How Average Flyers Are Subsidizing The Private Flights Of The Wealthy
How Average Flyers Are Subsidizing The Private Flights Of The Wealthy



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here:
@JonKovach Says:
Billionaire-owned oil companies: subsidized Billionaire-owned agriculture: subsidized Billionaire-owned transportation: subsidized Billionaire-owned energy companies: subsidized Billionaire-owned space programs: Subsidized Republicans OHH THE POOR BILLIONAIRES PAY TOO MUCH.
@melosova-suav8930 Says:
Socialism go the 1%, vulture capitalism for us!
@noirskate Says:
Why aren’t we spending more on high speed rail which can move more people at lower cost?
@23merlino Says:
this shouldn't really come as a surprise, it's the same with the roads etc. as payment is based on usage and not on ones personal wealth... perhaps we should be more concerned with closing all the tax loopholes that the rich benefit from instead...
@ThePrufessa Says:
My goodness this woman is beautiful
@CaptainHinduKush Says:
And they’re worried about my cars smog from 1993……
@VibesTCG Says:
could this not be because there is signifigcantly way more public flyers than private flyers so thats why they pay a more percent of the tax in the end or did she explain this? ty for replying for me.
@davidsenderodelsanto Says:
God I hate milquetoast liberals who admire capitalists.
@jrizaac Says:
I will pay these taxes without complaint because that’s what the corporations have decided for me
@ianflanders5096 Says:
Taxing the poor and giving that money to the rich. That's free market capitalism for you.
@mycatvelvet Says:
Where's Cenk?
@LyonsM Says:
Your argument fall fat after “I own a private jet”
@kathryntokarska1738 Says:
one of these days, Im still hopeful, TYT will stop saying "our taxes pay for (insert this or that)" understanding local and state taxes versus federal taxes.
@gb1701 Says:
The wealthy don't want to pay the commoners shit, yet they still expect to get even more of what little money we have. We were all taught "The American Dream" only to realize we've been sold a lie.
@e13kid Says:
I don’t think TYT understands what “subsidising” means.
@nsvo9038 Says:
All the average population do is subsidize those who would otherwise be average.
@sascharai1335 Says:
Socialism for the rich. Bootstraps for everyone else
@RoamingRomanianGirl Says:
Yea that is true for private jets owners. Not so much for the people who own small prop planes. I manage a small 30 acre airport 1 day a week. I am a secretary / air traffic controller / grounds manager. This airport only allows single engine piston props aircraft. I manage the airport 1 day a week to get a free hanger for my Cessna 172. 6 other people manage the airport the 6 other days and get a free hanger for their planes. The FAA taxes our airport to no end. You have to be quite wealthy to afford a hanger for your aircraft at this airport. It’s $200 a day for a hanger. About $110 of that goes to taxes to the FAA who doesn’t even do any legitimate services for our airport. Over the past several decades the FAA has been bending small prop owners over a barrel in taxes. You wonder why the number of people flying small prop planes has declined significantly the past 20 years. I’m not rich. I’m a survey pilot who does gigs occasionally flying people different places in my Cessna and a part time manager of a little dinky rustic airport. Im definitely not in the same boat as Elon Musk.
@Torontolaw Says:
What’s new? We get screwed by wealthy once again
@xyo224 Says:
This is honestly not a surprise. I’m actually surprised that people weren’t expecting this sort of behaviour from already over the wealthy people.
@ting280 Says:
Honestly I just want the wealthy's tax rate to go back up between 35-50%. Outside of that I could care less how they spend their money. The country's running on fumes, they have to start paying their fair share again.
@JK-jl1bf Says:
Not only the benefits but the safety; because commercial flights are being grounded from losing doors mid-flight.
@SMunro Says:
A billion dollar flight fee for private jets will be fun way to recoup costs and encourage mass transit.
@Brent_P Says:
Look at Ana: pretending NOT to be multi-millionaire.
@TheFloozi Says:
If you understand how aviation business works. This is not unfair in reality
@AdmiralBison Says:
Capitalism = A PYRAMID where the vast majority at the bottom props up the 1% rich owners at the top.
@AdmiralBison Says:
"Socialism for the rich, rugged invidualism for the poor" ~ Martin Luther King jnr. Also btw, urban areas, because of their denser area tax subsidize expensive spares suburbs.
@momobobo123 Says:
US taxpayers funds bombs on kids heads. Ben thinks that’s okay. So stupid here, stupid there.
@stevef7563 Says:
Rich people not paying taxes....what a surprise
@mattym8 Says:
But commercial airline passengers are 98% of the volume. That’s why they put up 98% of the tax. Also private aviation pays WAY more fees than just gas tax. I have no idea where you got that info. Landing fees. Overflight fees. Parking fees. Etc. this was moronic.
@wookinooki9023 Says:
JUST DON'T TRAVEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway it's the most polluting means of locomotion per person per mile.
@wookinooki9023 Says:
I hope you add this video to your PLAYLIST about how the poor subsidize the rich, and about how the US government, whether Dems or Reps, are IN FAVOR socialism... for the rich.
@commonsense99 Says:
I looked at this and thought wow again where rich people are riding on the backs of poor people or middle class. Reading the the host of these shows private jets all the time I don't think they do but even if they did the reporting Injustice which I love 60 minutes is my favorite shows my grandfather watch it when I was a kid carries on the middle class gets abused a lawmakers passing laws favor them and not the common folks 😢😂
@shekool18 Says:
Actually, it's the other way around.
@hunternedib1119 Says:
Look how this Trump supporter got kicked off a flight for treating underpaid Airport workers like sh!t.
@hunternedib1119 Says:
The truth is, nobody really gives a flying phuch about Climate Change. We just pretend we do.
@italioraucci Says:
@realtruthnow8565 Says:
I am running for president. If you elect me president I will install a universal basic income for all USA citizens over the age of 21.
@truegrit2060 Says:
(1:39) Because it doesn't affect me.🤣
@jaredkriedeman9071 Says:
So you're saying taxes are bad and the government fails?... That tracks... dismantle the tax systems and the socialist support structure. They have both failed us.
@mitseraffej5812 Says:
I spent several years flying a long range private jet, my impression of the super wealthy is that if they could they wouldn’t even breath the same air as the rest of us. Eventually I couldn’t stand it any longer and went back to my old job as a freight dog. Even this job involves squirting out copious amounts of CO2 so people can get next day delivery of sh1t they don’t actually need, but what does one do when flying planes is the only thing I know how to do.
@db_0707 Says:
Isn't tyt supporting all those elites, especially cenk uygar? CCP has launched de-islamization of uygars in China and I'm yet to see an outrage by one of their own, Mr. Cenk uygar. He has tremendous outrage against Jews for allowing Muslims to grow in population in Israel while he has no outrage against the de-population of uygars in China. Why is that ?
@AJAX-xl4hs Says:
More tax...more tax,,,tax more...wonder where people get their stereotype views of liberals from
@t.n.nguyen7325 Says:
The real enemies of the people in modern days are not always between races or nation-states. The real enemies of the people are the wealthy class.
@redpapa859 Says:
Well this is organized financial crime targeting the government now why are they not being prosecuted is the real question
I know Cenk. It's impossible to side with you, when you expect average people to give child molesters who rape and torture children to death and terrorist all of poor Americans money. Racism is one thing but you crossed the line. You are a super extra racist who thinks terrorist should have the right to rape and slowly torture little kids to death and get all of America's money as a reward for doing that.
@stalbaum Says:
Great. Another reason I just don't get on an airplane. Everything is redistribution of wealth to the rich. Stand down from capitalism in every way you can.
@JohnnyJPatt Says:
What’s wrong with declaring one self a MARXIST? Karl Marx is one of the most brilliant thinkers of all time and his ideas have spread all over the globe. Some people have used them positively and others negatively. There’s no shame in it. It’s only conservatives who paint MARX in a negative light. While saying nothing negative about capitalism at all
@JohnnyJPatt Says:
Decided to back off on TWITTER for awhile. Sorry if I’ve been intrusive. No matter what happens during this next election, My mission to help lower income Americans is NOT going to change. Regardless of what the corporations or the politicians do or not. What they do is infuriating yes. But they don’t care. They are getting rich while we are not! Therefore we also have got to do the same or die trying

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