Debate CANCELLED After Nikki Haley Refuses To Show Up Without Trump
Debate CANCELLED After Nikki Haley Refuses To Show Up Without Trump



@TheYoungTurks Says:
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@cwhyharris7473 Says:
Tough on China my ass she gave China land in South Carolina gave it to them maybe it was part of a deal you think
@cwhyharris7473 Says:
I beg to differ Nikki Haley they were not awesome debates they were like a circus with a bunch of clowns on stage you were one of the last clowns
@georgediaz1291 Says:
Biden will beat her in the Presidential election, I see 45 percent of Trump supporters not voting for her .
@Bewitched-yo5yc Says:
New hamp needs to wake we dont the pleasures of trying new blood. We Need Trump he has proven himself over and over especially what democrats keep doing to to him.
@Bewitched-yo5yc Says:
No way we will accept haley
@Bewitched-yo5yc Says:
Thank you haley not worthy a Rhino she is stupid
@Bewitched-yo5yc Says:
Niki should be embarrassed after she became gov after Trump endorsed her otherwise she would have made it to gov. Sorry niki you will stay a low. 2%
@ElPolloDiabloCH Says:
Trump insulting other people's intelligence is peak 'glass house'.
@christopherbramwell8262 Says:
Voters are finally expressing even more confidence in Nikki Haley. Her poll numbers keep rising too. She certainly has a solid, comprehensive plan. With clarity she has announced to lower inflation, lower the national deficit, strengthen the southern border with proper vetting, get diplomatically tough on China and to get tough on the infiltration of fentanyl. Haley is truly mature and her reliable experience reveals that she is the right moderate conservative as our president.
@cbandtheboyz Says:
If by chance Nikky Haley win the nomination you don't think Trump will speak against her therefore his base still want vote for her??
@meme7773 Says:
At this point NiKK ought to just follow trump around….. you know like chaos.
@asedoradunkan Says:
Haley is great!
@wipeoutxl21 Says:
nikki winning the nomination is bad news for biden. She is the strongest candidate
@dpfrance Says:
Come on Cenk…. Nikki played it down the middle. She HAS to…
@byronkennedy7203 Says:
I'm surprised Haley even knew there was a debate since she's an expert at pretending she doesn't know anything.
@TakManSan Says:
#XTwitlerElonHusk is an apologist for the #GQPFascistCircleJerk
@jesserush793 Says:
God the nerve of her acting like she is like right behind Trump and has the right to make demands when she lost to him, and Ron Pathetic, and they both are behind Trump by 30 points.
Migrants are going door-to-door asking for money: Queens resident
@sebasflstf Says:
Tucker carlson commercial at the beginning is awesome!!!
@Jaycaves64 Says:
She is a bird brain. She’s a chicken hawk.
@Jaycaves64 Says:
She don’t have “joementum” though
@vintagesportscardfinds964 Says:
You guys are insane. Let's just say for devil's advocate and say that Haley somehow won the Republican nomination. The idea that she would be Joe Biden is insane because it goes off the premise that Donald Trump simply walks away walks away. If Nikki Haley won the Republican nomination Donald Trump is running as an independent and will burn the entire party to the ground. Which means Joe Biden wins by 25 points going away.
@bamse1618 Says:
The republicans know that their sheep will believe what hey say and not the facts. I mean come on "a two person race" and she is in third place 🤣🤣🤣
@WinterSo1dier Says:
Jenk doesn’t understand a woman that wants to vote for trump?… there’s one sitting right beside him in this video, ask her. She’s been nonstop defending trump and calling him “a strong man” in the past months.
@bluesteel8586 Says:
Not a good look for her lol
@gordonjones7530 Says:
Haley is fuckin delusional
@Only_In_America_SY Says:
Nikki acts as if she came in second. She knows something. She won't debate because Trump isn't on stage with her debating? Come on seriously!!! She will debate Biden? LMFAO!!! Oh no girlfriend!! Trump doesn't need to hide moron. He has a PROVEN record unlike your Democrat, Republican posing butt!!!
@donnahill758 Says:
Tell Nikki Haley was already found guilty and we are waiting for damages
@nativetexan6628 Says:
Like Nicki Haley is totally ignorant of Trump's conviction in a civil trial??? Then she is too stupid to run, much less serve as President!
@DizzyedUpGirl Says:
I think Ron should still show up. He'll still lose and look like a fool.
@CoastalBachelor2009 Says:
He WAS found guilty!
@billwalsh388 Says:
Maybe Nikki Haley should take a look at Trump's many cases. I'm not a lawyer either, but I know a lot about all of them.
@billwalsh388 Says:
Why isn't Nikki Haley complaining about all the ballot stuffing that was going on? Where's the outrage?
@ra15899550 Says:
Even when Nimarata Haley shows up, she is still not present with her making statements like "America has NEVER been a racist country! Really Nimarata?!!
@martigarlowleib9025 Says:
I don't blame Nikki for declining to debate since DJT is scared to debate her... She has won every debate she has been in previously... Shame on you for acting like it's Nikki who is crazy... She will take Trump to the cleaners in the end ... wait and see!!!
@matthewoliva2347 Says:
Great debates. Tell me how the debates were great.
@willman9567 Says:
She comes across as a left leaning independent. There just isn't anything interesting. Now she's throwing the race/gender card around. That card is worn-out for a lot of people. She's just underwhelming.
@theunwantedcritic Says:
Actually, bird brain is a pretty clever insult. Bird is 1950s and 60s British slang for a woman. We used to say chick they say bird. The Beatles song, black bird was written by Paul McCartney to honor a black woman who was working in civil rights that he knew. She was a black woman/a black bird. So the chorus went black bird fly.
@clarissamiles Says:
But..... she came in 3rd! Republicans aren't the brightest. They're not sending their best😬
@JacobFish-s4v Says:
Good for her ! I respect that!
@veganforlife5733 Says:
Nikkki will be on ticket as VP with Donnie Rotten. That's a given.
@LG-ct8tw Says:
Meanwhile Trump is trashing her, calls her by a deformed version of her birth name, and she keeps sucking.
@terryflaboy4209 Says:
You guys must be High
@Godhelpus62 Says:
I used to worry about Haley getting the nomination because I think she would have a better chance of beating Biden. That would only work if all Repubs got behind her though, which I can’t see happening since so many are cultishly devoted to their dear leader.
@dwayneparrett7133 Says:
I bet you Trump's Camp convinced ramaswamy to bow out promising him consideration for the VP spot which Trump is definitely going to renege on ...😂
@Freya-bs5tx Says:
Haley is a bought and paid for democrat!! Owned by the pharmaceutical companies! She wants to raise the retirement age to 73 lower and tax social security, open our borders and continue to fund other countries while keeping wars going. A vote for her is just a younger version of Biden!
@blose4793 Says:
Between Trump or Biden, the world prefers Trump. Biden is a copycat of Trump policies - with America First and worsen conflicts that raise higher interest rates.
@TertiaryScroat Says:
Trump can't even face his sycophantic supporters, what a loser.
@saidibrahim5931 Says:
Ramarata she is just wasting her time

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