Alex Jones Fan Asked About Sandy Hook, Check Out His Shirt
Alex Jones Fan Asked About Sandy Hook, Check Out His Shirt



@Benito-qt6qm Says:
We the people truck guy, is that a company vehicle being used for personnel use?? Practice what you preach.
@Benito-qt6qm Says:
The jones shirt guy has no idea what he is saying, mostly we have freedom of speech and protesting he thinks he is the only one who should have rights.
@ruhfuhfuh3032 Says:
1:30 Yea this kid definitely has some closeted homosexual feelings for Trump. I noticed it in the last video too. He should let the movement know and see how they respond.
@dottiekelly1101 Says:
i think it is weird and divisive for people to wear political opinions on their clothes. people you don't want near you will think they can befriend you and good people will avoid you. these people look like they're going to see their favorite rock band or adoring crowds who greeted Hitler.
@katherinewillfong9585 Says:
Biden/Harris 2024
@gerhardrinkens2115 Says:
if there is a rot in American culture... one thing for sure is that Trump perpetuates and amplifies it.
@Patty-lb3sl Says:
What was she talking about
@KnialPiper Says:
Get registered and vote
@Alecynot Says:
Trump has No money, he can't pay his debts, Failed Businesses, Bankrupt.. A Tax Cheat, his CEO confessed and did Jail Time!
@z1522 Says:
0:35 Ironically, "A rot, in business culture" - oh, like a vast fraudulent inflated financial empire intentionally misusing values to acquire preferential loans ahead of hones borrowers, then deflating the same property values to avoid taxation? DT actually smugly bragged about this in his debate with Hillary, that not paying taxes made him "smart." Now, the much-heralded investigation of the Biden finances is collapsing, with the arrest of the very informant, for lying to the FBI. Which is it? Are y'all for the Truth, or only the version that fits your desperate hatred for Joe Biden, while overlooking all the Trump crime family's profiteering, money laundering, bribery, payoffs, over and over for decades? Re: Alex Jones, I actually lost an acquaintance of 20 years in a Colorado King Soopers shooting three years ago, and an insane denier refused to accept this, declaring that NONE of these incidents have been true. He was lucky that I was not an unhinged gun nut; the depths of their delusions are nearly infinite. When they deny the undeniable, they have left hope for common ground behind. "Change my mind."
@woodyeblom9063 Says:
As someone who works in domestic logistics, there isn't thousands of trucking companies shutting down. These people aren't dumb, they are scared. They've been raised on fear of the Other. Until we can break that, they can't change.
@myohotim Says:
These people have a storm of karma coming their way. Profoundly ignorant
@Facts-R-Real Says:
So dumb
@rubar1025 Says:
@6:18 ok, Beavis
@unclerudy9797 Says:
Another group of Morons....
@unclerudy9797 Says:
"I stand with Trump" LOL... Most of them are so FAT they can't even stand up... LOL
@owenokane9643 Says:
The rot is in these lunatics brains. That vile guy with the Sandy Hook shirt. I hope he never has to go through what those families went through.
@swagwolfgang Says:
I love how all these magas say we need to help our homeless and struggling americans and then say we need to stop the socialist agenda
@RowdyLpx Says:
She doesn't stand with Trump. She is such a fat lard that she is bound to a wheelchair. Nobody around her has the decency to point this irony out to her? Just let your fellow Dumpkin be a laughing stock for the liberal media? Sounds good.
@SunRider69 Says:
Another braindead trumptard. Meh
@Blabla-od7vt Says:
He has a point when it comes to the Hamas supporters on campuses. That is what you get when you allow Qatar to finance your elite-universities. However, I have doubts whether Netenyahu is protecting innocent palestinians to the best of his best ability.
@stacybritton1118 Says:
That. Càp. U. Have. On. Made. In. Çhina.
@julieianson.com2722 Says:
Trump was the one who said HE liked putin. America will be F'd if he gets back in.
@iyangraham7299 Says:
Sad that the 18 y/o is the only one to make half of a piece of sense
@tukthuanthi478 Says:
Israel is the new nazi Germany. They want to kill all Je.. sorry Palestinien
@centralscrutinizer7374 Says:
If US Flag Code violations were a drinking game, you’d never make it through this video.
@warriordog4094 Says:
education is truly needed in this country.....this is embarrassing....
@miked4309 Says:
whats dangerous to me is that these people go to listen to a lying politician instead of going to a concert, art gallery, movie or sporting event. get a life.
@jjerg Says:
3:25 'I Stand With Trump'. 🤭
@ruwaimwafi8834 Says:
@bereal6590 Says:
The fat as a house guy says people are starving, what a sicko
@RobertBee-fs8hv Says:
Duh border, dat dat dat is dee number one issue .der border
@sdh9233 Says:
Where do thede people get their news? Acid trips?
@davidfutch997 Says:
He's honest----why are MAGAt's so stupid?
@nevillemignot1681 Says:
I watch this from Australia, and to me it seems that most of the crazies in America wear red caps.
@alshort752 Says:
6:25 is this man a man or a little wooden boy?
@jbaker7311 Says:
Someone should clue in the last guy. The Covid epidemic caused worldwide economic damage. The supply chain was disrupted because of the epidemic which in turn caused shortages. The situation has greatly improved but we're still experiencing fallout and with time we will see more and more improvement. If Trump had won reelection we would be in a dire situation because of his ineptitude and his inability and unwillingness to seek solutions to problems we face. We can't expect a leader like him to put anyone else first. It's whatever is in it for him and him alone.
@TheSamuelParsons Says:
He is half right about the kids the system is weaponized in wv you have drug addicts, dirty tbey abuse their kids and still have them. Then you have those who are clean but outspoken and take good care of their kids but because they use their free speech they are threatened with their kids and sometimes lose the kids or they cause a family to be divorced. The usa is a disgusting joke.
@kellythomas2059 Says:
He tells the truth. What about the 35,000 on the record lies he told? You can't talk to these people.
@franklawrence1975 Says:
@Criticalthinking788. Says:
I stand with trump But can’t stand
@themonkeymanofStockbridge Says:
This was very interesting. You notice a lot of fear… I felt sorry for some of them. What a damn mess
@ChannelMath Says:
How could you possibly know how many illegal immigrants are terrorists or murderers, before they've committed any murders or acts of terrorism??
@ChannelMath Says:
I heard several things that I agree with, which contradicted some of the other things said. How can they all be Trumpers? Because of the main problem with politics (and much else, imo): Not only do people think they know stuff when they don't (Will Rogers -style), they think they understand what someone is saying when they don't. Listening comprehension is a huge problem, but almost nobody can admit or realize when they don't understand or heard or inferred something that wasn't said. Americans can argue for hours about something like "leftists" without even realizing that the don't even have the same definition of the word! At bottom, it's a problem of arrogance. We think we're so humble, but we're arrogant as hell
@carl1367 Says:
iowa is not a big state. its a shit state with a shit population
@carl1367 Says:
red hats are bottoms, just a lil gay code. so if you are out and about in a red hat most gay men will assume you are a bottom and are interested in casual sex
@turtle60 Says:
These idiots should be made to look at photos of those dead children, then defend this denial.
@twwtjohns Says:
Tue rot is in the minds of Trumpers.
@billdee93 Says:
Is that Ted Cruz???😂

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