Book Bans Have OPPOSITE Effect On Circulation, According To Study
Book Bans Have OPPOSITE Effect On Circulation, According To Study



@Ianpact Says:
"ideals without power to back them are a joke, and power without ideals is just empty."
@N8T1V3-5F Says:
The dollar votes buy banned books
@IanChristopherson-t9v Says:
The forbidden fruit.
@missyTL Says:
Well alright 👍👍👍👍
@petervizzini4006 Says:
Disturbing how many people support p@do books
@penny4urthoughts106 Says:
At work I've been listening to free books online on Libby. I choose the books on the banned list first.
@seheshehoohlo3420 Says:
Haha love that plug! Let's all make a stink about Cenks book, the rightards will hear about it...
@viapumpkin9377 Says:
Lol, tell people what you don't want them reading so they'll turn around & read it😂. What a successful backfire.
@dimpleface2163 Says:
lol...Reminds me of how 'certain' people tell their children to never go with/be with another 'certain people'....and that's just what they do! lol Remember the Garden of Eden? lol
@ConsciencepartyUSA Says:
Why does this make me think of the movie footloose and I mean the Kevin Bacon version not the new version.
@sircharlesmormont9300 Says:
As a librarian, let me implore those who want to fight book bans not just to buy the books, but to go to your library and borrow the book, put the book on hold, request it, get an interlibrary loan, etc. Increased holds and circ numbers on a title tell collection development librarians to buy more copies. One of the most insidious parts of this recent uptick in book banning is who it targets: people who cannot afford to simply buy a book, but must share those resources with their communities. Further, by targeting libraries, these bans target one of the only public civic institutions in which all are welcome, free of charge, and resources are shared collectively. Because you can still buy these books, they're not banned for good little Capitalists who have earned the privilege of trading bits of time or skill for information or leisure; the books are only banned for the kinds of people that the banners want to prevent from getting ideas.
@blainemitchell Says:
This happens to movies as well. When a ban comes out on a movie it increases the interest in that movie.
@MrBrownsugar85 Says:
lol i only started buying these books because right wingers get butthurt over them lol despite having 0 interest in the books themselves lol because suck it, conservatives lol
@ARKdeEREH Says:
Perhaps the Republican strategy is to start by banning books for being sexual that are very *obviously* not sexual so that when teenagers hear about it and borrow those books in order to read about sex, they will see that the Republicans lied since the sexual content is either nonexistent or nearly so. The Republicans may think that when they later ban books that actually do have sex, they will have cried wolf so many times that teenagers will no longer believe them and will, therefore, not bother to read those books. That would be a logical explanation for Republicans' otherwise very irrational behavior, but I suspect they haven't thought that far ahead.
@chrismodski6284 Says:
Hoo-rah for literacy! Hopefully this results in a national re-kindling of reading - especially the classics!
@physalis17 Says:
Streisand effect is real. The Assholes with Casseroles (M4L) got me all riled up since their inception. I've been buying as many books as I can afford and have finished 7 novels this year. 2024 is going to also be the Year of Books for me.
@matthewcaldwell8100 Says:
In a decade or so, assuming things don't get worse, expect conservatives to whitewash these bans by appealing to the fact that they were ineffective. They will absolutely minimize the hard that's been done.
@ReDoG129 Says:
I love how the right like to call progressives and liberals snowflakes. BUT MY GOD! These people get offended by the weirdest crap! Mom's for Liberty is the worst. If you idiots had a problem with so called "profanity, sexualized content, and gender ideology.", you'd be calling for a boycott of every television network, every single movie coming out, every social media site, every form of entertainment. But you're not, because those things aren't the issue. Your issue is really with Reading. Your issue is with your kids opening up a book (A BOOK for God's sake) and learning something that your close minded a$$ refuses to teach them. THAT'S WHAT IT REALLY IS! Snowflakes!
@bulasev Says:
I live in the UK... It is not an issue here (yet). Did I just see Kurt Vonnegut banned? WTF? He is one of my favorite authors. He was funny. And obscene. And original. Sometimes I just wanna give up...
@tamaradiana2431 Says:
🙂😄 I love it. No more book bans!
@TotalWater-d2o Says:
- "Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out", Banned in Libraries and Classrooms, reason: descriptions of sex acts carried out by children as young as six. - "This Book Is Gay", Banned in Libraries and Classrooms, reason: includes graphic details of pleasure zones and descriptions of sex acts and how to perform them. - "Flamer", Banned reason: promotion of self-harm, - "Gender Queer: A Memoir", Banned reason: sexual content in “Gender Queer” that is not appropriate for children or school libraries
@TotalWater-d2o Says:
If criminalizing murders caused an uptick in murders that would still not provide a basis for decriminalizing murder.
@jordanamos102 Says:
Prohibition never works in this country. Remind Cenk of this when he trumpets gun control.
@nadinecollins-w7k Says:
definitely the bhaga vad gita lol
@TheLastLineLive Says:
If the book is banned, then it must be of some importance, because if it wasn’t of any importance then it wouldn’t have been banned in the first place. So yes, read it!
@TheDarkGospel Says:
The team that bans books are never the good guys. Fortunately they're never intelligent either. You can pluck a genius from their crowd and they'll be crushed in a debate by anyone who's politically attentive on the left
@valkyriehutton4556 Says:
I live in a conservative city in Ohio. The library made a display with a lot of the books that have been banned in the last few years. I was so proud of them.
@dribrom Says:
Well the best way to get teens to read a books, or to do anything really, is to tell them they are not allowed to do it.
@itsenergybob8917 Says:
Same thing happened to "Married with Children." Turned out to be a genius series.
@gatherwalk Says:
Many 'banned' books were on my recommended reading list in High School! They are thought-provoking books. After reading a few book reviews from conservative sites, I read the books to verify the review and found them to be way off base and barely acknowledge the basic facts of the book! It seems they are more about discouraging people from reading about the humane treatment of different views. So I started using the 'banned book' list as a recommended reading list instead. I generally enjoy the books and some I would never have chosen to read otherwise.
@4idhero798 Says:
I was traumatized as a child when I saw a picture Bible of a naked Adam and Eve for the first time. Still seeing a therapist to this day. 😅 Puh-leeze!
@reubenhandel210 Says:
Nobody wants these sexualized children's books. There are big money interests groups funding their distribution.
@yarpenzigrin1893 Says:
Nobody cares. Woke crap still needs to be banned.
@sudahb Says:
Man, so called 'book bans' sure are weak!!!! I remember the good old' days, when book bans were real!!!! How pathetic are these sanctimonious sissies today!!!!😂
@wildunlap6492 Says:
Anna: Your denial of belief in God is merely a wry and hollow spout for shock value. It is certain that you episodically invoked God in bouts of extreme ecstacy and agony in which your mortal tolerance was virtually exhausted. Holy Writ that you eschew is its tenets against which your moral tendencies will be inescapably adjudged, at that juncture of reckoning, for eventual consignment to an infernal beyond. Seek and pursue the path to eternal bliss with maximax and not minimin!
@wildunlap6492 Says:
It is not improbable for you to be devotionally irreligious. But, it is impossible for you to be an earnest agnostic and an enamored atheist. To be an agnostic, with heightened orthodoxy, you would have to be endowed with exceedingly high esoteric wisdom to divest yourself of intuition. Intuition is at essence where humanoids are innately programmed to conceive of an Immortal Overarch over mortal existence. This is chief among reasons why humanoids believe [know] with direct apprehension more than they know [sense] through perceptual comprehension, as a function of intuition. It is even more impossible for any humanoid to be an atheist. With the dictum "there is no God" that the irreligious uses as his claim of atheism, he has to inviolably and inevitably invoke the referent "God." This means that the irreligious can assert a nominal denial of God, but he cannot exert a nihilistic negation of God at essence and in existence. For any humanoid to be realistically atheistic, he has to possess infinitely inexhaustible knowledge because an individual cannot adequately deny what he does not abundantly know. This renders the claimant of hollow atheism a convicted [sub]moron whose life hereafter will be infernal.
@elliottboomsluiter7214 Says:
No mention of banning Burroughs or any books with actually graphic and disturbing, albeit brilliant, content. Just the boring stuff millenials read in High School.
@dragoonzen Says:
Banned the disgusting bible!
@ListenToPowerViolence Says:
Since TYT is supportive of Moms For Liberty I would have thought they were pro book banning.
@LauraPerez-g3p Says:
It's obvious that if you want someone to do something, tell them not to do it.
@genreartwithjb5095 Says:
lol America - the country that thinks Michealangelos David is a bridge too far but Italians walk by it or a replica of it everyday. What an international embarassment the US is. They value all of the wrong things, spectacle, a cult of the self and a profound lack of value placed on the arts or academics in general.
@CurtisSmale Says:
Ask the other obvious question: do people who oppose book bans oppose it for natural reasons, or would they still oppose the book bans if they knew the specific books being banned? For example, the book that describes kink sexual acts in great detail to kids below the age of puberty or the one that teaches kids how to use Grindr, would people still oppose bans against those books?
@CurtisSmale Says:
None of the books in the preview video are among those being banned by the recent bills by Republicans. So, your ridiculous assertions are silly. While the Streisand effect is a real thing, most of the books being banned by Republicans are deeply objectionable to the average person.
@wheatgerm1208 Says:
Totally predictable. If you want kids to avoid a book, tell them it's important. If you want them to read it, tell them it's dirty and/or dangerous. These bans have ensured that another generation will read these wonderful and important books. Way to go, conservatives.
@vijayiyer8518 Says:
The same thing happened with the novel the satanic versus by salman rushdie
@demetermaria Says:
Shameful!!! This is madness! How could these people be banning classical Literature that makes readers think about the society they live in???
@hunterdrake8947 Says:
Love the shameless book plug haha it's like an urban legend "Justice is coming", "Justice is coming", "Justice is coming" say three times lol
@mikaem Says:
Have politicians learned nothing from prohibition?
@jensonee Says:
truth is the enemy of the right, to the right.
@davilmalefant Says:
Justice is Coming. Justice is Coming. Justice is Coming. There. I did it, too. :)

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