Texas National Guard BLOCKED Rescue Of Drowning Migrants
Texas National Guard BLOCKED Rescue Of Drowning Migrants



@TheYoungTurks Says:
Should you become an annual member? Of Couuuurse! Click Here: https://go.tyt.com/tytjoin
@NafisaS-ym9fo Says:
U r RIGHT, Cenk ! They should've saved them. Texas is CLEARLY saying brown lives don't matter only white lives do!
@1BREAL353 Says:
Insane and illegal. If this story is true. They going to jail
@1BREAL353 Says:
What unit was it?
@lutherheggs Says:
The border jumpers have made enemies of us.
@CAM-wk3dj Says:
Under orders from WHO? May GOD have mercy on their Soul
@coreyconant308 Says:
Texas Forever Build a big beautiful wall Around Texas
@lindasvalesen5237 Says:
Fake news
@lindasvalesen5237 Says:
Smh. Learn to swim if you are going into water
@MrMuffin8125 Says:
looks like somebody from another country doing dumb things to drown themselves to me nice try though.
@happygolden-mountain Says:
Give trxas back to mexcio. Texas belings to mexico. Like isreal belongs to jews.
@bettystein9478 Says:
Sounds like there is more to this scenario that tragically occured. Hope people get to the bottom. We are all human no matter what I would like to believe.thanks
@Wombatcombat-os2kp Says:
Lol young turks eat poop the spit it out On their useless channel i'm surprised that they're still around😅😅😅😅😅😅
@joannalamb4542 Says:
This is something I saw that is extremely relevant in this situation and so many others. Real Christians would be waiting at the border with Food, Water, Clothing, and Medical Aid. NOT GUNS!!!!!
@OldHickoryReincarnate Says:
The title insinuates it's a bad thing. Can't cross the river if it's clogged 🤷
@HaydeeGuerra-i2i Says:
Hay una Frase que dice "A como me ves, Te verás!😊 en la Vida se Paga "KARMA"😊
@andrewchang8192 Says:
3 illegals dead ???? vs 30k palestine lives . Tell Mexico to rescue & not push that to Texas or USA . Mexico is funnelling these migrants into Texas / USA. Aren't they the true Criminals
@larryburchardt1685 Says:
Don’t try to cross the river if you don’t want to drown
@trondboe6825 Says:
Ahh USA land of dum dums and retarded, land of lost.
@waynehogan4173 Says:
Damn Proven Lie!!!
@bobbichandler4204 Says:
There's my one-time contribution...Shut TF up!
@bobbichandler4204 Says:
WTF are these idiots?!! Tyt? Must be some liberal fools but if they're libs, that goes without saying 🙄 Why don't you stop reporting and YOU TYT go and house these interlopers??!
@cnemekiabrown5580 Says:
👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 "Both of yall suck"
@Urexcellence Says:
Stay on your side. You would've 100$ avoided drowning if you stayed on dry land...on your side.
@thomasbaron5367 Says:
That's what you get for trying to cross the border illegally Punishment
@jeremyjames2643 Says:
Meanwhile have our own citizens being terrorized by cartels in california and texas not to mention the millions dying from drugs they need to stay out of america until they can get a proper path to citizenship we got millions of homeless people on the streets as it is we cant take anymore in we are struggling to make ends meet as it is!
@gloriasaca23 Says:
Humans should be kinder to each other and we should strive to help each other instead of being so divided. And reach a solution that helps all parties involved. These are children single mothers and fellow humans were talking about.
@michaeljones7222 Says:
Poor them, who cares, parents should have been smarter kids should have been better swimmers, as the gentleman already said you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Stay the fuck out were at capacity!!!!
@ryanmatthews8675 Says:
Obama had the same immigration laws Biden has now, and was called the Deporter in Chief for using them to cut illegal immigration down even lower than Trump. Biden doesn't need anything else but enforce the laws on the books already.
@georgepanayotov5288 Says:
Play stupid games - win stupid prices. Let Mexican officials explain to their people that you don't cross fast rivers with kids. Wth.
@thealignmentguy9139 Says:
Send TYT across the border to Mexico. Let them do their reporting from there. Take away all ID.
@SethConnot Says:
Who’s the TMD??? Come fuckin find out
@dang1244 Says:
Bravo to americans. Atlast they do something. Very proud to see this. The young turks are obviously traitors. They are not american.
@dang1244 Says:
Its obvious that TYT are not americans. They dont care about their country.
@colorwlz Says:
Don’t blame this on Texas. 🖕Biden created this, Texas is defending itself.
@s1urry381 Says:
Cenk is so full of S#!T.
@Desert-edDave Says:
LOL stupid TYT posting this vid backfired. Comments don't support the sanctimonious false narrative. Liberal fools.
@nielsmit9835 Says:
Shame! Liberals without BRAINS. Border patrol and security is there to protect 'The USA', They are not there to protect ilegals. Why are these ilegal doing there??
@nielsmit9835 Says:
It is time for Mexican authorities intervene and keep their people on their side!
@juanasoto4010 Says:
Migrants know not to cross. What about us Americans have been kill or rape steal by these imagrantd .so now what m.j o send them back they know what could happen they still do it so no deport they can come in legal
@jasonhaines5982 Says:
This is like when a dude breaks into a house and gets shot. And TYT are like the ppl who get angry that the homeowners who prevented their home from being burglarized. Do you know how you don't drown? Don't jump in the water if you can't swim well. I say we throw some crocodiles and piranha in the Rio grande or Texas should make a 1mile buffer zone with blackberry bushes and landmines "Those poor migrants drowned!😭😭😭 Why is that such a tragedy? Did those migrants know that they was illegally crossing into another country? Did they know that America has points of entry through immigration offices where nobody has ever drowned? If federal boarder patrol tried to just go over the line do what they wanted.a large man who probably does more work before 7am than all those feds (put together). What is the feds going to do? Shoot them? Punch them? tackle them? And why do you think Texas is doing all this? Why do you think Texas feels the need to tell the federal border patrol to not come near the border? Why do you think Texas wants to secure their own border? Wouldn't it seem like they at least have the right? Since Texas is the going to be the one hurt from first and foremost shouldnt Texas have the right to protect itself? It's the common sense classic pro 2A self defense argument, which is, why should anyone be denied access (by law) to defend yours and your family's life? Texas tried letting the border patrol do it their way and texas crime and murder rate spiked. Texas found a better way to protect themselves. There once was a day when illegal migrants would sneak across the border. And they would cross the river hoping border patrol didn't see them. Guess what happens then too? Nobody saves them and they still drown. The fact that they are trying to cross right in front of authorities is a slap in the face. And technically if they drown in the Mexico side then. They couldn't help even if they wanted. Seems like mexico should have some kind of assistance. It is Bidens fault 100% Bidens fault. There are more "get aways" in one month on Bidens watch than trumps entire. 4 years! If Trump doesn't get back in the office or all screwed"
@JAMESBEAN-y5e Says:
that incident is one in a millions but what had happened milliojs of undocumented illegal migrants some of them are hardcore drug syndicate mules criminals rapist gangsters are letting inn by biden administration.
@cathyshepard5911 Says:
They need to stay in their own country. They are coming here and murdering, USA citizens via of evil and drugs. The govt is allowing this. So stop making the illegals the victims. What about the young getting raped and beat along the way. The govt do t care about our thus as long as s the evil gets into the USA. Hum!!
@BruceNewhouse Says:
Texas is following U.S. Constitutional Law which supersedes executive orders. All states have a state militia called the National Guard. This show is a sham reminiscent of the old National Enquirer newspaper. Wishing all the best to Governor Abbott and Texas.
@displeasedsociopath5939 Says:
Anyone else ever notice that the people arguing causes for a "state's rights" are always arguing that a state has the right to do horrible despicable things? Just for example: Slavery, Murder, denying healthcare, gerrymandering, segregation and the like? It's always a state's rights argument when the powerful many want to punch down on the powerless few. The astoundingly loud bandwagon of hateful and angry, murderous sympathizers to this particular cause is quite gut wrenching. It's as if they have no introspection, no self awareness, no compassion, and no human decency.
@gowokegobroke2905 Says:
Blood is on Bidens hands! Stop the open borders! Texas needs to protect itself and not listen to the Federal Government who isn't inforcing the law. The Federal Givernement is corrupt and states and citizens need to stand up to it.
@suziespurdis869 Says:
Florida stands with Texas!!
@sevati6167 Says:
If they can’t swim, be advised don’t get in the river it’s deep, cross at your own risk specially while breaking the law
@scott7452 Says:
Coming from a bunch of dirty muslims, suck it mohammed!!
@scott7452 Says:
Guess they should change the NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY sign to Spanish.

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