BREAKING: U.S., U.K. Launch Missile Strikes On Houthi-Controlled Yemen
BREAKING: U.S., U.K. Launch Missile Strikes On Houthi-Controlled Yemen



@TheYoungTurks Says:
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@jesserush793 Says:
so what was the U.S supposed to do? allow these terrorists to attack innocent supply chain ships? I don't like what Israel is doing, but I don't agree with the notion that these Iran backed terrorist groups are the good guys or that they are trying to be the saviors of civilians in Gaza, and that is why they are trying to rob supply ships. They are doing it to screw over their enemies, and if they are trying to help anybody it is probably their ally Hamas, not the civilians in Gaza. and Hamas just wants total control they do not give a crap about the civilians in Gaza, or actually want a two state solution, they want one Hamas state by eradicating Israel.
@Zillamon51 Says:
TYT are pirate sympathizers now? Disappointing. Ana, you're smarter than that. We cannot let them influence policy even 1%, it would embolden them, and put commercial (not military) ship crews at risk. 👎
@954REMI Says:
Young turks suck
@BrandonSmith-rb1bf Says:
They are stopping the supply chain to Iseral the same way Iseral is stopping supplies from entering into Gaza
@masonm600 Says:
So stupid. Just accepting the Iranian narrative whole. Literal appeasement. They don't understand the problem with random rebels threatening 10% of all global trade, so fall back on "Israel Bad"
@plumbus813 Says:
TYT supports piracy, civilian merchant ships being attacked and crews kidnapped, and the antisemitism of the Houthis
@bensteel1936 Says:
It’s not a war. We warned if they kept going for our ships we’d retaliate.
@peterkozak4380 Says:
OMG, i can't believe how uneducated TYT is about middle east politics. "Lets negotiate " most pathetic comment yet. TYT is a terrorist supporting propaganda machine.
@philliphessel6788 Says:
Part of the larger background is a long-standing conflict between Sunnis and Shiites. The former are in the aggregate more numerous, but their autocratic regimes secured by Western imperialism are most often a national minority ruling over more locally populous ethnicities. The significant dependence upon foreign patronage (especially of the USA) is a ‘feature’ shared by Israel and Saudi Arabia, which have in their ruling classes vested interests in keeping Iran perpetually hemmed in by hostile forces.
@DrorBenAmi-w4u Says:
Oh yes.....just like Iraq invaded Kuwait in order to help the Palestians..... As you described yourself Ana: "i am just a dumb reporter in L.A."
@DrorBenAmi-w4u Says:
@jameshoffman3690 Says:
Hamas breaks the peace and slaughters 1200 people including cooking babies alive in ovens.....and TYT blames Israel for the war. Houthi jihadists attack US & other nations ships .... and TYT blames the US for starting a war... WOKENESS is a disease that completely warps your sense of reality.
@xAssailantx Says:
They were indiscriminately attacking cargo ships, many of them not involved with Israel. Stop defending jihadist lunatics.
@Nachobeerman Says:
Do we have any vote on if our country can start wars
@geoffreylachner6779 Says:
More jokes here: the idea rhat investigation to C if Israel is targeting properly -- of course they haen't becuz' they know what the answer is. More jokes.
@geoffreylachner6779 Says:
The Iran deal was a f raud to begin with. Iran has forsworm all nukes per their religious beliefs. Iran is targeted by zionist Israel is becuz' it is the greatest impediment to Israel's desire to take more land and wawter from their neighbors.
@mambojazz1 Says:
Morons!! WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE NOT CONDEMNING HOUTHIS REBEL TERRORISM?! Those sailors are 100% innocent 🤬
@mambojazz1 Says:
Ana you half-wit the Houthis are not attacking "cargo ships" they are attacking innocent people that have nothing to do with the Israeli government or even Israel! Why are you supporting terrorism?!
@bourbon_sketcher Says:
All by design.
@-WEST- Says:
Ever see Ana's face without makeup? It's brutal.
@snd28081 Says:
Look at these two idiots. Acting like the know something. Read your notes sweetheart
@Fantomaslives Says:
why is the YT so one sided in their opinions?
@snd28081 Says:
We were told President Trump was a war monger. Looks like Biden is the war monger.
@simongoldwhite5813 Says:
God help you Anna. “They want the violence to stop?” That's why? It not because they are an arm of the Iranian military?
@tattoomesam Says:
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelations 2:9
@vuikeongchang9945 Says:
While all women of all kinds and species can come together,amicably,the hijabs come to disperse them.
@leviashanken2506 Says:
@johnadams7402 Says:
It's not about Gaza and the terrorists there. It's about control, Iran's control. Iran wants to stop the new agreement between Saudi, Israel, EU and the U.S. The counties most effected negatively by the agreement would be Iran followed by Qatar. Putting Israel in a position where Saudi can't be a part of the trade agreement is the reason why Hamas massacred 1,400 civilians. The attacks on the shipping is to shut down the revenue Egypt gets from passage. Iran is moving the chess pieces around the board. And as always, we're playing catch-up.
@rs72098 Says:
*"Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not."* - Aragorn
@robinfoster2059 Says:
Journalist. Idiots.
@cliftonmobile123 Says:
The citizens of Gaza is not benefiting from these ships getting hijacked by these militant groups so how can you claim that you're doing this for the people of Gaza?
@leviashanken2506 Says:
Does TYT have any idea of what the Houtis have been doing in Yemen? They are using Gaza as an excuse.
@hunternedib1119 Says:
To all Progressives: Sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
@inspirationalspirituality2690 Says:
😢 Biden is the second worst president in modern history. We shouldn't be involved in other countries' affairs.
@lotseven1976 Says:
tyt gas leak continues
@pieterjoubert7631 Says:
Do these morons actually know what weapons Iran sent to the Houthis? Did Biden get permission from the house to get US into another war?
@PaulJulius-s5q Says:
Palestinians are HAMAS..they intend hide behind Palestinians are wage their fight..US and UK protects the world trade routes..if they dont..catastrophic..and stop mentioning Palestinians citizens involved....
@noahkilleen239 Says:
This is why i cancelled my TYT membership. Complete lack of nuance in the conversation and zero depth to the background of the story. And no, I am not Jewish or Israeli. Gaza has NOTHING to do with keeping shipping lanes clear for the thousands of vessels of multiple nationalities that pass through the Red Sea each year. BTW Anna, the Biden administration and other nations DID try to convince Iran to get the Houti's to cool it for the past few months. They wouldn't listen. This is a negotiating tactic to smack Iran over the head, not the "expansion of a new endless war".
@NeptuneUT Says:
the young turks loves radical Islam
@iamantiwar2003 Says:
Any chance to crap on Joe Biden. I hate what this channel has turned into to. Openly supporting terrorists. 🤡🤡🤡

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