even though the baby is with relatives i hope the babies relatives are not like the mother
@lisatrottier9093 Says:
If a woman knows she is in no position to raise a child she should take birth control measures if shes going to be sexually active Abortion is NOT a form of birth control and NEVER should be used as birth control If a woman is using birth control and still gets pregnant They should carry that baby full term and give it up for adoption No shame in handing over an unplanned baby to a family that wants a child but cant have one. Abortion is murder no matter how you look at it
@lisatrottier9093 Says:
It was truly a blessing that the Walmart employee did something about what she was seeing The boy being neglected by his selfish self centered mother A lot of times People see things going on that are clearly not ok and they say or do nothing because they don't want to get involved If she didn't report that mother That little boy would have gone through so much more neglect and abuse Now As an employee of Walmart Video taping a customer and putting it out there on social media is NOT ok ever! BUT I do see and understand like she said In her mind she was doing what she felt was necessary to get the boy help by making others aware of what was going on So Thank you for doing the right thing and getting this boy help I'm sure everyone who has seen the video appreciates you very much for this There are many jobs available for you Good luck
@godrilla5549 Says:
Why did the crappiest people choose to shop at walmart? It can't be the prices, there are much cheaper places and people do not act like the way walmart customers act.
@indy_go_blue6048 Says:
60% of all children born in the USA are Hispanic. Black population as a percentage stagnated half a century ago. White population has decreased. That's why the dems are so adamant about admitting illegals; they're through messing with the black vote.
@mombasham Says:
Dear God that's a real baby in the freezing cold. Walmart if you fired this employee forget my business.
@monicamarieellis3064 Says:
Mother was wrong period. Employee should have reported to the police not to the world on social media. Appreciate her protecting the toddler, she shot herself in the foot. As for the go fund me account she doesn’t deserve it! I live 30 drive from Byram, Mississippi. Employee will enjoy all that money and she’ll probably go back to work in a year.
@CombatMonkey11B Says:
Walmart constantly does crap like this. Thats why I spend more elsewhere 99% of the time. Some things (loss leaders) will be cheaper elsewhere, but I’d rather pay more to other companies or smaller businesses.
@ginavancleave7035 Says:
Good, she deserves to het fired...
@brianbdawg3059 Says:
The employee should sue
@billharden7127 Says:
The Wal-Mart empoyee should not of been fired. .
@KeyboardShark Says:
This is the result of demonizing being a parent. She wants the kid to die, or become some other source of income...
@ginger56castro Says:
I think the employee shouldnt be fired, thats ridiculous. That mother is disgusting. If i would of been in that store i would of called the police, thats child abuse. 20 degree weather , thats serious, and if she thought it was fine to take him out, i cant imagine what else she does. So many derelict parents and kids grow up with so much anger and no respect , and then it becomes society problem .
@JiKeeY202 Says:
The following isn't as easy to understand in terms of the general public but tenured full-time employees all the way to senior leadership mostly know this.... The issue wasn't so much that she shot the video... the issue is she as an employee posted it on social media without corporate approval! (Which she would not have been granted)... Pretty much a huge DONT DO IT mostly everywhere! Name your retailer and the results would have pretty much been the same in her being dismissed! Unfortunately If you care about your job... leave the filming and public shaming to the customers!
@RavenVargas27 Says:
The boy could have died from the cold notice mama made sure she was well covered and warm, some women shouldn't have kids
@dorian5689 Says:
The Walmart employee was right to report what she saw. Shame on Walmart for firing her. Don’t they care about that poor baby who can’t defend himself ? SMH
@leem200 Says:
It is our duty to help a child in need. This child needed help. Mom must be on drugs or have mental problems. Send her to counseling, and evaluation. Get the mom help and in between place the baby with someone who will take care of the baby correctly. Walmart should give the women back her job. She did not show the baby's face. Wrong to fire her. Peace!
@theewhiteman2818 Says:
ABL is the best news channel on YouTube
@nicolegilzene7995 Says:
Who would not take action in? The name of by Lord and savior Jesus Christ who would not take action to protect the innocent she must be going through postpartum she just had a baby. 5 months ago in the name of Jesus who would not take action.
@windycityben4850 Says:
I bet if that lady didn’t post that video on social media not much, if anything would have been done in defense of that child. Sad, I hope that lady doesn’t have any other kids.
@lorihannah5499 Says:
Can you imagine what other horrific abuse this child has to endure that is not caught on camera? She is revolting!
@dollhouse54 Says:
She needs a gofundme until she finds another job. She needs to sue walmart for wrongful termination.
@reyluna9332 Says:
The fact that corporations won't back their employees actions to protect its shoppers shows how little they care about the community. The investors need to step away from DEI and get back to family values because good family values are what grow a good community. Punishing people for trying to do good will lead that the dystopia that China lives today. Where children and elderly get run down in the street and no one stops to help for fear of repercussions. We must do better and set the standard for others to follow. That woman should have been promoted to a better position. She shows that she cares and that is good.
@kathyparkhurst7005 Says:
academy lets people steal, yeah they got walkies on but never call cops
@differentperspective4124 Says:
ABL there’s all kind of crazy going on in the Jackson MS area. Get some footage of their city council meetings, it’s a free for all.
@AlanAdrienne Says:
Its a trend and a great pride in that demographic to have children only for child support and government benefits. Lets not ignore the elephant in the room. Thry do not care in general
@Teamtne Says:
The high that day was 20, with a windchill of maybe 10. It was soooo cold that day. About 200 miles north in Memphis, we had people freeze to death that week.
@vagus2147 Says:
The employee messed up by posting it. That part wasn’t necessary. Video it and show it to the cops. That’s all that’s needed to protect the child.
@beachs7210 Says:
My child was dressed warmer than me when he was growing up! There’s no excuse at all for a mother to take her baby out in the cold like that, with nothing but a diaper.
@adb888 Says:
Only my two cents, but she didn't need to post the video on social media. First, she whipped out her phone to record, as if Walmart doesn't have security cameras, and THEN she approached the woman after others did. Seems to me that her priorities were wrong. If she really felt she needed to record the event, she could've called the police, began recording, and then supplied the police with the footage. She posted the video for clout though.
@FracturedReality777 Says:
Maybe the mother was a friend of the Walmart manager.
@christineferreira2181 Says:
This makes me angry! Felicia is a good woman looking out for a cold baby.
@mitchellwintercat Says:
Exactly I see this very thing the children are just drug along like a mutt dog no one wants
@hellobrowngirl Says:
Thought this was Kevin samuals got a sec
@RickBeckler Says:
what was the purpose of posting it to social media? turn it over to Law enforcement and let them handle it. problem solved.
@retromodpleb7732 Says:
I’ve seen woman grabbing their little tiny toddler daughters by the arms and pull them around aggressively. I strait up wanted to report her and adopt that little girl when I saw that.
@rosalynbrunner8460 Says:
I think the employee did above and beyond! She deserved recognition not termination. But, she has a reward in heaven. And, she has her needs met currently because of her character.
@songhenry1084 Says:
If she didn’t post this video nobody would care enough to do something. It has to go viral
@Darkshark201 Says:
Boycott Walmart 😊
@QuetzalcoatlOdin Says:
Spam Walmart with emails telling him to hire her back with a guarantee. Ten year contract or they can fuck themselves and you don't buy from them anymore.
@jayadams9561 Says:
@GershomSeventyEight Says:
She deserves her job back! Probably needs to be considered for a promotion as well.
@mediii8057 Says:
That woman had access to “abortion” but she chose to have it cause she’s probably trying to trap the father or get something out of him. Then they treat the child like crap when they know the man doesn’t care about her or the child. 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s so sad. My heart goes out to that child and any other children who have the misfortune of being with a psychopath
@SD-lw6uc Says:
The mother was throwing frozen food in the cart too. Again sir you are absolutely right. Don’t take care of our own and bring in the migrants. Hello in 2024, everybody listen, we have birth control. Use it. Get off your butt get an education and get a job. Having a baby for financial benefits it’s done everyday that is why we need to spend money on education for these communities and help these women to help themselves instead of having babies, but bring in the migrants. The Walmart employee is my hero!!!
@mediii8057 Says:
This makes my blood boil. Sadly I see it all the time. Parents well dressed while children are wearing thin clothes with no socks as if it’s mid July. I can’t help but angry. I thought the child was wearing a black trash bag. 🤦🏼‍♀️ and the sad excuse of a mother looks like she’s wearing a cabbage on her head
@kekebanks3979 Says:
Sad world when an employee who helped a child is fired
@DavidHarrisActor Says:
The employee should be fired for posting the video online because that is against company policy. She should have sent the video to the police.

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