Teen Who Served Prison Time For Refusing To Join IDF Will Be Drafted Again
Teen Who Served Prison Time For Refusing To Join IDF Will Be Drafted Again



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin
@danielheartfire614 Says:
I actually hate the young turks but I 100% support anyone who refuses military draft in any nation. The very concept of a draft is slavery and evil.
@TheLatiosnlatias02 Says:
Greetings to all former members of IDF, I can tell how much you're all feeling guilty for being forced into doing this. Your way out of this pain is Islam! All of you should know the world is temporary, which is why you see so many paedophiles, rape, murder, loot, etc... and not to mention going through this COVID 19 as well as Israel starting Ukrainian war as well as massacre of indigenous palestinians, LGBTQ crap - episode. Aren't they proofs that this world is not meant for us and that someday this world is coming to an end? Islam teaches us that this life is temporary. It will someday come to an end for us and an end for humanity altogether, but the Hereafter is eternal. The realities of Paradise and Hellfire will last forever, so our most important goal in this life should be preparing ourselves for the Hereafter by becoming Muslims and performing good deeds. All those disbelieving, associating partners with God, doing animal cruelty, steal, LGBTQ, invaders, Israel, thieves, corrupt rulers, etc... will be in Hell. *God doth enlarge, or grant By (strict) measure, the Sustenance (Which He giveth) to whomso He pleaseth. (The worldly) rejoice In the life of this world : But the life of this world Is but little comfort In the Hereafter.* (Sūra Ra'd - 26) *What is the life of this world But amusement and play ? But verily the Home In the Hereafter,—that is Life indeed, if they but knew.* (Sūra Ankabūt - 64) *“ O my People ! This life Of the present is nothing But (temporary) convenience : It is the Hereafter That is the Home That will last.* (Sūra Mū'min - 64) Death is that harsh reality which is faced by every human who lives. It is the one thing which we will all experience — be we men, women, transgender scum, Muslims, Christians, Blacks, Whites, Asians (South, Central, East, Southeast, Middle East), or any other type of person on this earth. It is something which does not discriminate. An important reminder to me and everyone reading this. Death can come anytime. It doesn’t matter if you’re healthy or wealthy, you’ll have to go when it’s time. You can’t challenge or avoid it : *“Wherever ye are death will find you out even if ye are in towers built up strong and high!” If some good befalls them they say “This is from God”; but if evil they say “this is from thee” (O Prophet). “Say: “All things are from God. But what hath come to these people that they fail to understand a single fact?* (Sūra Nisā - 78) *“ The Death from which Ye flee will truly Overtake you : then will Ye be sent back To the Knower of things Secret and open : and He Will tell you (the truth Of) the things that ye did ! ”* (Sūra Jumu'a - 8) *Know ye (all), that The life of this world Is but play and amusement, Pomp and mutual boasting And multiplying, (in rivalry) Among yourselves, riches And children: Here is a similitude : How rain and the growth Which it brings forth, delight (The hearts of) the tillers ; Soon it withers ; thou Wilt see it grow yellow ; Then it becomes dry And crumbles away. But in the Hereafter Is a Penalty severe (For the devotees of wrong). And Forgiveness from God And (His) Good Pleasure (For the devotees of God). And what is the life Of this world, but Goods and chattels Of deception?* (Sūra 57: Hadīd) Every soul will have a taste of death, and you will receive your recompense on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is swayed from the Fire, and admitted to Paradise, has won. The life of this world is merely enjoyment of delusion. Those from all nations, from all generations, will be made to stand as equal in the Presence of Allah. Allah will then call each one of us to meet with us individually. There would be no translator, no interpretators — it would be just you, your Creator, your alignment and your deeds! *************** The reason I'm conveying my message to you is that I fear a terrible punishment in the graves and Hell waiting for all of us and no one wants to suffer for eternity in the grave and Hell. No matter what sins he made, he will either be punished in the grave and Hell (IF he/she has not repented before his death) and leave after cleansing and scrutiny and then he/she enters Heaven. Even on your death bed (both Muslims and Non-Muslims) must say "Laa ilaahaa illAllah", if they wish to be saved from the punishment of the grave and Hell. Say the shahada before death and you will go to Heaven. Or Allah will forgive all his sins (EXCEPT disebelief, denying Muslims from praying, murder, paedophiles, rape, bride kidnapping, animal cruelty, LGBTQ, associating partners with Allah, invasions, interest, consuming from orphan's properties, alcoholic beverages, fornication) because after all he is merciful and forgiving, as well as equitable. May Allah inshchAllah guide you and all former members of IDF and conscientious objectors as well as those like (Natalie Portman, Bar Raffaeli, Illan Pappe, etc...) to the straight path of salvation. No matter what sins he made, he will either be punished in the grave and Hell (IF he/she has not repented before his death) and leave after cleansing and scrutiny and then he/she enters Heaven.
@Townsend437 Says:
Because it’s the law in Israel he’s welcome to move
@Darkscenes-jp4ge Says:
I'd rather go to prison where I know I will be released eventually than go to war and have a very low chance of survival
@georgegouvas27 Says:
the US gives you 5 years in prison
@Sayjay540 Says:
The only democracy in the Middle East, eh? Fuck Israel.
@haiderk3246 Says:
Thank you for your show 🙏
@susanmacleod3711 Says:
Still dude don't give a fuck about it about your country of losers!!!
@SystemzOverload Says:
sitting here, wondering if the right wing will defend these israeli's choices... pffft, na! they only want to defend the ones killing kids...
@paulbarnes2752 Says:
So draft objectors such as him into the Medical Services. He'll be tasked with saving lives instead of taking them.
@philminkeesickquayash8988 Says:
Thats why Elvis is the King, he got drafted and went... Looking at you Muhammed Ali...
@thewatchfuleye8401 Says:
Send him to Palestine!
@royhooey3640 Says:
Too friggin bad. Get use to prison. I hope you don't get stabbed over likes on tik tok.
@petertobin7163 Says:
Not all Israeli colonists are genocidal Zionazi vermin - Bravo to Mitnick for standing up against Nazi occupation of Palestine
@Kuweiyo Says:
What a chad
@RandomGaijin Says:
the idf commits war crimes and sentencing their own to longer than normal sentences is surprising?
@kevindonaghy7891 Says:
Well done those young Israelis with a mind of there own
@davidhunter1424 Says:
Any of you trumpturds needs to shut the hell up. You guys seemed to have forgotten Jan 6th. Like I've said before, that selective memory must be one hell of a drug.
@herbzzz Says:
The irony is that all the idiots in this comment section calling this kid a traitor and a coward for refusing to go fight in this senseless war would probably all be too chicken shit to go comply if they got drafted. Or they would probably take a page from Trump’s playbook & fake an injury to try & get out of it
@elisa7881 Says:
If your father and grand-father had thought and acted like you, you wouldn't have a country today. Yes, the radical religious Israelis should also be jailed.
@LUCKY1i1K7NG Says:
Forward your mail to the brig
@jannis7478 Says:
Did he do mandatory military training or civil service? I bet he could do some other tasks in the army than fight in either way. Countries with mandatory military service have at least 2-5 years prison sentences for refusing to fight or help when your country has been attacked (it was death sentence during WWI and WWII) and if martial law is on. In last war everyone stayed and helped in my country.
@elisegilinsky902 Says:
Good let him get drafted you don’t want to serve the army so you go in different podcast and complain to the Internet and post about it just the game attention because you don’t wanna go to the army
@tobinbradshaw6684 Says:
Lookn like Thats bidens plan expendables.
I can't imagine that anyone would not want to kill Palestinians. 18 year olds don't really have much comprehension. Hopefully all of them will learn from their experience. Going to prison is free and hopefully they will learn as much as if they went paid to go to college.
@AlGossett-rn1ph Says:
I'm all for people not fighting in a war, regardless of where they stand, too many women and children and men killed by both sides, and they call it a holy war, what would their gods think of that
@gablesboys3725 Says:
Oh c'mon! In many countries serving in the army is compulsory and not negotiable. Why are you trying to find fault in everything Israel does? Look at Hamas', Houthi etc, armies, they mostly children and youth! Let's talk about that and stop hating on Israel!!!
@scottjohnson7495 Says:
Hey look it's the old jerks 🥱
@pesifanitoerew8307 Says:
The Israeli-Palestinian issue is extremely complex with many nuances. Shame on you TYT for your failure to report on it. The news channel that tells it like it is my ass
@fartexplosion4480 Says:
That's... kinda the deal with countries that have a mandatory military service.
@sascharai1335 Says:
I'm mostly for a general draft, but I also believe that there should be a civil service alternative for conscientious objectors
@soccerking710 Says:
What would happen if everyone decided to not fight and disobeyed the "higher ups" from all countries.
@topsysrevenge Says:
I have seen a bunch of people getting angry that this guy received highlights on news channels. It takes a HUGE amount of courage to go against your country, your way of life, your family, everything you’ve ever known, everything you’ve ever been taught is right. This kid deserves huge credit and should be celebrated—maybe it will give other young Israelis the courage to do the same thing. To completely turn your back on your entire support system because you know that support system is corrupt is one of the hardest things you’d ever have to do. And this boy deserves the credit he’s being given.
@pipersecretp3 Says:
These are the Israeli version of the Tinker children. 👏👏👏
@HowDyaYouLikeMeNow Says:
Hey, Israeli youth, the next time some rich, beaureacratic arsehole with a self-serving agenda forces your enlistment into the military and orders you to go fight and die for honour/duty/patriotism/ whatever bullshit jingoist garbage they feed down your throat, ask them why said beaureacrat Netanyahu's son doesn't have to be right there next to you in the mud or even join the IDF for some suspiciously corrupt reason. Sure seems a bit unfair to me. What's the old Chinese saying? Honour is wasted in service to those with none.
@BrettFightorFlight Says:
@lauren92355 Says:
I’m married to a USMC combat veteran who was deployed several times to both war zones in Afghanistan & Iraq and I have seen firsthand what it does to to people. There is an entire part of my husband’s life that I don’t know about because he’s afraid that if he talks to me about it that I will immediately leave him, take our daughter and never look back. Imagine that,and yet these brave men & women serve and none ever come back the same due to the horrors of war and those who were so quick to rush a vote to send them into battle for their own selfish greed when our troops return and need help those same war mongers through our nation’s heroes out like trash, and then sink even lower by having the audacity afterwards to use their despair as a means to peddle for votes by lying to them by promising help that these politicians know will never come.
@LarsWalker-xo2jn Says:
What kind of democracy forces its people to serve???
@BigHeadAvenger Says:
I joined my country's military voluntarily. I don't think anyone should be forced into that situation.
@ralindor0922 Says:
This will need to stop since we get to this country belongs to both of them not just amazing to embarrassment when I live on stage
@Tekkailz124 Says:
A true hero!!! Look at this man. What an inspiration
@Molue_ Says:
I find it kinda disheartening that even with all the guidance and insight of history available to us all; the tale of humankind is still—to this day—one *_not_* of *great minds* and *great souls* leading our species to the enlightened progress of the future, so much it is *a tale of those great individuals bearing the patience of a saint and a Buddha while dragging the **_unwilling masses kicking and screaming towards that brighter future._*
@debeichmann236 Says:
This is not different or less strict in the U.S. Ah well.
@musabrooks5584 Says:
This is a strong young man. At 18, he shows alot of courage....I didnt have courage like that, even at 21.....Good stuff!!!! Alot of people talk; but these guys got the walk....
@jmorrison44601 Says:
We need National Service as well, To get these kids off the streets to prepare them for the real world so they will quit running around carjacking cars and making stupid tic tok videos, if they want to join a gang then join the United States Military, Israel and many other countries has a mandatory national service which is why this youngman is being arrested. It doesn't mean he is going to be put on the front line
@jeriah1286 Says:
Criticizing the Isreali government is not anti Semitic. I say I am NOT criticizing Jews I AM criticizing Isreali GOVERNMENT. Too easy for people to say it is anti semitic when it is not.
@ionion3211 Says:
Whats the nomenclature of a fascist nazi state who bribe all the key players of the world politics ? A democratic state ?!? Hahahaaaa
@rabih1978 Says:
Like Mohamad Ali who refused to join the unjust war on Vietnam
@DiAL033 Says:
Conscription rules in Israel aren't that much different to those in Switzerland, Finland, et al. You can refuse the military service w/o going to to prison if you're a pacifist or for religious reasons. You can bluntly refuse w/o any good reason and probably get into legal trouble - just like in any other country with a conscription law in effect! You have cases like Tal's in any of those countries every year, but somehow only this one seems newsworthy to TYT...

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