Why Switzerland is Obsessed with Guns
Why Switzerland is Obsessed with Guns



@johnnyharris Says:
I made a poster about maps. The last batch is available for pre-order now. Check it out here:
@johnnychang4233 Says:
One thing is outstanding, the shooting range and competitions held in Switzerland favor more skill rather than reckless shooting of big magazines. All the rifles are manually cocked and with a maximum of six rounds.
@villanuevagonzalezwaldo196 Says:
Espetacular el video, excepto las conclusiones. En su mismo video menciona como bajo la credibilidad del gobierno y aumento la compra de armas, la gente por si misma no hizo la expansion hacia el oeste lo hicieron los politicos. Ahi esta la respuesta, el estado 'pervirtio' el uso de las armas pero su conclusion es que la ley esta mal. 'Progres' quien los entiende.
@PaoloRusconi84 Says:
Great video! ❤
@victorcegarra4430 Says:
Excelente documental, muy educativo, gracias
@Semerukos Says:
La verdadera verguenza es la ignorancia. Este contenido es excelente, es la ventana al cambio de conciencia, muy bien hecho, y con una profunda reflexion, bien argumentada. El paso a seguir es tomar conciencia a la necesidad de defender la patria, de ejercer la ciudadania, porque el bienestar común es garantía del bienestar personal.
@enriquesantiesteban939 Says:
Muy buen tema, y un video con muy buena pinta.....pero.....insoportable tanto pianito, tanto tin tin....que no se que hace aqui, me parece que tienen que buscarse un musicalizador que sepa lo que hace.....esto es imposible de soportar. Hasta la vista BAby!
@TheArMo Says:
Johnny, Misinforming about the 2nd Amendment or the American Gun Culture, doesn't help anyone. Present the actual facts as it is and let people make up their own minds, instead of trying to put your thumb on the scale.
@johnmiller9681 Says:
thanks for the rant... about gun control...
@shemsu-hor Says:
Given how deeply you dove into the Swiss culture, its disappointing that you didn't do the same with America. You obviously assumed that you understood something that you have no real exposure to as an adult.
@lovelylipbonesouwwwwwwwolv2198 Says:
This goes to show there isn't a gun problem in America but a mental health problem...
@mikegimenez2629 Says:
Well Regulated means the people being equipped. Plus Militias are formed by THE PEOPLE in times of TYRANY. Communists distort the meaning of the 2nd Amendment in order to disarm the public.
@aleksbulkhak Says:
This shits weird
@mediamass1404 Says:
its been 12 minutes and u havent shown any meaningful difurence in culture
@comradekarlvonschnitzelste8218 Says:
Deep down, they still like weapons, as the Swiss Pikemen did.
@elro5899 Says:
mass shootings are mainly a cia conspiracy - they make it. they want to take guns from all people except security people. like the un statue in front of their building.
@cassandraburns3792 Says:
We have the right to bear arms to PROTECT OURSELVES FROM OUR GOVERNMENT AS WELL! How can you forget that??
Extremely biased video. Very anti 2A.
@ninjalemon9082 Says:
As a person who is a citizen of the United States, who also wholeheartedly agrees with the content of this video, my only concern with any additional gun legislation is that it would target the guns themselves rather than criminals. The NRA has become this far right organization that just lobbies endlessly, and lobbying is okay. However, I feel that the NRA could take a stance similar to that of the Swiss government. Becoming an overseer for training, providing ammunition and more gun ranges all over for most ages. The ATF, has gone the complete opposite route. They gave become this big regulatory, faction of pseudo lawmakers that make nonsensical decisions that make people felons almost overnight because they have a pistol brace? As someone who is very much centered on the political spectrum, with many left leaning beliefs, I would fully support the system that the Swiss have, as long as I can retain roughly the same defensive capability as anyone out there with a gun who may have bad intentions. I want to be able to defend my home, AND my nation if necessary, with my own firearms. No magazine capacity limits (within reason, of course.) No bans on barrel lengths, or putting stocks on a short barreled rifle, etc. If someone breaks into my house with a 30 round magazine, I should be able to return fire with equal or greater capacity. If I'm limited to 5 rounds as I THINK is the case in California, and several other states, I would be able to fire 1/6th of the number of rounds being fired at me without stopping to reload. That is what scares me. Although unlikely, should that event strike, I will be ready. The same goes for an invasion. I live on the east coast of the US. Heaven forbid, if troops landed, and began pushing inland, I may find myself in a position where I need to engage armored enemies equipped with fully automatic weapons. If we as a country can unify and prepare and compete, and share our similarities together, all while laughing and smiling and popping shots safely at the range together without limiting ourselves too much in the process, I'm all for it.
@TheAcenightcreeper Says:
All those numbers still dont add up to drug overdose deaths…but we as a country only seek to de regulate drugs…thats strange, dont you think? If you are concerned with safety and saving lives…unless its not about that at all…just some food for thought…because this is so well done and unbiased…and looks at everything through an objective lens…
@TheAcenightcreeper Says:
Whats stopping someone from getting near the targets? Seems like someone could wander there…
@TheAcenightcreeper Says:
You can also get suppressors…let me correct that…you are required to get a suppressor in certain european countries…where as here in the states…a lot like drug policy…suppressor regulation is driven by fake fear based rationale from 1930’s thought process…. I have a collection worth over $500k of guns, not inlcuding the ammuntion… i am a person who wants there to be required safety training…us used to have training in schools, it used to be taught proper handling and respect… I also think only certain groups of people should be allowed to own firearms…there should be a financial and intelligence based requirement fir gun ownership…
@nathanlewis7184 Says:
Disingenuous nonsense designed as propaganda against the 2nd Amendment. Come and take it.
@botius Says:
*i lived next to a shooting range, first i didnt know when i moved there that it was there and then it was a saturday shooting i think, so loud, i didnt like it, and almost wanted to throw their shooting target into the river* ...
@theduckfu Says:
trying to make the argument that the 2a community in America isn't focused on responsibility or duty is a flat out ignorant of actual 2a culture in America, and evidenced by the fact that you are a grown "American" who has never fired a rifle until he went to Switzerland. The NRA was established because they wanted American riflemen to be better trained at long range shooting. Evidence of this can be seen by our outstanding Marine Corp training in WW1 where Americans Marines hit Germans at 800 yards with M1903 fire at Belleau Wood. It is absolutely seen as a duty to all the Americans I have met, who own guns, many who also have had personal military history or family members with military history. It is absolutely a responsibility not just a right just as much as driving is. This is really a horrible argument that has only experienced "gun culture" through an anti-2a lens and never personal experience. One of the problems in America is that more people don't value the 2a as a means to protect everyone from threats foreign or domestic because the anti-2a people that are afraid of guns and never grew up shooting or enjoying competition as you just have for the first time. Anyone who has engaged in any firearms (shooting) competition knows how wholesome and thrilling it can be to target practice. Even simply engaging in air rifle and air soft shooting competitions is a therapeutic and relaxing experience not quite the same but in many ways a similar challenge. I personally believe Americans everywhere need to engage in more training and competition in shooting sports be it actual firearms or air guns, as it is both a rewarding sport and good for national defense and part of the duty and responsibility of owning a gun. Sorry to burst your ignorant bubble but the 2a community in America always has and always will support responsible gun ownership. The most violent places in America have strict gun laws that restrict law abiding citizens rights to protect themselves. The places that most embrace the 2a and the duty of gun ownership are the safest most wholesome places in our country.
@anniegaddis5240 Says:
New SUb, where have you BEEN? I LOVE your show! A true investigative reporter that's not afraid to tell the truth. I'm going to start sharing your posts, starting with THESE from 5 months ago, in the hopes of inspiring OTHERS to ALSO subscribe!!
@FaizCaliph Says:
Sad this man’s credibility had dramatically declined over time. 🤦🏾‍♂️
@WTFSt0n3d Says:
In the military our instructor said. Don't fear the gun, respect it.
@cianmuller1160 Says:
Do you understand swissgerman
@timzilko7118 Says:
I have been binge watching your episodes, but this one just killed it for me. I can tell you blindly believe government, and so can everyone else judging the comments. The US has guns to protect people, families, and country. Protecting the US with guns is exactly what you think it’s not. It’s families, taking care of their own, and keeping their country to themselves. Foreign or domestic. Domestic being the #1 concern for a high percentage of serious firearm owners. And all that “community” we have that here w gun culture, you just have to look into our side. Not believing media.
@sir.asylum Says:
Yeah i agree with Colion, this is just a passive aggressive swipe at the 2nd amendment. Why, in a video about SWITZERLAND do you spend more time talking about the US? Why are you heavily misquoting the constitution? Why does our constitution even matter to you? BTW, militias are supposed to be INDEPENDANT from the government as to have an avenue to fight back against said government should it become know like what the people that wrote the constitution did. Wasnt about fighting off foreign militaries nor fighting "insurrections" (that world needs to be thrown out, so tired of that word being thrown around as if it has no weight. Jan 6th was no an inserrection, shut up) at the behest of the government, thats what the ACTUAL MILITARY is for...duh. I have several friends that like to reference switzerland as some secondary 2a haven and after i run them through all of the BS you have to go through they suddenly no longer see switzerland as a haven. No other country has a firearms culture like the US, not a single one ive done the digging trying to fing this mythological place and it does not exist outside of the US.
@DustinDoesIt Says:
"This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty.... The right of self defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction." - St. George Tucker
@imomedvidek Says:
"well regulated militia" doesn't mean regulated by the government, but "well organized". Not sure if you got this wrong, or if you are disingenuous on purpose.
@JeepD Says:
Just imagine if we upheld our 2nd amendment from the start and never let it get degraded.... You missed the most important, and least discussed part... The fact that we were founded as a single part system and after our first president, a second party forced itself into the government wanting a return to a monarchy type system which kicked off the extreme corruption you see today... Everything you see today is a result of us vs them corruption tactics. Besides leaving out other endless societal issues that are a product of very purposeful politics... But what do I expect with the extreme liberal spin you threw in the last half. 🤷‍♂️
@Quet00 Says:
Straight up lie at 36:10, I went in with an open mind to this video but the ending appears to be an unabashed shady political opinion.
@Quet00 Says:
To be neutral is not to be peaceful. If anything. Being neutral means that you stand alone. In that way, of course the Swiss love their guns.
@memberberries9813 Says:
As a german I am really jealous about switzerlands gunlaw. Sometimes I compensate by doing +250km/h on our autobahn just to feel a little more freedom :D It's a shame that the whole shooting sport / gunowner thing has such a bad reputation in germany and our strict laws are also a shame - making it nearly impossible for a hobby-shooter to own a gun due to restrictions, time consumption and high cost.
@wyu7466 Says:
Johnny, you're like a proper journalist, right? So could you like stop talking like this? It sounds like really bad, you know? Like did you also do this at like vox?
@emilioevenlighten2851 Says:
Can you tell me the name of the shooting range at the 35 second mark of this video? They're shooting through some sort of structure and I'd love to know ow what they are and where they purchased them?
@kamehamehaX300 Says:
Read the bill of rights… Read the second amendment again now. The “Right” to keep and bear arms is the right that is enumerated. NOT the right to a militia
@scottkidder9046 Says:
I’ve always felt that guns need to be regulated and they should also be a source of entertainment and fun. To me, gun laws have never been about taking guns away, gun laws are more about knowing who has them, making sure people are educated about shooting them, keeping unnecessarily crazy guns out of homes (fully automatic or 0.50 cal bullets etc) and making them illegal in public spaces especially in the context of highly emotional situations such as protests. I don’t think anyone should have the right to try and bully someone into silence using a gun. The only exception would be concealed carry for pistols for self defense if you live in a bad part of town. Honestly, if that wouldn’t prevent the amount of deaths we see in the states from guns, then I’m open to any legislation that might work, even if it is just a policy mandating that everyone be familiar with guns, know how to shoot them, know how to operate them safely. I don’t think people should be compelled to own guns, but I wouldn’t be against mandating that people know how to safely operate them. Whatever would make it less likely for accidents to happen and whatever it would take to make it more difficult for people to get a hold of guns that they really shouldn’t have, for instance if they have a decrease in mental health and are at risk for suicide.
@GmaticLeon Says:
This video is "Tell me you have never attended a U.S. gun club or shooting competition without telling me you have never been". Also, "Tell me you didn't read the constitution without ..." Great video but the narrator is clearly ignorant. I suggest they spend some time with US responsible gun owners.
@user-sk7zc1fc5u Says:
By training people to use assault rifles we are telling them that we don't need to use the vote to change things. We just need a gun. If we need a gun instead of the right to vote then we are a republic and not a democratic republic. Well both China and North Korea are Constitutional republics. Do we want to be like them? Gun culture is such that we are dividing our country into "them" versus "us", and that will give us fascism.
@GlennMarshallRocks Says:
Excellent video... right up until you tried inserting the claim about attempting to pass what you called "reasonable laws" to try to limit these countless deaths that we have in our country (32:44). The fallacy here should be incredibly obvious, because the ploy involved is to use "criminal acts" as justification to pass laws that only punish "law-abiding citizens", those who have done nothing at all wrong, while doing nothing whatsoever to prevent criminals from committing the criminal acts they commit... and THAT, by definition, is NOT "reasonable"... quite the opposite. These repeated attempts to punish law-abiding individuals when they have done nothing wrong whatsoever is not only NOT "reasonable", but it is illogical; it is emotionally driven; and it only serves to underscore that there is actually a different agenda involved than what is being claimed, and that agenda is the removal of guns from those who use them for self-defense, and to protect others from criminals who would cause them harm as well, while not doing anything, even remotely, to stop criminals who, by definition, don't obey the laws which exist to begin with, and never will. So, the conclusion that was stated - that as long as law-abiding citizens have a right to defend and protect themselves as recognized by the Supreme Court, nothing can be done to provide senseless deaths caused by criminals - is itself illogical, emotionally driven, and therefore is itself clearly quite "unreasonable". Consider this - when the courts regularly refuse to take action against the criminals; when they refuse to enforce the laws and invoke sentences which already exist on the books; when they allow criminals who use guns to get out of jail with "no bail", allowing them to go commit other crimes within hours of being arrested; when criminals who commit violence with guns are given probation, and even brag they will be back out on the streets before sunset when they're arrested; when the criminals brag they will only be given a slap on the wrist for illegally possessing firearms if they are of a certain ethnicity; etc. it should be obvious that the problem is NOT that the Supreme Court has recognized that the 2nd Amendment provides for the right of every individual to legally own a firearm for the purpose of self-defense, what it IS is a failure of the courts to ENFORCE our laws that already exist. Illinois, California, and New York, each have some of the toughest gun control laws in the entire nation, yet they have some of the highest crime rates in the nation. Obviously, it's not because they don't have enough tough gun laws. As has been pointed out repeatedly, it is because they refuse to enforce those tough on crime gun laws that ALREADY exist. When the courts refuse to enforce the existing gun laws, it is NOT more gun laws that are needed, and it is certainly NOT more gun laws that ONLY punish "law-abiding citizens" who have done nothing wrong whatsoever and who depend upon their firearms to defend their lives and the lives of those they love from the law-ignoring criminals. That is not only illogical, but it should be obvious that such a thing is about as unreasonable as it possibly could be... But those who are running the show and "controlling the narrative" also know that emotionally-driven people are not reasonable, nor are they logical, and that is why those on the Left always try to make it as much of an emotional argument as they possibly can, to get any reasonableness and logic out of people's minds, and to do everything they can to make them feel driven, even driven to the point of desperation, to "do something.... do anything!" in the name of preventing gun violence, even when they are attacking the wrong party, those who have done nothing wrong and are actually responsible for stopping criminals, something which the courts themselves have largely refused to do, as well as only desiring to protect their lives and the lives of others, while those very same actions that they are deceitfully coerced and manipulated into crying out and demanding to be put in place do nothing, time and again, to prevent the gun violence that is caused by criminals, to address those who are the actual cause of the violence itself, over and over again.... So, no, the claim of "reasonable laws" you attempted to make is actually a false claim, and one which merely attempts to cloak the unreasonable actions that are attempted to be put in place against law-abiding citizens, while doing nothing against the criminals who cause the gun violence to begin with, and completely ignores the fact that our courts themselves administer slaps on the wrist to those the law says should be given treatment commensurate with their criminal behavior, and yet they refuse to do so...
@AmericanSuperStar700 Says:
Our national guard became our state level militia which is a problem and key difference vs citizen militia. The other issue is duty of citizens not the right. Too many people have guns and do not have the physiological capacity nor moral understanding of protection, respect nor ethical responsibility to effectively manage firearms. It is a societal issue with many factors that contribute to guns violence in the US. How we raise our children and the values and purpose we instill is the main problem.
@iSchmidty13 Says:
Switzerland's gun culture appears to be exactly the same as our gun culture here in the US, very cool Really proves beyond any doubt that more gun control is the wrong direction if we want to live in a safer society
@pakhangbalamjingba6267 Says:
They does what they need not they we want so they were so the way they think and they does
@JoshuaC-Work Says:
"Turn Inward, and relax" ? Was it supposed to be pointed at himself? 😆🤣
@dr.galjohari2331 Says:
What did these armed citizens in America do to the natives?? Then to the Slaved free Africans??? Then to the rest of the world using their economic assassins? So it appears things are not that simple, are they? With having and knowing what to do with any weapon, there has to be responsibility towards life ..!!
@rs6730 Says:
It was all the anti gun liberals that removed the gun safety........

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